A Beautiful Demon (Demon Slay...

By resevoir315

149K 3.9K 853

In pursuit of their goals, Y/N heads out to become a Demon Slayer. However, after meeting a girl named Nezuko... More

The House In The Woods [1]
Nezuko [2]
A Perspective Change [3]
Tetsuo Nakatomi [5]
Final Selection [6]
Unforeseen Events [ 7]
Death | Hero [8]
Aftermath [9]
Ever Loved? [10]
Departure [11]
Beatdown [12]
Mitsuri Kanroji [13]
The Hashira [14]
The Butterfly Girls [15]
Total Concentration Constant [16]
Sayonara [17]
Demon In The Box [18]
Hashira Struggle [19]
My Sword [20]
Nezuko Reuinion [21]
I Love You, Nezuko [22]
Calm Before The Storm [23]
Sleeping Beauty [24]
Blind Rage [25]
Final Farewell [26]
Through Nezuko's Eyes [27]
10th Hashira [28]
What Was Missing [29]
Nightmarish Scenario [30]
Faker Battle [31]
Kissed Me [32]
New Hashira Summoning [33]
Walk With Shinobu [34]
Tsuguko Search [35]
Devastating Death [36]
Grief And Sorrow [37]
Christmas Short [Special]
Move Forward [38]
Tengen Uzui [39]
Until Next Time [40] (FINALE)
Book 2 Update:

Goodbye | Thank You [4]

5.8K 166 86
By resevoir315

Calm down. That's all I needed to do. But every time I tried to cut through that boulder and failed, I got more and more flustered. I hit at that boulder for months on end, but just like the first time I tried, I didn't make any progress in splitting it. I felt my body was growing stronger and stronger, but Urokodaki already showed to me that brute force isn't enough to wield a blade.

**This is ridiculous. I'm about to just go find the Final Selection alone.**

How did Urokodaki expect me to cut this boulder just because he told me how to improve my swing? I got what he was saying, but there was no way I'd master it that quickly. Deep down I knew that Urokodaki wasn't expecting me to learn how to do it that easily. The only one putting that much pressure on ME was myself.

**Relax, Y/N.**

I dropped my sword on the ground and sat down. I closed my eyes and began to meditate. I'd been practicing my meditating over the last few weeks, but I couldn't maintain it. There was always something to distract me. But today I focused on my breathing and finally realized what my master meant by 'just breathe'. Meditating, I focused on my surroundings. In order to remain calm in this setting, I had to become one with the environment. I kept my breathing going at a steady rate as I listened to the rustling tree branches all around. The wildlife sounded clear as day as I fell into a total concentration. My eyes were closed, but I felt like I could see everything. Even a little bug crawling on the floor. I'd never been able to concentrate like this before, but tonight something was different.

**What is this feeling? I can see everything. I can hear everything. What is this sensation? Is this what some people call tranquility? No. It was something else. This was... Focus**

I opened my eyes and got up. I felt fresh and new. I grabbed my sword and gave it a few practice swings. This feeling I was having... It's what athletes may refer to as the "Zone". I was sure that now I could cut this boulder. Before I could try, though, my focus was deterred as I heard a noise in the woods. It didn't sound like a normal forest animal, their movements are much more random and spontaneous. Whatever was over there had much greater coordination than a wild animal. I assumed a battle stance and directed my attention towards where the noise came from. 

**Is something sneaking up on me? A demon? But I haven't seen many demons around this area, so it might be something else?**

I didn't let my guard down as I saw a figure walking. It wasn't heading towards me, but it was definitely not an animal. It didn't seem like it really had any direction it was going. It was just walking.

**Wait a second? I'd recognize that hair anywhere**

It was Nezuko. What the heck was she doing out here at this time of the night? Nezuko had gone out alone at night before, but did she always come this far?

**I don't think that she noticed me. She was legitimately just taking a night-time stroll through the woods.**

Y/N: Yo, Nezuko!

She turned and looked in my direction before she came running over.

Y/N: What're you doing out here? Does Urokodaki know you went out?

She nodded her head before her gaze moved from me over to the boulder. She walked towards it and observed the split between the 2 sides. She placed her hand on one side of it and just stared at the big rock. I don't know what it was, but she was drawn to that boulder for some reason. Eventually, she took her hand off of it and backed away.

Y/N: Uhh, sorry to interrupt your walk then. Don't mind me.

I moved back over to the rock and prepared to cut it. Nezuko backed up some more and decided not to leave as she watched what I was doing. 

**Focus. Total focus is what I need right now**

I began to meditate again before I could feel my focus return to me. All I had to do now was swing. My better intuition told me that a regular swing wouldn't do the trick. I had to go beyond that. My body had fully recovered since Urokodaki took me in, but if I messed this up, then I'd be right back to the recovery phase. 

**Let's do this.**

I took a sharp, quick breath in through my nose and exhaled slowly through my mouth. I could practically see the air I was breathing in and out with how focused I was. Now was the time to try my new technique with my self-taught breathing style. I took a form where I held my sword to the right side of my body and crouched a bit.

Y/N: Gravity Breathing...

I tightened my grip on the sword.

Y/N: Seventh Form...

I stepped forward and used my entire body weight to swing the sword over my head and into the ground.

Y/N: Meteor Crash!

I used the entirety of my body weight in the initial swing which caused my sword to go into the ground while making it easier to propel myself into the air. Once in the air, I yanked my sword out of the ground with all my power and carried the momentum into a mid-air barrel roll to swing my sword down a second time, this time aiming for the rock. When my sword struck it, it felt like I had cut through it, but my sword got caught on something hard and I lost my grip. I was flung over the other side of the boulder onto the ground.

**Ouch! If I had messed that up, I'd be right back in bed resting**

The technique I just exhibited was a powerful one, but with how accurate and flexible I had to be, it wasn't one that I could use often. If my calculations were off, I could end up incapacitating myself in the middle of a fight. It was a high-risk, high-reward move.

**But wait, did I cut the boulder? It felt like I did, but then what did my sword get stuck on?**

I got up and turned around. I couldn't see if it cut or not from where I was standing, but I remembered that my sword got stuck on something and begun to doubt myself. The glow in Nezuko's eyes was telling a different story. I don't know if I cut the boulder, but whatever I did was amazing from her point of view. I walked around to see the damage from the other side. 

**No way.**

I looked at the boulder and saw that it had been split in half. It wasn't chipped and it wasn't cracked. It was split. I was proud of myself and amazed by what I did. However, what was the most impressive of all was my sword. The force of my attack had blasted a crater into the side of the boulder that sat parallel to the one I cut. My sword had busted a hole into the side of the rock and gotten stuck inside of it.

**Well I know what my sword got stuck on now. How much power did I swing that thing with?**

I was so impressed with myself and honestly shocked. I had done more damage than I thought I did. But now I just needed to get my sword out of that stone. I grabbed onto it and started to pull. It was moving a little bit, but the sword was really deep in there. Nezuko came running over and grabbed the hilt and started to help me pull it. With Nezuko's help, we got the sword to come right out and we both fell backward onto the floor.

Y/N: Thanks, Nezuko. 

I realized then what I had been trying to confirm for months. Nezuko didn't have a bulky or built physique at all, but she was deceptively strong.

**Wait a second. I cut the boulder. Not only did I cut the boulder, but I bashed in the other one. Not only did I do that, but my new technique worked!**

I lifted my hands towards the sky and stared at them. I was so happy that I couldn't stop smiling. Nezuko looked at me confused as to why I was getting teary-eyed. Her eyes slanted downwards and her forehead creased. She reached over and put her hand on my face. She probably thought I was sad rather than happy and was trying to comfort me. 

Y/N: Thank you, but I'm not sad. I'm...

We got up and I gave the boulder another good examining. Before there were 2 large halves of the boulder. Now the rock was split into 3 parts. 2 Smaller halves and the biggest half was almost blown through.

Y/N: I cut it... Nezuko... I cut it!

I wrapped my arms around her and gave her a hug. I was so exhilarated and I needed to celebrate with someone. I picked her up and twirled her around. She didn't resist and just let me spin her. The look on her face implied she was happy for me but didn't know how to react, so she just let me go wild. I calmed down a bit and put her down.

Y/N: Uhh... sorry about that. I was just excited. 

She didn't say a word, as usual, but she understood.

Y/N: I've gotta go tell Urokodaki! Are you coming?

Nezuko nodded then I strapped my sword over my back and started to run back to Urokodaki's house. I heard Nezuko running behind me. When we got back to Urokodaki's, I stopped outside before going in.

**It's only been a few months, but I feel like I've been able to grow so much with my swordsmanship.**

A part of me was glad I didn't make it to the Final Selection before, because now I felt more ready. Nezuko stopped at the door and looked back at me confused why I wasn't moving.

Y/N: Don't worry, it's nothing. I'm good.

We walked inside to see Urokodaki writing something on a table across the room. The air in the room felt light. It was as if Urokodaki already knew what I was preparing to say. Nezuko walked in and went over to her room. I closed the door behind her.

Y/N: Mr. Urokodaki.

I unsheathed my sword and placed it on the floor as he turned around to face me. Once he was fully facing me, I bowed. I didn't need to say any words. Urokodaki definitely already knew.

Urokodaki: Threemonths. That's all the time it took you to cut it, huh? Your skills were already a lot more polished than my last student, so I'm not too surprised, but...

Y/N: Urokodaki, I thank you. I couldn't have improved my technique without you. But... I'm ready now.

Urokodaki: Well then, I wish you the best. Go get some rest before tomorrow. It's a long trip on foot and I'll see you out in the morning.

Y/N: Understood, sir. Thank you.

I bowed again and headed to the guest room to go to bed. I laid down and thought about what I'd done. I still couldn't believe I cut that boulder. My amazement was a combination of me cutting the boulder and me learning what it feels like to be totally focused. I was likely just on an adrenaline high, but I felt like I could cut anything now.

**What demon could stand in my way?**

I closed my eyes and fell asleep to get well rested for

Tomorrow morning

I got up and packed up all of my belongings. I took the heart Nezuko had made for me and put it in my back pocket. Urokodaki said today was the day I headed out. I was feeling a bit ambivalent. I was happy to continue on my adventure, but a part of me didn't want to leave. Even though I'd only been here a short while, Urokodaki treated me like his child, and I loved spending time with Nezuko. But I had already decided I couldn't stand by and wait. I had to go.

Urokodaki met me in the living room with a backpack and a sheet of paper.  He handed both of them to me.

Y/N: What're these?

Urokodaki: The bag has food inside. You'll be traveling for a few days, so consume this food sparingly. The paper...

I looked at the sheet of paper he gave me. Upon closer inspection, it looked like a map. It was pretty easy to read too.

Urokodaki: It's a map. Follow it as written and you'll have no trouble reaching the Final Selection. If you get lost, find one of the marked spots and retrace your steps.

Y/N: I can't say thank you enough, Mr. Urokodaki.

Urokodaki: I'll see you out. Best of luck in your endeavors, Y/N.

We headed outside and I made sure I had everything I needed before I left.

Y/N: One second, Urokodaki, sir.

I planned on just leaving and letting Urokodaki say goodbye to Nezuko for me, but I couldn't. I ran back into the house and knocked on Nezuko's door. I didn't get a response, so I just assumed she was asleep as usual. I slid the door open and walked in. Nezuko was lying down asleep. I walked over and knelt down next to her.

Y/N: Hey, Nezuko. Sorry to up and leave so abruptly without properly saying bye. I've had fun with you, and thanks for keeping me company when I was feeling lonely. I hope my leaving doesn't make you sad. I'm gonna miss you, but I hope you'll be okay.

My eyes got watery, and with every blink, the tears dared to fall down my face. 

**Why am I crying? Wasn't I supposed to be happy right now? I cut the boulder and was on my way to the Final Selection. Why was I crying? These don't feel like happy tears.**

I knew she couldn't hear me, but I needed to talk to her and get some stuff off my chest.

Y/N: Urokodaki told me that you were the one who brought me in when I first arrived. I never properly said thank you, but I'm indebted to you, Nezuko. You saved my life and I'll repay the favor someday. Just wait for me. I know we'll meet again. You, me, and Urokodaki. However, I plan on joining the Demon Slayer Corps, so it may be a while before I can come back here to see you. Please don't think I'll forget about you, and even if I never make it back, I hope you don't forget me. There's so much more I wanted to show you. And even though you never actually spoke to me, I feel like I know so much about you already.

I paused as Nezuko made a sound. It seemed like she woke up, so I waited for her to open her eyes, but she didn't so I assumed it was just her making noises in her sleep. I fought back the tears in my eyes. If I was going to join the Demon Slayer Corps, I couldn't get so emotional. I wiped my eyes as I smiled and looked at her.

Y/N: I was a bit nervous when I first got here. Urokodaki's an intimidating man, and he speaks in such a stern way that sometimes it feels like he's being mean. But I know he's got good intentions. Still, I was feeling homesick and upset that I wasn't making any progress towards my goals, but you would come to spend time with me almost every night and cheer me up. You're so beautiful, inside and out. Thank you for being my light these last couple of months. I'm-

I decided to just stop. There was so much I wanted to tell her, but it's not like she could hear me anyway. So I chose to just end it there.

**Here, have a last parting gift, Nezuko.**

I pulled my notebook out of my pocket and ripped out a single page. I took a moment and folded it into an origami flower.

Y/N: A flower for a flower.

Nezuko's name had part of the word for 'flower' in it. I didn't know if she knew that about her own name, but if she did I hoped she'd understand the pun I was making.

Y/N: Goodbye, Nezuko. Thank you.

I closed my notebook and left it on the floor next to her futon. I wanted her to have something to remember me by other than a paper crane, heart, and flower. Besides, where I was going, I knew she'd have more use for this notebook than I would. I placed the flower I made on top of it and got up.

Y/N: Goodbyes are forever... Let's just say... See ya later.

I heard Nezuko make another noise as I closed the door to her room and wiped my face before heading back outside.

Y/N: I'm ready. I'm gonna go now, Urokodaki.

Urokodaki: Godspeed, Y/N. You're welcome here any time.

I looked at the map he gave me and started out in the direction he marked for me. He watched me as I headed away, but I felt my emotions overcoming me again as the tears I tried to fight back before came out. I stopped and turned around to face Urokodaki. I bowed to him again from atop the hill I was on.

Y/N: Mr. Urokodaki! Thank you!

He didn't say anything, but I could feel that under his mask he was smiling for me.

Y/N: You saved my life, sir! You and Nezuko! You took me into your home and fed me, housed me, and gave me a space to clean myself! In only a couple of weeks, you taught me how to grow and how to be stronger! And you treated me like a child of yours even though you hardly even know me! Thank you, sir!

I knew Urokodaki heard my words and I know that they cut deeply. The sun's rays shone down on him like a spotlight. I didn't give him the opportunity to say anything as I turned around and kept walking. He had already done and said enough.

Now it was on me

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