2:Fire & Ice || Yizhan Ff ||

By Script-Symphony

380K 27K 2.6K

Completed!! They were like Yin and Yang, good and bad fire and ice. Both from different world, different back... More

01; Just Wanted to Burn For Once
02; Only Family
03: Second Encounter
04; Coldness
05; Not again
06; New Job
07; An Asshole Boss
08; Triggered An Attack
09; Meeting The Brother
10; Short Tempered
11; Sharing a Bed
12; Furious Uncle
13; Hint of Jealousy
14; Taste of Craziness
16; Ten Percent of The Truth
17; Defensive Xiao Zhan
18; What Lurks Within
19; Ambush
20; Different Direction
21; A Mob Boss
22; Mr Xiao Ying
23; Wang Haikuan
24; Forgiveness
25; Thunderstorm and Bedtime Stories
26; Her Boyfriend
27; His Ex
28; HeartBreak.
29; Savior
30; Gone Wrong
31; Pain and Anger
32; Too Late
33; Numb
34: Played With Fire&Ice
35; Ice
36; Talk With Uncle
37; Talk With Haikuan
38; The Club I
39; The Club II
40; One Down
41; Problematic
42; Fight It! 18+
43; A Taste of Her Own Medicine
44; Done Running
45; Gotcha
46; Another Twist
47; How Would it End
48; Chilling Feeling
50; Her Point of View
51; Is It Over?
52; Five Years Later
Special Thanks!!!
Epilogue 01
Epilogue 02
Extra Chapter; A Happy Ending
Author Note

49; A Sudden Betrayal

4.3K 354 37
By Script-Symphony

The more listened, the more his eyes felt like they wanted to pop out from his socket, the more his heart pound loudly beneath his chest,the more thousands of layers formed and doubled in his stomach. He gulped painfully but the lumped that had formed in his throat refused to be gulped down and finally the recording came to an end and he was immediately up on his feet, forgetting that fact that he was still in his sleeping pajamas as he dashed for the door but Zhuocheng immediately caught his wrist, preventing him from escaping.

"Let me go Zhuocheng. It's a trap, she's gonna kill him" he said helplessly as his eyes sparkled with tears wanting to stream down his face so badly.

"He knows that but judging from the map, they had everything planned out" Zhuocheng assured him but Xiao Zhan shook his head as he didn't feel assured one bit.

Finally, a single tear drop slipped out from his eyes. "This is Wang Hua we are talking about. She is a cunning witch. I have to go to him!!"

Zhuocheng licked his lips, feeling defeated as he was equally worried for the grim man.

Wang Yibo knew it was trap but he still walked into that trap. What was he trying to achieve by putting himself in danger. He was trying to protect Xiao Zhan, Zhuocheng understood that but how would Xiao Zhan be okay when he was gone.

Zhuocheng sighed bringing his other hand up to rub his throbbing temple. "You can't go out looking that and we don't even know the address to this place. How'll we find him"

At that moment, Yu Bin suddenly ran breathless as he was panting and sweating badly. Xiao Zhan's heart nearly jumped out from his chest as he played thousand of scene of what he would say over his head.

Was Wang Yibo okay....?

What had happened...?

"W-what is it Bin?" His voice wavered.

"We need to get out from here. They are coming for you!" Bin revealed in one breathe and the other two gasped out loud. "He betrayed us. We need to leave now!!" he grabbed Xiao Zhan's and dragged him out from the mansion, to his car and drove off in full speed.

"We need to get to Wang Yibo, his life is in danger" Xiao Zhan said over to Bin whose attention was clement to the road as he took a sudden turned, his hands spinning on the wheels a like pro in the middle of the night, in the middle of the street that only had a few cars passing.

"I know" Yu Bin answered.

"We need to get to him" Xiao Zhan said again.

"I know!" Bin replied replied again without void.

"Who betrayed you guys?" Zhuocheng decided to ask as the question refused to leave his head as much he wanted to chase it away.



"Look who finally decided to join the party" she smirked as she stood from her seat, her red tight dress going up to her thighs as his licked her red lips seductively and cunningly.

He hissed in disgusted at the sight laid before him. How shameful to call her a mother. Now that he looked at her closely, she looked nothing like Haikuan. He actually felt bad for the other man who called her his mother.

"I came as you called" he replied as he stopped, putting a large amount of space between them.

She smirked. "Seemed like you are smarter than I thought. What did you do to my men?"

He also smirked more sadistically as his eyes turned bloodshot as he gazed at her with so much disgust and hatred.

Why was he wasting time in killing her off on the spot...?

"They are Dead and now, it's your turn" he held his gun out from his head and pointed it at her and she bursted out laughing.

"You might had outsmart me in one of my plans but I still call the shots here. I'm playing this game and you can never outsmart me in my own game" she smiled at him cunningly. "Do you realize you just walked into my third trap I set for you tonight"

He shrugged and dropped his hand. "A trap? but I'll be happy to inform you that none of us would leave this building alive. If I go down, you're going with me. We'll rule hell together" he smirked and she frowned.

"I don't share" she told him.

"I don't too, which is why we'll also kill each other in hell" he informed her and she exploded in laughter.

"You know something Wang Yibo, I actually missed those times when you used to look up to me as a mother, when you would come to me and cry and I would hold you in my arms. I even loved you more than my own son but what did you do, you chose to go against me" she glared at him.

He shook his head. "It doesn't work on me anymore. I actually came to end this. It's either you or me. One of us has to die to end this war"

"Actually, it wouldn't be me" she revealed. She snapped her fingers and five men walked in carrying an unconscious Haoxuan, Jiyang, Bowen and Zi.

Wang Yibo's lips eyes widened as he took in their unconscious form from where they were now laid on the floor, lifeless, pale and cold. Haoxuan was even bleeding from his hand that had a bullet wound.

What happened....?

How did they get in this condition...?

He left them like a few minutes ago...?

"What did you do to them!?" He gritted through his teeth as he held out his gun again.

Madam Hua raised her hands up in a defeated manner but the smile on her face remained. "Oops, not me. I didn't touch them but he did" she pointed behind him and he stood frozen as he felt the mouth of a gun pressed to his head. The grip on his gun loosened and it fell out from his hand.

"You really impress me Wang Yibo. You were able to predict my every plan but you couldn't tell when you have a traitor in your midst" she said mockingly while Wang Yibo's mind suddenly went blank as his thoughts raced back to Xiao Zhan.

Yuchen knew his every plan, Yuchen helped him set everything up, Yuchen knew almost all of his secrets, Yuchen knew his in and outs, Yuchen still ruined everything, Yuchen betrayed him after he had put so much hope in him.

"Why...why did you do this. I thought they were your friends??!" Wang Yibo voiced out slowly.

Yuchen scoffed from behind him. "I have nothing against us. They'll wake up in a few hours but you'll already be dead!" He spat.

Wang Yibo nodded, at least they would be fine but what about Xiao Zhan and Yu Bin who were left alone in the house. Did he also go for them. "Why are you doing this. We went through so much together. How much did she pay you?"

"I'm not doing this for the money. This is my revenge for what happened to Anne!" He gritted as his voice suddenly turned emotional. Slowly, he moved from the back as he was now standing in front of Wang Yibo who had a plain look on his face.

"Don't tell me you actually forgot about Anne"

Wang Yibo slowly nodded his head as the name slipped out. "Anne..." Then he turned his gaze back to Yuchen and stared directly into his eyes. "Anne? You are doing this for Anne, you really amaze me Yuchen" he said as the pain look from his eyes suddenly disappeared and was replaced with hardness.

How could he had missed that? Now he understood the gap, the space, the distance between the since that day that Anne died in his arms after taking a bullet that was meant for him.

He still recall that sorrowful look she had on her face when she told him to protect Yuchen at all cost, that pain look before she lost her ghost, he also recalled the look of betrayal in Yuchen's eyes when he found her dead.

"I never knew you had something against me all these days we've been together"

"Of course I did. Anne loved you too much, she even sacrificed herself knowing very well the fact that she was carrying my child. She didn't hesitate for once as she took that bullet for you. You expect me to just sit around and follow the orders of someone who killed the woman I loved so much"

"You want to kill me, then you should have done that a long time ago Yuchen. You had a lot of chances but you missed them" Wang Yibo told as he suddenly felt resentment towards the other man.

He didn't kill Anne, she was like a sister to him but she had romantic feelings for him which had led to her death, Yuchen knew exactly what happens, she was pregnant but she was also battling with Cancer that had completely destroyed her lungs. Even the doctors had lost hope and didn't have any more solution to help her.

"Did you forget you got her pregnant, worsening her condition. She needed an escape from the torture and torment you always give her. You raped her remember. If you are looking for someone to blame, then blame yourself because you killed her yourself"

Yuchen laughed out maniacally as tears suddenly stream down don his face. "It does matter anymore because it was all your fault that she refused my advances"

Wang Hua clapped her hands together being entertained by the scene being played out before her. "It's fun but you are taking too much time. Finish him off already" she ordered and he smirked as he slowly pulled the trigger but Wang Yibo stood there, unmoving.


I sincerely apologise for the late update but this book is coming to an end in maybe two to three more chapters.

Thank you very much for being patient with me for the long wait.

I promise to update as soon as I can.

What do you guys think about the sudden betrayal.

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