Broken, a Destiel Story

By martypom

9.9K 239 59

This story focuses on Castiel and Dean's relationship after Castiel's return from the Empty. They both have... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31

Part 27

198 6 1
By martypom

Dean woke up the next morning to a strong arm around his waist and soft angel kisses on his neck.  He smiled before he even opened his eyes.  Then he felt Cas nibbling on his ear.  He rolled over to face him.

"Good morning to you, too, Cas?" he said.

"Good morning, Dean" Cas said, snuggling up to his husband.  

Dean rested on his back and held the angel close.  Castiel's nose was nuzzled against his cheek. "We're married, Cas," he said, rubbing the angel's arm with his hand.

"I know," Cas said, smiling.  "I'm very happy, Dean." He continued to place small kisses on Dean's cheek, jawline, and neck.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door.  "Dean?" Sam said.  "Cas?" 

"Come in, Sammy," Dean said, squirming and smiling as the angel's lips continued to brush against his skin. But Castiel stopped when Sam entered.

Sam smiled seeing the newlyweds cuddled next to each other.  "Hey, I was thinking," Sam said.  "You guys should get away for a few days."

Cas looked at him, confused.  "You want us to leave?" he asked, cocking his head to the side.

"Well, yes," Sam said, chuckling, "but not in a bad way.  I think you guys should go away together for a few days and relax.  Get a break from hunting.  Just be you.  You deserve that."

"You mean, a honeymoon?" Cas asked.  

"Yeah, exactly," Sam said.  "A honeymoon."

"Sam, we can't just up and leave," Dean said, sitting up.  "What if something happens?  What if there's a case?"

"Then Jack and I will handle it," Sam said.  "And if we need you, if something's urgent, we'll pray.  You're married to a freaking angel, Dean.  He can get you guys literally anywhere in the world, and you can be back just as quickly.  Go, sit on a beach somewhere.  Have some of those drinks with the little umbrellas, whatever.  Just go, have fun."

Dean was still hesitating but he did like the idea of quality time with Cas, and the beach.  

"Dean, please," Sam said.  "I promise, I'll contact you if we need you for anything."

"Alright," Dean said.  "But only for a few days."

"Great," Sam said, delighted.  "See you guys in a few days then." He left the room and shut the door.

"Thank you, Dean," Cas said, placing his hand on his husband's arm.  "I think it's a good idea for us to get away."

"Haven't you been everywhere in the world like a million times?" Dean asked.

"Not with you," Cas said sincerely, his sapphire eyes sparkling.

Dean blushed and smiled.  "Where do you want to go?" he asked.

"No, where do you want to go?" Cas corrected.  "I'm taking you.  I'm the one with the wings."

"Surprise me," Dean said, smiling.  He showered and they packed some bags, and then Cas whisked them away to a beautiful Jamaican resort.  


"Cas, this is amazing," Dean said, standing on the balcony outiside their hotel suite, overlooking the beautiful island.  There was deep blue ocean as far as the eye could see and scads of palm and coconut trees.  The sun was shining brightly, illuminating the water and there was a wonderful breeze.  He could see families, couples, and children down below him on the sand, running, sunning, and playing in the water.  This was as close to normal as he'd ever felt.

"I'm glad you like it, Dean," Cas said, walking up next to the hunter and sliding his arm around his waist.  

"Hey, let's go enjoy that beach, huh?" Dean asked.  He slid away from the angel and walked back into the room, digging through their bags for some beach attire.

"Dean," Cas said, hesitantly, joining his husband inside.  "I . . . uh, I don't know how to swim."

"Oh," Dean said, looking up at Cas.  He could tell the angel was embarrassed.

"Hey, it's okay, babe.  You don't have to be able to swim to enjoy the water.  We just won't go too far in.  Besides, we can always just enjoy the sand and the sunshine."  He leaned over and gave his husband a gentle kiss.  "But you can't wear that," he said, looking at Castiel's suit and trench coat.  

Cas looked down at himself.  "Dean, I don't have anything else.  Other than pajamas."

"Sure you do," Dean said, smiling and holding something out for him.  "Try these."

Castiel took the swim trunks and held them out in front of him.  "You got me Scooby Doo swimming shorts?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

Dean was smiling with glee.  "Wait for it," he said, and then pulled out his own swimming trunks and held them up for Cas to see.

"Batman?" Cas said.  "Really, Dean?"  

"Yes," Dean said, still smiling like a giddy child.  

"Dean, I don't know . . ." Cas hesitated.  "I'm pretty comfortable in what I'm wearing."

"Cas, you can't go out there in a suit and trench coat," Dean reiterated.  


"Well, A, people will think you are a pedophile," Dean said, "and B, you can't wear that into the water.  But C, and this is the most important one, I want to see you in those." He gestured to the swim trunks in Castiel's hand and gave his husband his best puppy dog face.  

"Oh, all right," Cas agreed, succumbing to a smile.  "I guess you are right."

"Of course I am," Dean nodded.  They both changed and Dean couldn't keep the smile off of his face, seeing his angel husband in Scooby Doo swimming trunks.  He made a little purring sound as soon as Cas was dressed and moved closer to him, looking him over.  "You are one sexy angel," he said.  He rested his hands on Castiel's bare shoulders and kissed him.  

"You are hopeless, Dean Winchester," Cas said.

They grabbed some towels, sunscreen, and sunglasses and made their way down to the beach.  They laid their towels down and rested back on them, enjoying the sun and each other's company.  The sound of children playing nearby, people laughing, the ocean waves, it was like music to Dean's ears.  

"I'm really glad we did this, Cas," he said, rolling to his side and looking at the angel.  

Castiel propped himself up on his elbows.  "Me, too, Dean." He rolled over to face his husband and scooted closer.  His hand moved to the back of Dean's neck and he moved in for a kiss, but he was surprised when Dean pulled away.  "Dean?" he said. "What's wrong?"

Dean glanced around at all of the people walking past them, and sitting nearby, and then he looked down, so ashamed, so angry with himself. "I'm sorry," he said,  "I guess, I guess I'm just more self conscious, now that we're out in public," he admitted, looking back at his husband.  "Back at the bunker, with Sam and Jack, and Mom, I felt safe. But here with all of these people watching us. . ."

"Dean, are you embarrassed about us?" Cas asked.  

"No," Dean said,  "I mean, I don't want to be.  I love you, Cas.  I know that it shouldn't matter what other people think.  I'm sorry."

"It's okay, Dean, " Cas said, although he was feelingly slightly hurt. "I don't want you to do anything that's going to make you feel uncomfortable.  I understand.  This is our first time kind of letting the world know about us.  I didn't think about how that might cause some anxiety for you."

Dean's heart melted.  He couldn't believe how sweet and understanding Cas was being right now.  And suddenly, he really didn't care what anyone else thought, or who saw them.  He loved the angel, and he wanted him to know that that love was more important to him than anyone's opinion.  He rested his hand on his husband's arm and looked him in the eyes.  "Kiss me, Cas," he said, earnestly.

The angel smiled and pressed his lips to Deans, his hand once again on the back of his neck.  They were both still propped up on their forearms.  Dean's hand rested on the side of Castiel's neck, his thumb on the angel's cheek as he kissed him back.

"Wow," Dean said, smiling when they finally pulled away.  

Cas blushed, smiling back.  

"Excuse me," they heard and turned to see a young woman standing in front of them, holding a tray of drinks.  "The couple over there wanted me to give you these," she gestured to a man and woman a few yards away on their beach chairs.  

Cas and Dean sat up and took the drinks, looking over at the couple.  Dean held his drink up as a gesture of thanks and the couple nodded, smiling at them.

"They said to say congratulations," the girl said, smiling.  

"Thank you," Cas said, feeling slightly flustered but appreciative at the same time.  

"You guys are newlyweds?" the girl asked.

Dean nodded.  

"Well, you are very cute together," she said.  "Enjoy your stay."

"Thank you," Dean said, surprised.  The girl nodded at them and walked away.  "Wow," Dean said, "I wasn't expecting that."

"Yes, these lovely drinks and all it cost you was a short make out session," Cas joked.

Dean smirked at him.  "Maybe if we keep making out someone will buy us dinner," he said.

"Very funny," Cas replied.  They sipped on their drinks for a while, enjoying the sun.

"You up for the water?" Dean asked.  "I'm getting hot."

"Okay," Cas agreed.  

They set their drinks down and stood up, making their way to the waves.  Dean immensely enjoyed the feeling of the sand under his bare feet, warm in some places, yet cool in others.  A refreshing breeze blew past them and Dean closed his eyes, drinking it in as he stepped into the cool water.

Cas waded up next to him, the water just below their knees.  "Let me know if I'm going to far," Dean said.  

"We can go a little farther," Cas said.  "It feels nice, doesn't it?"

"Come on," Dean said.  He took Castiel's hand and they waded further into the water together until the waves were splashing several inches above their knees.  Dean dug his feet into the sand and smiled.  He turned to his handsome husband.  The angel was gazing at him intently and Dean began to blush.  

"What?" he said.

"Nothing," Castiel responded.  "I just love you.  Watching you enjoy yourself, it makes me happy."

Dean smiled and pushed his way closer to the angel through the water.  He wrapped his arms around Castiel's waist, the water splashing around them, and kissed him, the salty sea air blowing through their hair. He couldn't tell if it was the cold water and the breeze, or his husband's soft, strong hands on his chest that was making him shiver. He gripped the angle tighter, and felt Cas's hands slide down his waist and onto his thighs.  He let the angel pick him up, wrapping his legs around his waist.

Castiel kept a tight grip on the hunter's legs as they continued to kiss.  He could feel his husband's fingers running through his damp hair.  

But their kiss was interrupted by the sound of a woman's scream.  Cas let Dean down without hesitation and they looked around to see who it was.  A woman on the shore not far from them was kneeling over her daughter who couldn't have been more than eight years old.  She appeared to be unconscious.  

"Help!" The woman cried, "Someone please, help!"

Cas and Dean hurried over to her as a small crowd gathered around.  There was someone already on the phone, dialing 911.

"What happened?" Dean asked, reaching the woman and kneeling down next to her and the girl, who was growing pale.

"She got pulled under one of the waves," the mom said, frantically.  "She's not breathing."  Tears were streaking her cheeks.  

"May I?" he asked, and the woman nodded, scooting away, holding her breath.  

Dean knelt next to the girl and attempted CPR but it wasn't working.  His heart fell.  "Cas," he said, looking up at his husband in desperation.  

Cas knelt and closed his eyes, placing his hand on the girl's head.  He heard the girl's mother and several others around them gasp as his hand glowed, and moments later, the girl's eyes opened and she sat up, gasping, and spewing out water.  Cas stood up and backed away as the girl's mother appeared by her side again.

"Oh my God," she said, tears falling, helping her daughter sit up and scooping her into her arms.  She looked at Cas.  "Thank you," she said, in astonishment.  She was so relieved to have her daughter back she didn't seem to care how Cas had done it.  

"You're welcome," Cas said.  

"You married an angel," the woman said, looking at Dean.  

Dean looked up at Cas and gave him a smile.  "I know," he said.

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