Riches // l.s.

Da hoe4yourmom

1.8K 87 709

Harry has spent sixteen years of his life in a castle. Spoiled, cared for, and away from all the horrors of t... Altro

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 8

115 5 107
Da hoe4yourmom

Reference Picture^^^ (these reference pictures are more like previews for the chapter)

Hey guys :)))

I was reading through a couple of the earlier chapters and I feel like my writing style has been inconsistent :D (this is now a sarcastic smile) but there's not much I can do about it now, so :D

Anyways, I've been writing notes on how I want the rest of the story to go and I'm really excited to write basically every chapter after this one. Although I plan to make this a lot of cute larry moments so I'm pretty excited to write that too.

It's still so weird to me that I am literally writing a story... anytime I finish a chapter it always feels like I wasn't the one that wrote it...

Before we start, thank you guys for sticking with this story, I know it's not easy with the week-time frame between updates. I love you guys so much and hope you enjoy it. Keep commenting and voting loves <3



Liam sat between Niall and Zayn, peering into an endless lake. Ever since meeting Niall a week ago, Liam had begun to spend any free time he had with his boyfriend and new friend. Luckily both the village boys were almost always free with the lack of schemes they had to pull off. The thousands of coins they retrieved had been lasting the village.

The three boys continued to focus on the slight ripples that appeared over the surface of the lake. Small schools of fish poked at the surface of the undisturbed body of water. Liam's attention turned to Niall who sniffled into the silence.

"Hey, uh, Zayn. Do you remember the dumbass conversation we had with Louis about living underwater?" Zayn looked away from the lake and trained his eyes where his and Liam's hands were linked. He nodded to Niall's question, avoiding eye contact with the upset boy.

"Yeah, well I think he was right. I mean you would have to grow gills or something." A chuckle fell from Niall's lips after he spoke. Zayn laughed, causing Liam to smile at the happier tone the conversation took.

"You know Nialler, just because the bastard was captured doesn't mean we start praising his every word," Zayn replied, still rubbing Liam's hand. All three allowed soft snickers to fill the air. Their laughs died out, leaving a deafening silence. They all sat with a captured boy on their mind.

"I'm so sorry about your guys' friend, but I promise, if we can put my plan in action, we should get him back," Liam looked sincerely at Niall and Zayn while he spoke. "It won't be easy, but I think there might be someone else that can help us."

Niall and Zayn's eyebrows furrowed, wondering who would possibly assist them in allowing a fugitive to escape from the castle.

"I'll tell you more about it when I'm one hundred percent sure," Liam continued.

"Do whatever you need to do, just be careful, babe." Zayn had concern written all over his face. Liam smiled at his boyfriend's worry.

"I know. Trust me, I won't do anything until I'm certain." Zayn gave Liam a quick kiss, pleased at Liam's cautiousness.

The sound of a gag brought Liam and Zayn's attention to Niall. Niall was staring at the two with disgust.

"Go snog somewhere where I don't have to bear witness." Niall jokingly shuddered and resumed talking in a slight whisper, "Happy couples man."

"Fuck off." Liam splashed Niall with the cold water from the ledge where they sat.

"Zayn! Help! Your boyfriend is attacking me!" Niall placed his hands in front of his face in protest of the cold water currently being thrown his way.

"Can't help you there mate," Zayn stared, amused at the harmless attack he was watching. Liam and Niall's water fight carried on and eventually included Zayn.

"I surrender!" Liam shouted while placing his hands high enough for Zayn and Niall to see.

"Chicken!" Niall retorted with a smirk of victory.

"I have to go back to the castle, but you two children can keep going at it and let me know the results when I come back!" Liam yelled as he trudged out of the lake, unaware of how he ended up there in the first place.

"My money's on you," Liam whispered to Zayn and smacked his ass as he walked by.

"Cheeky," Zayn smirked at Liam's actions.

"Oh my god, my eyes!" Niall slapped his hand over his eyes in a panicked manner.

"Oh shut up," Liam heard Zayn say in response. Liam could faintly hear their friendly banter while leaving the lake to go back to the castle. He was a bit scared to see if they really could invite someone else in on their plan.



"Hey, Boobear, I know you don't like to talk about it, but what was your life like in the village?" Harry questioned the prisoner. For a week he visited the boy every night and made him a part of his nightly routine. After the two knights who harmed the delinquent were released from their duty, no more guards or knights entered the dungeon in fear of losing their job, so Harry never worried about being caught.

"It's fine Curly." The nicknames began as jokes and ways to poke fun at each other but after a few days of Harry checking on the boy, the nicknames easily flowed from their lips. "It was mostly farm work, taking my sisters to pick flowers, and spending time with my two friends."

"That's sweet, I wish I had someone that also liked flowers." Harry kept talking with a small frown, "My father said it wasn't manly to like flowers so he wouldn't let me have a garden. Luckily my teacher convinced my father that he needed a garden to teach."

"Your dad sounds like an insecure ass." Harry didn't think about those moments much but he began to realize how terrible his father sounded.

"What's your father like?" A long pause captured the moment. Harry's hands trailed along the stone ground he was sitting on as he waited for the answer. A faint panic occupied his chest when the silence became unbearable. What if I asked the wrong question and he hates me again?

"Well, he was taken to the castle for the same reason I'm here," The prisoner whispered out, sounding pained by the conversation. Harry thought back to the last prisoner he remembered being in the dungeon, before the boy. He wondered what happened to the man he barely saw for one day. Harry decided to change the subject and forget about his questions for now.

"It's fine, we don't have to talk about him if you don't want to. What about your mum?" Harry turned and the weight lifted from his chest when the boy smiled.

"She's a great mother. We don't have the most, but she has always made the best out of what little we do have. I miss her so much," The prisoner sighed and shuffled from where he was sitting in his cell. "What about your mum?"

"Oh, I don't see her much." Harry watched the boy's features contort with puzzlement.

"How do you not see your own mum? Are her and your father separated?"

"No, they don't pay attention to me. I'm just here to marry into another kingdom when I'm eighteen," Harry said, saddened at the lack of attention from his parents. Harry caught a flash of sorry wash over the boy's face. He wanted to change the subject again so he could view the boy's uplifting smile.

"It's fine though, I have Liam and he's great to talk to." Harry watched the sadness leave the prisoner and relief fill its place.

"I want to hear more about your garden. I don't feel like talking about our lives for the moment." Harry grinned, pleased that he wasn't the only one who found plants interesting.

"Yeah, I can do that." Harry continued to speak about every flower that covered the area of his garden. The boy carefully listened to every word that left Harry's mouth. Once Harry finished describing his favorite golden flowers, they were both beaming.

"You know, I could probably show you my garden, only if you wanted." Harry shyly left the offer hanging in the air. The boy nodded and chuckled to himself at Harry's excitement.

"This isn't me letting you escape though because they triple the number of guards at night so you'd get caught in no time. My garden isn't far from the dungeon so we should be safe, and there's no way to leave the castle from my garden, so don't think about it." Harry spoke seriously before pulling his lock pick from his pocket.

"Relax Curly, I would never leave you like that, so don't worry," the boy smirked. Harry felt his cheeks light up, hoping the prisoner couldn't see them.

"I just don't feel like facing my father's wrath tonight, don't flatter yourself." Harry scowled at the cocky person before him. This only caused the boy to smirk wider.

"Says the one picking a lock for me." Harry rolled his eyes and finally unlocked the cell door, allowing the boy to leave his cell for the first time since he's arrived.

"Come on Boobear," Harry grabbed the boy's wrist, much to the boy's surprise, and lead him to his garden.



Louis laid with his head against the dirt of the prince's garden. Walking through the castle was interesting for Louis since he had never been conscious while traveling through it.

Everything shined and screamed royalty, but it all seemed lifeless and dull despite the intricate patterns among the walls and ceilings. As far as Louis could tell, the only sign of life in the gleaming halls was the boy that grabbed his wrists out of excitement to show Louis flowers.

Louis remembered seeing a flash of green when the boy turned around in the castle. The blinding whiteness of the halls revealed green eyes upon the other's thoughtfully sculpted features. The prince's sharp jaw, soft hair, and piercing green eyes created a breathtaking view that almost stopped Louis in his tracks.

Louis let the moment play through his mind on repeat. Each time the thought passed his mind, Louis's stomach would twist. He wanted to smack his head against the ground, knowing butterflies were the culprit for his queasiness.

He sat, speechless, by the boy that was the cause for his twirling stomach. A boy he barely knew was giving him feelings no one ever gave him and it was frustrating. A spoiled rich boy with nice hair, a cute smile, and green eyes that would catch anyone's attention. The prince that had a fucking terrible family but still smiled. The boy that excited at the thought of flowers.

The two stared at the stars that peeked through the dark leaves and muted colors of the flowers, allowing a comfortable silence to surround them.

"Boobear?" Louis wanted to ignore the boy to further dismiss his feelings but hummed in response.

"Do you think we become stars when we die?" Louis pondered the idea presented by the prince. He turned his head to have a better view of the boy.

"I don't know Curly, but if we did become stars I feel like you'd be one of the brightest." Louis let the thoughts leave his mouth without any thought. He blushed and wanted to run back to his cell and never leave, in fear of further expressing his newfound crush.

The prince turned to Louis. He gasped, not realizing how close the boy's face was. Louis's eyes trailed his face, waiting to see what the prince's intentions were. He barely breathed, forgetting the concept of oxygen while so close to the beautiful being.

Louis relaxed, slightly disappointed when the boy smiled and turned back to the sky. He kept facing the prince, not able to focus on anything else.

After about an hour of peace, the boy, Louis had been staring at, shivered and crossed his arms over his torso.

"It's getting cold, so should we go back?" the prince asked. Louis truthfully didn't want to go back to his cell.

"No, I don't want to go back right now. I have plenty of time to rot in there."

"Well, I'm cold," the prince jokingly huffed out to annoy Louis.

"Okay Curly, then come here and stop being a baby." Louis opened his arms while rolling his eyes. He wore annoyance as a mask for the rapidly beating heart and nerves he was hiding. The boy rested his head on Louis's chest and wrapped his arms around his body. Louis followed in-suite and draped his arms around the boy.

"You warm?" Louis asked, falsely irritated. The boy shook his head, giving Louis the sight of soft curls bouncing. The proximity caused his heart to pick up its speed. Louis tried calming himself down with deep breathes, only to worsen his issue when he smelled the sweet scent of the other boy.

Eventually, Louis stopped focusing on his own breathes and realized the soft snores that came from the prince. Louis smiled fondly, but quickly wiped away his look, hoping to ignore how heavy his chest felt with emotion.



Birds chirping woke Harry from his rest. Slowly becoming more aware of his surroundings, Harry felt the ground beneath him moving gradually up and down. His eyes widened as he looked up to see a person. The dungeon boy.

Harry was lying, curled up, over the boy. The boy's arms were wrapped around Harry in a comforting way. He admired the person he woke up to and felt his chest grow heavy.

"Boobear," Harry whispered to wake up the snoozing boy. The boy scrunched his nose and steadily opened his eyes.

"Five more minutes Curly," the boy mumbled, closing his eyes and subconsciously hugging Harry closer as he dozed off. Harry wanted to stay but knew he had to bring the prisoner back to his cell and had to try to reach his room before anyone could realize he was gone.

"Come on Boobear, we have to go now." Harry poked at the other's face to reawaken the boy. The prisoner shifted under Harry and groaned.

"Fine, but I expect some fancy-ass food tonight when you come by."

"Excuse you. Who said I was checking on you tonight?" Harry raised his eyebrow and peered at the boy that was now peeking at him with one eye.

"Don't kid yourself Curly, I'm irresistible." The boy grinned and moved more under Harry to start standing. Harry began standing and scoffed once again at the boy's cockiness.

Once they picked themselves up, Harry made sure the prisoner was safely back in his cell and started towards his room. He ran, trying to make sure that no one spotted him. Harry rounded the corner and stopped.

Liam was standing at Harry's door with his breakfast.

"Prince?" Liam looked questionably at Harry.

"Uh, hey Liam. Sorry, I was just uh, gardening early." Harry wanted to cringe at how unconvincing he sounded. He opened his door so both he and Liam could enter the room.

"You've been seeing the prisoner," Liam stated bluntly as he turned once he set the tray down. Harry stood in the middle of his room unaware of how to respond to such a forward declaration.

"I- yeah. Look Liam you can't say anything. It's harmless really. I just check on him, I promise," Harry rambled an explanation to try and save himself.

"No, it's fine I don't care what you do with him, as long as it's consensual," Liam smirked and winked at Harry. Harry stood, confused.

"What?" Liam's smile faltered once he understood that Harry didn't grasp the joke he was aiming for.

"I've been spending too much time with Niall," Liam whispered, just loud enough for Harry to hear.

"Who's Niall?"

"Nothing, forget it. I just need your help. Well actually, quite a bit of people need your help. We need to sneak that prisoner out of the castle," Liam said, once again being upfront.

"I don't know why I have to be a part of this." Harry was conflicted. He seemed to find himself conflicted more times than not.

The boy was sweet and hadn't given Harry a reason to feel threatened; if anything, the boy did the opposite. The prisoner was only trying to provide for his struggling village and Harry couldn't help but feel that the boy didn't deserve to be behind bars. The selfish part of him wanted to keep the only person he could sit with and talk to for hours, but they weren't discussing Harry's needs.

"Yeah, okay. I'm in."


This is almost as long as chapter four :D I did not expect there to be so much. I hope it was actually interesting though and that it wasn't just my mind rambling onto the computer cause it is currently almost 3 am and I still need to proofread.

I think I need one more chapter before I can get to them following through with this "plan" so hang tight loves. Expect that chapter to possibly be even longer than chapter four because a lot is going to happen.

Update: I proofread and almost fell asleep at least three times :D

Update 2: I have officially spent 4-5 hours on this :D

As always:

Thank you for reading, voting, and commenting. Make sure to let me know how you feel about the story so far. Especially make sure to take care of yourselves, eat something (even if it's small), drink water, and maybe even shower or do/catch up on some homework, or if you need it, just relax (because everyone needs some tranquillity in their lives) I love you guys so much *insert kissy face emoji* <3

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