Chapter Four: The Sauna Test

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"Which one?" Max asked El as she walked in the room. You laid on the bed beside Max as El sat beside you. Max was showing her two different comic books to choose.

"I don't know" she said tired, but she still seemed upset about the whole Billy case.

"Hey, there's nothing to worry about anymore, okay?" Max said.

You had to admit yourself it was really strange how Billy was acting today, he just seemed super out of the ordinary.

"It doesn't make sense" El said. "Heather, the blood and ice"

"Heather had a fever, so she took a cold bath, but she's better now. That has to be it" Max tried to explain to her. "I don't know where that blood came from, but we saw her. We all saw her" Max said looking at you. "She's totally fine"

"What about Billy?" El asked.

"What about him?"

"Are you kidding me Max, he was super weird today. You and I both know he's an asshole but why would he act like that today? He seemed super wrong" you told her.

"Wrong is kind of like his default" she told you.
"But it's nice to know he's not a murderer,
because that would've totally sucked" she said turning back to El.

You sighed but told yourself to forget about it. You leaned against Max's shoulder as you got comfortable in the bed. Max willingly patted your head and you both laughed.

"Who... is that?" El asked looking at the Wonder Woman comic.

"See, this is why you can't just hang out with Mike all the time" Max said.

"Yeah, Wonder Woman is kinda like you El, a badass" you told her. She smiled.

The rest of the night you guys talked about comics until you all passed out. In the morning you were woken up to your loud stupid walkie talkie. You shot up from the bed half asleep when you heard Lucas's voice coming through your walkie, your eyes not even open.

"Do you copy? This is a code red" he kept repeating.

"Mmmm go away I'm sleeping" you murmured super tired, your messy hair covering your whole face.

You turned off the walkie and slammed your head back on the pillow, trying to go back to that dream. But then, the damn phone rang.

"Holy shit! On a Saturday in summer! What an asshole" you shouted into your pillow.

Max shot up from her bed and rushed to her phone super annoyed with Lucas.

"We're sleeping, leave us alone" she said into the phone.

She was about to hang up but she listened to what the guys were saying. You kept your head on the pillow but you tried to listen in on the conversation.

"What did they want?" you asked her tiredly, face still in the pillow.

After Max told you and El what Mike told her, you all grabbed a quick breakfast and hopped on your bikes heading to Mike's house. You were still annoyed with Mike when he left El and when he called women 'species'. But he explained that your lives were in danger so you decided to forget it and listen.

"The first time I felt it was at the theater" Will explained. He said he felt a sensation that meant danger.

"That's when the power went out" Mike said.

"And then I felt it again at the field near the Nelson farm the next day" he kept saying. "Then again yesterday outside Castle Byers"

"What does it feel like?" Max asked him.

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