World Domination at its fines...

By Chimera_Regarion

152K 7.7K 4.7K

What happen when Izuku and Nezu get together and think that the world we know isn't worth living in anymore... More

The beginning
The fatefull meeting
No hope left!
A Lost Case!
Last second safe
Planning murder!
New Family!
A normal school day
Not every Villain is a literal Villain
Welcome to the family
I adopted a new brother!
Right on Point!
I go to war with my family!
Finding out All Might's quirk
Don't judge a book by its cover!
I won the bet!
Field Trip or Murder Mystery?
How to tell someone you have a new hero killer friend!
Hero Killer in action!
UA entrence exam!
I gained access and full controll...
My family is growing!
Game over!
Ruler of Japan!
World Domination ✔

School policy!

5.9K 283 57
By Chimera_Regarion

I woke up and the first thing I felt was Anubis climbing up my chest and nuzzling himself against my cheek. I moved my hand and began petting it. Then I heard a loud snore and immediately looked at the culprits it was Mic still fast asleep beside me, turning my head to the other side I saw Aizawa also still asleep. Both of their animals where close to their owner.

Me (whispering): Morning Anubis!

I then slowly began moving and it took me some while to get out of their grasps. We kind all slept together on the couch and at some point Mic began hugging me while I was leaning against Aizawa.

The moment I was out of there, I went to the kitchen. I put Anubis down on the table while I had a look around. I was ready to make some breakfast for all of them and the first thing I did was make some coffee and a thermos full of coffee for Aizawa to go.

I am sure he will like it!

Next up, I began making some bacon and eggs. However, this was not the only dish I began making. I made some pancakes too!

Aizawa: This smells delicious!

With that, I let the cup of coffee that I had in my hand drop to the ground. The sudden voice of my new guardian scared me. I was not prepared to hear him at all. The worst part was that inside of that cup was freshly made coffee. It was also the last thing I needed to put on the table before I wanted to wake them up.

I jumped at his voice and let it go but once I realize my mistake I immediately began picking up the pieces of the shattered cup.

Me: I am sorry.

Aizawa: Don't touch that, problem child!

Me: I am sorry.

I knew better and still got cut by one of the shards. In the next moment, I felt someone pulling my hand away. I looked up at the person and it was Aizawa.

Aizawa: Let's get this tended shall we?

I nodded and let Aizawa lead me to the table.

Aizawa: Stay here, I will go and grab the first aid kit.

With that, he left the room and I was left alone in the kitchen. Anubis quickly climbed down my arm and began licking my wound.

Me: It's okay Anubis.

I began petting his head with my other hand.

Me: I am just not used to people being around me and not hitting me or trying to harm me in any ways.

The ferret just looked at me and nodded.

Me: Say, you want to wake up, Mic?

I saw the eyes of Anubis sparkle and he began jumping up and down while running in a circle on the desk.

Me: All right, then go!

With that, Anubis jumped down of the table and ran to the next room and crashing into Aizawa.

Me: pfff....

Aizawa: Wow, slow down!

I watched my ferret directly running into his foot.

Me: Anubis be more careful, please.

He looked back at me nodded and went out.

Aizawa: Loki, watch over him and don't do anything stupid to Zashi.

He then came to me and cleaned the wound and also put a band aid on it. Next, think we know we heard Mic scream.


I saw Aizawa pinch the bridge of his nose and shake his head while also sighing.

Me: Ahm, should we check on him?

Aizawa: Nah, everything is fine Izuku.

Me: If you say so.

Aizawa: Why didn't you wake us?

Me: I wanted to make some breakfast before waking you guys up.

Mic: Aww, you didn't have to do this Izu.

I looked up to the kitchen entrance and saw Mic with a cat and a ferret in his hand. My ferret didn't like that at all and Anubis began to wiggle in his hand and I could also hear Loki hissing at him and trying to scratch too.

Me: That cat looks ready to kill you. So you should probably put it down.

Aizawa: The kid is right Zashi.

Mic: Next time, don't send them to wake me up, Sho!

Aizawa: Don't look at me like that, I didn't send them to you!

Me: Ahm, that was me but in my defense I only send Anubis to wake you.

Mic: Well Loki woke me up and not Anubis here. Your dear ferret only began playing with Apollo.

Aizawa: Loki, how many times do I need to tell you not to do that?!

Loki: Mew!

Mic finally put both animals down and they instantly ran to us. I picked my ferret up.

Mic: Oh who made all these dishes? It's smells soo good.

Aizawa: That would be Izuku here.

Mic: And what's with the shattered cup?

Me: I am sorry about that.

Aizawa: Don't be kid, I clearly scared you. You are not at fault at all.

I then watched Mic clean up the mess that I did before joining us and we all started eating.

Me: I have a question.

Mic: Go ahead we are listening.

Me: Can I bring Anubis with me to school?

Aizawa: If it was UA I would say yes immediately but I don't know if your school will allow it so for now I would say no.

Mic: Sho, don't be like this!

Aizawa: What do you expect me to say to him? I can't lie to him.

Mic: How about we go there together and we talk to the principle. He may allow it.

Aizawa: That is worth a shot.

After out breakfast Mic and Aiazwa both drove me to Aldera High. Anubis was around my neck and once we arrived we immediately went to the principal's office and it was the first time I was in there and not getting yelled at.

They both were in their hero costumes since they were ready to go to UA and teach there after driving me to the school.

Wow what a change in attitude!

Something is not normal here!

Principal: Ah Present Mic and ?

Aizawa: Eraserhead.

Principal: Present Mic and Eraserhead, how do I owe the pleasure?

Aizawa: We only are here to get the permission for our son to bring his pet with him.

Principal: And your son would be?

Mic: Izuku Midoriya.

Principal: Oh...

Aizawa: Now, is it possible for him to bring his pet ferret with him?

Mic: We promise the ferret will always stay with him and won't cause any trouble.

Principle: Of cause, he can.

Mic: Great, thanks.

With that we all left his room and I felt like something would definitely happen today. Something was not right with the principal's behaviors and I was sure that I would feel it later.

I escorted my two fathers to the school entrance since I still had some time before classes begin.

Me: Thanks for bringing me here and make sure that I could bring Anubis with me.

Mic: You are our son now! We would do anything for you.

Aizawa: Can you come to UA after school finish?

Me: Sure.

I knew that they work there and that their classes were not finished when I would get out so it made sense for him to ask me that.

We quickly said our goodbye and we hugged each for a moment and then we parted. I wished that this moment lasted forever. I didn't wanted to go to this school and I sure didn't wanted to encounter my class or find out why I had a bad feeling that was growing stronger with each passing minute.

Me: See you later!

Mic: See you little listener!

Aizawa: Till later.

I was lucky that no one saw me or my parents. We were a lot earlier and I was happy for that because it would make soo many people jealous and even misunderstandings that could cost my life.

Once they were gone, I went to my class and sat there alone.

Me: Let's hope nothing happens today.

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