Season Three (Stranger Things...

Von checomova

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Just like seasons one and two, it's all of season three and you are a member of the party. Read Season One a... Mehr

Chapter One: Suzie, Do You Copy?
Chapter Two: The Mall Rats
Chapter Four: The Sauna Test
Chapter Five: The Flayed
Chapter Six: E Pluribus Unum
Chapter Seven: The Bite
Chapter Eight: The Battle of Starcourt

Chapter Three: The Case of the Missing Lifegaurd

457 7 2
Von checomova

You and Max were dancing in El's room to the music coming through the radio. Max was singing to a hair brush as you twirled her around and swayed your hair to the music.

"Oh, you found Ralph Macchio" Max said to El who was looking through the magazines.

"Macchio?" she asked.

"Yeah, he's the Karate Kid, cute right?" you asked sitting beside her on the bed. You all looked at his picture in the magazine.

"Super hot, I bet he's an amazing kisser, too" Max said. "Hey, Mike a good kisser?"

"Gross Max!" you exclaimed.


"That kid has been my best friend for years, I don't want to know about that" you told her.

"I don't know, he's my first boyfriend" El said answering Max's question.

"Ex-boyfriend" Max clarified.

You turned to El and you saw she looked upset about it. You knew she and Mike really liked each other so it must've been hard for her.

"Hey, don't worry about it, okay?" you put a hand on her shoulder. "I know Mike, he'll come crawling back to you in no time, begging for forgiveness"

"I guarantee you, him and Lucas are, like, totally wallowing in self-pity and misery right now" Max laughed. "They're like, 'Oh, I hope they take us back'" she said in a deep man's voice. You and El laughed.

"God, what I wouldn't give to see their stupid faces" she said.

You and El exchanged a look.

"What?" Max asked.

Max grabbed the radio and searched the channels, finally reaching to one that had all static. El sat down on the floor and you handed her the blindfold.

"Is this really gonna work?" Max asked, El nodded.

"Holy shit, this is insane" she was super exciting.

"Max, shut up" you told her laughing. It was funny how excited she was.

"Right. Quiet, sorry"

El's nose started to bleed just a bit and you and Max waited for her to say something. It took a minute for her to say, "I see them"

"What are they doing?" Max asked.

"Eating" she said.

"Without me?" you said crossing your arms. They better not be eating fOOking pizza without me, I'll kill them, you thought.

"They say we are 'species'" she said after a while.

You and Max exchanged a surprised but annoyed  look. "What?"

"Emotion, not logic" El said repeating their words.

"What!" you exclaimed. Oh they were dead, they were farther than dead. You couldn't believe they would say that.

After a long minute, Eleven's eyes opened and she removed her blind fold super quickly.

"What happened?" you asked her.

She looked at you and started laughing, super hard. You looked at Max confused at why she was falling on the ground laughing.

"What.." Max started to say but then you both just laughed along with her.

You guys then heard a car coming up to the house and parking outside. It was the Chief. You heard him stomping inside the place, and then shouting.

"Hey! When I say three inches..." he started to say and he busted the door open.

But he froze when he only saw you girls in El's room. Max and El were on the floor and you were on the bed, all reading magazines and comics.

"Do you knock? Jeez!" Max told him.

"Yeah! Jeez!" El said.

"Damn Chief, chill out, I only drank two of your sodas" you said laughing. You saw he was wearing a colorful shirt which was way out of his style but it looked good on him. His hair was all messed up though and he looked like he had been drinking a few.

"Oh, hey, I'm sorry. I thought that, uh..."

"Mike's not here" you told him. He immediately relaxed when you said it.

"They wanted to have a sleepover. Is that... okay?" El asked him.

"Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah" he said trying to focus. "Uh, Y/N you practically live here so it's fine" you smiled and he turned to Max "Your parents know about it?"

"Yup" she told him.

"Uh, yeah, it's cool" he said.

He then pointed to your black baker boy hat which you put awesome pins on the side. "New hat?"

"Yeah" you smiled.

"Looks good, real cool" he said and he left the room, closing it all the way.

Once the door was closed, you looked at the girls and you all laughed.

You all then had a cool idea. Max and El came up on the bed with you to spy on more people.  You grabbed an empty Coca Cola bottle and put it in the middle of a paper. Around the bottle were names of different people.

"Holy shit, I can't believe we're really doing this" Max said super excited.

El spun the bottle and when it stopped, it landed on Mr. Wheeler.

"Ugh, boring" Max said.

"He doesn't do anything all day just hibernates on his couch" you said and you all laughed.

"Spin again" Max told El.

"Against the rules?" she asked.

You placed a hand on her shoulder and smirked. "We make our own rules"

Eleven smiled and she spun the bottle again. It landed on Billy.

"Oooooo, that's interesting" you said raising your eyebrows up and down looking at Max.

"He almost killed you last year" she told you.

"Killed you?" El said worried.

"He didn't kill me, it was only a backhand. Either way, I wonder what he'd be doing right now on a Saturday night" you said raising your eyebrows up and down again at Max.

Max sighed. "Okay, look, I should just warn you" she said telling El. "If he's with a girl or doing something gross, just get out of there right away before you're scarred for life"

"Max please" you said handing Eleven her blind fold.

"No, I'm just saying, I'm serious" she said. "He's really gross"


"Okay, shutting up now"

El wrapped the black cloth over her eyes and she concentrated. Her nose started to bleed when she said, "I found him"

"What's he doing?" Max asked her.

"I don't know"

Max looked over at you confused but you only shrugged.

"He's...on the floor...Talking to someone" Eleven said.

You raised an eyebrow and you thought of what he could be doing.

"What's he saying?"

But El didn't answer. She started to breath fast and she quickly removed the blind fold, you saw her eyes were a bit red with tears.

"What is it? What happened?" you asked her worryingly.

Eleven only looked at you and tried to  calm her breathing. What the hell did she see?

(The next day)

You, Max and El were walking down the street to Max's house to find anything suspicious about Billy. Eleven told you guys that he seemed super strange last night and that he saw her. She also said he was doing something bad, she heard screaming where he was at and El was suspicious. You left a note on the fridge for the Chief to know that you all went to Max's so he wouldn't worry.

"It's gonna start pouring soon" Max said.

You looked up and you saw the dark grey clouds blocking any sunlight. You shrugged.

"Might as well, I need a shower" you said.

"We should be at the mall or, like, watching a movie or something" Max said.

"You don't believe me?" Eleven asked her.

"I believe you saw some super weird stuff, totally, but you said Mike has sensed you in there before, right?" she asked and El nodded. "So maybe it was just like that. Maybe Billy just...sensed you somehow"

"But the screams" she said.

"Yeah, I know, but here's the thing. When Billy is alone with a girl, they make, like, really crazy noises" Max explained. You really tried to hold in your laughter.

"They scream?" El asked her. You choked on a breath and tried to contain your laugh.

"Yeah, but, like... happy screams" Max said. You tried to breath.

"Happy screams? What is happy screams?" El asked.

"More like pleasure screams" you said. Max shoved your arm and you began to laugh super hard.

When you guys got to Max's house, you noticed the blue Chevrolet Camaro wasn't on the driveway or anywhere near. Billy wasn't home.

"You really want to do this?" Max asked El.

Eleven nodded and you guys went inside the house. You headed straight for Billy's room and started to look around, but there was nothing. El went to his bathroom as you guys searched and she called you guys over.

You went inside with Max and you both saw the bathtub was filled with cold water and there were empty plastic bags that were labeled as ice.

"Probably for his muscles or something. He works out like a maniac" Max explained.

"So stupid, who wants to freeze their ass off" you said looking at the tub.

"Someone desperate" Max said and she rolled her eyes.

"Hmm, what do you think Billy's desperate for?" you said and Max shoved you and you both laughed.

But when you turned, you saw El holding a bucket from underneath the sink.

"El, what is it?"

She turned and she showed you and Max a red lifeguard fanny pack. She then took out a yellow whistle that had blood stains. Your eyes widened and you thought what must've happened.

Then, just like Max had said, it started to rain. You all put on your rain jackets and left the house. You and Max pedaled on your bikes heading to the public pool, El rode with you. Eleven was wearing a red rain jacket, Max was wearing a yellow one and you were wearing a white rain jacket. (Ketchup, mustard, RANCH, GET IT??) Even though you were all wearing your hoods, your hair was getting soaked.

You went to the public pool and went up to the counter. A stupid looking jock was behind reading a magazine while a girl was sitting on the desk drinking her soda.

"Excuse me" El said trying to get their attention.

"No one in the water until 30 minutes after the last strike. And don't try and argue with me. You wanna get electrocuted, go climb a tree" he said not looking at you guys.

"Yeah, we don't care about that assh-" you started to tell him off but Max put her hand over your mouth to stop you.

The dude finally looked at you guys. He glared at you and you narrowed your eyes back at him.

"We found this" El said showing him the red fanny pack.

"Does that belong to anybody?" Max asked them. 

"Oh, yeah. That's Heather's, I'll get it back to her" the guy said uninterested.

"We could give it back to her" El suggested.

"You could, 'cept she's not here. Bailed on me today" he said. You and the girls exchanged looks with each other.

"What is this? You girls want a reward or somethin'?" he asked you guys annoyed.

"No, we're just... Good samaritans" Max told them.

The girl gave a smug annoying little face. You were about to tell her off for being bitchy to you guys but Max just grabbed your arm and pulled you away.

You both walked to El who was looking at pictures on a bulletin board. She pointed to a picture of a girl who was smiling and wearing a lifeguard swimsuit.

"Heather" she said.

"Do you think you can find her?" you asked her.

Eleven snatched the picture off the wall. You, El and Max snuck to the locker rooms and you and Max turned on all the showers. You both sat beside El as she put on her blind fold. She had the picture of Heather placed in front of her and she searched for her.

"What do you see?" Max asked her.

"A door" she said. "A red door"

You watched her as she kept searching. She then started to breath fast, her hand shook and quickly grabbed yours. You squeezed her hand to let you know she was there. You looked at Max and you gave her a worried look. What was she seeing?

She then took off her blindfold and panted.

"What happened? El?" You asked her squeezing her hand. Max placed a hand on her shoulder and you both looked at her worried.

She explained that she saw Heather at her home and she was in danger.

You and El got on the bike and Max got on hers. The rain kept pouring onto you as you all pedaled to Heather's house. Once you all parked outside the house, you saw the red door that El mentioned before.

You all stood outside the door and El unlocked it and opened it with her mind. It was a nice house. You saw a picture with her and her parents, her dad's the boss over at Hawkins Post. The lights were on and you heard voices coming from the dining room. You all walked there and saw her parents at the table finishing their dinner, weird thing was, Billy was sitting with them conversing and laughing with them.

"Max" he said when he saw you guys walk in. The parents looked at you guys.

"We didn't mean to... barge in" you said with an eyebrow raised.

"We tried to knock, but... maybe you didn't hear us over the storm" Max said.

"I'm sorry, who is this dripping all over my living room right now?" Heather's dad asked.

"I'm sorry" Billy said. "Janet, Tom, this, is my sister, Maxine. And this is her friend ... Y/N"

He gave you a deep glare but with a smile as he said your name that ran chills all through your body. He got up from his seat and walked over to you guys.

"What on earth are you doing here? Is something wrong?" he was being oddly ... sweet.

"We just wanted to make sure everything was okay" Max said, but she looked unsure.

"Okay? Why wouldn't it be okay?" Billy asked,

"Where is she?" Eleven asked him seriously.

Billy looked at her with a deadly glare. You stood closer to El as he looked at her in a creepy way, he hurt you last year and you were not about to let him hurt her. "I'm sorry. Where is who?"

"Well, they're a little burnt, I'm sorry..."

You turned and you saw Heather walking into the room with a plate of cookies in her hands. So she was okay?

"Heather! This is my sister, Maxine. And her friend, Y/N" Billy said happily, you still saw the killing glare when he looked at you, but then he turned to El. "And, I'm sorry, I did not quite catch your name"

"El" she answered him with a straight face.

"El" he said. "Now, what is it you were saying, El? You were looking for somebody?"

"I... I saw... I saw you..." El started to say but Max cut her off.

"Your manager, at the pool. He said you guys didn't come in to work today, so we got worried" she said.

"Heather wasn't feeling so hot today, so we thought we'd take the day off to nurse her back to health" Billy explained and he turned to Heather. "But you're feeling just fine right now, aren't you, Heather?"

"I'm feeling so much better" she said smiling.

It was strange. Billy was acting way too nice. And El said she asas Heather in danger, why did she seem fine?

"Do you girls want a cookie?" she asked sweetly as she presented the plate to you guys. "They're fresh out of the oven"

You stared at her. You went up to her, reached over the table and grabbed the biggest cookie out of the plate. You narrowed your eyes at her as you took a big bite. Damn it that good. You kept staring at her as you turned and went out of the room, Max and El following you out of the house.

As you got on the bike with El, still chewing on your cookie, you glanced back at the house and you saw Billy glaring right at you and El. You knew something was up with him, you were bound to find out.


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