A Change Of Family (on Hiatus)

By Moonaline

4.8K 59 159

AU where a 5-year old Crusher is adopted by the Blaze Fam and is raised with them. Prompt from BATMM_PP. More

Lost And Rescued
Growing Up Together
Moving To Axle City 2
Moving To Axle City 3
Epic Sail
The Jungle Horn
Truckball Team-Up
Mystery Bandit

Moving To Axle City 1

613 5 13
By Moonaline

Note: Might start and be different from Blaze of Glory since it would include Crusher and Pickle moving to Axle City w/ Blaze and AJ.

The day was bright and cheery at a crop field as two monster machines zoomed through, with a third following behind, jumping excitedly as he watched the older two.

"Woo-hoo!!" 16-year old Blaze cried out, grinning as he watched his older brother do a flip and pass him. "Nice one, Crusher!"

"Come on, you two!"17-year old Crusher laughed before driving off. "Try to keep up!"

"We will!" 8-year old AJ grinned as he stepped on the pedal. "Yahoo!"

"Alright!" Blaze chuckled, accelerating and zooming after his brother.

The brothers sped here and there before hopping out of the field. They skidded to a stop and began to laugh. As they did, a 15-year old Pickle scurried out of the field.

"That was great, guys!" he said with a cheer.

"That was awesome!" Blaze gave a laugh. "Another tick off the bucket list on the things we wanted to do after graduating college,"

"Ah, yes," Crusher rolled his eyes playfully. "Zooming through a crop field is DEFINITELY part of our After-Graduation Bucket List,"

"Hey, guys, see that hill?" AJ pointed over to a hill from a distance. "I bet it would make an awesome jump!"

"Ooh! Ooh! I'd LOVE to see that!" Pickle nodded vigorously.

"All right!" Blaze smirked. "You in, Crusher?"

"More than anything," Crusher gave a nod and started up his engine.

"AJ, give me some speed!" Blaze cried out, followed by a nod from the human boy as he stepped on the acceleration.

The two older monster machines took off, with Pickle cheering for them as they zoomed. They made it to the hill and jumped over it.




They landed in a pile of leaves with a thud. They glanced over at each other before beginning to laugh to AJ jumped out to face his truck brothers.

"That was great!" he said. "We went so high!"

"Yea-heh!" Blaze agreed as he came out of the leaves; some of them forming a mustache over his mouth. "we really -"

AJ and Crusher suddenly burst out laughing at the sight of their brother. Blaze blinked at them in confusion.

"What? What's so funny?"

"Blaze, it looks like you have a mustache!" Crusher told him with a laugh as AJ tumbled back and fell on his back, still laughing.

"Huh?" Blaze stared down at himself before laughing. "Oh, yeah? Well, wait 'til you guys see this..." He ducked down back into the leaves and stood up, revealing leaves on his hood that made a weird hairdo. "Now it looks like I have crazy hair!"

AJ was stuck laughing at the red truck's silliness. Crusher caught his breath from laughter before grinning.

"Alright, I can play that game," He ducked down in the leaves and stood up, the leaves around him forming the ears and trunk of an elephant. "And I look like an elephant!"

Blaze laughed at his older brother as the dark blue truck did a little trumpet. "Good one, Crusher! BWUHAHAHAHA!"

The trio let out another round of laughs as the two monster machines shook the leaves off themselves. Pickle finally caught up to them, catching a glimpse of them covered in leaves before they managed to clean themselves off.

"That was great, guys!" he giggled.

"Thanks, Pickle," Blaze smiled. "Now, let's keep going!"

"Oh! Only this time, let's go faster than we've ever gone before!" Crusher cried out.

"Yeah!" AJ agreed, jumping back on Blaze,

Crusher and Blaze's middle back folded up, and special jets came out from each of their backs. Both jets lit up blue, and Pickle gasped before he flipped in excitement.

"Yippee!" he cheered. "Blazing Speed! Blazing Speed!"

"Wanna zoom with us, Pickle?" Crusher asked.

"Yeah! Yeah!" Pickle nodded and squealed as the boosters stretched towards him, causing him to glow as blue as the jets.

"Ready?" Blaze asked.

"Ready!" the group nodded. "Leeeeet's Blaze!"

The monster machines all crouched down, the flame sticker on Blaze's doors and the lightning design on the side of Crusher's body glowing before they launched themselves into the boost. A red and gold contrail poured out from Blaze's jets while a lavender and blue contrail poured out from Crusher's as they zoomed, with Pickle's green contrail following behind them.




"Whoooooo!!! Yeah, whoo!"

They all cheered as they did tricks while they zoomed. They all laughed, twisting and turning and flipping in the air and jumping over stuff happily as they sped through. As they did, though, rocks suddenly started to vibrate from a cliff and began to drop. AJ spotted them and gasped.

"Look out, guys!" he yelled out. "Falling rocks!"

"Yee-ah!" Crusher skidded to turn and slow down, holding out a tire to help Pickle slow down as well.

"Ah, whoa!" Blaze followed after his brother, skidding his tires to slow down and avoid the rocks. "Whoo-hoo! That was clo-"

All of a sudden, they began to drop from the hill.


The monster machines honked their horns as they hopped right through a billboard. They soon landed on a street in a nearby city, crashing into some traffic cones. They each let out a groan as they struggled to stand up.

"Woah..." Pickle shook off the dizziness from his head. "Where are we?"

"Check it out, guys!" AJ gasped. "We're in Axle City!"

The trio let out gasps as they looked around the city. Various cars and trucks were going about with their lives. Blaze spotted an arena up the street.

"And look!" he said excitedly. "There's the Monster Dome, where all the big races happen!"

"Let's go check it out," Crusher suggested, to which the others nodded along with.

The group drove through the street and headed inside the Monster Dome. They gasped at the sight of the race track set up inside.

"Whoa..." Pickle's jaw dropped. "Check out the size of that racetrack!"

"I wish we could race on a track like that!" Blaze cried out. "I wanna be the fastest Monster Machine Racer more than anything in the whole world!"

"Well, if it makes you feel better, you're already faster than me," Crusher said, causing his younger brother to laugh.

"Someday you will, Blaze. I just know it," AJ assured him. "I'm sure that we all will,"

"Ha! Not me!" Pickle shook his head. "I'm good with just being a bystander,"

The brothers laughed before turning to watch the announcer, Bump Bumperman, soon came to the stand. He held a microphone on tire as he spoke.

"Helloooooo, racing fans!" he spoke, causing a round of cheers and applauds. "Check your tire pressure and buckle your seatbelts, this is gonna be... the biggest... race... ever! To win, the racers will have to jump the highest jumps, turn the twistiest turns, and loop the biggest loops! It's the Monster Machine World Championship!"

A gold trophy suddenly rose out of the podium. The crowd applauded in excitement as the fireworks went off. Blaze, Crusher and Pickle drove down a pit row, with AJ hopping off of Blaze's driver's seat.

"The Monster Machine World Championship? We've gotta stay and watch!" the 8-year old said. "This is gonna be the biggest race in the whole--- Oops!"

AJ yelped as he bumped onto a toolbox, causing it to fall and all the contents to spill.

He bent down to pick them up and saw a 9-year old girl, walking up to them. AJ gulped.

"Sorry about that," he said.

"That's okay. It was an accident," the girl smiled and helped AJ pick up the tools. "My name is Gabby,"

"Hi, Gabby," Blaze spoke. "I'm Blaze, and this is AJ, Pickle and Crusher,"

"Hi there!" Pickle greeted.

"Hello," Crusher gave a wave.

"Hey, what's that you're working on?" AJ questioned curiously.

"I'm fixing a spark plug for one of the Monster Machines in today's race," Gabby replied, causing the group to gasp.

"Whoa!" Pickle squealed. "You mean, you know the racers?!"

"Sure I do!" Gabby giggled. "I'm a mechanic. I fix all the Monster Machines,"

"Wow!" Crusher's eyebrows went up in surprise.

"That's so cool!" AJ grinned.

"Hey, would you guys like to come meet some of the racers?" Gabby offered.

"YES!" Pickle cheered.

"Oh, that would be awesome!" Blaze nodded.

Gabby let out another giggle. "Well, okay! Follow me!"

She lead them to the other pit row. The group 'oohed' in amazement as they saw three other monster trucks practicing.

"There they are!" she told them. "The fastest Monster Machines in the whole world!"

The first truck in the first pit was an orange, tiger-looking monster machine with purple stripes. He stood on the ground and held out a tire.

"Tiger claws!" he cried out, and the group gasped as spikes suddenly popped out of his tires before he hopped onto a tree in his pit. "Rawwr!"

While the newcomers still looked amazed, Gabby chuckled at them before turning to greet the tiger truck.

"Hi, Stripes,"

"Hi, Gabby!" Stripes greeted back with a wave and a smile.

"Wow! Can you believe it?" Blaze let out a cheer. "Stripes is a tiger truck!"

"I know, right?!" Crusher looked just as excited as his brother as he nodded. "That's so amazing!"

"Yeah!" AJ agreed. "And he's great at climbing!"

"He's like... an actual real tiger!" Pickle commented with an excited grin. "It's so awesome!"

"Hey, Stripes, I fixed that spark plug for ya," Gabby told the tiger truck.

"Great! Be right down!" Stripes grinned and hopped down from the tree.

Gabby moved closer and installed his spark plug back into him. "Well, that oughta do it,"

"Thanks, Gabby!" Stripes beamed. "Now time to get out there for the big race! Rawwr!" He then drove away from the group.


The group turned to see a purple monster machine drive by with a cowgirl hat with a star on it as she twirled her lasso around.

"Woah, who's that?" Blaze asked.

"This is Starla. She's a cowgirl truck," Gabby answered before turning to the cowgirl truck. "Go on, Starla. Show them what you can do with that lasso,"

"Yip, yip, yip, yip, yip, yippee!" Starla laughed as she twirled her lasso here and there, doing some cool tricks. "Alright!"

"Wow!" AJ gasped.

"You're amazing!" Pickle squealed.

"Hoo-wee!" Starla smiled. "Thanks, fellers. Now I'd better skedaddle! Haha. I gotta get to the startin' line!"

With that, she turned and drove off. The group waved her a goodbye before turning to follow Gabby to the third pit. There, they saw a sky blue truck with white and yellow stars all over his body as he did various tricks.

"Whoo!" he exclaimed as he drove all over his pit row. "Hahaha! All right!"

"Over there, that's Darington," Gabby said.

"He's a stunt truck!" Pickle squealed. "AMAZING!"

"Wow, he must really like doing tricks," Crusher commented, grinning at his brother, who couldn't seem to keep his eyes off the stunt truck.

"Darington?" Gabby chuckled. "He LOVES doing tricks!"

"Is someone looking for... DARINGTOOOOOOOON!!!!!" the stunt truck cried out, driving towards them as he hopped into the air before hitting the ground with a thud. "Agh! Ooh..."

"Woah!" Blaze held out a tire to the stunt truck. "You alright, Darington?"

"A little... whew, dizzy," Darington shook himself out of his dizziness and smiled, taking the other's tire. "but I'm fine!"

"You really FELL hard for Blaze, didn't you?" Crusher teased, causing Pickle, Gabby and AJ to snort and giggle.

"CRUSHER!" Blaze felt himself redden as he glared over at his brother.

Darington lightly blushed but laughed with the green truck and the humans before turning to leave with a wave. Blaze watched him and waved back.

"Have a good race, Darington!" he called out then he turned and glared. "I swear, guys-"

"Calm down, Blaze, it was just a joke," AJ told him, but the snicker on his face told otherwise.

"Uh-huh," Blaze didn't look convinced. "Sure, guys, sure..."

He turned and let Gabby lead him and the others to the last pit. They were confused, however, when they noticed that the pit was empty.

"This area here is for Zeg, the dinosaur truck," she told them.

"Uh... Gabby?" AJ looked over at the pit with a frown. "There's no one here,"

"Huh?" Gabby herself glanced into the pit. "Oh, you're right,"

"Let's try calling him," Pickle suggested.

"Great idea," Crusher agreed.

"Ze-eg!" They all called out, looking around.


They turned to see the huge lime green dinosaur truck burst in through the wall. The group blinked before laughing.

"Silly Zeg," Gabby giggled. "You'd better get moving. It's almost time for the race,"

"Yippee! Zeg love racing!" Zeg cheered before zooming off.

"Wow, all those racers are pretty incredible!" Blaze cried out.

"Yeah!" Pickle nodded in agreement. "And they're all so nice!"

Suddenly, Gabby felt uneasy as she grimaced. "Yeah... but there's still one racer you haven't seen yet. And... well... he's not as nice as the others,"

"Really?" Crusher raised an eyebrow. "Well, how bad could he be---"

A horn suddenly echoed through, and the group turned to see a huge, white monster machine with fiery red hair that had a streak of yellow pushed his way to the front of a crowd, head up with a huff.

"Out of my way!" he spoke Me first! Me first!"

"His name is Speedrick, and he thinks he's the best racer ever," Gabby sighed, crossing her arms as they watched Speedrick knock over a a constructuion marker. "That guy will do anything to win,"

"Well, that's just not nice," Crusher frowned.

"And by the looks of it, HE is not nice," Blaze pointed out.

"Well, shrugging Speedrick off, I can't wait to see who's gonna win!" Pickle said, clapping his tires together. "I mean, it could be Stripes, or-or maybe Zeg, or Starla - she looks pretty fast!"

"Or maybe Darington," AJ laughed at the green truck's enthusiasm. "I bet Blaze would LOVE to watch that happen,"

"Guys, I THOUGHT IT WAS A JOKE!" Blaze hissed, his face turning a darker shade of red, which made them laugh.

Crusher laughed the loudest and apparently reached the ears of Speedrick. He turned to the group, eyeing them one by one before his eyes rested on Crusher, his eyebrows raising with interest.

"Well, well, I didn't know I had THAT kind of audience around here," he smirked. "I better make sure that I'm REALLY gonna win then..."

He sped over to his pit, which was full of pictures of himself and of mirrors and trophies, and went over to his box of junks. He soon emerged with a machine or red, gold and silver. He smirked.

"Ah, yes," he chuckled and set it on the floor. "A Trouble Bubble Wand!"

He turned to the monster machines at the starting line and blew into the wand, creating giant bubbles that floated towards the other racers and engulfed each and every one of them.

"Hey!" Darington yelped.

"What in tarnation?!?" Starla gasped.

"Rawwwwr!" Stripes cried out.

"Zeg floating!" Zeg exclaimed.

Speedrick snickered in satisfaction as he watched float away. "My Trouble Bubbles are gonna carry you all away, far away! And then I'll get to race all by myself! MWUHAHAHAHA!"

"Whoaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!" the four racers screamed as they floated away.

The group turned and gasped in shock, watching the four float out of the Monster Dome.

"Oh no!" AJ yelled. "The racers are flying away in those bubbles!"

Gabby looked around and let out a gasp as she watched more bubbles appear from the white monster truck's machine. "It's Speedrick! HE made the bubbles!"

"That's just not right!" Pickle growled.

"Come on, AJ! We have to do something!" Blaze said, allowing the boy to hop onto his driver's seat before he zoomed over.

Meanwhile, Speedrick is still letting out a devious laughter when he heard someone driving towards him. He turned, uninterested and unfazed as Blaze came at him.

"Another possible racer, huh?" he scoffed and grinned evilly, moving his machine. "Well, then I'll just get rid of him, too!"

He blows one last bubble towards the red truck. Crusher noticed him do this and gasped, driving over to try to warn his brothers.

"Blaze, AJ, WAIT---!"

But it was too late, and Blaze and AJ yelped as they were trapped into the bubble.

"Lugnuts!" Blaze looked around, trying to find a way to get out. "Now we're trapped in a bubble! Hang on, AJ!"

"WHOA!!!" the duo yelled as they floated away.

"Oh no!" Gabby and Pickle cried out, watching in horror as they floated out of a hole in the roof.

Crusher looked shocked before his expression switched to rage. He drove towards the larger monster machine with a scowl.


"Hmm?" Speedrick turned to him before smirking. "Well, hello, lightning boy~ Here to watch me win?~"

"NO!" Crusher snarled. "How DARE you do that?! To the other racers?! To MY LITTLE BROTHERS?!"

"Your little brothers?" Speedrick raised an eyebrow. "You mean that red truck and the kid? Eh, they were gonna stop me, so I had to send them away,"

"Argh! You are just... ARGH!" Crusher turned away from him. "Never mind. Getting mad at you is a waste of my time!"

"Well, not really~" Speedrick wrapped a tire around him and pulled him close. "Being near me won't be a waste of your time, you know?~"

"Get AWAY from one of my best friends!" Pickle punched the larger truck. "ESPECIALLY after you just whisked away my other best friends!"

"You and Gabby better keep an eye on this jerk," Crusher suggested, his lightning design glowing as his inventing bag released parts of metal until a dark blue helicopter with icy blue and silver designs was made. "I'll go get Blaze, AJ and the rest of the racers,"

"We'll make sure he doesn't do anything else," Gabby gave a nod.

"You can count on us!" Pickle grinned.

Crusher smiled then he turned to jump into his helicopter. He closed the door and took a deep breath as he made his way to the front.

"I'll get you, little brothers. I promise,"

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