Steve Rogers x Reader Short S...

By justkending

3.1K 113 13

These are just some one-shots and drabbles I have over on my tumblr that I'm moving over here as well. Each c... More

Christmas Memories
It's a Small World after all.
Well, that was unexpected.
Some Snow Would be Nice
Show me what's behind your back.
Piggybacks and Hulu Marathons
On my nerves...

Stop avoiding the conversation

795 25 7
By justkending


"I'm trying to have a serious conversation with you!"

"And I'm trying to avoid it!"

She had been avoiding him for the past two days successfully. Anytime she heard him come in a space, she was able to duck out of it in two seconds. If she heard his voice just in the room over, best believe she was five rooms away from that one in the next instant.

Lucky for her, she had become pretty familiar to his schedule as they happened to share a similar routine. You know, besides the whole waking up at 5 in the morning for what feels like a never ending run. Yeah, she'll kindly pass on that one.

However, the fates were not on her side today. That or Steve Rogers had finally figured out her strategies and caught on to her intentional avoidance.

"Y/N!" he shouted from down the hall.

She didn't even have to turn around to know he was doing that signature speed walk, hands balled in fist next to his side, and perfect pectoral muscles bouncing with each step.

Nat next to her did turn back however and quirked an eyebrow at the intense sense of dedication to catch up to them on his face. Looking back at Y/N she saw her head lower and her feet speed up.

"You guys still haven't talked about it?" Nat chuckled, catching on quick.

"No, and I don't want to," Y/N responded quickly, taking a turn which Nat followed.

"Oh, you want to. You're just scared about what he has to say about it," Nat nudged her.

Y/N only glanced back to see if he was still following, and surprisingly, she didn't see him take the turn with them.

"Well, if I must say," Nat started.

"Good thing you must say nothing," Y/N snarked back.

"Clearly, the conversation is going to go somewhat the direction you want if he's hunting you down this hard. If it wasn't, I'm sure he would be playing the hide and go seek game like you are right now, minus the seek part," she continued anyway.

"Butt out Nat," Y/N waved off, checking her surroundings intently to make sure they had really lost him. But just as she turned the next corner while looking behind her, she ran into a firm chest.

Stumbling back at the unexpected hit, hands came up to steady her. With just that touch alone, she knew who she ran into.

"Shit," she mumbled, looking up into the sapphire blues in front of her.

He just raised an eyebrow at her. The entire look reading, "Really? You're going to keep running from me and not expect me to catch you at some point?"

"Yeah, I'll leave you two alone. I have a mainframe to hack somewhere or something," Nat joked, using phony movie terms and pointing behind her while walking backwards.

"Nat!" Y/N shouted from where she still had Steve's hands on her forearms holding her in place.

Nat didn't respond other than with a wink and a quick turn of her back as she sped away.

"Some friend," she groaned. When the tension around her arms didn't let up at all, she looked back at the serious blonde. "Nope, not doing this. Not today," she shook her head, quickly squirming out of his arms no matter how hard he tried to keep her there. She was a trained spy after all. Getting out of simple hold like that was like listing her ABC's

"Y/N!" he shouted, running back to her as she speed walked the opposite direction. When she didn't turn and instead walked even faster, he started lightly jogging to keep up with her. "I'm trying to have a serious conversation with you!"

"And I'm trying to avoid it!" she shouted back.

You see... The two had been on a mission earlier this past week. It consisted of Steve and Y/N having to act like a married couple in hopes of finding some top secret information and yada yada yada, you get the jist.

Well in saying they were a fake couple, that meant real looking couple things had to happen.

"You sure you think it's these people?" Y/N asked, leaning into Steve's side of at the event they had gone to together. It was a charity event for a foster care system, but it was believed to be a front for a highly dangerous weapons production. They believed all the donations weren't going to the place they said they were, but instead a facility where world-ending kinds of weapons would be created.

It wasn't anything super formal. More so just Sunday's best, and maybe play the raffle for fun on the side of donating thousands to a possible HYDRA superior. You know, a casual Saturday kind of event.

"I mean everything seems normal, but I don't know. A feeling in my gut is saying something isn't right," Steve shook his head, casually wrapping his arm around her waist to hold her closer as he looked around.

"You think there's a chance we come to these kinds of things and they really are what they say they are?" she asked. "Maybe for once there isn't some underlying, top secret, evil plan happening in the background?" The look that Steve sent her alone showed that was probably not the case. "Yeah, yeah. Ok, I get it. A lady can dream though."

Steve chuckled at her jesting before surveying the place for a 100th time.

"Hey, 3 o'clock. Our sweet friends who won't stop being handsy with each other are headed our way," Y/N noted through a smile as she made eye contact with the wife of the couple.

"If it isn't our favorite newly wed couple!" Sherri Woodgrove shouted. The annoying neighbor they had been introduced to yesterday on the first day of the mission.

"That would be us," Y/N said in a fake cheery tone. Steve knew she would rather be gagged with a cloth drenched in chloroform than talk to these individuals, but she had proved she was good at putting on a show.

They had been stationed in a makeshift home for hopefully only a week if this mission went right, and their first day was yesterday. They were playing the role of newly wed couple, Lindsey and Blake Evans.

Again, if the mission was at all successful they shouldn't even be there the whole week. The main goal was to get into this charity event and scope it out for possible rats. Putting on a show as husband and wife was the best call to blend in, but the Woodgroves were making it hard as the head of the neighborhood watch leaders.

They were a little too loud and good at making everyone within a 15 foot radius turn their heads. Y/N and Steve were trying their best to blend in, but the obnoxious conversation and boisterous laughs from the two made anyone they were talking to also the center of attention.

"We are so glad you two could come to this little event. They brought it up to the neighborhood association about 3 months ago, and now as chairman of events," Sherri said with a whip of her perfectly blonde hair, "I couldn't say no to helping the children."

Sherri and her husband were in their 50's and no amount of plastic surgery, primped manicures, and obviously overdyed roots could help them cover that.

"Of course," Y/N nodded with a convincing sympathetic look. "It's all about the children, you know. The future generation is so important in what's to come of this world."

"Ugh, I knew you would get it, Lindsey. I can just tell you're going to be such an amazing mother one day," she winked. Her husband's hand falling down past her waist and pinching her butt getting a squeal out of her.

Y/N's hand that had made its way around Steve's waist to be closer together, tightened showing she was uncomfortable and was on the brink of slapping Mrs. Woodgrove.

"Well, she is a 1st grade teacher. I would hope she's good with the kiddos, or else maybe we should rethink her career choice," Steve teased, lightening the mood and trying to pull the conversation's attention to him.

"Oh, that's right!" Sherri cheered.

"You must be excited to have some of your own little rascals running around, hmm Lindsey? Woman's instinct and all," Dan Woodgrove started with a smirk. "Blake, you must be excited about the process," he winked as if the girls weren't right next to them. Though all that did was make Sherri laugh as he pinched her side again and kissed her neck a little too seductively for being in public.

Y/N once again tensed at the note, but Steve could tell it was a, "I'm about to rip his vocal chords out," kind of tense.

"Oh, and you two are going to make such cute little babies with those perfect genes you both have," the blonde fluttered her hands at them.

"Only if they get 100% of him," Y/N played on, patting his chest making the couple laugh.

Steve casually leaned down placing a simple kiss to her forehead and it made a flood of tingles vibrate through her body. She knew he was putting on a show, but the most they had done was just hold each other close and be kinda touchy but in a sweet way. No kisses were had yet though. And that was just a forehead kiss...

"I don't know darling," Dan said with a little too much of a wandering eye. "I think the world would be a much beautiful place with little you's running around..."

First off, his wife was right there as he practically undressed Y/N. Second, he was instigating sexualizing a child that was being made up and it was disgusting.

Y/N no longer could handle holding back, and Steve knew the next thing out of her mouth would be a snarky comment that would get them into trouble with the big breath she was taking in, so he stepped up.

"I hate to be that person, but I just remembered we told one of our other neighbors we would meet up with them before the auctioning to talk about some housework," Steve lied quickly. It made sense, but it was a weird diversion.

"Oh, who?" Sherri asked.

Steve looked to Y/N. As if trying to remember a neighbors name they had on the file they needed to study before this, but he was coming up with a blank.

"Monica and Reed," Y/N was quick to cover. "Yes, we were having an electrical problem in our guest room with one of the outlets and they said they knew someone. They were going to give us their information."

The Woodgroves had a skeptical look, but eventually bought it.

"Ok, well, we'll get out of your hair. We need to make our rounds anyway," Sherri smiled with her over whitened teeth. "You guys have a good one, and hopefully we'll hear your name during the bidding," she winked.

"Oh, you will!" Y/N said a hint over excited as she watched them leave. Five steps away, she deflated into Steve. "Dear God, I was mere milliseconds from pulling a knife on the misogynistic bastard."

"I could tell. My hip is going to have bruises and finger nail gashes from your grip," he laughed.

"Sorry, but, ugh! That man-"

"No, I know. He deserves a nice pop to the nose... And gut, but not here," he nodded, once again instinctively running his hand up and down her side in comfort.

Did he know the damn electricity he was sending through her with these soft touches? If he kept it up, she would be able to power an entire Stark building with the sparks he was giving her.

"Ok, maybe we should make small talk with some people before the auction starts. Get a feel for the people."

"Uh, yeah," Y/N cleared her throat, trying not to think about the physical feelings of his fingers on the thin material of her sundress she had on. "Small talk."

"You ok?" Steve asked, noticing her tone. He pulled away enough to see her face, but those damn hands didn't move from her hip.

"Just peachy," she smiled, before walking away. "I'm going to grab some punch and I'll make the rounds with you!"

Steve raised an eyebrow at the sudden urgency to get away from him, but brushed it off as he focused back on the mission.

They did as they said they would and made their way through the crowd. Making themselves known, but being as discreet as they could to not really draw attention to themselves. A majority of the people seemed like completely innocent civilians and it was hard to weed out the bad. Either they were really good at acting and had all their notes in order, or they were really just normal people.

"I'm coming up with nothing," Y/N said, rounding a narrow corner by the bathroom where her and Steve decided to rendezvous.

"Same. All the guys talk about are home projects or some sports game once the conversation goes down. It's the epitome of suburbia down here," Steve said looking around the corner to the crowd from their little private corner.

"Yeah and all the women keep talking about their children's sleep schedule or the amount of coffee and wine they down in a day. That and of course complain about how their husband does nothing but lay around watching sports... It's like we're in a sitcom from an atypical family comedy," she huffed, rolling her eyes.

"Yeah... Maybe this is the one in a million case where something isn't going on," Steve shrugged leaning on the wall next to her. "Hey, you have that scanner right?"

"Which one?"

"How many do you have?"

"You'd be surprised what all I can hide under this dress and in this purse," she said with a smirk.

Steve took in a subtle gulp before looking away in a bashful way.

"Come on you prude. Get over yourself. Which scanner?" Y/N lightly shoved him.

"Radioactivity or high frequency? Whatever the one is that scopes of dangerous weapons," he answered.

"You think the weapons are here?" she asked.

"I don't know. Doesn't hurt to see," he shrugged looking around the corner to see if anyone was coming their way.

"Um, yeah. One second." She began digging in her purse and a little watch like device was pulled out. She clicked a few buttons and it began quietly beeping showing it was scoping out the area. "Nothing yet..."

"Do we need to move around for it to catch onto things?" he asked.

She secured the device to her wrist like the watch it looked like.

"Wouldn't hurt. It'll buzz me if we're close," she shrugged as she adjusted it.

Her phone began to ring and looking down at it, she saw it was Nat. Nat wouldn't call on an undercover mission unless it was important.

"They're calling us?" Steve questioned.

Y/N nodded before putting the phone to her ear and motioning for Steve to keep a lookout.

"Hey, so I was going to contact you another way, but we got some news that's a little too urgent to wait on," Nat started.

"Go on..."

She went on to explain they found a few interesting people who didn't fit in with a good chunk of the community. Having just moved in 4 months back, joined the associations rather fast and made their way up the ladder suspiciously fast as well. Something didn't add up.

"Sound familiar?" Nat asked.

Y/N thought back and the first person that came to her mind made her gasp, but before she could say anything, Steve's lips were on hers.

She was stunned at the motion and completely thrown off at the urgentness and spontaneity of it. It took her a second to reciprocate it thanks to shock, but when Steve's hands went under her butt to her thigh to hoist her leg up and the other wrapping around her neck to deepen the kiss, she couldn't help but melt into it. Then you add in him practically molding his body into hers against the wall, she couldn't help the moan that escaped her lips.

She would have smacked him for the small smile that formed at the sound, but she realized why the kiss was initiated as Mr. Woodgrove came around the corner.

"Well, well, well... And here I was thinking you two just didn't do PDA," he hummed, a little too unbothered at seeing the two making out in secret. "I was beginning to wonder if you were even newlyweds."

Steve and Y/N pulled away once the perverted older man made himself known. She was trying to catch her breath from the passion that was behind it, and Steve was using his body to shield her from the man as if she was exposed.

"I'm so sorry. We thought we were in the clear," Steve said letting out a nervous chuckle.

"By all means, please carry on," he winked, turning back around. "Might as well start sooner rather than later on those kids we were talking about earlier," he chuckled before walking away.

Once he was far enough, Steve let out a breath and hung his head. The position they were in hadn't let up even after being caught. Steve's hand was on her leg that was propped on his hip. Her hand was wrapped around his neck and his other hand had moved from from her neck to her hip.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-" he quickly pulled back realizing the intimacy.

"Steve," she cut him off.

"Listen, I know that was probably a step over a boundary," he kept going, trying to explain his actions even though he didn't need to. They were on a mission as a couple. It was bound to happen.

"Steve!" she said looking at him wide eyed. He froze, sending her a blank stare. "My watch beeped." He turned his head changing from embarrassed to concerned. "Right when Mr. Woodgrove came close."

"You think-" he started.

"Add what Nat just called about... I think we found our people," she nodded.

"You got Sherri?" he asked switching to Captain mode.

"As long as you have pervy Dan," she nodded, straightening and checking the gun on her thigh holster.

"Let's go."

So that was the mission. That was the reason Y/N had been fleeing America's Ass. Because once the case was done and all professionalism could be escaped, the thick air around the two was suffocating.

"Well, stop trying to avoid it! We need to have an adult conversation," Steve said sternly.

"Well, I don't know if you've met me, but I don't do adult conversations," she retorted right before he grabbed her arm and turned her.

"Y/N, please," the stern act was gone and now he was practically pleading.

"What do you want to talk about Steve?" she huffed, pulling her arm back and crossing them over her chest. She wasn't running now but she was going to show how much she hated this discussion through her stance.

"You know."

"Yes, but you're going to have to put it into words if you want me to talk about it," she said, tilting her head with a sassy hip jut.

"Fine! The kiss! I want to talk about the kiss," he shouted a little louder than he meant. He cringed at his own voice before looking back at Y/N.

"What about it?"

"Don't pull that."

"Pull what? We were on a mission. Playing a roll. Acting happens in order to cover things up," she shrugged nonchalantly, but deep down she didn't see what had happened as a 'nonchalant' act.

He sent her a bitch face. "Don't do this Y/N. Don't do the whole push people away to keep yourself safe. It's going to kill you in the end."

"Really? I always thought a bullet or some bad guy was going to kill me," she said sarcastically before turning and walking away.

She was nowhere close to expecting his next move. Chasing after her? Yeah, probably with his persistence. But coming up behind and grabbing her from her waist, pinning her arms to her side, and hoisting her off the ground to a broom closet on the side, was not a move she had considered.

"Put me down, Rogers!" she shouted, kicking and moving violently to get out of the hold. Not like she couldn't if she wanted to, but she didn't want to actually injure him.

Once they were in the closet, he let go of her and turned out the light before blocking the door with his body. No escaping.

"Just say it," he said, hands on his hips.

"Say what?!" she shouted, mocking his stance. When he didn't sass back she let out a long and exaggerated sigh. "What? That I liked the kiss? That I've been picturing and thinking about it since the second it happened?! Cause yeah! It's hard to think of really anything else when you held and kissed me the way you did. Sorry, but it didn't feel like acting to me and that makes it all the more mind fogging right now!"

No words came out of Steve's mouth. All he did was stare hard at Y/N and her confession. There it was. What he had been trying to hunt her down to get out of her.

"Happy now? Congratulations Cap, you got it out of me. You trapped me and-" before she could continue her sassy banter, his lips were once again connected to hers just like last time.

But this time, the passion wasn't awkward, it wasn't hesitant. It was intentional and 100% heated. Like he had built up all this tension and needed to exert it into this very specific action. With this very specific person...

Y/N didn't hesitate this time around to wrap herself into it. Just as messy and heated as he was, she matched the need for the physical touch. He picked her up from under her thighs and she wrapped her legs around that tiny waist of his. Instantly her back was met with the cold wall as they used it as support for their positioning. Her hands explored the back of his head as she tugged and ran her fingers through his hair.

The moan from the first time around came out again, but this time stronger as his lips came down from her lips to her neck. Kissing gently but needily on her collarbone.

He pulled away at the sound and the only noise in the tight closet was their breaths mixing as they tried to catch them.

"That right there," he said, taking a deep breath and moving a piece of hair that fell in front of her face gently behind her ear. "That's what almost got me in trouble."

With a smirk on her lips she looked down at him. "How's that?"

"The sounds alone make it hard to pull away. Had Mr. Woodgrove not turned the corner and made an appearance, I would have kept going," he said, looking straight into her eyes. The blue sitting on the rim of them as black from the center took over the rest.

"Well, it's a good thing he's in jail now," she shrugged looking, at the door behind him. "I don't think he's coming around this corner anytime soon," she looked back at him with a devious grin.

"Good. Because I'm not stopping anytime soon," he said in a deep voice before connecting their lips once again.

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