The Shunned Wolf Fights Back...

By ArdenTownsend

161K 3.9K 446

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do no... More

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Grammar and punctuation (REVISED)
Chapter 1 (revised 06/05/2023)
Chapter 2 (revised 06/06/2023)
Chapter 3 (revised 06/06/2023)
Chapter 4 (revised 06/06/2023)
Chapter 5 (revised 06/07/2023)
Chapter 6 (revised 06/07/2023
Chapter 7 (REVISED 6/8/2023)
Chapter 9 (revised 06/08/2023)
Chapter 10 (revised 6/8/3023)
Chapter 11(revised 6/8/2023)
Chapter 12 (revised 6/8/2023)
Chapter 13 (revised 06/08/2023)
Chapter 14 (revised 06/09/2023)
Chapter 15 (revised 06/09/2023)
Chapter 16 (revised 06/09/2023)
Chapter 17 (revised 06/09/2023)
Chapter 18 (revised 06/09/2023)
Author Note
Chapter 19 (06/10/2023)
Chapter 20 (revised 06/10/2023)
Chapter 21 (revise 06/10/2023)
Chapter 22 (revised 06/10/2023)
Chapter 23 (revised 06/10/2023)
Chapter 24 (revised 06/10/2023)
Chapter 25 (revised 06/10/2023)
Chapter 26 (revised 06/11/2023)
Chapter 27 (revised 06-11-2023)
Chapter 28 (revised 06/11/2023)
Chapter 29 (revised 06/12/2023)
Chapter 30 (revised 06/12/2023)
Chapter 31 (revised 06/15/2023)
Chapter 32 (revised 06/17/2023)
Chapter 33 (revise 06/18/2023)
Chapter 34 (revised 06/18/2023)-
Chapter 35 (revised 06-19-2023)
Explanation of pack ranking (revised 06/17/2023)
Chapter 36 (revised 06/19/2023)
Chapter 37 (revised 06/19/2023)
Chapter 38 (revised 06/19/2023)
Chapter 39 (revised 06/19/23)
Epilogue (revised 06/19/2023)
SHUN TIMELINE (added 06/19/2023)

Chapter 8 (revised: 6/8/2023)

3.7K 102 12
By ArdenTownsend

Four weeks pregnant

On Monday, Beta Zane introduced me to Beta Samson Farro from Mountain Moon. They both left, and I went to sign in for my first live feed presentation of the new term.

I spent all last week doing all my missed assignments—this week, between the new semester classes, I did Zoom meetings with teachers from the previous semester. The teachers explained my incorrect answers, and they said they were glad I was recovering from my hospital stay. The only final test I had to do was math.

The others gave me reports I had to do instead of a test. Those reports I would scan in as I completed them. They will be listed as incomplete until the reports are turned in and graded.

I knew this week would be an intro to the new classes. I would turn the radio on to Jazz music while working on my reports. Thankfully, it was relaxing while I worked. I would grin, knowing Solomon disliked jazz.

Monday evening, after supper, I went outside. I could not shift because of my pregnancy. I decided I would walk down to the river. When I arrived, I picked up a few stones and skipped them on the river.

While sitting there, I saw some of my fairy classmates from last semester show up: Georgette, Tundra, Tiana, Quinn, and Winn. I looked around to see if my guards were everywhere. I spoke frightenedly, "You must leave before they see you. Otherwise, you could get hurt."

Quinn spoke up with an angry voice, "Who would dare threaten us?"

"My guards."

Tiana said, "Why do you have guards?"

Georgette, "Oh my, Aine. She is pregnant with three."

Winn says, "We heard you were in the hospital and have been trying to see you."

Suddenly, it got quiet, and all turned to Georgette. I looked at Georgette and asked in shock, "What did you say?" They all turned and looked down at my belly.

Georgette cleared her throat and said, "I said, oh my Aine, you're pregnant with three?"

"I forgot you are a healer. Yes, I am 4 weeks pregnant with triplets. The doctor said because I am a werewolf, he can tell I have two boys and a girl. When I hit 15 weeks, he can do DNA to show who the father is."

Quinn nudges me and winks, "You sly dog you. Did not know you got into groupies." Then she giggles.

Winn sees my face drop, and tears start to fall. She puts her arm around me, "What is wrong, Jocie? Just ignore my sister. She was teasing."

"Everything. My pack is shunning me because I won't abort the pups."

Tiana shouts, "Why the hell would you do that?"

"There is an old barbaric law that states pups born that are not mate's pups should be disposed of. These pups came from me being raped."

Their mouths all dropped. Then they all wrapped their arms around me and cried with me."

Tundra asks in a tight, angry voice, "Who did this to you?"

"I don't know. I know at least four jumped me from behind, and when I woke up. I was blindfolded. At first, I could only smell some nauseating spray. Then at some point, I could pick up the scent of juniper and green apples. Later, other more personal smells came with it. I know of at least seven scents, but there were at least two faint scents."

Tianna gasped, "That would narrow the pack down to three, and they are..."

Suddenly there is a growl. Beta Samson stands about 20 feet away with his arms crossed. "What are you doing here?"

Tundra's eyes flash in anger, "Don't you growl at me. You know the water is my playground. You have watched me enough times." She waves her hand over the water and sends a wave over to him. It drenches him, "Now cool off."

Suddenly, his eyes went black, and a deeper voice said, "You should not have done that." He started to step toward us when six other wolves rushed out of the woods onto the riverbank.

The largest silver one shifted and commanded, "Brother, run it off." Beta Samson turns into a slightly smaller silver wolf and takes off. "Now, why are you fairies here talking to this wolf? She is in shunned status."

Tundra replied, "We were playing on the river and saw her crying on the banks. We came to cheer her up. It is not healthy for a she-wolf in her condition to be emotional like that."

Georgette said, "I am a healer and touched her to heal her to make her feel stronger."

Quinn and Winn added, "Our power is reading and easing pain. We saw what happened to her."

Alpha Goliath, "You saw who did this to her?"

Quinn replied, "No, we saw it the way she saw it."

Winn added, "We felt what she felt."

Tianna said, "I am one of the Forest fairies. The twins told us she smelt juniper and Granny Smith apples. That narrows it down to three packs."

What do you think of the fairies?

What do you think of Alpha Goliath and Samson?

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