utopia | markhyuck

By neochans

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❝ you're naked. ❞ ❝ shut up or i will slash your throat. ❞ ━ or where don... More



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By neochans

— Chapter Six —

Donghyuck stirred in his sleep. Well, not really sleep. He constantly slipping in and out of consciousness, trying his best to let the all welcoming and warm darkness overtake him.

Sadly his body disagreed and after half an hour Donghyuck sighed and forced his body to sit upright, leaning against the wall. He blinked several times to get his eyes used to the brightness.

He shifted once and suddenly felt something warm in his stomach. Whispering a small "Oh no", he looked down. Yup, he had a morning wood.

He let out a few swears under his breath but decided not to mind it too much. From experience he knew it would go away in about twenty minutes and for the mean time he could already get started with his day.

Speaking of day, it had barely even begun. The sun was barely rising over the trees when Donghyuck stepped out of the plane. As always in the morning, the man's eyes scanned the whole area. Squinting his eyes, he saw something unusual at the beach.

And just now he remembered last night's events. The loud noises, Mark coming out of the jungle, the fight if one could call it that. Donghyuck waded through the shallow water until his feet met the dry sand.

Mark was awake as well but hadn't noticed Donghyuck yet. The older man's back was turned to the shore as he was fiddling with something in his hands.

Donghyuck debated if he should go up to Mark or not. He knew if he started a conversation, the man would be annoyed but on the other side it would also be the only human interaction he would get in a while most likely.

"Mr. Lee?" he called out, voice weak and hoarse from just having woken up. Mark's head whipped around, he had obviously been caught off guard. Donghyuck had almost laughed at the man's surprised face however he didn't even get the chance since Mark's face turned cold within seconds of recognising Donghyuck.

"What?" he asked.

"Oh, nothing. I just.." Donghyuck trailed off. He actually had not planned any conversation, just assuming a fight was bound to happen.

Mark scoffed and turned back around. His voice was low as he mumbled "I'll be gone. Give me a minute and the beach is all yours again."

"Right." Donghyuck said awkwardly. He didn't feel like insulting Mark right now. Neither did he feel like fighting. He just wanted a normal conversation but with Mark's annoyed face he didn't think it would be a good idea.

"You got a boner by the way." Mark commented casually.

"Yeah, I know. Morning wood." Donghyuck replied. He didn't bother to ask why Mark looked down there. He was just wearing short shorts that were hiding nothing, same for Mark. If the older had a boner, Donghyuck would see it instantly too.

"Why is your face so bruised?" the younger asked. He craved for any conversation, especially if it was peaceful. Mark however didn't seem to feel the same as he grunted and then gave Donghyuck an annoyed look.

"What do you think? That I'm just laying around in the jungle, playing with pudus? Some of us are out here working for their survival." he said coldly.

"God, I'm so tired of you. You're always trying to start shit." Donghyuck voiced his thoughts. He started to feel irritated with Mark again, the man always searching for a fight.

Indeed Mark scoffed and now asked sarcastically "I'm the one always starting shit?"

Donghyuck just hummed, watching him. Mark walked up to him and Donghyuck had to take a step back or else Mark's gun would've met the skin torso.

"May I remind you that you're the one to start every conversation? I told you I would be gone if you gave me a minute but no, of course you need to talk like there is no tomorrow." Mark snapped.

Donghyuck raised his eyebrows. He hadn't even said that much, Mark surely was exaggerating. What a drama queen he was.

"Fine, I shall never talk to you again. Fucking asshole." Donghyuck hissed through his teeth as he stared at Mark. The man's jaw was clenched and Donghyuck hated the fact that Mark was ever so slightly taller than him so he had to look up.

The older just hummed at Donghyuck's words and collected a few sticks as well as the dead animal he had shot last night. Donghyuck couldn't even bear to look at it, not wanting to identify it not seeing the flesh of the animal. He turned his face away in disgust and next time he looked, Mark was already at the border between jungle and beach.

So that's how it was going to be. No interaction, no working together, nothing. Mark was really set on living alone and it somewhat annoyed Donghyuck. He knew that Mark could survive alone, obviously, and slowly he started to believe in his own survival too. However working together would make the whole thing so much easier. It was ridiculous really. But then again, Mark couldn't even look at Donghyuck without rolling his eyes and the other felt irritated any time he caught a glance of Mark. So maybe it was better this way, the two just living separately. Donghyuck would not break his word and be the first to conversation. If Mark ever got in trouble, well he could see how how he would deal with it without Donghyuck's help.

While deep in thoughts, Donghyuck cooked yesterday's fish over the fire. Yes, it was weird to eat fish for breakfast but did he care? Most definitely not. He needed all energy he could get to just get over another day. And another. And another. Donghyuck shivered at the thought of how long he would be stuck here.

At first he had still hoped for any sign of civilisation but neither him nor Mark, who had definitely explored the island more out of the two, had found any trace of another human being outside of the other. So would they just be stuck here, alone in this sickening utopia forever?

Donghyuck shook his head, trying to get rid of those depressing thoughts. Instead he made breakfast for himself and then after went for even more fish hunting. He could feel every single muscle in his body strain and therefore wasn't the biggest fan of moving around in the water.

Surprisingly the fish stayed by his side and after three catches, Donghyuck gave up his hunting and just watched them swim around his waist. He looked down at his hands which were burning due to the salt water coming in contact with the little cuts on his knuckles. He had no recollection of getting them, it just happened while he was trying to survive.

He now noticed that he hadn't seen himself in ages. He had no idea of how he looked right now since there was no mirror or glass anywhere except on the plane which he had mostly used to sleep.

He waded over to the wreck and used one of the windows as a mirror since the sun was reflecting against the glass.

His hair had gotten just a little longer but that wasn't what caught him off guard. It was all those cuts and bruises spread over his face and neck. Again no memory of getting them even though he knew they were from his adventures through the jungle. Kind of ironic how he had judged Marl for them when he himself didn't look any better.

With his fingers he traced over the blemishes, wincing each time his finger pressed a little too hard on his own skin. He would try and heal them but it would be of no use. They would just reappear with his next visit in the jungle which he planned on having in the afternoon. He didn't know why exactly he wanted to go back but he was slowly losing interest in the beach. It was the same every damn day with nothing new happening.

So when sun was at its highest point, making Donghyuck's shadow practically vanish under him, the man took his knife and went down the path him and Mark had used in the past days.

He tried to stay on it as much as he could, even though it could potentially lead him to Mark. But honestly as much as Donghyuck despised the man, he didn't plan on dying today and this was a safe method to move through the thicket.

Using his knife he cut the way a little more free. He had reached the stone where he had first encountered the snake a few days ago. Feeling a bit anxious, Donghyuck made sure to scan the floor for any snake or any animal that could hurt him at that. Once he cleared the area he leaned against the rock and looked around.

He wondered why Mark didn't stay here. It would make sense for him to do so as the location was at least somewhat close to the beach, the area was kind of cleared already and the stone hill had a little indent which he could have used as a sleeping place.

Suddenly all noises around Donghyuck ceased. Well more specifically, all bird chirps as they had been the only thing being heard in the jungle.

Gulping, Donghyuck looked around. His eyes widened as he found Mark sit a few meters above him on a nook of the rock wall. He had his gun pointed at Donghyuck and the latter rolled his eyes and was about to turn when Mark yelled "Stop!"

Donghyuck scoffed and tilted his head to look up at Mark, shielding his eyes against the sun.

"Don't move!" Mark hissed. Donghyuck had to fight his urge to roll his eyes again. He didn't want to talk but in the end his curiosity got the best of him.

"Or what? Will you shoot me?" he sneered. Make didn't move nor say a word so Donghyuck only waved his hand aggressively.

"Hello? I am talking to you?!" but Mark stayed still, one eye closed and his finger around the trigger of his gun. Donghyuck started to get seriously irritated and finally turned around to walk off.

But as soon as his eyes had captured what was in front of him, he immediately stopped all his movements. With wide eyes and his mouth agape he stared at the animal in front of him.

Ok a tree, barely even a feet away from Donghyuck, sat a huge eagle. It had its eyes obviously fixated on him and Donghyuck did not fail to see the sharpness of the beak and the claws. So that was why Mark had told him not to move.

For a minute or so nothing happened. Everything was quiet, not a single noise apart from the wind and Donghyuck's heavy pants could be heard. He could feel his body go stiff while he kept eye contact with the eagle.

It really was a huge animal, it's body being as tall as Donghyuck's arm was long. The claws and beak were longer than his fucking fingers and Donghyuck knew how deep they could cut into his skin.

While being a bit scared, the man could feel himself getting annoyed with the situation. His body was aching and his muscles were going stiff from not moving at all for over two minutes. Slowly he lowered his arm and huffed in relief when the bird did not move whatsoever.

"Donghyuck, don't move. I know you want to but it's not a good idea." Mark wanted him from behind. Donghyuck could see the eagle's eyes switch to Mark before focusing back on Donghyuck.

"I can do whatever I want, thank you. Also I didn't know we were on a first name basis yet, Mark." he replied and slowly lowered his second arm as well.

"Donghyuck..." Mark said in a warning tone, probably both at his comment and at Donghyuck going against his advice.

"That's my name." the younger said.

And then it all happened really fast. A loud bang was heard from behind him, presumably Mark had pulled the trigger. The eagle's attention shifted to Mark and Donghyuck took the opportunity to run.

His body moved fast, his legs going wobbly at the speed he was running. He had almost reached the beach when he felt a sharp pain in his leg. He cried out, feeling his skin tear open.

Another loud shot was heard as Donghyuck had reached the beach. He immediately turned around to find the eagle that had probably been chasing him fall to the ground. Mark had shot it for good.

However Donghyuck only registered that faintly as his hurt leg gave out under him. With his hands he made sure to not fall too hard, letting out a yelp of pain during the process of carefully lowering all his body to the ground. He used all his strength to crawl to a palm tree and then ended up leaning against it. His sight was blurry and he numbly touched the side of his thigh. Between his fingers he felt a little streak of blood run through. The hot liquid however did not compare to the immense heat of the ground below him. The sand was so hot, Donghyuck thought it must've melted to glass by now.

His eyes, teary and half-closed, found the trail out of the jungle. He watched as Mark stepped out and made his way towards him. Donghyuck turned his face sideways, not wanting to look at the man who potentially saved him from even bigger wounds.

"Need help?" Mark asked.

"Fuck off." Donghyuck gritted through his teeth. He helplessly watched as Mark took his one hand and removed the pocket knife from it, probably just to make sure Donghyuck wouldn't stab him.

Mark put the knife into a small pocket of his pants and then pressed Donghyuck's body down a little. The latter had almost cried out when he felt his leg move just a little.

The sharp pain ran through the huge cut and he stared up at Mark who only gave him an arrogant smirk. Scoffing, Donghyuck sat up. The hot sand burned between his fingers but he didn't care for it. The pain in his leg and his pure hatred for the man in front of him was enough to make him not feel the heat and the burning sun above their heads.

"Not so cocky now, are you? You sure you don't want me to help?" Mark asked, bending down to Donghyuck. Their faces were close and Donghyuck could see each and every little detail on Mark's skin which had tanned so much recently.

Oh, how he hated the man. Now more than ever. That arrogant asshole was just a pain in the ass and Donghyuck wanted nothing more than for him to die. Sadly he wasn't in the position to decide that, rather it was the other way around.

Mark laid one of his fingers under Donghyuck's chin, making him meet Mark's eyes. He stared up at the man with disgust but in Mark's eyes he could only find a glint of amusement.

"So stubborn.." Mark trailed off and clicked his tongue. Donghyuck wanted nothing more than to spit in his face however when he felt one of Mark's fingers on his thigh he knew he couldn't. Mark's thumb traced over the bleeding wound in his leg and the man licked his lips.

Donghyuck was his prey and Mark had finally caught it. The younger was fucked and he knew it. He was dependent on Mark but at the same time he wanted nothing more than for Mark to disappear. Not only was Donghyuck in agonising pain but also Mark still had the audacity to play his little games with him. And at that moment he regretted nothing more than his decision to go on that fucking plane.

Had he only denied his father's request, had he only told his father he wanted to take their own private plane then he wouldn't have to sit here, his leg shaking in pain while an arrogant asshole smiled down at him in pity.

"I wonder what happens if I just.." but Donghyuck's scream cut him off. Mark had barely even touched the cut but it burned so bad that Donghyuck felt tears fall from his eyes.

"Are you sure you don't want me to help?" Mark asked again. Donghyuck wanted to say yes so badly. He wanted to show Mark that he could very well survive on his own. However there was no way he would get out of this position ok his own without fainting due to the insane amount of pain. So in the coldest and most unbothered voice that was possible for him in his current situation he said "Fine. Help me."

He could see the corners of Mark's lips twitch until they showed off a smile. This time Donghyuck couldn't decipher a single emotion in Mark's smile and that was maybe even scarier than his cocky tone when he spoke.

"Ah, there we go. I'll get a first-aid-kit from the plane. Let's pray your dumbass didn't use it yet." he said and Donghyuck could only watch as Mark raised himself up again. He took his gun and then walked to the plane in the water. Donghyuck bit his lip, both in pain and in embarrassment as Mark was intruding the little bit of privacy and personal space he had managed to secure on this island.

Soon the older's body reappeared and he made his way back to Donghyuck. His second hand was now carrying a red box which Donghyuck identified as the first-aid-kit.

"Open your mouth." Mark instructed once he had settled down in front of Donghyuck again. The other just looked at him very perplexed.

"I'm going to knock you out with this sleeping pill so you won't feel the pain. Or do you want to stay awake?" Mark asked sweetly and Donghyuck almost threw up at the pretentiousness in his voice.

However he nodded weakly, knowing that he would not be able to deal with the pain. Just now he was already close to passing out as the pain pulsed through his leg every few seconds.

"Then open up and swallow." Mark repeated himself. Donghyuck choked at the man's smirk. Both of them had obviously thought dirty and Donghyuck could help but let out a small, singular, pained laugh. Then he complied and opened his mouth, wordlessly swallowing the pill Mark had put on his tongue.

"Come on, swallow." Mark said and Donghyuck did. They waited in total silence for a minute or so in which Donghyuck stared everywhere but Mark and Mark stared nowhere but only at Donghyuck.

And then the younger could feel it. It was like a warm, welcoming dark, so different from the heat that surrounded them. The darkness slowly shut off each part of his body and brain. At first he felt his lumps go still and then he closed his eyes and let the darkness overtake him.

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