You make me ache

SleepingAriella tarafından

645K 13.3K 6.1K

Set in Autumn 2016. Troye has a year-long working visa allowing him to live in America with Tyler. The issue... Daha Fazla

Troyler: You make me ache (Smut love & fluff story)
Ch1: True friendship and True love.
Ch2: Twitches and Gasps
Ch3: Messy kisses and Sweaty bodies.
Ch4: Satisfied grins and Sleepy conversations.
Ch5: Pantomime snores and Clouds.
Ch6: Embarrassed friends and Daisies.
Ch7: Water fights and Memories.
Ch8: Twisted sheets and Carnal longing.
Ch9: Impatient knocks and Sour tequila.
Ch10: Whirlwinds and Electric bolts.
Ch11: Forbidden activity and Evidence.
Ch12: Hangover cures and Butterflies.
Ch13: Pizza sauce and Cold tiles.
Ch14: Heated flames and Whimpers.
Ch15: Apologies and Moonlight.
Ch16: Incoherent pants and Promises.
Ch17: Morning bribes and House-sitting.
Ch18: Guinea pigs and Massages.
Ch19: Stomach flips and Commands.
Ch20: Cosmic pulls and Heavy-eyed yawns.
Ch21: Viewers and Pebbles.
Ch22: Heaven and Movie slides.
Ch23: Childish games and Pets.
Ch24: Uncertainty and Cookie dough.
Ch25: Icy vanilla and Salty kisses.
Ch26: Exploring and Perfect words.
A/N- Troye Sivan
Ch27: Vacation highlights and Wine.
Ch28: Open when's and Voicemail.
Ch29: Doctors and Desperation.
Ch30: Pain killers and Memory cards.
Ch31: Self-pity and Curiosity.
C32: Guard dog and Dark places.
Ch33: Flights home and Gifts.
Ch34: Electric circuits and Punishment.
Ch35: Mythology and Games.
Ch36: Beating hearts & Synchronisation.
Ch37: Happy Couples and Roots.
Ch38: Honest answers and Loose threads.
Ch39: Hints and Bed Sheets.
Ch40: Relentless longing and Gentle tears.
Ch41: Shower tears and Buoys.
Ch42: Mirrored actions and Communication.
Ch43: Breakfast and Photo Albums
Ch44: Sunbeams and Fantasies.
Ch45: Butterfly kisses and Perfect clouds.
Ch46: Pumpkin Pie and Skype Calls.
Ch47: Blanket Forts and Lies.
Ch48 (part two): Whipped Cream and Teeth Indents.
Ch49: Honesty & New Boyfriend.
Ch50: Over-thinking and Understanding.
Recap and Update.
Ch51: Couples Costumes and Lap Dances.

Ch 48 (part one): Whipped Cream and Teeth Indents.

4.1K 135 66
SleepingAriella tarafından

Troye's POV (part one).

 Pulling Tyler closer to me, I let my lips slowly work his. He still does not seem quite like his usual self and I am determined to distract him from his stressful day of meetings until he is overwhelmed solely by contentment. With this in mind, my kisses continue urging him to part his lips. My tongue traces his inner lip, causing a shiver of pleasure to trail Tyler's spine.I let my hand roam from his back and slide it underneath the thick fabric of his sweater. His skin is warm to my touch and I let out a soft hum as I reach up and press my palm to his heart. The beat beneath me is steady and strong, however as I begin to nibble at his lower lip I feel the rhythm begin to increase slightly erratically. Barely able to contain a pleased grin, my smiling lips continue to press to his and he pulls my hips flush against him. As he starts to grind against me, I am reminded of his shameless flirting in the shower and a light giggle escapes me. The laugh causes us to pull away and break our kiss, but it begins a lazy moment of eye contact as we both drink each other in.

 "You seem happy tonight," he says, his thumb tracing my eyebrow and my desired contentment for him flashing in his eyes.

 "I am, are you?"

 "You're here aren't you?"

 "So sappy," I reply, yet the smile on my face reveals how much I adore his response.

 "Says the twink that built me an indoor igloo with stars," he chirps back, his hands animatedly gesturing to the blanket walls and the strings of white fairy lights that hang above us. Knowing that I cannot contest him, instead I place a quick kiss to his neck before snuggling deeper into the duvet and demanding that he puts a movie on.

A little into Tyler'smovie of choice, we have both already decided that this movie is not one either of are interested in finishing. Instead, we place it on mute and begin one of our silly traditions of creating new dramatic and humorous -only to us- dialogue for each of the characters. Taking turns to voice the characters, our contributions become increasingly daft and random. Sat side by side, we explore inside jokes and allow ourselves to be entertained by our own playful immaturity, competing which each other to achieve louder laughs and bigger grins.

At what seems to be an emotional and serious point in the movie, the main character's overdramatised acting skills portray a look of heartbreak. Before I can start to contribute a piece of dialogue Tyler begins to add his, which results in me shaking with a fit of giggles. My loud laughter only spurs him on to continue his exaggerated speech about the inequality of orange chicken being rejected as an acceptable breakfast food.

"You are a mess," I laugh, pleased that his earlier tense mood has evidently been entirely replaced by a happier one.

"A messy, messy boy".

"And a goof," I add, rolling my eyes at his deliberate reference to one of our older YouTube collaboration videos. He grins at me and using the remote control turns off the TV, our game of creating new, silly dialogue now over.

"I guess this is why people don't like watching films with us both at the same time".


"I prefer keeping you all to myself anyway," Tyler whispers, shifting onto his side and capturing my body in his arms. Still smiling, I allow him to pull me close and delight as I am able to smell the fresh scent of the shampoo I previously massaged into his soft hair. As I reach up to play with his blonde locks, I contently reply,

"That's fine by me".  My words are sealed with a short but sweet kiss that melts into my lips and warms my body with an adoring glow. Before I can push for more kisses- suddenly eager to turn the soft glow into something more heated- Tyler suggests that we try the pumpkin pie and an unwilling groan escapes me.

Now sat upwards and opposite me, Tyler slices his fork into the pie that sits between us. Nervously, I watch and dread the taste that my horrific cooking skills are about to likely torture my over-optimistic boyfriend. His blue eyes lock to mine as the fork enters his mouth and for a moment I begin to smile as no negative reaction is shown to the mouthful.

"Is it okay?" I ask, hoping that Tyler was right about the whipped cream being able to mask the burnt taste. I watch tentatively as he starts to chew, before a grimace finds his face and his eyes begin to water. "Tilly?"

"It's uhm... good," he mumbles, still slowly chewing, however his expression and hesitant voice clearly shows that he is lying and trying to please me.

"Ty it's fine. If it tastes bad, you don't have to-" I start to say, however my words falter as he begins to cough violently. I quickly reach down to his bottle of beer and pass it to him. He enthusiastically starts drinking the cool liquid, taming his cough and no doubt washing away the awful taste. "You okay?" I ask, my eyes likely wild as they watch him continue to swig at his beer.

"Uhm, Babe how much cinnamon did you use?"

"Well because I know you like cinnamon, I added an extra tablespoon or so".

"You mean a teaspoon?"

"No, a tablespoon," I hesitantly answer.

"Oh, Troye" he replies, confusing me as his sudden laughter begins to buzz around our small blanket fort.

"What? Was it not enough?" I ask, only causing his laughter to become louder and a single, amused tear to roll down his cheek. Despite my confusion I cannot help but smile as his contagious laughter affects me also, but soon he begins to calm once more.

"Not enough? Babe, it was just a tad too much. It's uhm, very strong".


"Hey, come here," he says seeing my new disappointed expression before placing his beer down in order to take my hand and press a kiss to my knuckles. "You don't need to be sorry. You're right I do like cinnamon, just it's a very potent spice".

"Oops?" I say, now smiling as I am reminded that Tyler does not care when I mess up recipes.

Yeah, 'oops'," he laughs in response and I cannot help but silently admire the way his eyes crinkle at the sides as he does.

"Maybe I should stay out of the kitchen from now on".

"And stop torturing our neighbours with the fire alarm? What would be the fun in that?" he teases.

"Shut up," I retort, but once again the smile on my face reveals my true light and airy mood. The moment seems to pause as Tyler gazes back at me, his lips spread in a hypnotic smile that matches my own. "What?" I ask, only smiling wider under his intense gaze.

"Your smile. I love your smile". My eyes immediately flee, settling on the pumpkin pie that still sits between us whilst a slight blush finds me. A carefree laugh escapes from Tyler at my sudden coyness, but he too moves his stare to the food. "We could still eat the cream?" he suggests, his eyes now twinkling mischievously and causing carnal thoughts that I hope are similar to his own to race through my mind.

Choosing to ignore the forks now that it is evident that only the whipped cream is edible, I flick a finger across the edge of the pumpkin pie. Tyler watches as I lift my finger to mouth, his eyebrow raised in a manner that assures me his thoughts have quickly returned to a similar tone as his promiscuous shower behaviour. Giving him what he desires to see, I slowly slip my finger into my mouth and allow my tongue to swirl around the cream. The taste is sweet and I emit a slightly exaggerated hum of approval. Tyler's eyes remain fixated on my mouth as I try to seductively slide my finger back out, however as my lips wrap around my fingertip I fail to contain my laughter at my ridiculous and cliche attempt at seduction.

"I'm just so sexy right now" I giggle at Tyler, my self-mocking evident in my tone. Hie eyes are bright with amusement, but his lower lip is trapped by his teeth as he continues to watch me. Silently, Tyler reaches towards me, his thumb gently caressing my lips. My eyelashes flutter against my cheeks briefly as I smile, realising that he is wiping away a bit of missed cream. As he sucks his thumb clean, I ask him if there is anymore cream left on my lips.

"Only here," he whispers, taking my hand and grazing my finger back along the pie's topping. Biting my lip, I fondly shake my head at him as I allow him to guide my coated finger to his mouth. With his warm lips enveloping me, I find myself closing my eyes and soaking myself in the silky feeling of his tongue swirling around my skin. Instantly my entire body feels more sensitized and both the growing warmth and my building desire have me craving to be wearing less clothing. As my finger leaves his mouth, I notice his bright eyes have darkened, now reflecting a sultry want. Breaking the intimate silence, Tyler speaks again, his voice washed in want, "now I've got it all".

"No. I don't think you did" I whisper back, my voice just as wanton as his. His eyes immediately drop to my hand, carefully studying how my finger finds yet more cream before I decorate my lips with it. He smiles softly as he understands my silent request, but I find myself still wanting more. With the little cream left on my fingertip, I drag it from my parted lips to just underneath my tilted jaw purposefully directing the direction I wish for his kisses to travel.

After quickly moving the dessert away, Tyler happily obliges to my want by leaning in to my body. Using his weight, he forces me down on the soft duvet before hooking his legs around me and sitting on my thighs. With my head resting on a pillow, I keep my jaw still and tilted upwards, exposing my pale throat. His eyes wash over me, seemingly devouring the image of me pliant beneath him. A small moan escapes my open lips revealing how turned on I feel from his sudden manipulation of my body. Flashing a quick smirk at the sound, Tyler lowers his torso to mine. As our lips meet, I continue to let him control me, his hands finding mine and pinning them beside my head. Tasting the cream that lies on my pink lips, his tongue skims me teasingly. Desperate for more my lips try to move against his however he does not grant me a kiss. Instead, his lips travel to my jaw line, peppering me with gentle kisses along my defined angles. Despite my body being relaxed from enjoying Tyler's attention, my abdomen muscles grow tighter with lust. His fingers still wrapped around my wrists also tighten as I try to move in order to pull him closer to me.

"Stay still" Tyler warns me, the words ghosting my jawline with the small, breathy pants that accompanies them. His voice is gravelly with need yet still firm with a commanding control causing a helpless whimper to flee from my desperate lips. His request only deepens my urge to explore his body with both my hands and mouth, but as he nips my earlobe between his sharp teeth, he silently informs me that tonight he is the dominant one. With his needy bite, I let my wrists lay limply on the pillow beside my head, now accepting and still eager to see how he wants to pan out our night.

Tyler's lips continue to work my body, pressing in sweet kisses and rough bites to my soft skin; his teasing tongue removes the trail of cream from under my jaw and down my neck. As trying to remain still quickly becomes more of a struggle due to feeling myself harden with excitement and pleasure, I am grateful for Tyler's weight pressing down on me and keeping me pushed into the blankets. His body feels heavy and secure above me, only making me want to explore him more. My hands ache to run the length of his thick thighs as they fold beside me, yet as his fingers leave my wrists and begin to trace a delicate trail down my throat, I find myself remaining still in the heat that radiates our desire. I gulp as his fingertip circles the concave of my throat and in response his lips powder a feather light kiss to my Adams Apple. My teeth dig into my lower lip, subconsciously wanting my mouth to be as silent as my body is still. However, as Tyler lets his kisses travel to where his finger lies a small moan escapes me. The sultry sound seems to encourage him, as he briefly pauses to look at me with a devious glint in his darkened eyes and he hungrily begins to grasp my body with his hands.

Despite his small hands, Tyler's grip is strong and firm as he pulls my body upright. Sat chest to chest, he allows my hands to slide around his waist whilst he re-adjusts his position on my thighs. His grip loosens on my waist as he takes the fabric of both my sweater and t-shirt into his hands. Leaving his body, my arms instinctively stretch above me allowing him to tug the fabric up and over my body. My heart pounds heavily beneath my now naked chest as his eyes rake over me. Under his watch I feel significant; I feel needed. His desperate expression laced with deep admiration and desire tricks me into feeling like I could be stood in a crowd of hundreds yet his eyes would see me and only me. He makes me yearn to be touched as he makes me feel like I deserve to be showered in overwhelming pleasure.  As if also thinking the thoughts that his gaze causes to roam in my mind, his lips fall softly to my neck again. His lingering kisses heat my skin, the warmth spreading throughout the rest of mybody including beneath the waistband of my sweats. Also travelling my body are Tyler's hands. His gentle fingers skim my torso, causing my slight muscles to quiver until his touch is redirected to my neck. Gently he tilts my head backwards, exposing more of my throat to his fervent kisses. Shallow pants of pleasure stream from my parted pout until I find myself unexpectedly speaking,

"Tyler please". His flickering kisses momentarily pause as he smiles against me before slowly pushing my pliant body back to the blankets. He follows me, his legs stretching out behind him as his hands guide me onto my side.

"Please for what?" he whispers, his lips now brushing my jutting collarbone as he speaks.

"Please stop teasing me, I want us naked already" I reply, my hardened length rebelling against the constriction of my boxer briefs and failing me in my attempt to continue playing entirely submissive. He stills at my words, propped up on just the one side of his body and smiling mischievously at me. Suddenly I find myself inhaling a shocked gasp, as he aggressively tugs at my sweats, coercing the fabric quickly over my hips and down my slender legs. I aid him in kicking them off at my feet, whilst much to my approval he begins to strip off his own clothing also.


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