Always by your side

By Dlt87wayne

9.9K 217 44

Astrid is a widow who has a daughter and is struggling to pay the debt her husband left her. Their marriage w... More

It Will Be You And Me
Done With Bills, Fear Begins
No Way. We Have To Go
Leaving And On Our Way
Home Sweet Home
Catching Up
After All These Years
Awkward. This Could've Been Better
First Day But Feels Like Forever
Can We Be Friends Again?
She Is Still Here
You said it would be me and you
Not Just Friends
An Interesting Summer
All For You
Little Dreams
Secrets Revealed
Time to be Away
Surprises and Memories
Jury (part 1)
Jury (part 2)
Unexpected or Unwanted
Money or Love
New Begining For All Of Us
Starting From the Beginning
Surprise! Surprise!
We Are A Family
Trying To Start A New Chapter
True Feelings For Home
It's over
Not A Chapter But A New Book
New Changes
Forever Now
I Do
Always By Your Side; Forever

A Little Payback

247 5 3
By Dlt87wayne

Astrid POV

I woke up that morning knowing what I should do. I suddenly realized why I forgot to tell him everything. Every time I am with him, I forget all of the bad things going on around me and I just focus on the good things. I am going to call him again to see if he is better if not, then I will have to take the next step.

"Morning Heather."

"Hey. Everyone is still asleep, want some?"

"Please." She poured me a cup of coffee while I added the cream and sugar.

''Zephyr alright? We didn't see you two after dinner."

"Yeah, she is better. I guess I didn't give much thought of what she thinks about... well... everything."

"I suppose that includes Hiccup?"

"Yeah. Now we are just not on good terms but I am willing to not make the same mistake as I did in the past."

"That is?''

"Avoiding him." That was what I did and I am not going to make that same mistake again.

"You know it's interesting that Zephyr has a mind of an adult in a way. I mean she notices how close you and Hiccup are and end up realizing what it's all about.''

"Yeah, I know." My little zephyr, I wish she never grows. Everyone started waking up and we all started to eat breakfast, after breakfast everyone left to do their own thing, including me. I called Hiccup.



"I am busy right now."

"No wait..." There it goes, but I can't let it stay this way. Here comes his cell.

"Dr. Haddock speaking."

"Hi Doctor someone from the Winter's Honey Farm is in need of your attention. All she needs is your time."

"Well my time is very valuable and if I remember correctly, I know that today the business is closed."

"Okay, you got me. Hiccup I know you are mad and I don't blame you."

"No no its fine. You already left clear what I am to you, now if you don't mind..."

"Hiccup please."

"Drink chamomile tea to calm your stress and anxiety. Guilt gives you stress and that's not healthy." He hangs up leaving me speechless.

"Two can play that game knucklehead," I whispered without being heard. Its clear that his sarcasm hasn't left. If this is not going to work, then its time for plan B.

"Zephyr, baby I have to... Ruff? When did you guys get here?"

"Not too long ago. We came by for a visit but I have to go and talk to Valka about something. Tuff here is trying to give instructions on how to take care of Chicken."


"Yeah, his pet chicken." She took me to the yard and I see Tuff talking to the girls with Malarie holding a chicken with a confused face.

"He doesn't like to sleep in really dark places and wakes up easily to sounds. Oh and he likes a serving of rice and corn mixture, not separated." The two six-year-olds were confused and at the same time entertained.

"I don't think Iduna would let, um, Chicken stay inside."

"Well, I don't know what is going to happen after this. I hope this doesn't ruin our trip."


"Yeah, we are going to visit mom for a week."

"Oh, when?"

"After you leave and Anna comes."

"Right. Well like you said who knows what could happen."

I approached Zephyr to tell her that I was going to leave for a little while, "and please please please, don't put him with the others."

"Why not?"

"Because he can get mixed up and the others can hurt him." Oh my goodness, really?

"Hey Tuff, I see that the girls will be sitting Chicken."

"Yeah, I trust them enough with him."

"Right, he is in good hands." I then brought Zephyr towards me, "hey so, I am going out for a bit but I'll be back."

"Okay mom I'll be good. Quick question though, does this explain why all Tuff eats is green stuff and no meat?" I had to hold my laughter because I just realized that Tuff was a vegetarian. "Yeah in a way. Alright I have to go."

"Bye mom." We hugged and I went to my car and drove to a 'doctor's appointment.'

As I was on my way there but then I realized something, how can I be so dumb?

Back at home

"So if Tuff says we can't have Chicken with the other ones, we will have to make another coop just for him."

"Okay then, where can we get wood."

"In town, I think." The girls left to find someone to see if they can help. "Auntie Heather, we need wood."


"Yeah we want to make a coop for Chicken."

"Oh, well you can find some in the shed but I think you are going to need help."

"Don't worry we got this."

The girls left to get the wood they needed and got to work, they were struggling and Snotlout noticed it.

"Hey girls need help?"

"Yeah were trying to make a new coop."

"O-kay. I can for sure help with that." Snotlout helped the girls and things were going great until Snotlout accidentally nailed his hand. Everyone stopped and quickly called Hiccup.

Later, Heather got a call from her phone and it was Astrid.

"Oh Astrid did we interrupt something again?"

"Interrupt what? Listen I am so dumb. I am on my way to Hiccup but I don't have his address."


"What was that?"

"Nothing just Snotlout getting into an accident and we called Hiccup over. You might want to come back."

'Ugh, why does everything have to be so complicated,' "sure I'll be there." Wonderful now Astrid is going to have to face Hiccup. Things were happening too quickly.

Hiccup POV

"Drink chamomile tea to calm your stress and anxiety. Guilt gives you stress and that's not healthy." I hang up and facepalmed. Very professional Hiccup.
"What? Was I too harsh or... oh come on she needed that." I told toothless who growled at me softly.
I went back to what I was doing and that was preparing a lecture, I was asked to give one in a few weeks. A moment later my phone rang again, "What now?"

"Hey, umm, sorry for calling you many times throughout the week."

"Oh, man. Sorry about that it's not you its just, ugh." This is embarrassing. "Sorry Moana what's going on?"

"Its Snotlout, he nailed his hand can you come?"

"Sure how bad is it?" As she was telling me what happened I grabbed my gear and got going bringing Toothless with me. I arrived and I could see everyone was either in the living room or surrounding Snotlout who seems to be enjoying the attention. I'm left wondering, how does Minden put up with him?

"Alright alright how did it happen?"

"Doc. I was only helping two little girls make a chicken coop, and then I get this. Why? Why does the world have to come against me when I was just doing something good?" Okay now he was overdoing it. The two girls seem so scared that I had to tell them to leave me alone with Snotlout and that everything was going to be okay. They left leaving me and Snotlout in the kitchen.

"Cuz, you're overdoing it."

"What can I say I'm a good actor."

"You were scaring the girls."

"Oh no, they know about everything. I told them I wanted to be an actor, remember that. Well, I wanted to show them and they seem to buy it." I rolled my eyes at that and got to work. It was almost lunchtime.

"Mama!!! You were fast."

I hear that and then I suddenly pull too hard, "Ahhh."

"Oh sorry."

"Did you really become a doctor? I'm not acting this time."

"Sorry I was just startled a little that all."

"Yeah right." During that time it started pouring rain. It was lunchtime and Iduna came by to start cooking but noticed me and Snotlout.

"What on earth..."

"Oh, it's a long story."

"You realize this is a kitchen table where we eat?"

"Yeah, sorry Iduna it was just so sudden. We will get moving and don't worry I'll clean up and not leave blood."

"I hope so. Try doing it before I finish with lunch alright." That was an order so I went with getting Snotlout's hand fixed.

Astrid POV

It was starting to rain a little when I arrived, but the sun came back when I was greeted by my little girl. All of a sudden I hear a huge scream and I figured that was Snotlout and let me guess, HE is here. It then started to pour.

"Wait Chicken."


"Chicken is outside and lose."

"Oh no."

"Just put him in the coop."

"The others will hurt him."

"Girls! Don't go out in the rain, girls!" It all ended with me and Moana following our daughters outside, the thing is that we stopped at the doorway and the girls dashed outside without a care in the world.

"You know when you're a kid, you worry about these little things and then you do whatever to get that little issue fixed."

"Yeah tell me about it." We laughed as our girls were running around looking for a chicken, Tuff's chicken. I was getting Zephyr some dry warm clothes and then I was startled by a certain auburn-green-eyed man coming out of the bathroom.




"How's Snotlout's hand."

"Better I think he will be enjoying the attention he will be getting after this."

"Like a kid."



"Listen Hiccup..."

"I have to clean the table for Iduna and then get going."

"Aren't you..."

"Astrid. ... I'm fine but I have a feeling that Toothless will stay."


"I'll let you get on with... whatever... you were doing." He just leaves and then bumped into Zephyr.

"Hi Hiccup."


"Mom we found him." Then comes Malarie with a chicken in her arms all soaked.

"Okay girls..umm."

"We can't leave Chicken outside."

"Well we can't have him inside either. Now you need to leave him on the porch and get you dry clothes before..."

"Moana someone is on the phone for you."

"Alright, remember no chickens; the only animals allowed here are Olaf and Stormfly. Not even Windshear comes in and she's a cat. Yeah?..."

"Mom is it okay if me and Zephyr do a camp out in my room or maybe in the living room?"

"We'll see. You said you need to change what..." Elsa takes Chicken to the porch and told Moana that it will be right there waiting for her.

"Okay Zephyr time for you to go and get dried up for lunch."


"No buts, we need you to get warmed up before you catch a cold." I leave that area leaving Hiccup alone. No idea what he did after that.

"Our coop is not even done, where will Chicken sleep?" So much trouble for a chicken.

We all ate our lunch and then the girls finished quickly and ran to the porch to check on their chicken friend.

Later that day

The day was really dark but the house was not quiet. The girls were figuring out a plan to take good care of Chicken, Moana had to do some changes in her schedule, Elsa was on the phone with her sister, Iduna was with Heather doing laundry. We can say that everything was normal and quiet but not for Astrid. She is willing to come into terms with her special friend because she didn't want to leave feeling like this.

"Hey are you done?"

"Yeah Anna says hi."

"Hi to Anna."


"Coming! Its all yours."

"Thanks. (Dialing and then whispering) please answer."


"Hey made it safe?"

"Uhh... Yeah."


"Do they have a cold?"

"No not at all."

"Is Toothless causing trouble?"

"No he is just fine keeping the girls and Olaf company."

"Okay then if there nothing that needs to be done then...."

"Actually... I am in need of your time. We have to talk and that is not a question, Dr. Haddock."


"Tomorrow it will have to be?"

"Okay then." Then she took a deep breath, "Hiccup."


"I'm sorry."


"Me too."

With that the two friends agreed to see each other and talk. It was going to have to be later in the day.

The next day

Everyone woke up to begin their day and the girls were getting ready to leave for the Haddock Vineyard. The day was brighter but clouds were still there, however, the family was looking forward to starting a new week together.

"We will be starting the week with a little sunshine but we have to keep the umbrella close because we will be having some rain that will turn into a storm that could last a while. We will keep you posted, now moving on to sports..." Iduna turns the TV off and saw Elsa was about to leave but saw that she was forgetting something. "You are forgetting your portfolio darling."

"Oh thanks," the phone rings later and Elsa answers, "Hello?"

"Hi, um who is this?"

"Umm who are you?"

*Hangs up*

"Who in the world..."

"Elsa who was on the phone?"

"I don't know they hanged up. Probably a wrong number."

"Alright then, take care."

"You too."

Elsa left and Iduna had her suspicions. She went back to the phone and called that same number, "you knew it was her, did you?"

"Yeah I'm sorry."

"Listen, I know what you feel about her but you should not go so fast and expect her to feel the same."

"Yeah, I know my mother told me the same thing. I really do love your daughter and I am willing to show her that."

"I admire you Jackson. But you should probably not call anymore. You might want to wait until you get here."

"Yeah your right. Thanks."

"For what?"

"Not hating me."

"Now I would never hate you. Yes, I won't lie that I was mad at you for what happened that day and any mother would but don't worry, it's all in the past."


"Well we have to be off."

"Okay I'll let you go then."

"Alright best wishes to your mother and sister."

"Of course, goodbye."

Yes, that was Jack. THE Jackson Overland or better known as Jack Frost. After hanging up, she met with everyone and let them know that if it started raining, they would have to call it a day.

Everyone was working until the twins felt a drop.

"Hey not funny don't you think it's..."

"Now now don't start. That can only mean one thing."

"It could be a little drizzle." That was what they thought it could be until those little drops became heavier. They all ran inside the shed and just hoped that the rain can go down but that was not going to happen.

"Okay, we have to run. Close everything and make sure everything is locked." They all did what they were told. Everyone ran to the house and got dried, suddenly they had a knock on their door.


"Yes hello Iduna." He comes into the house with a crate with bottles of wine. "Bet to ye the storm will begin anytime soon."

"Yes it seems so. What's going on?"

"Just came to tell you that there is flash flood warning and that the lake seems overflown. Also, we need to refill your shelf."

"But we haven't finished all of it."

"No?" he approaches the covert and revealed it being half-empty.
"Well, I guess we are." They filled up the empty spaces and suddenly a Chicken appeared.
"Oh my word, girls."
"Oh sorry grandma."

"Alright, I have a feeling I have a solution for your flightless friend," he began to lean closer to the girls as if he was going to tell them a secret, "there is a small house in the truck." The girls knew what he meant and ran to his truck. Iduna thanked him for that because the last thing she needed was a live chicken flapping in her kitchen.

The drizzle became heavy and it was pouring rain. All of a sudden the rain became accompanied by wind. It wasn't the kind of wind that can be played with, it was too strong. 

Everyone was in Iduna Winter's house and she has asked everyone to stay because of how bad it has gotten. 
Everyone was having dinner and having a good time despite how bad it is outside. The only person feeling blue was Astrid. She leaves in a couple of days and today was when she was going to talk to Hiccup. 

That was not going to obviously be a possibility and as for Hiccup, he was apparently looking forward to speaking to her as well. All they could hope is that the universe wasn't against them to be able to come around and be friends again. But just friends?



It feels nice to be back. Finals are over for me and now I can go back to the routine of uploading a new chapter once a week. 

Fun fact: While working on this chapter, it has been raining while working on it. It just went well with the moment. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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