Path to War (The Chosen Twins...

By CourtesyTrefflin

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It's been ten years since Anakin and Aniya Skywalker have seen Padme Amidala, who is now the Senator they nee... More

Chapter 1 - Ansion
Chapter 2 - Across the Plains
Chapter 3 - Plains of the Alwari
Chapter 4 - Padme
Chapter 5 - Danger in the Night
Chapter 6 - Through the Sky
Chapter 7 - Chasing the Assassin
Chapter 8 - Journey to Naboo
Chapter 9 - Arrival
Chapter 10 - Admissions
Chapter 11 - Mystery on Kamino
Chapter 13 - Leaving for Tatooine
Chapter 14 - Across the Desert
Chapter 15 - Discovery
Chapter 16 - Geonosis Factory
Chapter 17 - The Negotiations Were Short
Chapter 18 - Execution
Chapter 19 - The Midst of Battle
Chapter 20 - Aftermath of War

Chapter 12 - Jango Fett

65 2 0
By CourtesyTrefflin

Qui-Gon Jinn

Obi-Wan, Lama Su, and I stride down a walkway overlooking the section of the facility in which the clones are kept. Taun We, as the Kaminoan who greeted us introduced herself, is hovering nearby. There are large floating, circular structures in the first massive room, with glass compartments containing the embryos of the clones. There must be thousands of them in here. Living beings being bred as soldiers... for what?

"They're immensely superior to droids, capable of independent thought and action," Lama Su explains.

"Very impressive," Obi-Wan says.

"I'd hoped you would be pleased," the Prime Minister replies as we continue down the walkway. As we continue a little farther along, another room can be seen. What looks like literally hundreds of identical ten-year-olds sitting in rows in what must be a classroom.

"You mentioned growth acceleration," I state, looking back at them, the question obvious.

"Oh yes, it's essential. Otherwise, a mature clone would take a lifetime to grow. Now, we can do it in half the time. Those items you saw on the parade ground were started ten years ago, when Sifo-Dyas first placed the order, and they're already mature," Lama Su elaborates.

"And these?" Obi-Wan asks, scanning the room.

"About five years ago," he replies. From there, we continue on. Lama Su leads Obi-Wan and I across a walkway overlooking a very large room where hundreds of clones are eating. They all look around twenty, all dressed exactly alike. Taun We follows behind us.

"We modified their genetic structure to make them less independent than the original host. As a result, they are totally obedient, taking any order without question," Lama Su explains.

"Who was the original host?" questions Obi-Wan as we continue walking along the balcony.

"A bounty hunter called Jango Fett. We felt a Jedi would be the perfect choice, but Sifo-Dyas hand-picked Jango Fett himself," Lama Su responds, turning to look down at us. Perhaps one step closer in solving the mystery.

"Where is the bounty hunter now?" I demand.

"Oh, we keep him here. After a few hundred thousand clones, the genetic pattern starts to fade, so we take a fresh supply. He lives here, but he's free to come and go as he pleases," Lama Su explains. Good. Then we might have a chance to speak with him. This entire situation is very strange, and we need answers.

"Apart from his pay, which is considerable, Fett demanded only one thing – an unaltered clone for himself. Curious isn't it?" Lama Su remarks as continue walking through the facility.

"Unaltered?" echoes Obi-Wan.

"Pure genetic replication. No tampering with the structure to make it more docile... and no growth acceleration..." the Prime Minister trails off.

"I would like to meet with this Jango Fett," I inform them casually. I can't shake the feeling that he was the one involved in the assassination. Besides, it's only reasonable to assume so, considering that he lives here and the dart used in the assassination came from here.

"I would be most happy to arrange it for you," Taun We replies.

The rain is continuing to pour around us, and the wind is whipping violently as we step out onto an outdoor balcony overlooking a large platform below. The Kaminoans seem quite used to it, however, so I assume it's a naturally stormy planet where it's almost always raining. Below us, thousands of white-armored figures march by. They're walking together in groups. They were made to be an army, and that's precisely what they look like.

"Magnificent, aren't they?" Lama Su inquires. Beside me, Obi-Wan nods slowly. I'd agree more if it weren't for the mystery behind it, though it is truly impressive. No human should be forced into servitude like this, and it makes me wonder who really masterminded the army.

Obi-Wan Kenobi

First thing the next morning, we find ourselves standing outside an apartment door with Taun We. It's still raining outside, and I find myself wondering if it always does. Probably.

Taun We rings the doorbell and moments later, it slides open to reveal a boy identical to the other ten-year-old clones we saw yesterday. Except this time, I assume he's actually ten, and the unaltered clone Jango Fett had requested.

"Boba, is your father here?" Taum We inquires.

Boba pauses for a moment before nodding. "Yup."

"May we see him?" she inquires.

"Sure." He steps aside, allowing us to go through. "Dad! Taun We is here!" he calls as he hurries down the hallway.

I glance around the hall as we follow him. Almost immediately, my eyes fall on all too familiar looking armor lying on the floor of a brightly lit closet. I was right.

We follow the boy into the main room of the apartment, where a large window covers the rounded wall on the far side of the room. Lightning flashes in the sky above us, as the rain continues to pour outside.

A man who looks just like the clones steps into the room from another hallway. I can see the faintest hint of suspicion in his eyes as he looks at Qui-Gon and I before turning his attention Taun We.

"Welcome back, Jango," the Kaminoan greets him, "Was your trip productive?"

"Fairly," he answers curtly, crossing his arms as he regards us. I get the distinct feeling he's far from happy to see us, though he's trying to act casual about the meeting, just like we are.

"These are Jedi Masters Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi," Tuan We introduces us, as lightning flashes ominously in the sky again, "They've come here to check on our progress."

"Your clones are very impressive," I state politely, "You must be very proud."

"I'm just a simple man, trying to make my way in the universe, Master Jedi," Jango responds. The Kaminoan stands observing the exchange, her hands clasped behind her back.

"Aren't we all?" Qui-Gon replies. I glance back in the direction of the armor. Yes, a very simple man indeed. He appears to follow my gaze for a moment, before casually stepping to the side, as if trying to discreetly prevent me from seeing anymore. If that isn't suspicious, then I don't know what is. At least I already saw it. It's identical to the armor I saw on the person who shot the poison dart at the assassin.

"Ever made your way as far into the interior as Coruscant?" I press. I know this line of questioning is going to make him suspicions if he's really guilty, but then again, he probably already is anyway. At least this way we'll be able to gauge his reaction to the questions even if he doesn't say anything useful.

"Once or twice," Jango replies, ever the perfect picture of calm. But I can tell that he's no innocent bounty hunter.

"Recently?" queries Qui-Gon.

"Possibly," he shrugs.

"Do you know Master Sifo Dyas?" my former master inquires. Jango slowly circles around us before looking down at Boba and speaking in a different language, one I don't understand. He walks down the hall, pushing a button to shut the door where Jango's armor is located.

"Master who?" he asks finally, turning back to face us.

"Sido-Dyas," I repeat, "Isn't he the Jedi who hired you for this job?"

"Never heard of him," Jango replies, looking slightly puzzled. Boba walks back down the hall, stopping at the entrance of the room.

"Really?" I ask, just to be sure, though he feels as though he's being honest.

"I was recruited by a man called Darth Tyrannus on one of the moons of Bogdan," he explains.

"No?" exclaims Qui-Gon, glancing over at Taun We, "But –"

"Sifo-Dyas told us to expect him. And he showed up just when your Jedi Master said he would. We have kept the Jedi's involvement a secret until your arrival, just as your Master requested," the Kaminoan interjects.

"Curious," I murmur, looking back at Jango's nearly impassive expression.

"Do you like your army?" he inquires suddenly.

"We look forward to seeing them in action," responds Qui-Gon courteously.

"They'll do their job well, I'll guarantee that," he promises.

"Thank you for your time, Jango Fett," I respond. There's nothing more we'll get out of him now. We just need to report to the Council and find out what to do next.

"Always a pleasure to meet Jedi." I can hear the threat in his words, but I don't react.

With a bow, Qui-Gon and I turn to leave the apartment. Tuan We follows us down the winding halls, until we finally exit the facility back on the landing platform where we first arrived. Lama Su arrives at the doorway to see us one more time. "Tell your Council the first battalions are ready. And remind them that if they need more troops, we will need time to grow them," he reminds us.

"We won't forget," Qui-Gon assures him. The Kaminoans turn and walk down the hall, disappearing from sight. Now we need to report to the Council.

Wind whips furiously about us as we stand in the pouring rain, lightning flashing in the sky far above. "We must arrest him," Qui-Gon states firmly, turning to face me.

"After reporting to the Council," I argue. Not this again. "They may want us to try something more subtle."

"It's too risky to wait. Even now he could be preparing to escape. I have no doubt that he knows we're here to find him," Qui-Gon replies.

"We need to talk to the Council about it," I insist. We stare each other down for a moment.

"You can report to the Council," he decides finally, "I'll arrest him."

"Fine," I concede. I don't like this. I can't imagine Jango would take to it kindly, and there's no saying how good a fighter he is. I have a bad feeling about this. Qui-Gon walks back into the facility, and I turn to Arfour who hastily connects a call to Coruscant. Hopefully Qui-Gon will be fine during the time I'm talking to the Council.

A staticy hologram of Yoda and Windu appears in front of me. "Masters, I have successfully made contact with Lama Su, the Prime Minister of Kamino," I inform them.

"Ah, good it is that your planet you have found," Yoda acknowledges.

"Right where your students predicted," I continue, "These Kaminoans are cloners – best in the galaxy I've been told, and from what I've seen, I don't doubt the claims. They are using a bounty hunter named Jango Fett to create a clone army."

They both frown. "An army?" Windu echoes, raising an eyebrow.

"For the Republic, they say," I continue, "And Qui-Gon and I both have the strong feeling that the bounty hunter is behind the plot to assassinate Senator Amidala."

"Do you think these cloners are involved in that, as well?" queries Windu. It's possible, but highly unlikely.

"No, Master, there appears to be no motive," I assure them.

"Do not assume anything, Obi-Wan," Yoda reminds, "Clear your mind must be if you are to discover the real villain behind this plot."

"Yes master," I nod, "Prime Minister Lama Su has informed me that the first battalion of clone troopers are ready for delivery. He also wanted me to remind you that if we require more – and they've another million well on the way to completion – it will take more time to grow them."

"A million clone warriors?" exclaims Windu incredulously.

"Yes, Master. They say Master Sifo-Dyas placed the order for the clone army almost ten years ago. I was under the impression he was killed before that. Did the Council ever authorize the creation of a clone army?" I question with a frown.

"No," Windu answers immediately, "Whoever placed that order did not have the authorization of the Jedi Council."

'Then how? And why?" I wonder, not really asking them.

"This mystery must be solved for more reasons than ensuring the safety of Senator Amidala," murmurs Windu.

"Into custody, take this Jango Fett," orders Yoda, "Bring him here. Question him, we will."

"Qui-Gon has already left to do that," I inform them.

"Join him, you must," Yoda replies before the hologram fades. Hurriedly, I walk back into the building, carefully picking my way down the halls until I arrive at Jango's apartment. I haven't seen any signs of him or Qui-Gon, which is concerning. Just as I arrive, I sense danger rippling through our bond. A hasty glance over the apartment tells me I came there too late. There are no signs of them here. They must already be on their way out.

Turning, I head for the landing dock. Thankfully, it's not too far away. The door slides open as I run up, pausing just outside to take in the sight.

Their ship is on the far side of the platform with Jango – now in his jetpack suit – aiming his blaster ready to fire at Qui-Gon, who has his lightsaber out. Boba is standing a short distance away, watching fearfully.

"Dad, look!" Boba yells, whirling around and pointing to me, "The other's here too!"

The bounty hunter immediately opens fire on Qui-Gon and I. In a flash, I activate my own blade, swinging it to deflect the shots. "Boba, get on board!" Jango orders.

Qui-Gon and I deflect the shots as we quickly move towards him. Boba runs up the ramp into the ship. Jango's jetpack fires, lifting him into the air. I continue deflecting the bolts, rolling sideways out of the way. Qui-Gon raises a hand, grabbing him with the Force to prevent him from flying further away.

The ship starts slowly moving as Qui-Gon starts pulling Jango towards us. I stand position in front of him, deflecting the blaster bolts that Jango is still continuing to shoot constantly. Suddenly, danger screams through the Force and I barely have time to move before an explosion rips through the area, throwing me backwards onto a slightly slanted part of the landing doc where the water from the continuous rain is pooling. I nearly land on top of Qui-Gon, who loses his grip on Jango in the process.

My lightsaber slips from my hand, clanging across the ground. A second blast from the ship again strikes nearby, throwing me aside. Both of us climb to our feet. I look up to see Jango flying straight at us. I jump at him, kicking him to the ground. Qui-Gon's lightsaber cuts through the bounty-hunters jetpack, disabling it. He stumbles back a step, pulling off the sparking mechanism and throws it on the ground.

All three of us duck out of the way as the jet pack explodes into a ball of flames. Using the moment of distraction, Jango runs for the ship. Dodging around the fire, Qui-Gon and I charge after, activating our lightsabers. Behind us, flames are already sizzling and dying out thanks to the pouring rain.

Jango whirls around, firing a few blaster shots at us as he backs towards the ship. Qui-Gon raises a hand, Force-throwing the bounty hunter into into a nearby column. He seems momentarily stunned but is already getting to his feet again as we hurry over.

I run forwards, swinging my blade through his blaster as he prepares to fire again, then point my lightsaber at him. Qui-Gon steps up to join me. "You're under arrest."


Leaving Qui-Gon to watch over Jango, who we already put in restraints and took to our other ship, I head onto Jango's ship to investigate. The Kaminoans showed up to see what the commotion was all about and brought Boba inside since he doesn't have anywhere to go right now.

Inside the ship, I see a number of weapons including the darts I'd seen that killed the changeling. Yes, if I had any doubts before, I know for sure now that we definitely have the right person.

Checking over the controls in the cockpit, I quickly realize that the navicomputer was already programmed to go to Geonosis, a planet in Separatist territory, which is definitely strange. I check out the log on the ship next. Scrolling through the list of places he's gone recently... Yes, one of them is Coruscant. And, apparently, he's gone to Geonosis on multiple occasions.

Something feels very out of place about this. What's so important about Geonosis that he keeps going there, and that he was planning to escape from us and go there now? Maybe we should go check out the matter ourselves.

The report to the Council goes relatively fast. After Qui-Gon and I finish explaining the situation, there is a momentary pause.

"You must bring the bounty hunter here to Coruscant," Master Windu declares.

"Someone should go to Geonosis," Qui-Gon points out.

"Hm. Go to Geonosis, Obi-Wan will," decides Yoda, "Master Qui-Gon, bring Jango to Coruscant. Question him here, we shall."

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