Forced to Love

By _ColorMePurple_

127K 3.2K 536

"Don't leave." he takes my hand in his and looks me in the eyes that are full of different emotions now and I... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Author's Note
Author's Note/ New book

Chapter 7

3.8K 97 51
By _ColorMePurple_

What did I do wrong?

I've been questioning that all day. What did I do wrong? 

I decide to go downstairs and see if Mari needs help with dinner. I stayed the whole day in my room with my thoughts. Once again I was being yelled at and without even knowing what I did to deserve that. It's the same as if I'm back home, with my mother yelling at me without a reason.

Apparently, I was sleeping in his room. But how did I end up there? I sigh and try to push those thoughts away and this feeling of sadness and hurt. I tried not to cry, I really tried. But the look he was having while yelling at me doesn't leave my mind. I was scared, I am scared.

I don't want to be this weak person, especially not over something like this. When I remember what I've been through while I was still living with my mother, this is almost nothing compared to what she's done.

But I can't help but feel hurt. I thought I would be finally left alone when I moved here. He even made it clear we don't have to interact with each other but I guess it's always going to be like that, with me just standing there and taking everything people have to say. I mean I was in his room and he did say I'm not allowed there so I guess I deserve it even though I don't even remember how I got there in the first place.

I clear my throat making Mari turn towards me when I enter the kitchen. "Honey are you okay? I was so worried about you but I didn't want to bother you" Mari comes towards me and rubs my arms in a soothing way.

"I'm okay" I heave a sigh. "Just confused" I continued and she understood what I meant by that even without me explaining it. "He just misunderstood the situation dear, but it still wasn't right for him to do what he did. I will teach him a lesson, don't worry" I chuckle at what she said and she smiles at me before explaining the whole situation where Bruno took me to his room instead of mine.

"It's my fault dear, I'm sorry" she apologizes but I'm quick to correct her. "No no, it's not your fault, please, this is just a silly misunderstanding that's all, and I'm kind of used to being treated that way so it's fine, really" I give her a small smile but I see her frown.

"But you didn't deserve that honey, none of it. And to say that you are used to it breaks my heart...oh come here" she hugs me tightly and I understand that she remembers everything I told her about my mother and everything that happened to me back home.

"You are so strong honey, remember that". We pull away and she smiles at me once more before we start making dinner together. I check on the vegetables she prepared and don't even notice the sound of the code being entered.

Now I stir the sauce that Mari left on the stove before turning around to grab a spoon and try it. But I freeze on the spot at the sight in front of me. Lorenzo.

"H-hi" I say and quickly look away. 

Wow, I'm so strong, I can't even look this man in the eye.

He doesn't say anything for a moment and I look back at him to see him staring at me. His piercing blue eyes never leave mine and I don't know if he's looking at me or looking through me.

"I'm sorry" he suddenly says making my eyes widen.

"W-what?" I whisper, shocked that he is apologizing to me. "You heard me. I'm not going to repeat myself," he says before he leaves the kitchen. I blink trying to wrap my head around this.

Wow, what an apology.

But what did I expect? I'm surprised that he even did it. I'm gonna take it considering it comes from him, this is the best I'm gonna get. And I'm fine with it, at least he apologized. That's already a bonus compared to my mother.

I go back to the sauce and give it a try before removing it from the stove and bringing it to the dining table where Mari already set up everything.

"We'll be eating alone again, Lorenzo already ate while he was out" Mari informs me and I just nod. How can he eat outside when she makes such delicious meals. But why should I care, there's more for me then.


I quickly run up to my room so I can change my shirt, which I of course stained while making spaghetti sauce. I shake my head as I try to find something nice to wear for the lunch. 

Lorenzo told us that Lucas and his sister would be joining us for lunch before he left for work. I made carbonara as it's kind of easy to make and it was the first thing that was on my mind when I thought about what I should make.

At first, I didn't want to cook today since we'll be having guests and I'm sure Lorenzo won't eat when he hears I was the one that was cooking today, but Mari was persistent and made me do it. She said she loves when I cook so I couldn't say no.

I find a black bodysuit with long sleeves and pair it up with blue denim shorts before I go to the bathroom to fix my hair.

I slowly make my way downstairs, hearing voices coming from the living room. I guess they are already here. As I come to the end of the hallway that connects with the living room, everybody goes quiet and stares at me. I fidget in my spot not liking the attention I'm getting.

"Oh this her?" the girl I don't know but assume it's Lucas's sister gasps at me and stands up before crushing me into a hug.

"Oh my god, I finally get to meet you" she squeezes me one last time before she pulls away from me. She is definitely his sister. She has the same light brown hair Lucas has, but it's curly. Brown eyes and a beautiful smile. She is pretty and a little bit taller than me.

"Jesus Lindsey, calm down, let the girl breathe" Lucas rolls his eyes but Mari chuckles. His sister who is called Lindsey scans me from head to toe before speaking. "Hey hottie" she smirks at me as her eyes scan me once more. My eyes widen and I blush at her words, looking away to see Lucas shake his head and Lorenzo staring at me.

I see his eyes do the same as Lindsey is still doing and I can't help but blush even more. "Lindsey leave her alone, you're gonna scare her away," Lucas tells her but she ignores him.

"I see why you chose her for your wife" she now speaks to Lorenzo. "Although she seems younger than you," she says and turns her attention back on me. "How old are you, if you don't mind me asking. I know we women don't like to talk about age" she laughs along with Mari but makes me smile. "I'm 19" I answer making her eyes widen a little but she quickly smirks again.

"I hope you don't mind if I steal her away though. I'd like a piece of that" she continues and looks at Lorenzo for a second before she turns back to me. I can't help but be surprised at what she just said.

"Already cheating on your girlfriend I see" Lucas looks over at her but Lindsey just rolls her eyes. "It was just one date, we are not in a relationship yet" Lindsey replies to him and stares at me again. So she's g-.

"Yes, she's gay, so I would be careful around her since she already has you on the list of her preys," Lucas says as if he was reading my mind. "Oh shut up, I won't do anything. I mean unless you want me to?" she looks at me and smiles. "Oh no wait, I have to get permission from your husband. Or he could join us if that's what you want" she smirks at me before she looks at Lorenzo.

"Okay that's enough, leave her alone," Lorenzo says as he stands up and walks towards the dining table. "Ugh alright. I forgot you don't like to share what's yours" she rolls her eyes at him and smiles at me before she follows him. I see Lucas smirk at me before he follows them as well.

"Go sit honey, I'll bring the dinner out" Mari puts her hand on my shoulder and smiles at me before she walks away. I pull out a chair and sit down at the same time that Mari joins us.

"Enjoy my kids" Mari serves us and we all dig in. 

"Mmm this is so good" Lucas exclaims making me smile. "It is isn't it?" Mari lets out and looks over at Lorenzo who is quietly eating. "What do you think Lorenzo, is it okay?" Mari asks him on purpose and I wait for the storm to come when he finds out I was the one who made this dinner.

"It's delicious, as always," he says and my eyes widen. He thinks it's delicious? 

Mari nudges me with her elbow and looks back at him. "Well, I'm glad you think so. Aria really took her time to prepare this amazing meal for all of us" she smirks as she sees his reaction. I look up at him as well and see he is already looking at me, eyes widen and speechless. I can't keep eye contact so I look down at my plate and hope he won't start yelling.

"Well um..." he tries to say something but he gives up and clears his throat before he continues eating, surprising me even more since I expected him to stop eating and maybe even leave the table.

Mari chuckles at him before she smiles at me and continues to eat as well.

After a couple of hours, Lindsey decides to go home so I walk with her towards the front door. Lucas and Lorenzo left after lunch since they had more work to do.

"I hope I didn't really scare you, I don't want to make things weird between us when we just met" she turns towards me when she steps out of the house.

"No no, you didn't. I was just surprised that's all. I'm glad I met you" I smile at her and get one back in return. "Aw, I'm glad. I hope we'll be friends, I can't spend my time with those idiots anymore" she shakes her head but makes me laugh. "Of course we can," I tell her and she smiles even brighter as she hugs me before she leaves.

I close the door and lock it before I make my way towards the living room where Mari is watching tv and join her, finally resting after this eventful day.


I can't believe a month has passed since the wedding and since I started living here. I'm still trying to get used to it but it's not as hard as it was at the beginning. Mari is always there for me, Lindsey and I spend time together sometimes and even Lorenzo isn't so cold towards me anymore. He isn't so talkative with me but at least he acknowledges me when we cross paths and doesn't look at me with his cold gaze as if he hates me anymore.

I smile at Mari when I see her in the hallway on the second floor. "Let me help you with that," I tell her referring to the vacuum cleaner. "Oh no, it's alright dear" she smiles at me but I can see how tired she is. She does everything in this house even though there are people that come twice a week to clean the house but it's like she doesn't trust them and wants to take care of it herself.

"Mari please, you should rest for a bit and it's not like I have some better things to do" I try to convince her and it seems it worked. "Okay my angel, thank you for your help. You can clean Lorenzo's office, that is the only room left on this floor" she explains but  I'm still stuck on to the name she used to call me. My angel.

It reminds me of my dad. I haven't seen him since the wedding. We do talk on the phone every week to catch up but it's not the same. I miss him and I want to see him, but I know that's not possible since he is working and traveling from America to Italy all the time.

"Are you okay my dear?" Mari asks worriedly probably seeing my frozen state while she rubs her hand on my arm. I shake out of it and answer her with a short "I'm fine" and smile to assure her. She nods and then goes to the living room to enjoy her time while I clean Lorenzo's office.

I can't deny that I feel nervous to go in there especially after the warning I'm only allowed in my room. But I can only hope he won't be back home until I clean it. So I walk towards the big double door that is at the end of the hallway and enter, scanning it from left to right.

There is a big bookshelf on the left side of the wall, with a big dark wooden table in the middle of the room, one chair on one side, probably where he sits, and two leather sofas on the other side for his guests or clients, a big window behind his table that allows the view of the backyard and the lake, and on the right side of the wall another bookshelf which holds some folders and a small table that has a 3d model of a house. I wonder if he made that.

After I closed the door behind me and plugged in the vacuum cleaner, I start cleaning this somewhat big room. I pull out the chair away from the table so I can clean underneath there before tugging the chair back and moving towards that other small table. I try to be careful to not damage the house that looks incredible and I can't even understand how it looks so real. I exhale a deep breath when I succeed to not break anything and turn around to vacuum the corner between the bookshelf and the door. But as I turn around I accidentally push the vacuum with my foot too hard and it hits the little table which shakes and makes the house fall apart.

"No..." I let out in a whisper and just stand there frozen not knowing what to do. I turn off the vacuum and curse myself for not being careful and for even offering my help with cleaning. I quickly get down on my knees and pick up the pieces but I don't know what to do with them. I should get glue or something and try to fix it before he comes back home. 

But it's too late for that when I hear the door open and when his voice echoes in the room.

"What the hell are you doing?!". 

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