Shivika - Suffocation

By Mitali1228

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This is a OS on Shivika after Annika was buried alive. More

Its Suffocating
Suffocation In Another Form
How To Get Out Of This Suffocation
Sharing Her Pain
What She Went Through
Good News, New Life
A Leap
A Family

Her Torture

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By Mitali1228

Settling herself next to Shivaay with the phone in front of them, she took a breath. Where was she going to start?
A: I guess I owe you guys this
Shivaay put his arm around her and looked into her eyes.
S: You owe us nothing, we owe you by listening to you
A: I need a promise from you guys.
S: What kind of promise?
A: Once you guys hear me, I do not want you guys to look at me like a bichari. L
S: If anything, you have proven that you are anything, but a bichari, however if you want the reassurance I will not think of you was a bichari
G: Ha Jiji, me also I have seen you, I even told Omkara Ji that you are strong
Laughing Om said, "She did say that you were strong, then she complemented herself also."
A: Ok, then I will start

I was a year and month when Gauri was born. She came into the world and our mother left. Everyone looked at me like a bichari and my Chutki as a criminal. Even our grandparents blamed her. People called her so many names, I was little and could not understand anything, but I knew that she was my sister and she did not do anything. I saw the way mother use to love me and knew she would do anything for her. I tried to make people understand that mother would want Chutki here and she loved her, but people never listened to children. That is when father told me it was me and him against the world. We together will raise Chutki and give her so much love.
When, he want to work, I would locked the door from inside, as he told me to. He would make our meals for the day. I would eat and feed Chutki. When father was home, we would have so much fun. He would tell us stories and sing with us. He was great with us and tried his best to keep us happy. Whatever, we had was all because of him.
Then, the incident happened. Everyone, called us a killers daughters. There was food for us, people pointed fingers at us, they told other kids not to play with us, no one would hug us telling us we would be alright. Soon, they would have us kicked out of our house. We had no one for us and no more shelter. Even, our father's parents were focused to turn away from us. Our uncle told them it was him or us. If they chose us, they would have no shelter. As is our grandfather was depended on him.
We went for days without food, but I would somehow find enough to make sure Chutki had eaten. We had no one, but like I promised father, I would take care of her. I guess not eating would catch up with me and I would faint. The next thing I knew I woke up at the orphanage.
We had a shelter, but not a home. The orphanage was anything, but happy. The people there were not nice. All they cared about was the money the government was giving them. They would make the kids work and feed them once a day. I would try to work for both of us. I promised to protect her so I would do it. When we misbehaved all we got was a glass of water. I tried to make sure all our work was done so that did not happen. We were getting one meal and I wanted to make sure we were feed. However, they would find a way to punish us and I would ask them to punish me, but let my Chutki be.
Gauri cut in, "They did not only find a way, I would do something and they would punish you because of me. I remember how you took the punishment for me. Had I stopped talking back to them you would not have had to go through all that. I am sorry Jiji."
A: If anything is was not your fault. You were a kid. They were adults and should have known. Anyways, asides not giving food and making us work all day, they would lock the children who misbehaved in a closet without light. They would do it even if we did nothing. I would take double the beatings to make sure Chutki got none.
Then, came the day someone would come to take Chutki away. They told us that she was going and I would stay with them. I made a promise to protect her, so how could I let someone take her. I took her and we ran away. However, she could no longer run and asked to sit. I went to get her water and when I returned she was standing by the river. I saw that she got very close and ran to her, but she fell in. I tried to pull her out, but I was too weak and her hands slipped from mine. The people of the orphanage caught up to us and they told me that I skilled her. I did do it. I was selfish and run away with her, if only I stayed there Chutki would be alive, she said crying.
S: Annika, stop your Chutki is fine and she is on the phone.
G: I am right here Jiji and you did nothing wrong. You did everything to protect me. Also, if was me who asked you to take me away. I went near that river. I remember you trying to pull me, but the river was stronger. However, the people of the orphanage were there and someone pulled me out. I do not know why you are blaming yourself.
A: You are mistaking, I did it I ran with you and could not pull you up. I remember what they told me at the orphanage. They locked me in that closet for five days and beat me. I remember asking them to let me out, but they told me I killed you so this was what should happen with me.
S: Annika, I think Gauri is right you are remembering what they put into your mind. They made you believe something you did not do.
A: No Shivaay, I remember, she cried.
G: Jiji, I am telling you what happened and Bade Bhiya is right.
A: How....
S: Annika, even if what you said happened, you were a child and it was the adults who should have protected you.
A: Hmmmm, anyways. After, that I would do everything they would ask of me. Then, when I turned 15 we got another staff member in the orphanage. He use to scare everyone and I would hear children crying at night, ask him to stop. I knew exactly what was happening. Then, there came a day he asked me to go to his office. I was scared and ran. I would not let him touch me. I ran so much, until I bumped into a man. I got scared, but he seemed nice. He asked me where I was from and who I was. I felt like he cared, I told him I had no one. He said, he would take me to the orphanage to find a place for me, but I cried telling him that they were not nice and they would hurt me. Seeing my tears he took me home.
That was Sahil's father. I stayed with them without being adopted. They give me a shelter and food, but I did not feel parents love from them, it was more of a responsibility they took. However, it was better then the orphanage, so I took it. Then, at 16 Sahil came into the world. He brought me so much happiness. I lost Chutki, but got him. I felt protective of him, especially because he was born with a leg issue. People use to call him names and I would try to stop them, but his parents told me to not talk with elders like that. They give me a home, so I stopped. When, I turned 17 his parents found a doctor who could help Sahil, so they went to meet him leaving me and Sahil at home. That was the last of them. People then said it was because of Sahil. They blamed him and it was all over again. I was little and his Bua came to live with us. She told me to leave. When, I refused to leave Sahil with her, she told me if I wanted to stay I would have to work. So, in 10th grade I dropped. I took on working if the fields picking vegetables in the morning and cleaning houses at night. Those where the only work places I could take Sahil with me. I could not live him with his Bua. I would try saving money for Sahil's leg and if I had a little more I would save it for my event planning business I wanted. However, Bua always found out and would focus me to give it to her. When, Sahil got older he spoke up for me, but Bua would yell at him and to save him I would yell. I lost Chutki, I was not going to have Sahil go through what she did. She would hit me, pull my hair, but I refused to give her money I saved for Sahil. I would give her my money, but the money for Sahil she could not have.
You, know everything after that. I meet you, she said crying burning her face between her legs.
S: Then, I miss treated you, forced you to marry me by using Sahil. Accused you with Daksh. That was another story. You went through so muc because of him, then mom, Bua, Veer. I am so sorry.
Shivaay pulled her into his arms hugging her apologizing. Everyone, was crying.
A: I do not want you to be sorry. I asked you not to feel sorry for me, to think I am weak.
As a reflex Shivaay said, "No I do not think your weak, I think the opposite," wiping her tears.
A: No, I can hear it in your voice. I know you are probably thinking you married a weak person. I was the one who could not even protect to children. Look at what happened to Gauri and Sahil, if I was never there they would have been better.
G: No, I would not have been, she said crying. You gave you childhood to protect me. You were a year older then me, but never let me feel like I was alone. I remembered a strong sister who protected me and I admired her, if anything I am strong to fight my own battles because of you. Seeing the strength you had made me who I am.
S: Also, Sahil he would agree the best thing to happen with him is you. In fact let me call him. I will call you guys back. Let me call Sahil.

Hanging up the phone with Om and Gauri who were hugging each other. They felt bad for Annika, but not because she was weak because people mistreated a girl who never was at fault of her own.

Sahil: SSO, what are you doing it's my recess, you know that is when I make girlfriends. I am trying to convince girl number 2 and 5.
S: I know, but ai had a question
Sahil: What is it ask fast
S: The thing is what do you think about Annika
Sahil: You called me to ask me what I felt about Didi. Have u fought with her is that why your calling? What did you do? I know you must have done something.
S: Sahil, I did nothing, but your Didi thinks she was not a good sister
Sahil: What, where is she put her on the phone, how could she think that she is the best sister. I am strong because of her. If she wanted she could have left me with Bua and continued school and made something of herself, but she stayed for me. I use to go with her to her work and saw how hard she would work. I use to want something and she would do extra work to get it for me. When, I saw this I realized, the best thing was Didi. I needed nothing, but her. I saw her hard work and knew if I do the same, I will be able to make her happy. I study so I can make something of myself. When, I am older I will be big and then I will dedicate the credit to my Didi. She was and is the person, who does everything for me, without getting anything in return. I will open a event planning business for her, with my money. She wants it, I know, but she spends all her money on me. She is the best, put her on.
A: I am here Sahil
Sahil: You were listening, good I do not have to repeat myself. What made you think like that? Did someone say anything to you? Tell me who it was, I will show them.
A: It was no one Sahil, you go study
Sahil: I cannot, when I know my Didi is upset
A: I am fine Sahil, really I heard what you said. I am happy you do not think of me as a issue.
Sahil: I would never thing of you like that
A: I understand
Sahil: Are you really ok, if you want tell SSO to send a car I will come to you.
A: I am fine, she said with a smile. You focus on your studies.
Sahil: I am on recess Didi, I have to convince girl number 2 and 5
A: Sahil girl number 2 and 5, what is this. How many girls do you have?
S: Only 10 Didi
A: 10 Sahil, you go to school to study or romance
Sahil: I do both Didi. Anyways take care and if you think like this again I will see you.

They bid each other a bye.
S: I told you Annika you are anything, but weak. You mean everything to your siblings and me.
Annika relaxed putting her head onto his chest, closing her eyes. He wrapped her arms around her, caressing her hair. She felt good after sharing her issues. It felt like a burden was lifted from her and she was able to breathe. She did not kill her sister, nor did she dislike her. She credited her for her strength. Her brother admired her and is studying looking at the hard work she did. She did not fail, to protect them. In her husband's arms feeling relaxed she would be able to sleep.

Shivaay saw her asleep and called Om asking him how Gauri was. Who assured him she was alright and worried about Annika. Shivaay told them she was alright and sleeping. He told them he would have Annika call them once she was up, but Gauri said no that she wanted to meet her sister and will talk with her then. She told Shivaay to take care of her sister and asked him to spend time with her. Where it was only her and him. She needed someone to be only hers and that was Shivaay. The man who felt the world when she was in his arms. He promised her that she would no more cry because of him and would always smile. All her dreams he will make them true. It started with him clearing his father in laws name. He will do that as soon as he felt right. Right now, all he wanted was for sleep in his wife's arms. Somehow, hearing her story he himself felt relaxed. He longed to know what happened with his wife. He knew that the orphanage people mistreated the day she told him about her fear of darkness and he got the names of all them who were there when Annika was and had them punished. He was able to punish Sahil's Bua when he took Annika's home and made her leave. He would make sure that society apologized to the sisters for turning their backs on them. He will do it, but right now he wanted to sleep in her arms, with her head on his chest. He made a call to the doctor's informing him that would be by in a couple of hours with his wife as she had a fever. Yes, Shivaay would not take a chance when it came to her health and knowing she had a fever he would take her no matter what, but for now they both needs to rest.

On the other side the doctor that took care of Annika the day she was buried called Om to tell him something that would shocked him.

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