Covens At War

By mrsnicky_

40.9K 934 1.2K

Him and everything he was made my blood boil. His family didnt like mine, mine didnt like his. Our covens wer... More

Hate + Love
Rock wall
Some how


383 9 19
By mrsnicky_

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We did it.

We killed the Everlasting.

Let me give you a little run down of what happened.

Because of the huntress cruse bonded to Raya, she was also bonded to the Everlasting inside the Armory. We needed to kill it in order to get her back, and we did. Damon did, while I was fighting with Raya as she tried to take out my heart in Mystic Falls, Damon was at the Armory and he killed the Everlasting, saving Raya. Unfortunately he was safe, Bonnie locked up some beast inside there and he got out perfectly fine, according to Stefans account.

But what was happening right now was so much more different.

- - - - - - - - - -

After I had apologized to Kai a countless amount of times, he told me to go see Ben. He had been unconscious like I had since the beginning, so I immediately went to the house, Kai not too far behind me.

But then I was stopped before I could get to the house. Someone had caught me, like actually caught me while I was running.

- - - - - - - - -

I heard her scream off into the distance, the direction was unknown. The about six men ran up to me, they were apart of the dozens of people I turned.

"Where is she? She is fixed." I snapped at them. "Dont hurt her."

"Dont worry Boss, we want to help. Heard her scream coming from the opposite direction, let's go."

- - - - - - - - - -

They tricked him out like he was on drugs. I could hear them taking him in the other direction and I could immediately tell that the men who were taking me down were Kais men.

I screamed his name and heard him stop, my calling echoed off the trees around us and he couldn't tell where it came from. He rushed forward more and just as he was out if my hear reach I heard the guys following him snicker.

"Where are you taking me." I asked as they all shoved me around.

"Somewhere they wont be able to hear you scream." One of the men holding me said, smiling down on me.


"Why are you doing this to me, I never meant to hurt him." I cried out in sorrow as they drenched me in vervain and placed me in front of the sun without my daylight ring. They picked and poked me, shoved things in my eyes. They strapped me down onto a table and cut me open, digging around in my intestines making me scream bloody murder.

"You never mean to do anything, do you Rae?" One spat at me.

"Priors always messing up the fun for the Parkers. Now we'll be the ones to have fun for the Parkers against a Prior!"

"Your not putting up as much of a fight as I thought you would, he speaks too much of you. You are weak, and give up fast."

"You are worthless."

"A burden."

"A disgrace."

"A monster."

I cringed as they stabbed me again, the words the spoke pained me but it didn't get to me like it should've. I screamed in a high pitch.

"Malachai!" I yelled out for him.

Then I was out.


I woke up on a bench in the middle of a park. I looked around myself very confused.

"Love bug!" An angelic voice said behind me. I turned around to see Kai, he kept the same mature look I knew now. His shoulders upright and a beat in his step as he came over to me.

"Where are we?" I asked him as he sat down next to me. A picnic basket suddenly appeared in his lap as he scooted next to me.

"Your subconscious." He smiled looking at the basket and opening it to find his favourite chips. He opened the bag with pure bliss and I giggled at him, he pointed the open bag in my direction. "Pork rind?" He asked smiling, I sighed happily and grabbed a few, tossing them in my mouth.

"So what do you mean... my subconscious?"

"This is a dream, Bridie." He said. "A part of us from the feature, in your mind, as your being worked on by those . . . By my . . ." He got aggravated thinking about it.

"Hey, if this is from the feature then I'm ok and I'm here." I rested my hand on his shoulder. Then I blinked off for a moment.

A few minutes later I was back in it, like my brain was taking a momentary pause. Our bodies were in different places, he was originally on my right now he was on my left, my head on his shoulder as his was on mine. Our fingers were laced together as we sat there peacefully. "I'm counting on you, Kai. I'm trusting your the one to get me out of this." I mumbled, breaking the silence.

"You'll get what you want, it will just almost be too late." He murmured, I looked up at him as he stared away from me.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I asked confused.

He didnt care to respond.

"Kai, what do you mean?" I asked again.

Then he looked down at me. "Just hold on, ok? Dont let go. Wait for me."


I woke up tied to a chair, front row seating to the sun coming up. I still didnt have my ring on.

Two nights ago they took me, I'd been suffering for a whole 24 hours along with some additional hours in change.

The sun touched my toes and instantly burned me, making me sizzle.

"Please!" I begged for their mercy loudly. I begged for anyone. Anyone to listen.

The sun got higher on my legs and I bursted into flames. I didnt make any noise this time. I bit my tounge hard to not scream. They quickly pulled me out of the sunlight and sprayed me down with the fore fire extinguisher.

"Why are you doing this to me." I whimpered as I unclenched my fists around the chairs of the arms. "I didnt do anything to hurt him."

"Hurt his girlfriend."

"Then fake killed that same girlfriend."

"Strung him along for 6 months until your boy toy came back."

"Almost got him killed- not only because of the huntress but because of the werewolf toxins he was injected with."

"Then you choose your boy toy over him, hurting him more."

"He knew that if Damon came back I'd choose him!" I yelled at all if them harassing me about the things I'd done to him. I knew it didn't stop there too. The list started much earlier than when I hurt Bonnje to hurt him. And the list still hasnt ended, it probably never would.

"He loves you so much," One of them spoke softly, taking his cold hand up and touching my cheek with the back of his finger. "And you cant even give him an ounce of that love back." He spat, then used the same hand to clench onto my throat. I gasped for air and sat up straight as he used a fair amount of pressure to keep me upward.

"Correction, she cant show any of that love back." Another one corrected. I exhaled heavily as he released my neck.

"Just put me out of my misery." I groaned as my head feel forward.

"And let you off the hook this easily?" Another man put his finger under my chin and made me look up at him. "You don't really think we are that nice, do you?" He asked softly, I glowered at him and he snickered.

I didnt teach you to give up so easily.

I didnt care what his sweet voice in my head said. If he was coming to save me, he'd better do it fast. Either they'd killed me and I wont put any effort to reunite with my body, or they'll kill me in a way I wont be able to reunite with myself even if I wanted to.

"You dont deserve him. You don't deserve Damon. You dont deserve Ben. Nor do you deserve happiness, peace, or love." A different man growled.

"You dont deserve to live." Another said, I nodded along with them.

Then an aching pain strung into my chest as fingers wrapped around the only thing they hadn't touch until now, my heart.

My eyes shot open as I looked at the man who sunk his hand into me chest. I nodded at him encouragingly.

"Do it." I whispered in an understanding tone. A man behind him screamed at him not to do it. I didnt care who it was. They were to late. I slipped out of one of the vervain ropes and flew my hand onto his wrist, trying to pull his hand out with my heart in tact.

"Do it!" I said more eager as he didnt release my heart. Chaos circled us as bodies dropped to the floor. "Please." I begged.

I felt my heart detach from the pathways throughout the inside of my body, but the connection of life still streaked through me. Just as my heart was about to leave my body, he was stopped. The man let my heart go and it healed itself back together inside of my body.

I could tell I was slipping in and out of it. My weak eyes looked up to see a very panicked and infuriated Kai before me, he held my face and I grimaced at him.

"I trusted you." I muttered disgusted, I then passed out.


A few hours later I woke up in the Salvatores house. Kai was at the foot of Damon's bed as he played with his fingers in his lap. I sat up and immediately got out of bed to get away from him.

He caught my wrist as I tried to hurry away from him weakly. "I trusted you!" I yelled at him.

"I want to apologize for their actions Raya-"

"The fact I allowed you to sleep in my home! In one of my rooms and even comforted you when you needed me! All the things I've done for you, and all the things you've done to hurt me? And yet your peasants sentence me to death?! Why the hell should I stand here and listen to you try to apologize?" I yelled at him, trying to understand what was going through his head.

"Because I didnt send out the orders! They know that we've been arguing a lot and when they saw a sign of weakness from me they took the chance and took you! Raya, I am so sorry. When I found out what they were doing to you I couldn't come to your aid any faster than what I did. I assure you the rest of them will be punished."

"You think that's enough?! They had all distracted Caroline, Stefan and Damon so they couldn't get to me."

"Well they are coming back home now." He said defeated, I scowled at him. "Raya I'm-"

"Stop. Nothing you can say right now will change feeling about you! So just... go!"




"Well? Spit it out I havent got all day!"

"I love you! Ok? That's why I'm doing all these things. Because I love you." I knew this, I've known this. But this time he said it differently, this time it made me feel something other than the first time he told mem

"So you go out of your way to be a burden towards me because you love me? How does that make any sense!" I didn't want to understand, but I did. I understood all too well.

"Because I want you to repulse me! I want you to hate me and somewhere in there, trying to make you hate me I sort of... fell in love with you."

I squeezed my eyes shut and clenched my fists with a heavy sigh. I opened my eyes and stepped forward towards him, wrapping my arms around his neck and stepping on his feet with my toes to reach him easier as I pressed my lips on his.

At first he was hesitant, he didnt know what to do. Then he snapped out of it and out his hands on my waist and started to kiss me back. I strung my fingers through his hair as he very lightly pushed my waist so I would step off his feet.

The second I did he kissed more down into so I wasn't reaching up for him, he kept me relax. I let my arms go loose but kept my hands on each side of his neck as he gripped onto my waist harder. He then slipped his hands under my shirt and held the same spot with the same amount of strength.

I pulled away to breath and he didnt force himself onto me as I calmed myself down. I looked at him and smiled, refusing to let the wave of guilt wash over me now. He pressed his lips against mine, I couldn't contain myself. I wanted more.

I was so wrapped up in him I couldn't hear the others get here until it was to late for me to rip myself away from Kai again.

Damon bolted through the door which is when I parted my lips from Kais.

He looked at ne with pure discomfort and disgust.

I looked up at Damon who had sadness and sorrow in his eyes the realization really set in. "Rae... how could you?" He asked, his voice creaked towards the end with sadness.

"I'm sorry." I said in a whisper, tears flooded my eyes as he shook his head at me. He turned away from me and I ran forward to grab his hand. "Where are you going?" I asked saddened.

"Need to blow off steam." He said ripping his hand out of mine. Then he left.

I didn't know what I wanted, my heart was torn between two amazing men. Damon at the times I needed someone most, and he was there for me through everything. But while I was with Damon... Kai snuck up on me, and I hated myself for letting him crawl back into this part of my life.

But at the same time, I also was thankful he did everything he could to stay with me.

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