One More Chance.

By dia_kags

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For 9 years, I have only loved you. If I could go back in time and meet you for the first time, knowing what... More

Chapter 2: Atsumu's Regret.
Chapter 3: Hinata Boke.
Chapter 4: Onigiri Miya.
Chapter 5: Interlude - AtsuKage
Chapter 6: Face to Face.
Chapter 7: A Volleyball Idiot.
Chapter 8: That Third Swan.
Chapter 9: Smile On Your Lips.
Chapter 10: A Box of Memories.
Chapter 11: Going Back Home.
Chapter 12: Rainy Days.
Chapter 13: Of Love and Hate.
Chapter 14: Without You. Part I.
Chapter 15: Without You. Part II

Chapter 1: Somebody even better.

406 12 19
By dia_kags

"One more."

The raven-haired boy demanded as he put the glass down with a loud thud. It was wrong to call him a boy though. He had grown up right before his eyes, from opponent on the other side of the net to an ally on the same side of the net; Ushijima has known the young setter for quite some years now.

He saw him nothing but just as a pest when they met for the first time. A nuisance if you will. He knew he had been harsh, disregarding blatant talent, drunk on arrogance, and confident in his ability to win. But how he was proven wrong!

He still remembers and regrets a bit what he said that day. Now that he knows why the genius setter wanted to be in Shiratorizawa, and how everyone makes mistakes and shouldn't be judged by their middle school days, yeah, he regrets it a little.

That's why without even realizing, he has come to care for the boy, no not boy, the man. And that's why after their victory against Argentina, he was very happy. He had once again defeated Oikawa and proven that the team with him in it was the strongest.

This time the burden didn't rely solely on his shoulders. They had accomplished this as a team. And he was happy that he had done so with a very reliable ally by his side. The setter had not just stopped by proving himself to Ushijima, but the entire world. And the entire world had watched as they talked to each other with a smile. They never need many words to communicate what the other was thinking, whether it was food, or a toss, or complete victory. They had established this trusted relationship since their days in Adlers. So yeah, he cares.

That's why when the entire Japan Men's Volleyball Team was busy celebrating, he had noticed that Tobio Kageyama was running away. Dashing towards the exit with a rush of someone being chased, and Ushijima had followed him. When he caught up with the setter and stopped him with a tug on his wrist, he was surprised. Kageyama didn't seem to know that he was calling after him nor did he recognize him.

He looked like he had seen a ghost. He was looking past Ushijima to some faraway place. His usually calm blue eyes were full of turmoil. Ushijima had never seen the setter look like this. He had an intensity to himself when he was on court but even then, he directed it with perfect precision. Right now, he looks anything but his calm self. For the lack of better word, he looked like a lost child.

And Ushijima's heart immediately went out to the boy. He gingerly put his left hand on the said boy's cheek.

"Tobio?" He tried to get his attention.

Tobio seemed to be coming back from wherever he had gone.

"Toshi Senpai?" He looked at him startled.

"What's wrong Tobio?" He asked gently.

"Ah, nothing."

They stared at each other, neither saying anything. Ushijima knew something was wrong, but he also realized it wasn't the time to probe for more information.

"Well then. Let's go back to the club, Tobio." Ushijima said as he started leading the setter by hand.

"No! Please No! I don't want to go back there, Senpai." Tobio resisted with pleading eyes.

That's how he ended up at a bar further away from their celebratory venue, with a very drunk Tobio on his hand. He wasn't gonna leave Tobio alone in that condition. He thought he could keep an eye on the boy, but clearly, he was failing by the way Tobio was downing one drink after another. He was also ignoring his insistent loud phone as it kept on ringing.

"I miss my Grandpa."

Tobio looked at him with sad eyes and uttered the words so softly, if Ushijima wasn't paying attention to him so closely, he would have definitely missed it.

Kageyama Tobio was a man of few words and that's why when he said them, they certainly carried huge weight. Ushijima thought the man sitting beside him was almost perfect, always so calm and composed with the sincerity of hard work and each step taken that had brought him a great future. And the very man was looking so vulnerable right now that Wakatoshi almost hugged him. Almost. But he didn't know how the setter would react to such a gesture because neither of them was too touchy feely.

What hurt you Tobio? Who hurt you?

Instead, he paid the tab and pulled Tobio off his stool gently but firmly and carried the half-conscious man out of the bar holding on to his waist. Tobio leaning into his touch and letting him carry, it was frightening how much trust he was putting in him. He was trying to walk quite unsteadily on his feet but managed fine with Ushijima supporting him. Wakatoshi was glad that he came to the bar with Tobio. He certainly didn't want to leave this vulnerable boy alone because of the way he was behaving now.

"Where are we going, Toshi Senpai?" Tobio mumbled, voice muffled as he peeked from where he was leaning at Ushijima's shoulder.

"Back to the village, Tobio." "You really need to rest." Ushijima replied gently.

"Where everyone is?" Tobio asked.

"Yes, the entire team is there, why?" Curiosity got the best of Ushijima.

"Then I don't wanna go there." Tobio put almost all his weight on Ushijima' side and if he was any less sturdy, they sure would have fallen.

"Don't wanna.... Don't wanna... Please."

Ushijima steadied both of them and simply nodded. He decided it was best to take a walk for now till Tobio sobered up a bit. For some reason Tobio was running away from the team. The very team his boyfriend was also part of. Speaking of which, where was he? He hadn't seen Atsumu anywhere when he chased after Tobio. He wondered why he was not with Tobio? Generally, the man was all over him, hugging and kissing him at every chance he got, perhaps, the only person Tobio allowed to touch him so much, not without a pout though.

Ushijima knew of their relationship of many years. Apparently, both the setters from their team had met at All Japan Intensive Youth Training Camp and had been pretty much inseparable ever since. Rivals or not, it was clear they loved each other very much.

It was surprising to see Tobio without the Blond joined at his hip. Another piece of information Ushijima put at the back of his mind to process for later. Maybe they had a fight and that's why Tobio was upset. But it was the first time he was seeing him avoiding going back to where Atsumu was. Tobio was really upset and thus the drinking.

Ushijima was sure though they would come around, it wasn't like he was paying close attention or even was with them all the time, but it was impossible to ignore Atsumu and his shenanigans, especially when he fawned all over Tobio. Or he hoped. Because he was going to have some serious talk with Atsumu if he really hurt Tobio.

You know Tobio... If you get really good... I promise you... Somebody who is even better will come and find you.

Tobio wished to go back to those simpler times, when he blindly believed the words spoken to him by his grandpa. He was sure he looked at him with sparkle in his eyes and started working even harder after that. He truly believed in what his grandpa said. How could he not when everything he knew in his life was because of him. When he lost his Grandpa, he held on to that belief even when times got tougher.

When he found a new family in Karasuno, he thought back to those words, and once again started working even harder. He had found Hinata there and knew that the unpolished talent will one day bloom into a worthy opponent. He walked with him, marching forward, winning one battle after another. He was happy. Somebody even better . He had waited and waited some more, and he was right when he lost to him in their V-league game. But that only meant for him to be even better. He understood little more what his grandpa meant. Hinata had been like a brother to him. A source of sunshine and hope.

Then he found Atsumu. Someone he was mesmerized by. Best high school setter in Japan. Oddly enough, he didn't feel any jealousy. Instead, a burning desire to surpass him one day. But Atsumu was nothing like Oikawa-San. He didn't bring with him the feeling of unease, nor did he make him feel like he would never be better than him. No, the feelings he had for Atsumu were completely different. He didn't understand them at first, but as the other setter approached him one day after practice and kissed him senseless, he understood. He accepted the new kind of love, one which he had never known. He was truly happy. Somebody even better . He had grown even stronger with him. They had both made into V-Leagues one after another, Atsumu being the first. And they were fighting together for Japan's national team. So, when his lover along with his sworn brother had defeated him, he just thought it only meant for him to be even better. He understood completely what his grandpa meant. Atsumu had been like his other half. A home to return to.

Then Why?


Why had it happened?

Or did he understand anything at all?

Was he not good enough? Had he not succeeded in being a better version of himself?

The image is burned in his mind. The image of his two most beloved people.

The boys were being too loud, celebrating recklessly. He couldn't blame them though. It was quite a difficult win against Argentina, and everybody deserves some celebration after losing to them for two consecutive times previously.

But he was exhausted. Tossing the ball with extreme precision and strategizing to scatter middle blockers for his spikers to attack, was never easy. It required too much energy and after the adrenaline of the game had worn off, he was left with nothing but fatigue. And as much as he wanted to spend time with his teammates, he also wanted to spend some time with Atsumu, who by the way was missing. He had disappeared sometime back and Hinata was also nowhere to be seen. Knowing them, he thought those idiots must be practicing again, so he didn't pay much attention. It wasn't surprising that Bukoto was keeping the party alive and kicking despite their absence.

He tried calling Atsumu, but there were high chances he wouldn't pick up if he was practicing and he didn't. He decided to let them be for the time being and wait in case Atsumu came back anytime soon. But he was getting a headache from all the noise and the idea of fresh air seemed really good. He really wished that he hadn't wished for fresh air. Because the image is burned in his mind. Of two people whom he considered even better.

Going to the terrace outside the club had been a mistake or had it?

He would recognize those blond locks anywhere, amongst any crowd. He would also recognize the blazing orange locks. But most importantly, he would always recognize the sound Atsumu made in pleasure while kissing. The groan that never failed to ignite fire in his belly was making him weak in knees right now and not in a good way. He stood there dumbstruck, looking at his two precious people as they forgot the world around them; lost in embrace chasing each other's lips.

For a split second those Brown orbs had met his blue ones, recognition flickering in them, and he had bolted. He thought if he ran fast enough, he would be able to leave that image behind. But no matter where he goes from now on, he would never ever forget that.

You would think when your home is shattered by a typhoon, it would be some revelation. Like it would play out in slow motion, nature following step by step procedure. You would not expect it to end in a second. Everything to be lost in a second.

Tobio felt like he lost his home today. It had been over so soon. He doesn't remember much but only the devastation he saw in front of his eyes. Atsumu had been his home, so why had an intruder taken over his home. Why could he see the typhoon approaching, and why does it hurt so much? God it hurts. It hurts so much.

Why couldn't he feel anything other than hurt? He was always safe in his knowledge that wherever he went, he would always have Atsumu to return to. To the safety of his arms, and he would feel like home again. He had gotten used to this feeling for the past 9 years, and it had been taken away from him. In the blink of an eye, the rug had been pulled from under his feet.

He had not seen it coming. Not at all. Was he still emotionally stunted as he had been at 15 years of age?

Bakayama, that's why you don't have any friends!

What had happened in his absence? What happened when he was in Italy? But Hinata was also in Brazil not long after, so when? And how?

Could he still not read social cues? Or was it something he did? Or had it been his fault? Or was it only physical? Was he overreacting? The heavy weight in his chest told him that he wasn't, but Atsumu had never said he was interested in someone else. In fact, whenever he was with Atsumu, he was drowning in his love. Had it all been for show then? How much or how long one can pretend though? And what about Hinata? He had known about him and Atsumu then why had his friend decided to betray him like this?

The thoughts kept running in his mind getting louder and louder, and he just wanted silence. So, he had kept on downing one glass after another of the bitter whiskey. He really hated the taste of whiskey. His athletic lifestyle and desire to maintain best physical condition meticulously had always kept him away from consuming alcohol, not today though. Hey, a fresh homeless man was allowed the luxury of some liquor. Whiskey was doing its job. Slowly chasing away the pain with numbness. But not enough. Not yet.

How he wished he could go back to those simpler times. When he felt loved unconditionally, when his grandpa shared his life with him and gave him a new obsession. When life was just about playing volleyball and not worrying about anything else. When his grandpa was there to guide him every step on the way. Because today he felt truly lost.

"I miss my Grandpa." The words were out of his mouth before he could think.

And he was thankful to whichever gods were listening to him because he had Ushijima Wakatoshi by his side. Toshi Senpai didn't give him pity just unwavering support. And he was thankful for the man being there. For some reason he didn't mind if he saw him in this state. Deep down he knew he was taking advantage of the man, but he couldn't be bothered to feel guilty. Not today. Damnit! he deserved some support.

He didn't know where they were going but as long it was not going back to them, he was okay. He didn't care if he had to walk the entire night and to take Toshi senpai along for the ride. He let the man support him and went after chasing the numbness that was trying to escape.


No. No. No. It can't happen. He looked at the familiar face as they came to a stop.

Not blond but brown.

Not brown but grey.

If life was an irony, it would come in the form of Osamu Miya.

Was he dreaming? He was surely having difficulty in keeping his eyes open. Atsumu looked a little different. Why was he wearing an apron and a cap? Why was he carrying trash bags? And why was he calling him Tobio-Kun? Weren't they at the stage where they didn't need formalities? Was it because of today? Oh god. Were they back to square one? But then why were those eyes looking at him with so much concern? Brown or was it grey? When did Atsumu get grey eyes?

Before he could ask the person calling him, he succumbed to unconsciousness.

Osamu was taking out trash after a long day's work. Man, as much as he loved his work, it was a particularly tiring day today. He had a barrage of visitors one after another congratulating him on his brother's victory. Not to mention, Kita-san and he had watched the game together so when they had won, the whole restaurant had done hours of celebration. He couldn't go see his brother today but intended to go and meet him tomorrow while they were still in the same city. The Tokyo branches of Onigiri Miya were doing really well, but it also kept him insanely busy with expanding business. He would have to bring a lot of food to deal with brother's tantrum for missing the game, but that was okay. He missed him anyway not that he would ever tell him that. He was also looking forward to seeing Tobio-Kun. His performance today was outstanding.

So, imagine his surprise when he saw the very person right before his eyes in a drunken state. If it hadn't been for Ushijima-San supporting Tobio-Kun he surely would have fallen face first on the ground. Before he could check on him, he passed out and this time Ushijima-San's balance definitely faltered. Osamu ran dropping the bags and took Tobio-Kun in his arms so that both of them didn't fall.

After the taller man explained the situation, it was sufficient to say that Osamu was surprised, more than surprised. He didn't know Ushijima-San and Tobio-Kun were close, what was more surprising was how much Tobio-Kun had drunk, and the biggest surprise of all was that he didn't want to go back to his brother.

What did that tyrannical pig do now??

He decided it was best to take Tobio-Kun at his place and let him sleep it off. They could discuss more in detail later. He thought of calling his brother, but he had a bunch of tasks to finish first. Ushijima-San kept them company till they were ready to leave. Only after he put Tobio-kun safely in the cab, he left. Osamu could see how much he cared for Tobio-Kun. His brother better treat Ushijima-San to something nice for taking care of his lover.

Osamu was tossing and turning trying to find a comfortable position on the couch. He should seriously think about getting a bigger house. He could definitely afford it. After trying for two hours, he gave up and went to his bedroom. He was really tired and needed some sleep.

Tobio-Kun was sleeping on the left side and he didn't see any harm in taking the right one. Tobio-Kun was wearing some serious frown in his sleep and his eyes looked swollen. Had he cried himself to sleep? He was trembling whether from cold or having a nightmare Osamu couldn't tell. Surely Osamu's Black t-shirt and grey sweatpants were thick enough, but it seemed like Tobio-Kun was having restless sleep and the blanket was lying on the floor. Osamu picked up the blanket and carefully covered him again.

It had been difficult to get him changed after Tobio-Kun puked all over his clothes in the cab. In between getting him home, cleaning up, and preparing him for bed, he had completely forgotten to call Atsumu. He would call him tomorrow but first thing first he needed some sleep.

As he lied down beside Tobio-Kun, he could see that despite frowning, Tobio-Kun really had a pretty face. Not that he didn't know that before. He was quite aware how beautiful his future brother-in-law was. But he had never had a chance to look at him at such a close distance. His hair looked really soft: a mix of darkest black and midnight blue. Were they as soft as they looked? His eyes were covered by long black lashes which if possible, accentuated their beauty even more. He had a sharp button nose and small plump lips, which always created a cute pout whenever he was upset or thinking really hard. And it's not only physical beauty, he was beautiful inside out.

Osamu never had much time to think about dating. He had always been so busy with establishing his business. He never really gave it much thought about the kind of person he would want to be with, a few dates here and there didn't count. Lying beside Tobio-Kun when he had a moment to himself, he could see why his brother was so crazy after the boy. He thought he wouldn't mind meeting someone like Tobio-kun in future.

He smiled to himself and without thinking touched the boy's hair. They were as soft as they looked. Before he could ruffle his hair further, he came to his senses and was shocked by his unconscious action. His eyes widened as he looked down and saw Tobio-kun looking at him with teary eyes. Were his eyes always this blue?

The boy launched himself in Osamu's arms hiding his face in Osamu's chest.

"Atsumu......" He sobbed.

Osamu's heart skipped a beat.

Notes: This one is super Angsty. Thank you for reading. :)

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