Transmigration: Seduced With...

By LadyJWrites

47.4K 2K 263

Bai Miaoyu is unhappy with her life. For the first time in 5 years, she works up the courage to confess to he... More

Chapter 1: Fool for Love
Chapter 2: I Give Up
Chapter 3: Fleeting Reality
Chapter 4: Apology not Accepted
Chapter 5: Seducing with The Backside
Chapter 6: A Home
Chapter 7: A Home II
Chapter 8: Bump in the Night
Chapter 9: Bump in the Night II
Chapter 10: Bump in the Night III
Chapter 11: Truth Serum
Chapter 12: Truth Serum II
Chapter 13: Truth Serum III
Chapter 14: Our Secret
Chapter 15: Our Secret II
Chapter 16: Our Secret III
Chapter 17: Journey West
Chapter 18: Journey West II
Chapter 20: Journey West IV
Chapter 21: Third Wheel
Chapter 22: Third Wheel II
Chapter 23: Third Wheel III
Chapter 24: Journey Home
Chapter 25: Journey Home II
Chapter 26: Journey Home III
Chapter 28: Ghosts of The Past

Chapter 19: Journey West III

1.1K 50 4
By LadyJWrites

It was finally the day we set out. No amount of preparation could ever uplift my confidence in facing the demon called Li Runze.

At least I had Wen Lu by my side... and somehow Physician Huang got looped into the matter. He insisted on traveling with us, which led me to believe Mother must have found a way to weasel him in. This way he could keep an eye on me and make sure Hong Liumeng's secret wouldn't be found out. Nevertheless, I was glad he was coming because Wen Lu may become ill on the journey.

Early before daybreak, I was summoned to arrive at the city gates and report to Li Runze. Wen Lu came along. Dressed in thin layers, I wanted to be able to withstand the summer sun while we ventured into the desert.

On my strongest horse, I directed it toward Li Runze who was waiting at the gate. A lighter tan, the horse's mane shined as I had just brushed it that morning. Wen Lu's hands gripped me lightly around the waist. She was seated behind me. Since she was to be traveling on the carriage, we came on the same horse.

"Good morning..." I said knowing Runze wouldn't respond.

He stared at me from the corner of his eyes and said, "Miss Wen Lu, you may ride with the items in carriage 3."

"Yes, Lord Li." She lifted her leg over the horse, placing her hands on my shoulders for support. Hopping onto the ground without trouble, she made her way to the carriage.

I spotted Physician Huang at the other side of the carriage lineup. I nodded at him, and he did the same in return. The 5th Prince rode in on his steed, talking to Liu Ying. I remembered he changed his spot in the travels to be near her. In the end, his efforts were for naught.


I turned my attention to Li Runze as he coldly called out.

"You will take mental notes. Traveling by my side, you must retain whatever I tell you and learn."

Nodding, I suppressed the rise of dissatisfaction about to infiltrate my facial expression. The purpose of the journey was for me to learn new skills anyways, and bring some kind of ambition back to Lord Hong. However, the main thing was to stay alive and avoid trouble. In the middle of traveling, an attack from bandits would happen as it did in the novel. Li Runze and Liu Ying would fall into an underground cavern and be trapped. This was a typical event for the main characters to become closer and have feelings grow deeper.

No matter what I must avoid the main characters and survive! Find a way home!

I will keep my bag close to me at all times. That way I'll have what I need to live.

My stomach hurt before we left. While I did go to the bathroom, nothing came out, so I knew I was screwed even before the terrible expedition began.

Liu Ying rode her horse on the other side of Li Runze. He was sandwiched in between us. There were a few men riding in front of us, but we were part of the first group, leading the rest of the caravan.

The silence was somewhat of a blessing. I could plan necessary steps in my head. Li Runze would interrupt my thoughts to point out some traveling information where I had to feign interest.

Runze finished with a death glare. "Did you get that?"

"Huh? Uh, yeah." Going down a steep hill, I pulled back the reign on my horse as it slowly galloped. My body gently lifted off the horse, and I felt something flowing out.

Oh my God...

"Hey, Runze... When will we stop to rest?"

"Not for awhile." He didn't take a look at me and stared ahead.

Shit. I didn't even stop to think that my period would come on the first day of this troublesome journey! I didn't prepare anything and now having to make sure no one finds out? Just great!

Night had fallen. We traveled for 12 hours. I wanted off this horse. Reaching a town far from capital city, we finally stopped to rest.

"Lord Li!" The innkeeper came out to greet us. "You're here!"

"Yan Laoban, hello." Li Runze descended from his horse. We all followed suit. I did so slowly, trying to waddle into a comfortable situation, hiding any possible stains with my backpack.

"I have the rooms you've reserved for the crew. 4 to a room."

4 to a room? There were at least 24 in our group. I won't even have some time to relax?

"Thank you, Yan Laoban." Li Runze spoke in a clear voice, announcing room assignment. "Everyone group up in fours for your room. Liu Ying and Wen Lu will share a room together."

I hurried over to the innkeeper. "Sir, do you have any spare rooms? I'd like one for myself."

"Sorry, I've already booked them all to other travelers. I was barely able to hold off enough rooms for Lord Li's group tonight."

Damn it.

I can't even bunk with Wen Lu because she's sharing it with Liu Ying.

"What's the matter? His lordship can't share a room with us normal folks?" I heard someone whisper cockily. Perhaps I came off as though I didn't respect the expedition or people, only wanting to satisfy my own comfort. However, I was in a dire situation. Let them deal with the monthly aunt that made my insides cry!

At last I was paired with the good looking trio - Li Runze, Bai Lang who was really Hong Liang, my royal cousin the 5th prince, and lastly Physician Huang.

Before Wen Lu could enter her room, I pulled her aside.

"What's the matter Young Master?"

"Wen Lu, um... Did you bring anything to, uh, to..."


"Did you bring anything for let's say... womanly time of the month?"

"Oh, you mean for Big Aunt?"

"Yes! Yes, exactly."

"I brought some undergarments with special padding for such situations. Did your period come?" She whispered.

Stunned, I laughed nervously. "What?! Of course not. I'm a man. Men don't have periods. I just- I was just asking. Was just curious."

"Wait here." She left me by the corner in the dark. I heard the door to her room open and close. She returned shortly after and placed 2 folded cloths in my hand.

"What's this?" I asked her while examining the cloth.

"It's undergarments I made for periods."

"And you're giving it to me?"

"I brought just enough for me, but luckily packed some extra in case. You'll have to wash them when you get the chance."

"Wen Lu, so you know?"

When has she figured it out?

"Young Master, you're careless when you drink. I've known for almost a year now."

So she's known and haven't told anyone? Wen Lu really is just that kind. What a Saint! Unlike some evil...

"Why haven't you asked me about it?"

She shrugged. "Young Master must have his reasons. It's late now, and we have to get up early tomorrow. Drink something warm and get some sleep."

Patting my shoulder, she took off and went inside her room. Feeling blessed to have a kind fairy like her on my side, I almost cried. But I had to quickly get ready for the night.

I returned to the room with Physician Huang still waiting for me. The bodies in the room added to the summer heat. Bai Lang was sleeping already on the bed with no covers over him. By the candlelight, Li Runze was writing something down in a journal.

"You feeling okay?" Physician Huang came to my side.

In an enclosed space, I didn't want to say anything. If we were by ourselves, I wouldn't have been able to help but spill everything and endlessly whine for him to pamper me as his patient.

"I'm fine," I tell him.

"Your cot is over there. It's late. Sleep." He pointed to a cot in the corner of the room, the furthest away from everyone else but closest to the desk Li Runze was at. Physician Huang lied down on the cot near the door, facing the wall.

Sighing, I made my way to the cot and lied down. Ignoring Li Runze, I turned the other way, closing my eyes and hoped this will all be over for just a while in my dreams.

Thanks to Wen Lu, I was able to fall asleep comfortably. When I awakened later, it was still dark and not yet morning. The flame from the candle was still wavering, shadows danced along the wall.

I lifted my head and peeked over at Li Runze. He had fallen asleep with the brush still in his hand. As quiet as I could, I got up and went over to the desk. Reading the papers on the desk, Li Runze was writing reports and budgets for the expedition. Even the abacus was out on the table.

Working hard. He works harder than any of us on this trip. He's had to work all his life since his parents died when he was young.

Pitying him all of a sudden, I took the brush from his hand and set it aside. After placing a thin blanket over his shoulders, I blow out the candle and went back to bed. As soon as I closed my eyes, I felt someone shake me.

"Wake up, Young Master. We have to get going." It was Physician Huang's voice. I groaned in retaliation. My sleep was thwarted by waking up because of Li Runze's light. Now I was cranky and tired, yet another day awaits.

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