Puppy Love : Tyler Seguin Fa...

By ihearthoodies

158K 2K 133

Dog park love connection (This started as a one shot but has turned into a story) More

He loves cuddling. Also like his dad.
The Perfect Date With The Perfect Guy
Try to stay on your feet, Bambi
My First Hockey Game
Darts, Pool, Gelato
FaceTime Will Have to Do
Can you watch the dogs?
Labrador Mafia
The boy is claiming you
I told my dad about you
Tell your dad not to buy a turkey
I want you. Us. Me and you.
Boyfriend duty at big Chuck's game
Meeting Tyler's Friends
Lunch, Skating, Top Golf
I'm glad we found each other.
Family Skate
Our Christmas Eve
Our First Christmas
I can't wait to kiss you at midnight
The First and Last Time
Welcome home
Tyler's Birthday
Valentine's Day
Jade's Princess Party
Tyler's ball hockey court
Quality Family Time
Drunk Chuck
A surprise and the dog park
Round 1 of the Playoffs
Stanley Cup Final
Celebrating Summer
Canada Day Weekend
Exactly What We Need
Action and Adventure
Leaving Paradise
Back in Texas
Back in Canada
Spikeball King
Tyler's Day Off
I've been kidnapped
The Perfect Haircut
Boots and Hearts
Rocks for brains
You're Glowing
I brought you soup
Happy birthday to me
The future is looking so bright
Yay, We Still Like Each Other
Is that ok for a baby?
We Have Some News
Night of Firsts
Halloween Party
Room Three
We're having a ...
Everything ok?
So Much to be Thankful For
I know you're not sleeping
Merry Christmas
Happy New Year
Did we just name our daughter?
Happy Birthday Ty
We Are Ready
She's Perfect
Bella Comes Home : The End

Baby Shower

1K 19 0
By ihearthoodies

I told Faith when it comes to my baby shower I only had one rule, it can't be a surprise. She can have it anywhere she wants, invite whoever she wants, plan it any way she wants, but I had to know when. I don't want to be one of those pregnant women who walk into a room and get all surprised and there's that oh my god face they get. I don't know why I hate it so much, I just do. Part of me is afraid I'd just bawl right there in front of everyone. I still don't have a great handle on my emotions. It will probably happen regardless.

I know Faith has been working hard on planning it and is looking forward to all of us getting together and celebrating Oopsie. Even my cousins are coming up from south Texas and I can't wait to see them, especially since I didn't get to see them for Christmas. I have a feeling I'll be seeing them more often once the baby's born. It's crazy to think everyone in my life is going to be coming together for me and our little Oopsie girl.

I picked out this beautiful dress for the shower. It's white with big pink flowers. It's nice and flowy but you can still see the bump. It's not much but I feel sexy in it. I almost went with something tighter. I thought I wanted to show off the bump as much as I could, but I am so happy I went with this one. It's fitting that there are big roses on it since Tyler and I have decided that her middle name is Rose, after my great grandmother who I was really close with.

"Is this what it's like watching me get ready for a game?" Tyler's been laying back on the bed watching me get dressed.

"I guess so, yeah."

"I can see why you love it so much." He sits up and reaches out for me. "My sexy girlfriend."

I walk over to him, stand in between his legs and run my fingers through his hair. "My sexy boyfriend." I lean down to kiss him, only meaning for it to be a quick kiss but it gets more passionate and heated than I expected. He's making it incredibly hard to leave him. "I have to go soon."

He pouts. "I can't believe I can't go. It's my baby too."

"I asked if you wanted one with men and women and you said no. Actually, what you said isn't that a chick thing? Remember?"

A smile slowly creeps across his face. "I remember."

My smile mirrors his. "So stop being a shit." I kiss his nose and rub my nose along his. "I really have to finish getting ready." He lets me go and I continue getting ready. I just have to do something with my hair and put a bit of makeup on.

"If there's big presents text me so I can go there and load them into the car. I don't want you trying to lift."

"There shouldn't be. I told everyone I know that we have all of the furniture already and to keep it small."

"I'm just saying, just in case, don't be stubborn."

"I don't know how. Sorry."

He laughs, which makes me smile. "Have a great time. The guys will probably still be here when you get back." Tyler decided to have all of the husbands, boyfriends, and some of his friends over during the shower.

"Save some barbecue for me."

"I'll think about it." I glare at him and he smiles before popping me on the butt. "C'mon, I'll walk you to the car."

My walk is more like a waddle these days. I keep having to remind myself to keep good posture. Tyler has been extra attentive, which I appreciate, but it's hard to accept his help sometimes. He has to keep reminding me that not only is it ok that I take it easy, that I should be taking it easy. When he's on the road he checks in on me twice as much as he usually does and I know he tells my dad to stop by, not that my dad wouldn't on his own. Between the two of them I am well taken care of.

Tyler gives me a sweet kiss and a hug before I get in the car and leave. Faith is having the shower at her house since her backyard is perfect for parties, plus, she likes to be in control. Luckily the weather is cooperating with us and it's a beautiful day. I was worried it would be too hot and humid and I'd be uncomfortable, but it's perfect.

When I pull up to the house the first thing I see is the giant pink and purple balloon arch and Faith standing under it. I have to laugh and shake my head as she points me to a reserved spot in her driveway. I can't help looking around at all of the cars parked on the street. There are way more people here than I expected.

We hug as soon as I step out of the car. "What have you done?"

"Planned the best damn baby shower that Texas has ever seen. You look great, by the way."

I look down at myself and rub the bump. "Thanks. You do too. I love this dress." Faith is wearing a pink and purple dress, which matches the arch. I assume it's the color theme of the day, which I don't mind at all. They're very pastel and subtle, just the way I like it.

"Thanks. I love it too. You ready?"

"Yeah. I'm ready." I look around at all of the cars again. "There's a lot of people here."

She places her hand on the bump. "There's a lot of people who love this baby...and you."

"Nah. They only like me for my baby."

She laughs. "Let's get in there. Everyone's waiting." We start to walk towards the door. "My mom thinks she's the hostess so I'm just letting her have it even though I am the one who did all of the planning and setting up and the everything. She's taken over."

"That's mom."

"It sure is, and Jade has been grandma's little helper."

"Jade's gonna be here too?"

"Are you kidding? She wouldn't miss it for the world. She's so excited to be a part of if."

"I'm gonna give that girl the biggest hug."

"She can't wait to take pictures of everything." We walk in the house, which is decorated beautifully, but empty. "Everyone's outside."

As we make our way outside I notice a big purple curtain hanging up in the living room. "Is that the name balloons?" I decided that at the baby shower is when I would reveal Oopsie's name so I ordered balloons of the letters of her name and had them sent to Faith. There's also a balloon with a Rose on it to represent her middle name. That's more meaningful to me than her first name, really.

She nods. "Yup. I can't wait for everyone's reactions. They have no idea. Jade knows because she saw me setting them up but she can keep a secret."

"What does she think?"

"She loves it."

Having Jade be involved in everything has been so great. She's so excited that she's going to be getting a baby cousin, even more excited that it's a girl. She's already offered to babysit any time I need it. She hugs and kisses the bump every time I see her. She's so sweet and I love that she's going to be here for the shower. She's just as much my family as any of my blood relatives.

We walk outside and everyone cheers as they start walking towards me to give me hugs. Every woman in my life seems to be here. Jade pushes through the crowd to give me hugs first.

"Happy baby shower, Amy!" she is bouncing with excitement. She kisses the bump. "Happy baby shower to you too, baby."

I play with her hair. "She says thank you."

"We have so much stuff going on today. You're going to love it."

"I can't wait to see what you and your mom came up with."

Not only are my cousins here, but my aunts and grandmother are too. I wasn't expecting them. I'm not sure why I wasn't, I just wasn't. I'm glad they're here, especially since I didn't get to see them for Christmas. I hug them for so long. I've missed my family. They gush over the bump and how great I look. I can't wait to catch up with them later. I don't think my grandma wants to let me go.

"Are you excited for your great grandchild, nanny?"

"Great grandmother. That makes me sound old."

I laugh. "We know you're not old, though, don't we?"

"That's right." She pats the bump. "And I can't wait for this little one to arrive. I need to meet that boyfriend of yours as well."

"You'll have to come over after this. He'd love to meet you."

"You bet I will." She grabs my face and pulls my head down to kiss my forehead. "I love you."

"I love you too, nan."

Of course my close friends Rose and Hannah are here, along with a few of my former coworkers. Faith got my permission first before inviting them. All of the other Stars wives and girlfriends are here and it's really fun to have my worlds colliding like this. Everyone that is important to me in one place. I couldn't ask for more.

Nancy gives me a big hug, kisses my forehead, and hugs me again. "That extra hug is from your dad. He insisted I give it, you know him."

"I do. I'm surprised he didn't try to sneak here in the trunk."

She laughs. "Tyler didn't?"

"He wanted to, believe me, but he loves having time with the guys. He'll get over it quickly."

"Your dad is so happy that Tyler included him."

"Tyler loves him. He wouldn't have it any other way. How's it been going with grandma? She can be a tough cookie." The other day was the first time Nancy met the family.

We both look over at my grandmother, who is having some kind of animated discussion with my aunts. "I think it's been going well. She seems to like me."

"She has to like you. You're great and you make my dad very happy."

"Thank you. I know she's going to be protective of him. That doesn't change no matter how old your kid is. Your baby will always be your baby."

I rub the bump. "I can't wait to overprotect the crap out of her."

She laughs. "Between you, your father, and Tyler she's going to be one protected girl."

I look around the yard at everyone who showed up to celebrate her. "There are all of these women who are going to have her back. She's a lucky little lady."

"With you as her mom, she sure is."

I get a little choked up. "Thanks, Nancy, you're gonna make me cry."

"I don't mean to." Before we can say anything my aunt is calling Nancy over to where they're standing and she walks over to them. I know that if my grandmother gets to be too much with her my aunts will step in and defend her.

Just when I think I am done greeting and hugging everyone I feel arms wrap around me from behind. "Did you really think I was going to miss my sister's baby shower?"

I smile and turn around. I know exactly who that is. "Candace!" I hug her so tight. I was under the impression that she wasn't able to make it. "You made it!"

Another pair of arms wrap around me. "She's not the only one."

I rest my head on Cassidy's head. "I'm so glad you guys are here. I can't believe you lied to me. Jerks."

They laugh. "Worth it for the surprise."

Candace points. "We have a few more surprises too."

I look over to where she's pointing and see Jackie and Tyler's grandmother talking to Faith's mom. My whole face lights up. My two moms are talking to each other. "The whole family's here. That's awesome."

Faith joins us. "I see you've found your surprises."

"They found me."

Candace links arms with me. "Let's go over there. You know once she gets talking she doesn't stop."

We walk over to where they're standing and Jackie stops mid sentence to give me the warmest, most loving hug. "Hi, sweetie, you look beautiful."

I continue hugging her. "Thanks. I'm so happy you're here. This is such a surprise."

"I wouldn't miss it for the world." She rubs the bump. "And hello, my granddaughter, can't leave you out."

I hug Tyler's grandmother. "Hi, nana, it's good to see you again."

"Good to see you too. I can't believe I'm going to be a great grandmother."

"Oopsie's a lucky girl. I loved my great grandmother so much."

She pats the bump. "Tell her to hurry up and get here."

Jackie giggles. "She has to cook a little longer, mom."

I smile. "They way she's been moving lately you'd think she's ready to bust out of there, but no not yet."

It's so wonderful to have Tyler's family here. Before the pregnancy the plan was to fly to Canada for the games in Toronto, Ottawa, and Montreal and to spend some time with them but plans change. I decided to stay home and relax instead. I've been feeling sick on and off and didn't want to be uncomfortable or risk being away from home and feeling like crap. When it's closer to my due date Jackie is going to be flying down and staying with us just in case I go into labor while Tyler's on the road. Of course my dad will be on call as well, but I really want that mother figure to be with me.

I catch up with Tyler's family for a bit before moving on. I want to make sure I touch base with everyone here and at the very least thank them for coming. I haven't seen my family in so long so I make sure to spend some time with them. They're all so excited that I'm finally having a baby and starting my family. They're going to be in town for the rest of the weekend so we make plans for everyone to come over after the shower.

Faith bought these pieces of paper with letters on them or baby's first ABC's book where everyone picks a letter and chooses what word to associate with the letter and they can write what it is and a little message to her. I think it's the cutest thing and can't wait to look at it with Oopsie and read to her all of the messages of love from everyone we love. I pick M for mommy, D for daddy, I for Isabella, and D for dogs. Our little family.

When she's older she's going to laugh at my attempt at drawing the dogs, I am no artist. I draw myself as a pregnant stick figure and as well as stick figure me holding her. I draw Tyler playing hockey and holding her, separately of course. I draw her with hearts all around her. The most important thing is for her to know how much she is loved.

Faith is walking around making sure all of the letters are represented. "Don't be afraid of X, Y, and Z, people. Someone's gotta do them." She winds up assigning those letters to people and I have to laugh. She's so controlling sometimes, but it's done out of love. My best friend, the drill sergeant.

Faith has a table set up full of diapers and markers that people can grab for themselves or write on right there. The idea is for everyone to write a funny or encouraging message on the butt of the diapers for those late night diaper changes that neither of us are going to have the energy for. It's a cute idea and I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with. We have such a great mix of personalities in this group so I know none of them are going to be boring.

I told Faith we could plan the shower together since it wasn't going to be a surprise but she insisted on planning it all herself. It's probably better she did, she's come up with so many fun activities to do to keep everyone busy and entertained. I was worried it was going to be corny and awkward but I should have known better, she wouldn't let that happen.

The last activity Faith has setup for the guests to partake in is a headband making station, which I love. I have to admit that I have bought so many headbands for her already, and I don't think you can ever have enough. I would want to make sure I had a few options per outfit. Faith knows how obsessed I've been with headbands lately so this is perfect. Oopsie is going to be way more stylish than I could ever be.

I try to take it all in, watch what everyone's doing on top of having my own fun. There's so much to pay attention to, so much going on all at once. I sit at the table where my grandmother, aunts, and cousins are sitting. Having them around has made me realize just how much I've missed them.

"Are you having fun?" My grandmother has a bunch of headbands in front of her. "Are you hoarding these?"

"I like making them. She will have a piece of me on her when she wears them."

"Aw, that is the sweetest thing. I'll make sure yours are the first she wears."

"She's going to be the most beautiful child on the planet. That's our genes, you know."

I belly laugh when she winks at me after she says it. I swear I get all of my personality from her. "It's all your genes, nan."

"So when's the wedding?" That's my nanny, blunt and just says what's on her mind. My aunts scramble to get her not to say more. "What? Why? They're having a baby. They should be married."

"How'd that work out for Charles, mom?"

She waves it off. "She was never right for him."

My aunt covers her face and shakes her head. "I'm sorry, Aim."

I shrug. "It's ok. She's not really my favorite person."

"Still." My aunt leans in close to nanny and mutters, "what did we talk about in the car?"

I wouldn't say my grandmother is terribly traditional. And the non filter did not come with age, she's always been that way. Her family is the most important thing to her and she just wants the best for us. I know she doesn't want what happened to my dad to happen to me, especially after how my last relationship ended, but I have no doubts about Tyler. We are going to be a family for the rest of our lives, it's just not starting out the way people expect and that's perfectly ok.

Nanny rolls her eyes and huffs. "Well they love each other, don't they?"

I hold her hands in mine and look right into her eyes. "When we decide to get married you'll be the first to know."

"Before I'm dead, please, dear."

"I promise."

I sit with them for a little while longer while they go back to making the headbands and I get updates on the rest of the family. I may not let them go back home after this weekend is over. I love having them around so much. Jackie, his nana, Candace, and Cassidy soon join us and I sit back and watch them all interact with one another. The connection between our two families is seamless and I wish Tyler was here to see it. I take a sneaky quick video and send it off to him and go back to observing.

All of us wind up deciding that after the shower we will all get together at our house so everyone can mean each other. My family still has to meet Tyler and I know my dad is looking forward to seeing his mom and sisters. We only have them for the weekend. I want to make sure we make the most of it. Besides, I need to take my grandmother to her first hockey game.

I make my rounds around the room a bit more before meeting up with Faith so we can get everyone inside for the name reveal. I feel like jumping out of my skin, I'm so excited about this. I think sharing her name with everyone closest to me like this is what I have been looking forward to the most. I take a peek behind the curtain she has set up and it brings me to tears. "I love it. I gotta get these home somehow."

"I'll get you new ones. These will run out of helium at some point."

"Ah. Yes. Good thinking. Where would I be without you?"

"Probably prison."

I laugh. "Probably."

Jade walks into the room in a hurry. "There you are. I've been looking everywhere."

Faith fixes Jade's hair by moving a stray piece behind her ear. "Everything ok?"

Jade leans against Faith. "Yeah. I just didn't know where you went." Her eyes widen when she realizes that we're standing by the balloons. "Is it time to tell them all? Should I go get them?"

"That would be a big help. Thank you."

"Be right back!"

She sprints outside and we can hear her yelling to everyone from inside. Faith shakes her head. "I thought she would go up to the individual groups. I should have known better."

"That child is not quiet or subtle about anything."

She looks fondly out the window at her very outspoken daughter. "You got that right." She tugs at the curtain. "You ready for this?"

"Mhmm. I think nanny might be speechless about the middle name. I kinda feel bad that dad isn't here to find out with her, though."

"I'll take video and send it to Tyler to show the boys so it's almost like they'll be finding out together."

I hug her so tight. "You are the best. I love you."

"I'd do anything for you, you know that. You're my family."

I wipe the tears from my eyes as everyone starts filing in. Jade, the little maestro that she is, tells them each where to stand so everyone can see. Faith takes her spot at the back of the room so she can get video. My heart starts beating a bit faster. All of a sudden I'm nervous. I'm not quite sure what to say, only that I have to say something before I move the curtain. All eyes are on me. They're probably wondering why they were corralled in here.

"So, uh, I just wanted to thank everyone for coming here and celebrating Oopsie with me. I know with all you amazing women in her life she's going to have the best role models and she's going to be so loved. Tyler and I picked out a name for her since we know that Oopsie isn't your favorite nickname and I wanted to tell you here today." I pull the curtain aside and try to focus on my grandmother's face. "Isabella Rose." I get a little choked up as I watch her realize that her great granddaughter will be named after her mother. My aunts hold her hands and we all try to hold it together. "Great nanny was the most kind, warm hearted woman and I could only hope we pass that down to Isabella. And I hope that she has just as good of a relationship with her great grandmother like I had with mine." I wipe the tears from my eyes. "Sorry, I wasn't planning on getting so emotional. We still call her Oopsie, it's a habit, but she's Isabella. Isabella Rose."

I take a moment to look out to the crowd to see that there's not a dry eye in the place. It wasn't my intention. This was supposed to be fun and light hearted. I can't help getting emotional when talking about great nanny. She was an important part of my life and I miss her every day. The little old woman with a heart of gold. I wish she could be here today to see who I've grown up to be. All of a sudden I am surrounded and hugged by everyone here. All that can be heard are sniffles and giggles and the group hug gets bigger and bigger. The I love yous echo through the house and I have the biggest smile on my face.

After we have a little bit of brownies, cake, and cookies the shower starts to die down. People start to trickle out, leaving just family still sticking around. Jackie, nana, Cassidy, and Candace are coming back home to stay with us for most of the week. My grandmother and aunts are going to be coming over to meet Tyler and see my dad.

I hug Faith, her mom, and Jade goodbye and thank them for making my baby shower so special. It was more than I could have dreamed. I beg them to come over, especially since Scott is already there, but she says they're going to clean up the rest of the shower and have some girl time together. I can't argue with that. I make lunch plans with Faith for some time during the week and she sends me on my way.

I text Tyler to let him know we are about to leave.

On my way with a car full of Seguins

You could have left them there 🤭

You could have told me they were here

Then it wouldn't have been a surprise. See you when you get home. 😘

When I pull up to the house I see that Tyler and a bunch of the guys are already outside waiting for us. I have to chuckle and shake my head. "The cavalry's here." I am pretty sure that he made everyone stay so they can help bring the presents in from the car. There is a lot more to bring in than I expected so he was probably right to have them stay, not that I couldn't do it myself, I just know that he wouldn't let me.

As soon as I step out of the car I can hear Tyler barking out orders to people. My dad walks over and wraps me up in the warmest hug. "I love the name." He must have seen the video. "It's beautiful." I can hear the emotions in his voice, which makes me tear up a bit. My great grandmother deserves to be honored and I'm happy I can do that for my family.

The dogs trot out into the yard and make sure to say hello to everyone. Grace knows my family and hasn't seen them in a while so she runs right over to my aunts and flops over on her back for belly rubs. Marshall heads right to Jackie and leans on her while Tyler hugs his nana. I have to chuckle at the chaos. There's so much going on and everyone's talking at once.

My dad finally lets me go and goes off to say hi to his mom and sisters. Tyler breaks away from Jackie and makes his way over to me. He couldn't have a bigger smile on his face. "There's my girlfriend. Everyone is hogging you up today." He hugs and kisses me. "How was it?"

"Really great. So much better than I thought. Faith really should go into party planning. How was your dad shower?"

He snarls. "We are not calling it that. No. It was just a hang."

I laugh. "I couldn't resist."

"Some of the boys are still here if that's ok. They're out in the yard." He invited some of the guys over from the team. I'm pretty sure I can guess who is still here.

"Of course. It's all family." I rest my head on his shoulder. "Speaking of family, my grandmother and aunts want to meet you so badly."

"After Chuck is finished with them." He kisses my forehead and rubs the bump. "How's she been today?"

"Too much activity to move too much. She's gonna be up all night I'm sure."

"I'll be up with you two then."

I stroke his beard and kiss him. "You have a game tomorrow. You gotta sleep."

He shakes his head. "Nope. I'm gonna be up with you after she's born and I wanna be up with you now."

"You are too sweet."

He scrunches his nose. "Sometimes."

I interlock my fingers with his. "Come on, cutie, let's get this over with."

"I thought you said I had nothing to worry about. Why are you sounding like I'm walking to my death?"

"I didn't think you did until my grandmother started asking about marriage, so I dunno what she's gonna say to you."

He shrugs. "Doesn't matter. She's gonna love me."

"Yes she is. You're pretty loveable."

"Your dad warmed up to me pretty quickly so this should be a piece of cake."

We walk over to where my dad, aunt's, and grandma have been talking. Dad and Tyler shake hands before I introduce him to everyone. Of course he gives them all the nicest hugs. Not only is that just in his nature, but he knows how to turn up the charm when he needs to. He's in his element when he's around women since he has so many in his family that he's close to.

"It's so good to finally meet you all, especially you, nanny." He flashes her a flirty smile. "Why has it taken us this long?"

She smiles. "Aren't you a handsome little flirt?"

He blushes. "Thanks."

"Don't give him a big head, mom, he knows already," my dad teases. Tyler grins.

"You have to be this charming to get away with all you do, I bet."

His cheeks turn even more pink, close to purple. I squeeze his cheek. "She's got you pegged."

He nibbles on my wrist and kisses it. "Let's go inside, everyone, or out back." He looks over where Jackie is and yells, "Mom! Inside!"

"Son! Obnoxious!" She yells back.

Hanging out inside doesn't last too long. It's too nice of a day to be cooped up inside. We all wind up in the backyard, where Tyler had been grilling for the guys. Some of his friends and some teammates are still here so he introduces my family to everyone and we all find spots to hangout. Again, I feel like I need to be circulating and making sure I spend time with everyone despite Tyler begging me to sit down and take it easy.

"Ames, I'm gonna tie you to a chair."

"With our families here? Kinky." I make sure to say it low enough that only Tyler hears.

He smirks. "Don't start." He hugs me and buries his face in my neck. "You're so bad."

I rub the back of his neck. "You can't set me up like that." Oopsie starts moving around and I assume Tyler can feel it against him because he giggles. I laugh too. "She likes when we flirt."

He steps back and looks into my eyes smiling. "I do too."

I sit down, not only to do as he wishes but my feet are yelling at me. I did stand way more than I expected to today. "Sit with me for a little while?"

He pulls a chair up right next to mine. "Anything you want." He takes my hand and kisses my knuckles. "Thank you for relaxing."

"Thank you for making me. I know I can be stubborn."

"You stubborn? No way! Never." He giggles.

"I'm pretty exhausted to tell you the truth."

"I'll tell everyone to leave if you want, or you could go inside and nap. I don't think anyone would hold it against you."

"Nope. Everyone's here. You couldn't pay me to walk away from this." Alec and Thomas are also here, a rare occurrence to have them both over at the same time. I've been enjoying watching them interact with everyone, especially my grandmother. I love my step brothers.

Jackie pulls up a chair and joins us. "I think you two have found the perfect spot." The sun is shining on us but the breeze hits us just right every few minutes.

"This is one of our favorite spots in the yard to lounge." I take a sip of my iced green tea. "We're so lucky the weather is perfect today."

"Mom, how surprised was she to see you?"

Jackie grins. "Really surprised."

"Really surprised, but really happy," I add, "I can't believe I didn't know."

"It wasn't easy to keep it from you."

"Yeah, your poker face is terrible."

He rolls his eyes. "I meant because I was excited for them to be here and I know how much you'd be too. Mean."

"We're happy to be here for the whole week. Everyone's schedules worked out perfectly."

I look out at everyone talking and laughing together. "It's going so well. We should have done this a long time ago."

"It's not easy to get everyone in one place. We're all over."

I sigh. "Yeah. We are." Oopsie starts moving again and I rub the bump. "I know, baby girl, today's been all about you. You've brought our family together." Jackie puts her hand on the bump to feel. "Say hi to grandma."

"Hello, Isabella, I am so happy your mommy and daddy finally named you so I don't have to call you Oopsie anymore. Baby Bella, we love you."

We sit and talk with Jackie for a little while longer before she goes inside with her mom and my dad suggests I give the family a tour of the house. I feel silly for not offering right when we got here. It slipped my mind that they haven't been here before. Tyler and I love walking people around the house. It brings us back to the first time we saw it. Tyler was in love right away and I had no idea how fast it would become my house too. We are so proud of what we've done with the place, and we are so excited to do more. Our last stop is the nursery. It's not finished yet, but it's coming along.

"The room looks great so far. Great job," my aunt gushes.

"Thank you. We should have it done within the next few weeks."

"The whole house is gorgeous. You've made into quite the home."

Tyler smiles so proud. Jackie helped a lot with the initial design and we've been making it our own more and more lately. "We couldn't have done it without the great inspiration from my mom."

Nanny walks around the room, inspecting everything. "So you're having a baby together and you moved in together, but marriage is out of the question."

My aunts roll their eyes. "We are so sorry about her. She's been obsessed."

Tyler wraps his arm around nanny's shoulders. "Right now we're focusing on the baby. We wanna give her our full and undivided attention and be the best parents we can be. That doesn't mean we're not going to get married, that's just not what's most important to us." He kisses her forehead. "We will get married one day. Kay?"

She pokes at his chest. "As long as you promise me you'll take care of my granddaughter and my great granddaughter."

"I promise. They're everything to me."

"Ok. I believe you."

He hugs her. "You should. I'd never lie to you."

She looks at me. "Look out for this one."

I laugh. "I know."

Tyler feigns insult. "I am an angel." He smiles the most innocent smile he can muster up.

"Don't you lie in front of my family."

He dramatically holds his hand over his heart. "Do you see how she treats me? I'm going back with you ladies."

"Oh, he is trouble, with a capital T."

I nudge him. "I can handle him, though."

He pouts. "I don't have to take this abuse."

Nanny holds onto his arm. "You'll take it and like it."

The biggest shit eating grin crawls across his face. "I love you."

My aunts tear nanny away from Tyler. "Come on, mom, let's go harass Charles some more."

Tyler starts to follow them out of the room but I grab his hand and pull him back. "We'll be right down." He looks at me with confusion and without words I hug him with everything that I am. "Thank you for saying that stuff about marriage."

He hugs me back. "It's what you want, right?"

"It is. I'm good with where we are right now. I'm in no rush. It'll happens when it happens. Isabella is what's most important."

"No more Oopsie?"

"She'll always be, but we should get used to calling her by her name."

He kneels down in front of me and kisses the bump. "Isabella. Isabella. Nah, she's still Oopsie. She told me so just now."

I laugh. "Until she's born."

He looks up at me smiling. "I can't wait."

I run my fingers through his hair. "Neither can I."

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