A Maiden and Her Knight

By Renulen

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Sir Gabriel attempts to rescue a maiden who is being held captive by a great and powerful beast, or so the ru... More

01: To Rescue a Maiden
02: The Start of a Journey
03: A Big Visit
04: Taking Care of a Dragon
05: A Night Out
06: Walk and Talk
07: An Overdue Visit
08: Knight of the Ale
09: Meeting the Family
10: A Family with History
11: The Ghost Bandit
12: A Well-Deserved Reward
13: Dummies and Mud
14: An Unexpected Inheritance
15: A Memorial
16: A Helping Hand
17: A Much Needed Break
18: Dealing with a Pack of Nuicances
19: At Her Most Vulnerable
20: A Rainy Day
21: Hunger Pains
22: Have Faith
23: An Urgent Delivery
24: Where There's Smoke There's Fire
25: An Anticipated Arrival
26: A Tight Squeeze
27: Crossing a Bridge
28: Pretty and Presentable
29: Little Playthings

30: Safe and Sound

397 3 2
By Renulen

     With Michelle rescued from the bandits and safely in Sir Gabriel's care, Ashley is heading back to Creek's Crossing. Normally Sir Gabriel would be riding on her shoulder, instead, Michelle is sitting there. While Michelle did insist on being carried back home, not wanting to walk in her bare feet, she had never expected a woman of an extraordinary size to be giving her a lift. Being so high up does make her nervous, she is clutching a strand of the maiden's hair with the hopes that she will not fall. The prospect of falling from such a great height would make anyone feel the same way.

         Sir Gabrielis sitting in Ashley's hand, held close to her body, and her palm cupped to ensure that he is safe. He is leaning against the maiden's body. He is looking up at Ashley, smiling at her, feeling lucky to be in a loving relationship with her. He removes one of his gauntlets, setting it down beside him so that he can grab a hold of one of her fingers. This touch does not go unnoticed by her, she looks down at the knight and smiles at him, brushing her finger across his face. Sir Gabriel kisses her finger, showing her his affection for her.

      "So, Ashley." The sound of Michelle's voice grabs Ashley's attention, her hazel eyes glancing over at her small passenger. "How did you get so big?"

        "I honestly don't know," Ashley answers with a shrug. Michelle lets out a surprised shriek as she feels herself moving upwards. What seems like a small motion for Ashley is not so small for the lady on her shoulder. "Sorry," Ashley apologizes with a nervous smile.

        From how Ashley answered, Michelle can imagine that her question must have been one that the maiden has heard at least a dozen times. She has a dozen more questions for her, "How big are you?", "Are you okay with your size?", "Are you still growing?" But these all focus on her size, not who she is. "So Ashley, you and Sir Gabriel are courting. How did you two meet?"

       "He rescued me." Ashley rubs her finger across Sir Gabriel's face again, feeling his small lips kiss it. She giggles, similar to a schoolgirl at how he is showing his affection for her. Some may find this display of affection odd, but for the couple it is normal. With the differences in their size, they have to be creative.

       "Rescued you?!" What could she possibly need rescuing from? Nothing short of an army should be a threat to a woman of her stature.

       "I was lonely." Ashley looks down towards Sir Gabriel, who seems to be content just sitting in her palm. She starts to smile, remembering that fateful day when she discovered the knight in her home. He did not flee from her, nor did he attack her.

     "And he just fell in love with you?"

     "Seeing a woman as beautiful as her, how could I not." Michelle looks down at the knight, trying to stay focused on him instead of the ground below. "I will admit that I was shocked when I first met her; it's not every day that one meets a woman who is over fifty feet tall." Michelle mouths the words "fifty feet", shocked to learn Ashley's height. "But she is just so kind and loving, I can't see myself being with anyone other than her."

       Michelle has heard an old saying that love is blind; could the love these two be an example of it? She has watched Ashley's mannerisms towards the knight, conveying an affection that any woman would have for their man; and Sir Gabriel shows his affection in return. She may not understand how they make their relationship work, but they seem to manage.

        Before Michelle can ask another question, she can see the familiar sight of the wall that surrounds Creek's Crossing. She can't wait to return home, eager to draw a warm bath, change into some fresh clothes, and get some proper footwear on her bare feet. She glances downward, her toes covered in dirt, looking very unladylike, she can only imagine how horrendous her soles look. Then her mind wanders to Ashley and her choice to forego wearing footwear. Her feet must get so dirty so easily. Yet when the maiden showed her bare feet, they did not look that bad. Sure, they had dirt and some grass on them, but they did not have the typical look of one who always goes barefoot. She can only imagine that Ashley must take extra effort in keeping her feet clean.

         As she turns her attention back to Creek's Crossing, she notices that the entryway is being rebuilt. When she sees that there is rubble and broken pieces of stonework she realizes that it has been destroyed. "What happened to the wall?"

       Ashley slows to a stop, her cheeks turning red as her face becomes flush with embarrassment. Michelle can feel the heat that is radiating from her face, causing her to lean away from how warm she is getting. "Well, you see…"

      "They are modifying both entrances for Ashley," Sir Gabriel interrupts, "she had difficulty entering, and with her planning to visit regularly the mayor decided that the entrances should be opened up for her." Sir Gabriel had decided that the facts that Ashley got stuck trying to crawl through and that she had accidentally destroyed it were not necessary to repeat to Michelle. Choosing to omit that information to save Ashley from reliving her embarrassment any further.

      Ashley begins to crouch down, being mindful of the lady who is sitting on her shoulder. She then lowers Sir Gabriel to the ground before she reaches back up to let Michelle off. Michelle looks towards the giant woman's face, looking confused. "I'm getting off here? You aren't going to carry me into town?"

     "Sorry," Ashley apologizes, "I think it would be best so that I can focus on watching my step."

      "Well, I am not getting off," Michelle insists with crossed arms, "I lack the proper footwear to be walking about town and I refuse to set my bare feet on the ground unless it is absolutely necessary, so you are just going to have to carry me."

       Ashley rolls her eyes, recognizing Michelle's behavior as being typical for a nobleman's daughter. She brings her hand closer to the woman, hoping to encourage her to step onto her open palm so that she can be lowered to the ground. But Michelle is being stubborn, refusing to move off of Ashley's shoulder until she chooses to. Ashley lets out a small sigh, Michelle leaving her with no other choice. "Sorry about this."

        "Sorry about what?" Michelle's question is soon answered as she is greeted by the sight of the giantess's large fingers wrapping themselves around her and removing her from where she is sitting. "Hey! Put me down!" Michelle protests, "You have no right to be handling me like this!" Her cries are ignored as she is placed on the ground. She stumbles when Ashley releases her, not quite ready to support her weight. She looks up at the maiden, livid at how she just handled her. She takes a deep breath, trying to calm down. After all, what can she do to a woman of her stature? She isn't hurt in any way. "A warning would have been appreciated!" She then turns around in a huff, showing her displeasure.

     The sound of a horse-drawn cart is enough to distract everyone and draw their attention. The sight is not unusual: a group of hunters, one sitting on the front of the cart as he guides the horses and the other two walking alongside their haul. They seem to be celebrating their hunt, laughing and cheering. Not a single one of them has noticed the giant woman kneeling at the side of the road, either they are too preoccupied with their celebration or rumors of Ashley's size has reached them so they are not surprised with her extraordinary stature.

       Ashley's gaze falls onto what the cart is carrying, a look of horror and disgust is on her face. There are no animals in the back, instead, there is a pile of pelts. Silver scales and wings, which look as though they have been recently carved from their kills. "Gabriel, are those…"

      "I am afraid so." Sir Gabriel is no stranger to hunting for furs to keep warm in the winter months, but he can not condone what these hunters are doing. Killing silver wings just to sell their pelts. He is aware that nobles will pay top coin for them, the way that their scales glitter in the light is eye-catching and they have them fashioned into clothing and cloaks. "It is sad when an animal is killed just so one can have a trophy."

       As the cart begins to pass by the group, that is when the hunters notice the giantess. While they have heard the rumors of a massive maiden traveling in Albion, they are still surprised to see just how large she is. They had thought that many people were exaggerating when they were describing her size, now they can see just how accurate their descriptions are. They will admit that the descriptions of her beauty do the maiden very little justice. Still, not a single one of them can comprehend being with a woman of that size. Soon enough they turn their focus back towards their destination, Creek's Crossing, thoughts of the coin they can make by selling their spoils. The sight of a massive hand coming down in front of them, blocking their path, spooks not only them but the horse.

       The one driving the cart looks up at the giantess, wanting nothing more than to yell his displeasure towards her actions. He knows that this would not be a wise thing to do, not knowing what she would do to him should he upset her. Instead, he puts on a friendly smile as he straightens out his beard. "Why 'ello there,'' greeting Ashley with a friendly wave, "What seems to be the problem?"

       "The silver wing pelts," Ashley points out.

      "They are quite the sight to behold, ain't they. I am lookin' to sell 'em. I can imagine that a big beauty, such as yourself, must carry a sizable amount of coin on you."

     "I am not interested in buying them," Ashley responds, "I could never condone killing dragons just to sell their skins."

    "They're just dragons," one of the other men responds, dismissing Ashley's concern. He is the shortest one of the bunch, his portly figure making him appear shorter than he actually is. "I think we did everyone a favor by killing such dangerous beasts."

      "They aren't dangerous beasts!" Ashley argues. "Right Gabriel?"

      "From my understanding, silver wings are more of a nuisance than a threat." Sir Gabriel thinks back to the pack of silver wings that both he and Ashley had chased off, remembering how they were acting towards them."

      "Regardless of what you think, we intend to make some good coin," the first man responds. "So if you ain't buyin', we will be on our way."

      "You can't!" Ashley argues."

     "We ain't breaking no laws. So please, let us through."

    "Gabriel, can't you do something?"

     "As he said, he isn't breaking any laws. While I may not agree with what they are doing, there is nothing that I can do."

     Michelle is huffing, watching, and listening to the conversation. She wishes that it would end so that she can go home, but it does not look like that will happen anytime soon. The idea of buying the pelts does cross her mind; her family does have the coin to easily make a purchase and she would love to have a dress made from silver wing scales. But this will only add to the problem and delay her return home by that much more.

       "Hey!" Michelle calls out as she approaches the three men. They stare at her, puzzled by her appearance, unaware of everything she has been through. As far as they are concerned she is just some poor commoner who stole a noble woman's dress before it could be washed. "If this maiden here says that you gotta stop hunting silver wings and to get rid of these pelts then you had better do as she says!" One of the men goes to open their mouth but is cut off as Michelle continues her rant. "I just want to go home and get myself cleaned up! But I gotta be escorted by this knight, and he won't budge without the large lady! So if I gotta wait here any longer because you can't follow a simple request I will see to it that you NEVER hunt again. My father, Lord Ethan Redfield, has a lot of connections and coffers that are overflowing, so DON'T CROSS ME!"

       The three men look at the woman as she is breathing heavily, her rant finally over. Right now they have no idea who they should be more afraid of: the giantess who is more than capable of crushing them or the noblewoman whose father can end their chances of earning any coin. After looking at each other, as though they are discussing their options, they turn their cart around and head away from Creek's Crossing to do as the maiden requested.

     Michelle turns around, taking a deep breath and regaining her composure. How she acted may not have been very ladylike but it was effective. She has seen her mother get like that on a few occasions, mainly towards her father. She looks up at Ashley, a smile on her face like nothing had happened, "Can we go now? I would really like to go home."

      Michelle is following Sir Gabriel as they all enter Creek's crossing. The sound of Ashley's heavy footsteps behind her causing her some unease; even though she has been assured that Ashley is watching where she is walking.

       As Michelle is walking through the town, she notices the looks that Ashley is receiving as she is walking by. Nobody has seen a woman of her stature before, and the ones who saw her initial arrival earlier are still curious about her. Ashley only waves at them, smiling as she says hello and other friendly greetings while continuing on her way. She certainly is doing her best to put the peoples' minds at ease about her presence, and it certainly is working.

      The walk to the Redfield manor is not that long of a walk, situated alongside the wall. The place is large and extravagant, befitting a noble family who is showing off their wealth. Even being two stories high, the roof does not even reach Ashley's hips. Michelle picks up her pace, approaching the door. "Mom! Dad! I'm home! I'm safe!"

       The front door swings open just as Michelle gets close, a middle-aged man stepping out to hold her close. "Michelle! My baby girl!" He is well-dressed, his clothes made from the finest cloth and adorned with detailing. His short blonde hair is well-kept and his beard trimmed nicely. It does not take long before Ethan looks up to see the knight who rescued his daughter" grateful for his heroic act. His focus on the knight does not last long as he soon notices the giantess who is kneeling behind him. He has heard rumors of a giant woman visiting Creek's Crossing, but he had never imagined that she would be taller than his home while on her knees.

      "Hello," Ashley greets with a wave, being as polite as she can. She can't blame Ethan for gawking at her, or anyone for that matter.

       "So you two rescued my daughter from those awful bandits?" Ethan asks when he snaps out of his stupor.

     "That is correct, Lord Ethan," Sir Gabriel answers with a sense of pride.

      "Well then," Ethen claps his hands together as he continues, "I know that I promised a reward for my daughter's safe return, but I say that we celebrate with a feast, honoring the knight and maiden who managed to pull off such a heroic feat."

       "I couldn't," Ashley politely declines, "I couldn't possibly expect you to feed me."

       "I insist," Ethan argues, "It is the least I can do. I am a man of many connections. I can easily feed a small army at a moment's notice, feeding a lovely lady, such as yourself shall be no trouble at all."

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