The Heirs

By shruthii

88.3K 5.2K 2.7K

"Do you have a death wish? You cannot seriously be thinking of going there? That place, those people... they... More



1.3K 114 42
By shruthii

Hello, Lovelies,

It's been almost a month since the last update and I am very sorry for that. Also, a very special Thank-you to everyone for being so understanding and supportive. I love you all.

Chapter 31 is here and it is dedicated to @Nicki-fayth :D



One thing that needs to be constantly in hand for me is coriander. I love making coriander chutney a lot! It has a lot of benefits than being a simple garnishing veggie. It is rich in immune-boosting antioxidants and helps fight infection.

Coriander seeds promote healthy digestion. Mixing grounded coriander seeds with milk helps in reducing abdominal pain and discomfort occurring during periods. It's best to start drinking this a week before your periods.

For skin, coriander makes a great exfoliator. It gets rid of dead skin and blackheads and also reduces wrinkles. Due to its antifungal and detoxifier abilities, coriander is used to treat skin issues like dermatitis and eczema.


"I think the reason that I like so many different games is because I like the way my brain works when I'm playing games. It's more fun."

—John Romero



As she walked in between the trees in the skin of the other guy, she had seen with Lachlan yesterday, Cyane had a sinking feeling that she messed up.

When Xanthos had woken up surprisingly early in the morning, Cyane had woken up too but had pretended to be asleep until she had seen him jumping out of the window and shifting into his wolf.

She was aware that he had gone for his morning run and at first had decided to go back to sleep, but eventually gave up because she had been curious and unable to resist herself from trespassing into Ash's compound.

Cyane knew she could take them down with a fight but that was not why she was here. She just wanted to take a look inside the mansion and see if Gideon was in there. She swore to herself that she wouldn't meddle in anything else.

From what she had noticed so far, she had realized that Ash took his security very, very seriously for there were cameras, barbed wires, electric wires, alarms everywhere.

By flying over them, she had managed to get past them and was now marching towards the main building. When she heard a rustle of leaves, she paused in her tracks and looked around.

There wasn't anyone around and she couldn't catch any scent but her heart wouldn't stop hammering in her chest. Maybe it was because she was feeling guilty for trespassing or maybe it was because she was nervous. Whatever the case, Cyane decided that she wouldn't give up.

Sighing, she continued on her path and frowned when she saw another camera and sensor on the branch of a walnut tree. She decided then that if caught, she would tell them she came to steal the walnut fruit.

For that purpose alone, she bent down and collected a couple of dried fruits and pocketed them.

As she continued on her path, the uneasy feeling of being watched just wouldn't go away and Cyane sighed because she couldn't fool herself anymore. They knew she was here.

She had expected this to happen one way or the other. As she heard footsteps approaching, she stopped in her tracks and waited for the inevitable.

"Well, hello" an unfamiliar voice crooned and Cyane turned to look at the same guy she had impersonated. "You look like me, but I know you are not me" the guy joked. He had chocolate skin and neatly cropped curly hair and looked to be in his mid-twenties. Cyane knew for sure that this guy wasn't Ash because Minivera had described him to have dark blonde hair and blue eyes. If this guy wasn't Ash, who was Ash?

He wasn't alone though. Another guy soon joined him and this one was holding onto the leash of the two dogs that began to bark like mad when they saw her.

Xanthos was right, Ash had three dogs. The Siberian Husky wasn't here since it was injured but a very ferocious-looking Rottweiler was in its place and it was itching to be set free. Just by looking at the dog, Cyane knew that it had a taste for blood!

She gulped and tried to calm herself because wolves were particularly good at hearing heartbeats.

"Are you going to reveal yourself?" the same guy asked.

Cyane simply shook her head and the guy sighed. He turned and patted the head of the Rottweiler that stopped barking for just a moment before it looked at her and continued.

"His name is Savage," the guy told her nodding at the dog, and Cyane's eyes rounded in disbelief. What kind of a name was that?

"And he does live up to his name."

"Being a wolf, are you seriously threatening me with a dog?" Cyane couldn't help but ask and the guy chuckled.

"I was just taking him out for a walk... does he threaten you?" the guy raised a questioning brow and Cyane gritted her teeth.

"If you are not going to reveal yourself, then how about you tell me why are you here?"

"My friend is in there... held captive by your boss" Cyane replied as a matter of fact.

"My boss? How do you know I am not the boss?" the same guy asked cockily.

"You don't have that vibe" she laid it out flatly, which caused the second one to chuckle.

"Ouch!" The first one placed his hand on his chest as if he was wounded but then laughed along.

"I like her," the second guy said and Cyane narrowed her eyes. How did they guess she was a woman when she was in a man's appearance?

"Her?" Cyane asked taking a step. There was no way a wolf could figure out her gender when she was in a man's appearance.

"You have that vibe" he replied smoothly and Cyane frowned. "Now, are you going to reveal yourself?"

"Will you let me meet my friend?" she countered.

"I would have if he was in here, but sadly he is not" the first one shrugged.

Cyane looked at the building, the walls of which were painted a dark shade of grey. She couldn't catch any scent which only made her more suspicious. Why would they hide the scent?

"Sadly, for you, I don't believe you" Cyane stated flatly and the guy sighed dramatically.

"That's sad indeed. I would have let you in but my boss wouldn't like it" he shrugged again.

"Is your boss in there?" Cyane demanded nodding towards the building. If Ash was in there... Cyane didn't know what she would do. She had kind of mixed feelings about Ash. On one side, he was bad, kidnapping Gideon, blackmailing Minerva and on the other side... she liked that he loathed King Stanislaus!

"Why do you ask?" A familiar voice asked that question and Cyane tensed because she recognized that voice almost immediately.

Lachlan Zeke turned from around a corner of the building and calmly strode towards them, impeccably dressed in black trousers and off-white pullovers. Just like the other two men, he had an earpiece hooked to his ear.

They were all communicating with the actual boss and Cyane had a feeling that Acheron was still inside the building.

"Will you reveal yourself on your own or do you want me to say your name?" Lachlan questioned, grey eyes cool and assessing.

It was the way he was looking at her. He might have seemed chill with his hands tucked into his front pocket, but his eyes showed that he was serious business and so, hesitantly, Cyane shifted back to her self, hateful amethyst eyes pinned on Lachlan Knox.

"Good to see you again."

"I wish I could say the same" Cyane gritted out and one corner of Lachlan's lips tilted upwards.

"You should have left when I asked you to," he said calmly.

"I think I made myself very clear when I told you that I was choosing option two."

"Oh! You did and look, you are living with the consequences of that decision" Lachlan chuckled shaking his head.

"I think I am handling things just fine" Cyane gritted out.

"But you are messing up other's lives" Lachlan growled.

"Offended?" Cyane asked and then pouted, "I am doing the same thing that you are."

Lachlan narrowed his eyes, while the other two growled at her. Their growl finally silenced the dogs.

"And you are advocating for... let me guess, Lysander?" Lachlan questioned but Cyane didn't bother replying to him. "You think he is your savior?"

"Maybe not mine, but he is the saviour of this kingdom" Cyane stated firmly because she did believe Lysander and his efforts in bringing about a positive change in Aelius.

From the start, Lysander had seemed to her like a man on mission and Cyane had eventually realized that his foremost mission was saving the kingdom. He had the strength and the will to take down King Stanislaus but that was not what Lysander had wanted, he wanted the power of the people.

Lachlan scoffed and so did the other two.

"If he is so much of a saviour, then he should have killed Stanislaus when he had the chance" a thorough, commanding female voice said from behind them and it was only then Cyane noticed the woman standing behind them.

Skyla Vallone.

Ash's lawyer and the one who usually conveyed Ash's message. She was tall and stunning with buttery chocolate skin and thick black curls that fell around her shoulders. With her arms crossed across her chest, she stared at Cyane with assessing golden brown eyes.

Only two people were closest to Ash and Skyla was the other one.

The confidence in which she carried herself was like that of a queen and it reminded Cyane of her grandmamma!

"Would have saved the whole kingdom from years of pain" Skyla scoffed.

Cyane had a feeling they were talking about the time Lysander had chosen to cut off Stanislaus's hands rather than his head. Though not in detail, Lysander had mentioned why he had done so and Cyane understood it then but she doubted Ash or his people would understand Lysander's motives.

If they had, they would have joined hands with him. Instead, they had tied up Lysander's hands by kidnapping Gideon. These people have put a brake on Lysander's plans.

Though Cyane was grateful for the extra time, that would help her attack the Iron Fort, she could also not deny that separating mates was wrong! It would weaken their wolf and make them easy targets.

"Maybe he had his reasons. Maybe he had his plans, have you ever considered it?" Cyane asked curiously.

"His plans of taking over and have his daughter sit on that throne? Worthy or not?" Lachlan countered.

"She is worthy" Cyane swore because Minerva without a doubt would be the best queen for Aelius. "Minerva is strong and capable but Ash has done a great mistake by kidnapping Gideon."

"What if it's not kidnapping? What if it's planned between Ash and Gideon... have you ever considered it?" Skyla taunted and Cyane stiffened.

For a moment, just for a moment, she considered that but then shook her head. Minerva's pain was real and Cyane didn't think Gideon would intentionally do anything to hurt her. Skyla was a lawyer and that meant she not only knew how to argue but also to win an argument!

"I have been warned you would play mind games" Cyane muttered looking away and then turned back to look at them, "So, I came up with my own plan" she smiled cunningly and looked behind Skyla's shoulder at Mr Black who shifted from a black girdled lizard, crawling on a wall, to a raven that flew over them.

Cyane knew she couldn't enter Ash's mansion. What if he was protected by a witch with some magic that would hurt her, just like it hurt Minerva?

So, she had used Mr Black's help and he had changed shape into that of a Cordylus niger to get into the house. His task was to look for Gideon inside that house and if he found him, Mr Black had to sit on her shoulder.

The moment his talons touched her shoulders, Cyane stretched her wings and rose high up in the air before diving and then descending with incredible speed. Curling her fists, she gathered the energy from her surroundings and then pounded it into the nearest window, crashing the glass and sending windowpanes flying everywhere, so that she could easily enter Ash's mansion.

Of course, they were prepared.

But Cyane wasn't ready to see them in their animal form.

Four of them. All men. Growling and snarling ferociously at her. Cyane clenched her fist and prepared to defend but was shocked to notice that none of them was attacking her first.

Behind her, she heard Mr Black hissing menacingly which caused the wolves to growl but they still didn't move to attack.

She could hear the sounds of helicopter blades whirring and knew she had to get hold of Ash before he got out!

"Do not worry about us Boss, we will hold her back until you take off" someone spoke loud and clear from downstairs, and gritting her teeth, Cyane turned and flew right out of the window towards the private helipad that she had seen while arriving.

Her eyes rounded when she saw a black-painted helicopter lifting high off the ground, ready to fly forward.

Ash was in there! He had somehow managed to escape but Cyane swore she would not let him fly away. She would expose him today!

Spreading her wings wide, Cyane flew after it. The noise of the rotor blades was annoying to her ears and the blade threatening her wings.

The pilot was raising and lowering the helicopter, confusing her.

Cyane made sure to maintain a good distance once she was closer and then immediately lowered herself to get underneath the helicopter. The roars of the blades were too loud as Cyane moved beside the helicopter to look through the window glass.

Only one man was controlling the engine and curious, Cyane flew closer.

The pilot turned his head towards her and Cyane gasped when she met Viktor's amused gaze. He smirked and then winked before rising further high in the air.

Startled, Cyane blinked but grasped too quickly that she got tricked.

Viktor wasn't Ash. Viktor was a distraction.

Muttering a curse, Cyane flew back down to the ground, her speed increasing ten-fold when she realized she had left Mr Black alone in there, with those hungry wolves.

She stormed in through the window just in time to see a wolf lunging at Mr Black. Without thinking twice, Cyane kicked the animal sending him flying to the floor below.

Furious, she turned to stare at the remaining three. Stop me, I dare you...

The wolves looked like they wanted to attack her but something was holding them back. Not something... Cyane realized all too quickly. Someone was holding them back!


Why would he not let his men attack her?

"Which one of you is Acheron Zeke?" Cyane demanded staring at the wolves. She knew there were few more on the ground below but she dared not divert her attention from the one closest to her.

"Why do you care? I thought you were here to rescue your friend?" Lachlan asked as he began climbing the stairs.

"I will" Cyane swore looking at the many doors. It was a newly built house and the décor wasn't complete as yet for there were tools and paint boxes scattered around the floor.

"You played one game with us and let me play one with you" Lachlan traded and Cyane frowned at him. "You will get to open three doors and if Gideon is inside any one of them, you can leave with him."

"You expect me to believe you will let us go, without a fight?" Cyane demanded.

"That's exactly what I am saying" Lachlan confirmed. Cyane gave it a thought for just a moment and then looked at Mr Black through her shoulder. He knew Gideon was in there and he would also know where. She would take this chance.

"Fine" Cyane growled. "He will pick the doors" she gestured towards Mr Black who at some point had shifted into a black wolf.

She patted Mr Black's head and he looked up with molten gold eyes. Cyane hid her smile because she was confident, she could win this on the first try.

As she took a step forward, the wolves hesitantly made way for her but they were on high alert with raised hackles and bent hind legs, ready to pounce and attack her any moment. Growling, they kept their eyes affixed on her, while Lachlan calmly leaned against the railing with his hands crossed against his chest. His expression giving nothing away.

Mr Black morphed into a raven and flew downstairs which meant that he had seen Gideon downstairs. Growling, Cyane ran downstairs and was stunned to see four more guys downstairs.

All young, in their mid-twenties. Tall, well-built, and athletic. One was a person of colour, two had black hair and the only blonde guy and brown eyes. So, no. Ash wasn't here either.

Mr Black flew down the length of a long corridor and Cyane followed until he came to a halt near a closed door. Taking a deep breath, she tried to catch a scent but couldn't get any... Theos! The guy has used silver sulfide in his house too.

Ash was very, very careful in everything he did. Hiding his scent was his priority and he seemed to have succeeded too!

Mr Black nudged towards the first door and Cyane gestured for one of the guys to open it.

She compressed her lips when she realized that it was a bedroom. The room looked used for there were books by the window sill and a blanket on the floor. But no Gideon. Not even in the attached bathroom.

Cyane watched Mr Black fly about the room and look under the bed too.

Gideon had been here. But he was not anymore! They moved him...

When Mr Black looked at her with troubled golden eyes, Cyane paled because they got tricked again.

Ash was way smarter than she had given him credit for. He had a contingency plan!

Closing her eyes, she sighed but wasn't ready to give up yet. When she tried to pick a scent, she failed because they had it all covered.

Theos, she was going to fail this and she didn't need a crystal ball to guess that.

Mr Black moved away from the door to the opposite side and this door led towards the garage. There were several cars parked in there and Cyane figured Ash was very much into a sports car.

Mr Black flew helter-skelter while Ash's men watched him with a frown. Hesitantly, he stood fluttering his wings in front of the doors and Cyane compressed her lips.

Three chances? Who the hell does he think he is to give her three chances?

So, while one of the men pushed open the door, Cyane used all her energy to thrust open an opposite door.

One was an office of a sort with tables and chairs, laptops, and files. There was a coffee mug in there too! The other was an unfurnished sitting area.


Both of them!

"That's cheating" Lachlan grimaced from the floor above, while the guy who opened the door shook his head pitifully.

"As if you guys play fair" Cyane sneered, clenching her fists. "He is not in this building, is he?" Cyane asked looking at Lachlan.

"Not at the moment, no!" Lachlan smirked and Cyane glared at him. "I just needed some time!" he shrugged coming downstairs.

"Time for what?" Cyane snapped as he walked into another room with large monitors on the wall. This was a room where Ash kept an eye on everything and everyone.

Looking at the monitors and the screens in it, Cyane felt like every nook and corner of this compound was covered with cameras.

"Hopper" Lachlan nodded at the guy who was leaning back in his chair and watching her with an amused expression. "Show her!"

But Cyane heard it before she could see it.

A howl, so loud and commanding that the mark in her neck prickled, while her heart thumped against her chest.

Xanthos. He was here!

Hopper clicked on the mouse and pressed a couple of buttons to enlarge a screen on one of the monitors.

There was a large grey and white wolf growling and snarling near the edge of the compound at Skyla and the other guy who had pointed their gun to his head.

Cyane's eyes widened and her nostrils flared when she looked at Xanthos in his wolf form.

"Was he your other backup plan?" Lachlan mused thoughtfully.

No! He wasn't! But he had figured out where she would be gone and he was here now, facing Skyla who had a gun pointed towards his head.

Cyane couldn't stop herself. Her feet turned automatically.

Refusing to answer Lachlan, Cyane turned to leave and was grateful when she saw that the main door was wide open. She ran in between the trees and came to an abrupt halt when she saw Xanthos growling lowly at Skyla.

His blue eyes flickered towards her the moment he saw her and they were so cold that it sent a chill down the length of her spine. Her cheeks coloured in mortification when he quickly looked away to affix that arctic blue eyes on Skyla and the other guy.

Theos! He was mad... He had specifically warned her not to come here!

"Afise ton ísycho" Cyane commanded, glaring at Skyla. She would kill the woman if she hurt a single hair on Xanthos's body and that was a promise!

"Xanthos, right?" Skyla asked watching him like he was prey. "I have heard a lot about you... nothing good!" she added with a smirk which caused Xanthos to snap his jaws.

"Drop the gun, now!" Cyane hissed, standing protectively in front of Xanthos. Xanthos moved to come and stand beside her, but he kept growling lowly at Skyla and her companion.

"Why should I?" Skyla demanded, her gun still pointed at Xanthos, while her eyes met Cyane's unflinchingly.

"Exactly, why should she?" Lachlan countered joining them. "You just threatened to hurt my client, whom I am duty-bound to protect!"

"Your client has kidnapped my friend" Cyane hissed at Lachlan.

"Do you have any proof of that?" Lachlan questioned, which caused Cyane to glower at him.

"You might not have any proof of this supposed kidnapping, but I do have enough proof of you trespassing," Skyla said, lowering her arm to look at Cyane with a victorious smile.

"The last time we met, I told you I knew people from Scevola are looking for you, right? Well, what if I told them where you are and give them these photos as proof?" Lachlan asked cocking one dark brow.

While Cyane went ramrod straight at his threat, Xanthos growled in a warning from beside her.

"You do know your photos have been circulated everywhere, right?" Lachlan questioned and Cyane paled.

Yes, she did know that! She did know that it would reach her grandparents anytime soon too but she had also sworn to herself that she would fulfill what she wanted to do in the Iron Fort!

She wouldn't go back without a fight.

"The people who want you home, are desperate and I might give them the information for free" Lachlan mused causing Cyane to grind her teeth in frustration.

"Or I can sue you for trespassing" Skyla supplied with a shark-like grin. "You do not want me to bring down the law on you, trust me!" she added shaking her head and Cyane frowned.

The laws of this land were different. Nevertheless, if she did sue, which Cyane had a feeling she would, it would only cause unnecessary trouble to Xanthos and Yolanda, because they were the only two people in the kingdom whom Cyane knew would protect her unconditionally.

Letting out a feral growl and glaring at them in warning, Xanthos nudged Cyane with his head.

"Your games, your rules... are just the tip of the iceberg. You do not know what's at stake or maybe you do and just don't care" Cyane shrugged looking at Lachlan, Skyla, and the other wolves standing behind them. She was just fed up with their attitude. These people had the power and the means, yet they were intentionally taking things slow and causing problems for her friend. "Play your games. Play it as much as you want it but it won't help you win. At least not against the king."

"Stanislaus will be crushed" one of the guys hissed in a menacing voice and Cyane smirked. Beside her, Xanthos bared his fangs and every single eye moved towards him.

"Of course, he will be, but let Ash know that he alone cannot do it" Cyane pointed out in an obvious tone.

"And once again she advocates for Lysander" Lachlan mocked. If possible Xanthos grew angrier by that statement causing him to snarl.

"No!" Cyane said genuinely shaking her head. "Like you, he too believes he single-handedly can figure out everything" she chuckled humourlessly which caused the wolves around her to frown and stare at her in confusion.

"There are bigger enemies out there. Enemies who can threaten your very existence. So, it's wise to cease your petty games" Cyane voiced out and watched them stiffen in surprise. Beside her, she even felt tension radiating from Xanthos's stiffened frame.

She gave them something to think about and Cyane was pleased to see that something she told was sinking into their minds.

They needed to know that winning a battle wasn't enough! The wolves of Aelius had to win the war.

"Oh! We will. Give us about a week" Skyla stated flatly and Cyane furrowed her brows. A week? What were they planning to do in a week?

Xanthos turned to leave and with a nod towards Skyla and Lachlan, Cyane followed suit.


Xanthos did not wait for her or turn to look at her until he was safely out of Ash's perimeter. Cyane sucked in a breath when she saw him crawl under a barbed-wire fence. His body trembled a little when current hit him, but when he got out, he snarled viciously glaring first at the wires and then at her, before taking off.

It was difficult keeping up with Xanthos on the ground, but eventually, Cyane caught up with him when he came to a halt near a clearing.

A growl caught her attention and Cyane blinked in surprise when Xanthos and Mr Black lunged at each other, both in their animal form.

"Xanthos" Cyane screamed his name when he kicked Mr Black sending him flying towards a tree. Growling and brushing the leaves off his back, Mr Black rushed to attack Xanthos first shifting into a bird and then, when he was closer kicking Xanthos's wolf in the face.

"No! What is wrong with you?" Cyane shouted glaring at Mr Black who was flapping his wings in front of her face. She flayed her hands to push him away and rush towards her mate.

"Xanthos? Are you okay?" Cyane asked and crouching in front of him, she ran her fingers through his grey fur.

Arctic blue eyes stared at her for a moment and then growled. For a second, Cyane thought the fury in it was directed at her, but she fell back on her butt when Mr Black rushed in between them and made a move to attack Xanthos again.

Rolling off, Xanthos got away in time from Mr Blacks' talons and once he was standing on his feet, he stomped his paws on the ground in fury and rushed to attack.

"Stop it! Stop it! Both of you" Cyane screamed to no avail. Xanthos was constantly attacking and trying to bite and tear Mr Black's wings while the latter was attacking him with his talons and beak.

She had no idea why they were attacking each other. However, her eyes rounded in disbelief when she saw Mr Black turning into a black hawk.

"No" she shouted at her friend but he still flew straight to attack. Cyane's reaction was instant and thrusting her hands forward, she shoved Mr Black away until he collided against a tree.

Gasping, Cyane dropped her hands to her side and stared at Mr Black in horror when he shifted into her favourite cat form.

Everything fell silent for a moment when golden eyes stared at her in confusion.

"What the hell is going on here?" Grayson asked from behind them but Cyane didn't turn to look at Xanthos or his friends who had just joined them.

Her eyes were only on her friend, whom she had just attacked and injured if his smoking paws were any indication.

"Mr Black" Cyane took a step but stopped when he hissed at her. At that moment, he looked less like a friend and more like an... animal!

When Cyane had read about his kind, she had known that if the curse that had put them in current form wasn't reversed in time, the shapeshifters would eventually turn into an actual animal, losing all sense of the mind that made them different from other animals.

So far, she had never seen such behaviour from Mr Black and now that she did, she was in a state of shock, struggling to accept it.

"What the fuck happened?" Brody rushed to stand beside her, his stance stiff as he frowned at Mr Black.

"Mr Black" Cyane whispered trying to get his attention but he just took a couple of steps, morphed into a raven, and then flew away.

When Cyane tried to follow suit, Grayson held her hand. "I think it's best to let him cool down" Grayson advised.

Cyane knew it's for the best. Mr Black was her friend and friends didn't stay mad for long. He would come back. Cyane knew he had to!

Taking Grayson's advice, she nodded reluctantly and then took a deep breath before facing Xanthos, who was changing back to his human form.

"Where the fuck did you disappear to?" Brody asked him throwing his clothes at him. Cyane felt the blush and quickly looked away giving him time to dress.

However, when she sensed Xanthos's eyes on her, she tensed. Would he tell them? He had always protected her... even from his friends.

"I told you not to go in there," Xanthos said, nodding towards the direction they had just come from.

Well... he was pissed!

"Go in... You sneaked into Ash's compound?" Grayson asked in a startled tone and Cyane gulped.

"What the...?" Brody was too stunned to react.

"Was he in there? Ash? Did you see him?" Grayson pressed.

"I saw nothing" Cyane muttered and then looked at Xanthos who was stoic once again. She hated it when he became like that!

"You seriously snuck in?" Brody asked looking at her with wide eyes.

"She barged in with her friend" Xanthos corrected coldly and Cyane gulped again. How long had he been following her?

"Why did you attack Mr Black?" Cyane questioned because that still shocked her.

"Why do you think?" Xanthos asked taking a step towards her. "Anything could have happened to you in there? They are trained fighters."

"He is right" Grayson supplied. "They have an arsenal too!"

"Nothing happened... I just... nothing!" Cyane shook her head and sighed defeatedly. She had wanted to see if Gideon was in there but he was not.

Ash and his people were cleverer than her. Either they had moved Gideon before she barged in there or Gideon was never in there! Whatever the case, she had failed today.

Cyane decided she wouldn't barge into Ash's compound again, only because she saw no reason in going in there if Gideon wasn't really in there.

"You cannot just barge in there. They are dangerous. I am surprised they just let you go" Brody muttered still staring at her in wonderment.

"After threatening her" Xanthos corrected with a growl and Cyane gulped again. At Brody and Grayson's questioning look, Xanthos continued, "They know someone from her family."

"What? Who?"

"What was Lachlan talking about? When did you meet him?" Xanthos snapped.

"My grandpa has friends.... somehow Lachlan knows they are looking for me" Cyane said slowly.

"That's a good thing, right?" Brody asked confused.

Slowly, Cyane raised her lashes to look at Xanthos and realized that just like her, he did not think it was a good thing!

When neither replied, Brody sighed, "This is not the city. We are in the Nest. Here, we have got to stick to each other" he added looking at her and Cyane nodded.

"Come on, let's go. I do not trust anyone here" Brody growled looking around before shifting into his wolf and running towards the Nest with Grayson.

But Xanthos made no move to leave and so, Cyane stood on her spot and watched him nervously. The thought of Skyla's gun pointed towards him still sent a shiver down the length of her spine. What if Skyla had gone ahead and shot him?

"Xanthos" she called softly.

"Let's go," he said walking away

"I am sorry" she whispered, wishing he would just look at her. "I thought Gideon would be in there. I just wanted to help."

"Gideon is working with Ash" Xanthos growled and Cyane frowned.

"No. He is not!" Cyane said shaking her head.

"Listen to this then!" Xanthos turned to face her and then played a recording of Minerva talking to Gideon's dad. Cyane's lips parted company as she stared at the phone in disbelief.

"No. This is..." Cyane shook her head and looked at Xanthos but the look in his eyes told her that this was true and it was leaked all over the kingdom too.

She hadn't spoken to Minerva for a while now... did something happen by that time? Did they end up making a deal with Ash? Is that why Ash's men let her go?

Cyane couldn't understand anything.

When Xanthos wrapped an arm around her wrist and dragged her, she simply let him.


Xanthos stayed with her that night while his friends went out to inspect the place around. There had been a brawl earlier in the day and three wolves were killed in it.

Some fight was still going on but Xanthos had closed the windows to block all the noise.

"Can you still hear them?" Xanthos asked Cyane, who was leaning against the wall wearing one of his dusky blue t-shirts.

"Not as much. My hearing isn't as good as yours" Cyane replied with a smile and then looked at Xanthos, who had a small bruise on his neck.

Three wolves had barged inside the house to attack her while Xanthos and Miki had killed them all. They had hurled abuses at her and Cyane had watched Xanthos tear their jaws apart.

She leaned closer and pressed the pad of her thumb against the bruise. "Why hasn't it healed yet?"

"They used a silver knife" Xanthos replied wryly and Cyane inhaled sharply.

"I am sorry" Cyane whispered lowering her lashes.

With his index and thumb finger, Xanthos raised her chin, forcing her to look at him. "I told you... Anyone that comes between us will have to go."

Cyane nodded and then asked, "What about my family?"

"What about them?" Xanthos asked pulling back.

"They will know where I am now and they will be here... any day now!"

"Will they try to take you away from me?" Xanthos asked, his eyes darkening as he leaned closer. Cyane furrowed her brows because she had no answer to that. "Do you want to go?" Xanthos continued and Cyane quickly shook her head.

"Then I will not let them take you away" Xanthos swore. Leaning forward, he grabbed hold of her hips and pulled her against him before tilting his head and slamming his mouth against hers.

It was beautiful as always and Cyane gasped into his mouth when he picked her up and lowered her onto the mattress below. His hands were on her skin, shoving the t-shirt up and Cyane loved the feel of his hands on her skin. She loved it when he touched her.

As he moved to kiss the mark on her neck, Cyane closed her eyes and smiled, ready to give in.

However, her eyes flew open when she heard a door opening from the floor below, followed by a whistle.

With a frustrated grunt, Xanthos got off her to lie beside her and Cyane chuckled when she saw the pained expression on his face. Though she was blushing from head to toe, in a way, Cyane was grateful for the distraction because this was not the right place. This house.... This barn, whatever the building was called, just did not feel like the right place.

It was a temporary sanctuary; one they had picked only because the situation asked for it!

To distract Xanthos, Cyane turned to face him and gently ran her index fingertip over his forearm before saying, "Let's talk about something else."

Xanthos closed his eyes, sighed through his mouth and was silent for a long time before saying, "I am sorry I attacked your friend."

"Why did you?" Cyane asked, stunned by that apology.

"He could have had you killed today," Xanthos said, looking at her and Cyane shook her head.

"Mr Black didn't take me there. I went in there and he just followed" Cyane smiled slowly.

"At the moment, my wolf couldn't understand all that. I let my anger get the better of me" Xanthos admitted and Cyane nodded, grateful for his apology. "Will he come back?"

"He will," Cyane said with a grin. Mr Black couldn't stay mad at her for long and Cyane knew she owed him an apology.... As well as Xanthos.

"I am sorry too for putting myself at risk like that there and worrying you. I wanted to help Gideon" Cyane sighed.

"Gideon is working with Ash. They probably escaped when you barged in" Xanthos mused and Cyane did think about it too.

"But that's the thing... I don't know how he managed to escape" Cyane mumbled in confusion because it was bugging her. Her mind had come up with various scenarios like a secret tunnel or basement. They had distracted her and that short time would have been enough for someone like Ash to escape. But Gideon... Mr Black had seen Gideon and suddenly he wasn't in there. He might have been passed out or he might have purposely kept quiet when she barged in.

"I still find it hard to believe that Gideon is working with Ash" Cyane shared and Xanthos cocked an eyebrow. "I could ask Minerva..." she let it hang in there and looked at Xanthos hopefully.

Her eyes widened in surprise and she sat upright when Xanthos handed her his phone.

"Really?" she asked when he unlocked it. Snatching it from his hands, Cyane dialed Yolanda's number.

She didn't care that it was late. She just wanted to talk to them.

"Hello" Yolanda's voice was groggy as if she had just woken up from sleep and Cyane smiled.


"Cyane?" Clearing her throat, Yolanda called her name again and Cyane chuckled. "My God! How are you?"

"I am good... I am in—"

"Nest. Yes, I got to know!" Yolanda admitted and Cyane's eyes flickered towards Xanthos, who was lying on his back with his eyes closed. However, Cyane knew that he could hear everything Yolanda was saying from the other end.

"I am sorry, I kept it from you."

"Where are you darling? Are you safe? Do you need help?"

"I am alright. I just called to let you know that I am fine and you don't have to worry about me" Cyane sighed. "How is... How is Min? Is she with you?"

"Not at the moment. No. I'm in the hospital. Minerva is at home, studying. She's got some practicals tomorrow" Yolanda muttered and Cyane compressed her lips. She wanted to talk to Minerva and ask certain important questions but at the moment she knew she had to let it go. What if Yolanda was unaware of it all? What if Minerva was blackmailed to do it by Ash?

"How are Winnie and Mel?"

"They are good. I thought you would visit" Yolanda let it hang there and Cyane sighed. She did want to visit them but right now... things were difficult from her end.

"Is Xanthos with you? Are you truly happy with him dear?" Yolanda asked all of a sudden and Cyane nodded looking at her mate, but when she realized that Yolanda couldn't see her, she confirmed with a yes.

Yolanda had found out who her mate was and she seemed okay with it too.

"I would love it if you came to the hospital along with him" Yolanda extended and Cyane smiled.

Xanthos wouldn't come along but Cyane did plan to go to the hospital and meet them all.

"It's getting late and you are on duty. I will call you tomorrow. I need to talk to Min" Cyane stated and before Yolanda could protest, she cut the call and then went down to settle beside Xanthos.

He wrapped his arms around her and pressed a kiss to her forehead as she nestled closer to him, with a smile on her face.

"Thank you" she whispered pressing a kiss to his jaws. "Now you know, I just wanted to talk to Yolanda. It would have been better if you had given me your phone yesterday" Cyane couldn't help but grumble, making one corner of Xan's mouth tilt upwards.

"Didn't want to take any chances" Xanthos replied calmly.


Xanthos's eyes flew open and he frowned at her, "I don't trust them" he corrected without any remorse. "I don't trust Lysander or his mate."

"They are very nice people."

Xanthos growled to let her know his irritation and Cyane sighed. When he closed his eyes again, Cyane slowly raised her hand and traced his jaw with her fingertips and came to a stop when she reached his chin.

There was nothing soft about him. He was all hard, male muscle.

"Do you have your list with you?" Xanthos asked her randomly and Cyane blinked.

"My to-do lists? You think we have time to focus on that?" Cyane asked in surprise because she had forgotten about it. The Nest was no place to have fun. Here, they had to be alert 24X7.

"I can handle the wolves of the Nest. Don't worry about them" Xanthos assured, gently pressing her closer to his chest and Cyane nodded. "So, what's next?"

Cyane thought for a while, but she couldn't think about anything. Worry about Minerva had her mind going completely blank.

"I can't think of anything."

"Let me know when you do" Xanthos murmured and that made Cyane think.

"What about you? What is it that you want to do?" Cyane asked him instead and then turning on her stomach, she raised her head and rested them on her palm to look at him with renewed interest.


"Yes. So far, we have only been doing what I wanted to do. What do you want to do?"

"This list is about you, not me" Xanthos quipped and Cyane shook her head, refusing to budge.

"There has to be something that you want to do too? What's on your to-do list?" she pressed, curious to know more about him.

"Rock climbing. I want to climb the mountains here" Xanthos answered and Cyane grinned.

"Done. Tomorrow we are going to do everything that you want" she promised and then sealed that promise with a peck on his lips.


A furious Roderick shoved the door and barged into Bardo's office in his bar.

"I told you he was lying to me" he spat out throwing a dozen photos on the table for Bardo to see.

A stunned Bardo dismissed the wolves around him and then lowered his lashes to look at the photos of a couple. Not just any couple.


"Lysander sent me this. It's been shared all around Aelius. She was with him all this time" Roderick hissed glaring at Bardo. "Lysander had told me Ash was making inquiries about Cyane."

"Yes, of course, because we had sent him the photo" Bardo agreed looking at the photos and visibly paling. What had Ash done?

"I called him a few days ago and asked him if he knew where Cyane was. All he had to do was tell me, but he lied. He knew where Cyane was but he still lied to me. He has been lying for months now!" Roderick growled, his voice turning animalistic after every minute.

"I will kill him. I will kill him with my bare hands" Roderick snarled in fury.

"Calm down Ricky" Bardo stated getting off his seat and rushing towards Roderick, to usher him towards the sofa.

"I cannot calm down" Roderick hissed but still sat down on the sofa and took the glass of whisky that Bardo extended to him.

"That two-faced punk" Roderick spat before raising shaking hands towards his mouth to take a sip of his drink. "I had helped him all these years and I had asked for his help once... only once" Roderick snapped.

"You made a deal with him Ricky. Your help was not for free" Bardo reminded quietly and Roderick glared at his best friend.

"I wanted Stanislaus to have a slow and painful death, which Ash has promised he would give to that rotten bastard. I can't trust that promise of his either" Roderick spat out, slamming the glass on the coffee table.

"You can trust him on that. He is in the final stage of his plan. By this weekend, he is going to finish Stanislaus for good" Bardo swore.

"Ash knew how important Cyane is to me. He knew she is all that I have left..." Roderick's voice choked and he ran a frustrated hand through his grey strands.

For months he had been looking for Cyane and today, he finally knew where she was!

"Let me talk to him. I will get a clear explanation from him. There has to be a reason why he has been lying to us all this time."

"What more reason do you need?" Roderick demanded angrily.

"Ash is cunning Ricky"

"I know. I know he is cunning because he played his games with me too" Roderick condemned, pointing a finger towards his chest.

The signature tune of Roderick's phone ringing caught their attention and with a growl, Roderick pulled out his phone. He paled and stared at his phone in shock when he saw the caller's name.

"Do they know?" Bardo asked in a whisper when he saw the caller ID. Roderick shook his head in reply and pressing a finger against his lips, gesturing his friend to be silent, he answered the call.

"Ron, my dear, how are you?" Roderick asked from the queen of Lycoris, holding the phone in his trembling hands while trying to sound normal.

"I am good. All good, uncle. What about you? Worry about Cyane still keeping you up all night?"

"Uh.... Yes"

"That's funny," Ronnie said sharply and Roderick closed his eyes in pain, embarrassed that he had been caught. "Worry about Cyane has been keeping my aunt up all night and I thought since you felt the same, you would be sympathetic to her pain and would share with us every tiny piece of information you had of Cyane, but you didn't, did you?"

With a sigh, Roderick got off his seat, got rid of his coat, and rubbed his forehead.

"I can explain" Roderick reasoned.

"I am sure you can. You will do it later, right now, I need you to share with me Cyane's location" Ronnie commanded.

"Cyane is in the Nest" Roderick replied and there was silence on the other end.

"Does this place have any special significance?" Ronnie asked curiously.

"It's a land with no law" Roderick explained. "Do not go after Cyane. Not at the moment!"

"Why not? Why didn't you share all the details sooner?" Ronnie countered.

"Because I... trusted a person who betrayed me," Roderick said harshly and then looked at Bardo.

"Who?" Ronnie demanded.

"It's a long story."

"I have time."

"But this needs to be explained face to face. The person whom I had trusted had kept Cyane from me for months. He is used to playing games and he is used to hiding in plain sight. If you attack now, he will play another game to trap Cyane and I cannot have that" Roderick growled.

"Who. Is. This. Guy?" Ronnie asked through gritted teeth.

"I am coming to the Castle. I will explain everything then" Roderick swore and then hesitated before asking, "Did you... did you inform Ianthe...?"

"As of now, she knows nothing. I did not want to take the risk of her reaction" Ronnie said slowly and Roderick let out a breath, relieved Ianthe hadn't found out about the man with Cyane.

Her reaction last time, when she had found out her daughter had been dating a wolf, had been intense and fear of her reaction this time had compelled Roderick to keep his mouth shut for Cyane's benefit.

"Thank you, dear. I will always remember this act of kindness from you" Roderick swore, his eyes filling with tears and his voice choking.


"I am fine. I will be fine. We'll talk when I am there" with that said, Roderick cut the call and then wiped his tears, before turning to face Bardo who was staring at the photos with renewed interest.

"What is it?" Roderick demanded, stepping to stand beside him and watching him curiously.

"This is... This is Xanthos!"

"I know who it is!" Roderick spat. "I know who he is to Stanislaus too and Cyane is with him."

"This is going to be messy," Bardo said with a frown and Roderick growled again, unable to look at the photos a minute longer.

"You are going to the Castle!" Bardo stated and Roderick affirmed.

"Ash can play with anyone he wants, but he should not have touched my Cyane" Roderick growled and Bardo nodded in understanding.

"What are you going to do?" Bardo dared to ask.

"I am going to tell Ianthe everything.... All the truth!" Roderick stated bravely. "Then... we'll bring Cyane back home!"

"Do you think she will want to come back home?" Bardo dared to ask. "I mean, she avoided us all these months."

"Because she does not know the truth and now, I think it's time she learned the truth" Bardo confessed.

"But will she remember the truth even after knowing it?" Bardo questioned.

Roderick was silent for a long time before he gulped and shrugged. "I don't know.... But at least she'll know that her parents died protecting her and her brother... she'll remember him and his utmost sacrifice!"

"I hope so too" Bardo gave a hesitant smile.

Wiping his tears, Roderick nodded once at Bardo and turned to leave.

When Bardo was sure, Roderick had left in his car, he pulled out his phone and called Skyla. Of course, he had Ash's number too but Bardo didn't want to let anything out and make Ash suspicious.

"It's been a long time," Skyla remarked.

"I will be in Aelius, the day after. Inform Ash. I want him there" Bardo growled into the phone.

Ash was many things but Bardo was certain, he was not stupid. However, hiding Cyane from her family was the stupidest thing Ash had ever done and the price of it... he would know the price of it because Lycorian's would make him pay!


So.... What do you think? Roderick found out Ash had been lying and now, he is going to Lycoris to get their help! On the other hand, Ash has his plans for everyone and everything. How will he handle this? What do you think will happen to Xanthos and Cyane?

Do share your thoughts. I love to read them!

Please vote, comment, and follow.

Also, got to share with you all that my sister just had a baby and I'm now an AUNT :D:D It's a different feeling altogether when your sibling has a baby :')

To celebrate the birth of my nephew, the next update will be sooner than you think... i.e on 3rd May :D

I had so many great plans to be with her but COVID ruined it all... Stay safe lovelies... In these difficult times, it is essential to stay safe while also stay in touch with your loved ones so that they don't feel isolated!

Take care.



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