Bonded To You (Drarry)

By Amora0819

88.8K 2.6K 319

A forgotten encounter between Draco and Harry has unforseen consequences which only make themselves known dur... More

The Potion
Failed Bonding
Malfoy's Requests
Mind Link
The Talk
4 Weeks
5 Weeks
7 Weeks
10 Weeks
11 Weeks
13 Weeks
15 Weeks
17 Weeks
20 Weeks
21 Weeks
25 Weeks
27 Weeks
27 Weeks - Part 2
30 Weeks
32 Weeks
34 Weeks

36 Weeks

4.3K 139 11
By Amora0819

Harry held Draco's hand as they walked through the brunette's workplace, squeezing it tightly everytime the blonde's stress monitor vibrated due to the whispers of Harry's co-workers and their lingering glances at Draco's round stomach.The brunette wished there was something he could do that would calm the blonde's nerves. He figured the best way to help Draco was to get this over with as soon as possible.

Ignore them.

You won't have to see them again anytime soon.

Just think...after this, you'll be free.

You can work anywhere you want.

You can teach the kids how to cast spells and make potions.

You can spoil them like you wanted to.

No one will speak about you again.

Harry sighed in relief when Draco's stress levels returned to normal, and continued to send calming thoughts through their mind link until they arrived in front of the Head Auror's office. Harry almost wanted to knock on the door, himself, then carry out the conversation for Draco. The blonde had been so nervous about this, he had stayed up all night. The brunette didn't want anyone or anything bothering his Draco again, but he knew he simply couldn't do this for the blonde. All he could do was stand there and smile at his lover as Draco raised a hand and knocked softly on the door.

"I'm here to ask for a Pardon," the blonde blurted out as soon as Robards opened the door, cutting to the chase.

"Er...Yes, I can see that," the Head Auror said with an uncomfortable expression on his face as his gaze flickered between Draco's stomach and his and Harry's intertwined hands, "Come in."

Harry smiled widely at Draco as the blonde squeezed his hand and they went into the office together. They both sat across from Robards then the blonde pushed his file towards him.

"All the details are in there. Harry told me you could fast-track things? I would like to be done with the process before the birth, which is in 2 weeks, as predicted by my healer," Draco said confidently. Harry had to fight the urge to kiss him right in front of Robards. He was being so strong for their family, for their future, despite being terrified on the inside, and Harry couldn't help but love him even more for that.

"Yes, I could, but...Auror Potter, you do understand that, if granted, a Pardon must become public immediately in order to be implemented properly, right? Everyone will know why it was granted as well," Robards said, his expression asking the silent question 'are you sure?'

"I understand that perfectly well and would like to go through with the process," Harry said firmly. The Head Auror nodded slightly, scratching the back of his head.

"Alright, then. I'll have an Auror ask you questions separately about your bond, then we'll go from there."

The blonde was Pardoned within 24 hours, and Harry wasted no time in planning the perfect first date for the two of them. The blonde was a bit nervous about it, but reluctantly agreed after some pleading from Harry. As the brunette had promised, nobody spared them a second glance or spoke about the blonde in any way. The Pardon had worked perfectly. Draco was, once again, an accepted member of the wizarding world. The brunette gave him a gift at the end of the night: Draco's wand. It had been at the back of his closet for three years, waiting to be returned to its owner. The blonde smiled widely at Harry, thanking him for it.

"I have a surprise for you, too," he murmured, setting the wand on his nightstand and taking Harry's hand. "I spoke to Headmistress Mcgonagall. I know it was a lot of trouble for you to arrange this position for me, but...I really want to be here, you know? I want to be with our kids at least until they go to Hogwarts."

"Right, of course. Don't feel pressured to-" Harry quickly said, slapping himself internally for not realizing this on his own.

"Let me finish," the blonde said firmly, interrupting Harry, "I spoke to her about it and she offered me a remote position after the birth. She said I could make the potions from home and take them to Hogwarts every week. What do you think?"

Harry smiled at him and leaned in for a quick kiss that somehow turned deep and passionate. The brunette rested his forehead against the blonde's when he pulled away, revealing all his excitement, love, and gratitude through the bond.

"I think it's perfect."

- 2 Weeks Later -

"Be careful, Harry!" the blonde shrieked upon seeing the way the brunette held James with only one arm. "Don't drop him."

"What's the point of this strap thing if you're going to worry about me dropping him all the time?" the brunette asked, gesturing at the baby wrap he had worn at Draco's insistence.

"That doesn't mean you should handle your child like you would an inanimate object!" the blonde said, placing the other twin, Harry, in his crib, and instantly disentangling James from Harry's body and taking him in his arms. The brunette huffed in annoyance.

"Need I remind you that I was the one taking care of them for the past two days we've been in St. Mungo's?" he defended. Draco giggled.

"Yes, Hermione told me all about how you would ask the nurses about every single thing before you did it and wouldn't even hold them until the second day because you were too afraid."

Harry groaned internally.

Remind me to kill Hermione, later.

"Will do," the blonde murmured while changing James's diaper. Harry immediately took his hand when he was done.

Let's go upstairs.

I want to show you something.

Draco rolled his eyes at that.

"I know it's been nine months since we've been intimate, but I've just had two babies-" the blonde started, but Harry cut him off.

"Not that! Just, come on, and close your eyes."

The blonde looked skeptical, but he did as Harry asked.

You better not run me into a wall.

"I won't," the brunette said, rolling his eyes but still bursting with excitement. He wasn't sure whether Draco would think his surprise was cheesy or romantic, but he hoped his nervousness wouldn't show.

You can open them now.

The blonde was immediately met with the most elegant, well-stocked potions lab he had ever seen. He stood there for a second, gaping at the room, before he turned back to thank Harry, only to find the brunette on his knee, holding an open box with a ring inside.

"Will you marry me?" he asked, a wide smile plastered across his face. When Draco didn't answer for a few seconds Harry continued "I mean, I know we're already married, technically, but I want an official ceremony. It would still be nice, right? And-and I thought it would be romantic to ask you here, in an apothecary, because that's where we first met. I mean, it's not where we first met, but it's where we conceived the twins and that's what lead to us falling in love and-"

The blonde silenced Harry with a passionate kiss, one that made time stop as they moaned, exploring each other's mouths sensually for the first time in months. A minute later, the blonde pulled away, panting for breath, and leaned his forehead against Harry's.

Is that a yes?

"Only an idiot like you would need me to spell it out," the blonde said, pretending to be annoyed. "Yes, Harry, I'll marry you."

"I love you so much," Harry whispered hoarsely, unable to believe that this was really happening, that he was going to have Draco with him, that they were finally a family.

"I love you, too."

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