Burn (A transformers prime fa...

بواسطة fireshadow96

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War changes and affects everything. War changes people's lives and opinions. Autobot's become Decepticon's an... المزيد

Burn Introduction
Half Truth, Half Lies.
Discovering The Truth
Making Friends
A New Side
Lost And Found
Brother & Sister
Hello And Goodbye
Visions of a Monster
One last kiss.
A Second Chance


227 10 3
بواسطة fireshadow96

Thunderstar slowly woke up and was welcomed into a large room by a bright light, the light faded and Thunderstar took a deep breath as she recognized the room she was in. Thunderstar climbed off the berth and walked around the room, she couldn’t believe it. She was in the same room that her mother and father use to share, everything from the large berth to the balcony towering over Kaon were the same. Thunderstar walked over to the balcony and closed her optics and let memories flow through her processor.

“Look at you..my glowing daughter,” Thunderstar spun around and felt like breaking down as she saw Nightstar warmly smiling at her. Thunderstar walked over to the short femme and looked questioningly at her mother, she couldn’t tell if this was real or not. Thunderstar let out a silent sob as she ran her hand down her mothers faceplate.

“I’m here sweetspark. I’ve been here all along. I’ve been watching over you since the day you entered your Cybertronian form,” Nightstar said sweetly. Nightstar lifted her daughters helm and wiped what tears she could, it killed her that she could only speak and touch her daughter in a dreamstate but it was the price she paid for not speaking her mind.

“We don’t have much time and I know there are things we both want to say but you are my love and your words will mean much more..Ask what you will and I won’t lie to you.” Nightstar already had a strong feeling of what she knew her daughter was going to ask her but still she insisted on letting Thunderstar know that no matter what she asked everything would be okay.

“D-..Did you even love him ?” Thunderstar looked up at her mother with hurt optics and felt more tears slip down her face and  fall to the ground. Nightstar looked at her daughter and smiled as she remembered everything that she and Stormblazer had talked about doing with their daughter.

“When I was your age I was put into the war as a spy for the Autobot army, my task was simple, be with Stormblazer and watch his every move, I was given a six month timetable to be with him and report back to Sentinel Prime when I could.” Nightstar heavily sighed as she remembered telling her commanding officer, her father, that she was in love with someone from the opposite faction.

“After just three short months with Stormblazer I realized I had fallen in love with him..I didn’t want to go back, in fact I dreaded the mere thought of being without him. Time and time again I’d hurt others I knew just to keep your father safe. After five months I gave up and bonded with him.” Thunderstar couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

“Your father will always be the only mech I love and you and brother’s are our miracles..Thunderstar my sweetspark do not make the same mistake I did and hide the way you feel. I didn’t tell your father that I left the Autobots to be with him, I didn’t tell him that he was my first and only love.” The emotional pain showed on Nightstar’s face, Thunderstar was now holding her mother.

“Make sure you tell him..Tell him how you feel, don’t hide away like I did. Go but remember I am always with you love.” Nightstar hugged her daughter and in a flash all turned to a bright flash.


Thunderstar shot up from the berth, gasping for air, her faceplate was stained with tears but she could see Knockout was next to her the entire time. Thunderstar saw she was alone in the room with the medic and within seconds her arms were around his neck. Visions of watching Breakdown’s last breath, Wheeljack saving her from being killed, her brother and Megatron escaping.

“My mom...I saw her..Knockout I saw her,” the medic tightly hugged the femme and smiled. She sounded delusional but he knew in her mind that is what she saw and heard, Knockout couldn’t argue since he had seen Breakdown in his dreams last night.

“You can tell me about it later on Sweetspark, for now we’re needed in the control room..You’ve been out for a couple days. Megatron will want to see you.” Thunderstar nodded and quickly downed a ration of energon then made her way to the control room with Knockout shorty behind her. Thunderstar could see a pained expression on Knockout’s face but she wasn’t sure what she could say or do to make things better. She was at a complete loss.

“The last known location is th-.” Dreadwing stopped talking as the doors opened and his sister came into the room. The mech wrapped his arms around Thunderstar, a part of his spark stopped aching as he felt her arms around his waist.

“I’m so glad you’re okay”

“I wasn’t the one who was covered in rocks for several hours,” Dreadwing sarcastically joked. He let go of her and looked up and down her frame to make sure that she had recovered from the incident. Dreadwing was ecstatic to see his sister was doing much better, his spark ached as he pictured how she looked just after being pulled out from the rubble.

“It’s nice to see you’re doing better but I need you to leave. There is much I have to discuss with Dreadwing and Soundwave.” Knockout grabbed Thunderstar’s arm and pulled the femme out of the control room. Thunderstar could sense something wasn’t right.

“What’s going on ?”

“You say that like I should know..I’m just the medic sweetspark,” Thunderstar growled then snuck into a security terminal close to the control room. During her time around Soundwave she learned how to get into places she shouldn’t, something her guardian had taught her multiple times.

“What are you doi-.” Thunderstar covered Knockout’s mouth and gave him a soft shock. She let go then managed to hack into one of the security camera’s in the control room. She hated sneaking around like this but when she wasn’t being told something, this was the only way.

“The boy is ready for experimentation”

“Good, and his new form ?”

“Everything is ready for him..but Knockout has informed me that the boy could die during the process,” Dreadwing had no emotion on his face. Thunderstar needed to know who they were talking about and why Knockout had lied to her about this.

“There is another problem my liege..Thunderstar know’s the human boy and may try to save him if she finds out what we are doing.” Megatron got in front of Dreadwing and chuckled, the warlord had a evil smirk on his face and a evil laugh to match it.

“Thunderstar won’t be finding out about this operation..Correct ?” Dreadwing nodded and continue listening to Megatron talk about his plan and the operation. Thunderstar cut the feed and shoved Knockout against the wall, her optics began to glow and a soft shocking sensation began to flow all over Knockout’s frame. Thunderstar was scared and aggravated at the same time but she needed to focus on figuring out who was in danger and why.

“Tell me who it is and where he is right. now.” Thunderstar gave Knockout a good shock to make the mech groan.  She dropped him to the ground and put her digits against his shiny red paint. “NOW !” Thunderstar was more than upset by now, time was slipping through her hands and Knockout still wasn’t talking.

“Jack. We found him waiting for the bus in that small town and took him for experimental usage. I was forced into this Thunder, you know how Megatron can be..He’s in one of the prison cells in D block.” Thunderstar let go of  Knockout and sped out of the room.

“She’s going for him,” Knockout said as he walked into the control room. He knew it wasn’t good when Megatron and Soundwave both ran after her, Dreadwing couldn’t. He knew he couldn’t harm his sister, it would’ve been too hard on him.

Thunderstar could hear someone running behind her, Knockout had told Megatron, Thunderstar opened the door to a unused prison cell and hid inside until she heard heavy footsteps run past. She snuck out and made her way down the D cell block. She had gone through what seemed like every door before she found Jack.

“Jack ?” She sighed in relief as Jack looked up at her.

“I’m gonna get you outta here, just give me a klick,” Thunderstar unhooked the chains and let Jack fall into her hands. She gave him a warm smile and held him behind her back as she left the cell, Thunderstar wasn’t sure what her plan was when the entire ship came after her but she’d figure out something.

“You brought him to us. How generous,” Thunderstar ducked as Megatron swung his fist at her. Thunderstar kicked the warlord in his chassis but he didn’t budge, it only angered him more. Thunderstar’s back slammed against the wall, she tried shocking him but she didn’t want to risk hurting Jack in the process. Megatron’s hand tightened around her neck and she was forced to let go of Jack.

“Take her to her old cell..Soundwave and I have a operation to prepare,” Thunderstar kicked and screamed but she couldn’t do anything. She was starting to feel tired and weak, she was slipped a dose of sleeping sedative during the fighting.

“Crimson..Help !” Thunderstar’s spark ached as she heard Jack yell for her, she knew she could help but she just wasn’t sure how yet. Thunderstar felt herself being chained up before completely letting her helm fall and her body shut down in forced recharge.


“Any new leads ?” Ratchet asked as Optimus and the other’s drove into the base. Ratchet sighed as no one answered and Arcee punched the wall, time and time again. June couldn’t stop crying, the thought of her son being tortured by the Decepticon’s was enough to break the poor woman.  Ratchet wasn’t sure what anyone could say or do to make things better.

“Miss Darby you need some rest..As do the children, it’s late.” Agent Fowler took June to Crimson’s old room while Miko and Rafael went into bedrooms added by Agent Fowler for safety reasons. Once the humans were gone Ratchet looked at Wheeljack then Optimus.

“There is one more person who could help us..Our last chance,” Ratchet said in a quiet tone.

“Ratchet we do not have enough reason to believe that she would decide to help Jack,” Ratchet nodded and went back to scanning the Jasper area. He wanted Thunderstar to help them more than anything but still he knew there was a chance that Megatron had corrupted her mind far too much.


Thunderstar slowly came back to consciousness due to the loud banging on the door, she looked up and saw Megatron and Dreadwing standing in front of her. Megatron smirked and gave her a ration of energon, he made the vehicon in the room leave.

“We put the boy under for the experiment..You must understand that we are doing this for the future of Decepticons. If this works we can have a army to destroy the Autobot’s once and for all.” Thunderstar finished what energon Megatron was giving to her then growled and tried kicking the mech.

“You need to leave him out of this Megatron..He’s just a human boy !”

“One that’s close to the Autobots. He will be very beneficial for us..I’m needed in the med-bay. I hope to see my weapon become useful again very soon,” Megatron left the room but Dreadwing decided to stay. Thunderstar was glad, she could use this as her escape route.

“He’s just a human..Why do you care so much ?”

“Because for the first half of my life I was a human..I had no family except the Autobots. They were my family.” Pain stretched across Dreadwing’s face. He felt guilty for all the time that was wasted on revenge. He had been out hunting Wrecker’s rather than trying to find his brother and sister. He still blamed himself for the death of his brother, he’d be damned if he let anything happen to his sister.

“Dreadwing, let me out..Please, I just..I need to know you still love me,” Dreadwing released the chains and wrapped his arms around his younger sister. He remembered seeing her for the first time, holding her, the promise he made to his father. Dreadwing knew he’d never let anything hurt his sister but the fear of losing her haunted him.

“I promised our father I’d protect you and I meant it”

“I’m sorry. I love you,” Thunderstar shocked Dreadwing until he fell unconscious. She propped him up against the wall then kissed his cheek and left the cell, she still wasn’t a hundred percent sure of what to do but she had a small idea. Thunderstar made her way towards the med-bay, she hid in a storage closet and sent a private comm to Steve.

“Lord Megatron said to avoid all contact from you but I trust you Commander”

“I need a distraction..Something that can get me the upper hand on Megatron and Soundwave,” Thunderstar was hoping to get in and get out. She knew if she took too long in the med-bay it could cost her and Jack their lives.

“I’ve got it under control..and Commander, it’s been fun serving under you,” That bit made Thunderstar smile and remember the fun she’d had with Steve and his troops in the past. Thunderstar waited in the storage room until she heard a very loud alarm go off. She cracked the door and saw vehicon troops running down the hallway.

“Lord Megatron it’s Thunderstar, she’s out. She’s trying to sabotage the ship !” Steve explained in a worried tone. Thunderstar saw the warlord shove Steve aside then run down the hall with Soundwave. Thunderstar came out of the storage room and hugged Steve before rushing into the med-bay.

“You’re late..his mind has been transferred, he’s awake”

“You aren’t going to stop me ?” Thunderstar questioned as she looked over Jack’s new Cybertronian form.

“No..I told because it was easier on you, last night Dreadwing and I agreed to help you escape. We know how much you care for the Autobots and their humans. He’s alive, just not conscious yet.” Knockout handed Jack’s human body to Thunderstar then took a step back.

“You have to finish the escape plan from here on out. good luck,” Knockout sat down in a chair and had Steve tie him up. Thunderstar kissed the medic and smirked, “Thanks Doc,” then placed Jack’s human form in her subspace compartment.

“Jackie ? I could really use a ride.” Thunderstar was hoping Wheeljack would respond before things could get to horrible. Thunderstar and Steve were making their way to the top deck but Thunderstar carrying Jack’s new form was weighing her down.

“I’m on my way with Jackhammer. Be about 10 minutes Cri”

“I’ll hold out as long as I can.” Steve checked the top deck then nodded for Thunderstar to come outside. Thunderstar laid Jack down on the ground behind her and made sure he was still breathing.

“Bad choice trying to steal my newest toy”

“You want him you’ll have to get through me.” Thunderstar’s optics turned a bright purple and her hands began to pop with electricity. She fought off the Vehcions one by one, Steve helped her the best he could but she could see he was getting worn out. Megatron snapped his fingers and Soundwave stepped out in front of Megatron.

“Steve get behind me..Now.” Thunderstar dodged what attacks she could but one of Soundwave’s tentacles managed to get her onto the ground. Thunderstar’s chassis was being crushed by the silent mech, she was scared as she saw vehicons getting closer to Steve and Jack.

“Bring him to me”

“No.” Thunderstar screamed and let out a strong wave of electricity. Soundwave instantly let go and Thunderstar began attacking him, kick after kick until the mech fell on his aft. “Leave him. Alone !” Thunderstar yelled and kicked Megatron in the back, Megatron fell down onto one knee and growled.

Thunderstar threw a punch but the warlord caught it and managed to cut Thunderstar’s side. Megatron laughed as he saw bits of energon leak from her side. Megatron kicked her in the lower chassis multiple times, he’d won this fight.

“Come back inside, be a good femme and listen to me. We can fix this,” Thunderstar got up and shook her helm.

“I’m a fighter. It’s what I was made for. Remember ?” Thunderstar crushed her lips against Megatron’s, her arms wrapped around his neck pulling herself closer to him. She began to shock his entire body, his groans echoed over their kiss but still she continue to shock him until he fell onto his hands and knees.

“I love you..Even if you’re a monster,” Thunderstar whsipered. She let go as she saw Wheeljack’s ship. She picked up Jack’s cybertronian form and made her way over to Jackhammer. Wheeljack helped Thunderstar on board then quickly left the area.

“Let’s go home..I’ll explain everything there.” Thunderstar felt her spark ache just a tad as she left the Nemesis. She thought Megatron loved her but he was going to kill her, he was going to take her life for saving Jack.

Thunderstar picked up Jack’s Cybertronian form and carried him through the ground bridge. She was terrified there wouldn’t be any life left in him, she’d break down if that was the case. Thunderstar laid Jack on the ground and started to panic, she charged her hands and gave Jack a shock but nothing happened.

“Ratch give me a syringe,” Thunderstar shocked Jack again then took a sample of her energon and injected it in Jack in hopes it would give him the energy to wake up. Once every ounce of the energon was in him Thunderstar shocked him once more.

“Jack please..Wake up..” As if he heard her very thoughts, his optics shot open. Thunderstar gasped and hugged Jack’s new form. She smiled as she felt warmth coming from Jack’s body. Thunderstar grabbed a long sheet of metal and showed him his new Cybertronian form.

Jack was in the form of a Cyberwolf, one of the many types of creatures on Cybertron, his body was a midnight silver with blue highlights all over his body. His optics were a electric blue, when he stood up on all four legs he went up to Thunderstar’s upper thighs.

Thunderstar kneeled down and looked him in the optics and ran her hand over his body once more.

“Do you want a new name for your new life ?”

“Shadowlynx,” Thunderstar nodded and looked up at team Prime. She got ready to speak but was stopped by Ratchet who had seen the open wound. Ratchet started to patch up the wound, something that took no time at all. Thunderstar couldn’t help but laugh as Shadowlynx hopped on the berth and sat down beside her.

Thunderstar gave Ratchet a curt nod then stood up and looked down at June. She reached into her subspace compartment and pulled out Jack’s limp body, she laid him down on the couch and stayed quiet for just a moment.

“I wasn’t fast enough to stop them June but what you must understand is that the Cyberwolf beside me is Jack..They transferred his mind over to this form, I’m sorry.” June gasped and looked at the Cyberwolf beside her, she couldn’t believe it but after seeing Thunderstar’s transformation she knew it wasn’t impossible.

“His name is Shadowlynx and he is now a part of team Prime..Once he gets some training in that is,” Thunderstar said in a joking manner. Thunderstar smiled as team Prime welcomed her back, she had forgotten how close she really was to everyone here. She missed everyone and everything but she also missed Megatron. She hated herself for saying it but she was in love with him, something she would keep hidden from everyone no matter how hard it was.


When I think about a Cyberwolf I compare it to a werewolf only more metallic and a lot cooler. Sorry if this chapter short or boring. :P

I also apologize for not updating sooner, it's super frustrating having to rewrite the chapters and balance school. Either way I hope everyone enjoys the new chapter ! (:

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