Destined To Love You

By kimyykimyy001

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Jiang Ren, Meng Ting's knight in shining armor. This knight is not soft, gentleman nor charming, but he'll al... More



494 8 0
By kimyykimyy001

Chapter 18-Prettiest in school

Translator-zyzy Editor-Aru

Meng Ting got to the classroom early, the class only had 2 people in it, one being the class monitor, Guan Xiao Ye, Guan Xiao Ye came first to open the classroom doors.

The other is Hong Hui, Hong Hui was the most hardworking student in the class, every night he’ll study and do his homework until 11, but his results never improved, he was always average in the class.

When Meng Ting walked in, Guan Xiao Ye was the first one to see her.

Her pen accidentally slipped across her paper, drawing a thick line, her gaze fixated on Meng Ting.

Meng Ting was slightly uncomfortable and gently said: “Good morning.”

She sat down on her seat, Hong Hui noticed that someone sat down beside him, he aggressively started to flip his chemistry book: “Student Meng Ting, you’re here, yesterday, I was looking at this element question for a long time, after this part with the copper sulphate, I can’t continue solving it, could you……”

Meng Ting took over his chemistry book, the black ink from the gel pen had made multiple corrections, it proved that Hong Hui really tried his best.

Her long eyelashes facing down, after thinking for a while, she had the answer in her mind, she took out a piece of the draft paper, and softly said: “ This is not copper sulfate, you can see the chain of chemical reaction that was mentioned before, they are different from copper sulfate.”

She used a draft paper to solve the chemical formula, her mind was clear, writing as she talked, terrified if she would disturb Guan Xiao Ye from studying, her tone was soft and soon after, she finished solving the question.

“Do you understand what I’m saying?” She lifted her gaze and saw a very distracted Hong Hui. He turned bright red, blushing all the way to his ears.

Seeing as Meng Ting frowned slightly,  he stuttered as he hurriedly replied: “  Under…understood.”

But Hong Hui, who loved to study, all he was focused on was his studies, but for the very first time, he did not have a single idea on what she was talking about.

He was like Guan Xiao Ye, he was so surprised that he just zoned out.

This person is…….his deskmate, Meng Ting?

Hong Hui could still remember the time when he switched seatings to become Meng Ting’s deskmate, those nasty boys in the class teased him: “ Hey Hong Hui, you want to be her deskmate, what a ladies’ man.” They imitated the actions of people that were blind fiddling around.

Hong Hui felt slightly angry and said: “ Meng Ting is the first place in class.”

“This nerd only has eyes for the first place in class hahaha!”

Before Hong Hui could rage, the girls threw books at them: “ I will tell Teacher Fan if you tease Meng Ting again.”

“Yeah right, how old are you, still informing the teachers!” They did not comment any further.

It has always been like this, there was always a group of students who ranked at bottom of the list in each class. There are also some students that behaved badly, there were very few that would tease about Meng Ting’s eyes, most of them sympathized and pitied her.

However, out of all of the days, Hong Hui was suddenly reminded of these nasty guys in the class that teased him “Ladies’ man”.

Ladies’ man…….

Boys at this age, no matter how rigid they are, they are still sensitive to these kinds of comments.

He blushed madly, he couldn’t seem to sit still anymore, all he could do was dazedly take out a piece of paper while looking at the solution that Meng Ting wrote with her delicate handwriting. He managed to calm down after a while.

He did not feel this way before, but the Meng Ting that was sitting beside him made him feel uncomfortable.

He wasn’t suffering …….it’s just distracting.

She’s so beautiful after her eyes healed completely!

After Meng Ting reached the classroom, she started to do some exercises on biological heredity. This year, the exam paper hadn’t turned into a national exam paper yet, so the questions for this exam are more predictable and standard.

The last question of the exam paper will definitely be a question on biological heredity.

She didn’t attend this exam paper in her last life,  she got into an accident when she was in the first semester of Grade 8. Her face was disfigured by the fire and ever since then, she stayed in the hospital to receive treatment. A few days before the exam, Father Shu got into an accident too and Meng Ting missed the entrance exam.

Since she had the chance to start fresh, she would not let these things happen again, she also wanted to get into the university smoothly.

She had the same thinking with the other students, she was also looking forward to getting into the university that seems so sacred.

It was already quarter past seven, students started to fill the classroom.

They all had the same reaction with Guan Xiao Ye and Hong Hui, ever since the start of grade 6, it was the first time the class was so quiet.

All of them unbelievably stared at Meng Ting.

If Meng Ting was this gorgeous in the first place, everyone would still secretly stare at her, but they will not be this shocked. The main point is the photo of her on her student card that was taken at the start of grade 6, that photo was a pain to the eye, but now they realized that she is actually a super gorgeous girl, that contrast was so huge that it confused everyone.

The students started coming in one by one, some of them that did not notice Meng Ting, were nudged by the students around them, as they followed their gaze and looked over,  with a surprised expression: “She…she’s Meng Ting?”

Zhao Nuan Cheng was different from Hong Hui. In grade 7, she still loved to sleep in, so she’ll always arrive late. After everyone came to class, she’ll only sleepily walk in with her mouth biting on a bun, thinking as the bun may have a strong smell, she always finished the bun outside of the classroom before coming in.

She’s quite dense, the moment she walked in and looked at Meng Ting, she blushed instantly, subconsciously thinking that she entered the wrong classroom.

After she saw Hong Hui and Liu Xiao Yi, she then realised that she was in the right place.

She’s close friends with Meng Ting, naturally understanding that she is Meng Ting, she didn’t even have time to rub off the oil on her lips and hurriedly settled down in her seat with her eyes bright and wide: “ Ting Ting! Your eyes are all good now!”

Meng Ting nodded with a smile.

She looked so pretty when she smiled, her big bright eyes bent slightly with curly eyelashes, passing off a naturally innocent and shy vibe.

Zhao Nuan Cheng squealed with excitement: “Oh my god! You’re so pretty!” She used to worry that she would hurt Meng Ting’s feelings if she looked straight into Meng Ting’s eyes, that she’d remind Meng Ting of her sad past, she’d never thought that now her best friend is such a gorgeous girl.

She was so excited that she didn’t even know what to say.

Oh my god, Ting Ting is so much prettier than the Shen Yu Qing from Class 14!

You have to know that Shen Yu Qing was the prettiest girl in school and everyone agreed on this!

But look at Ting Ting, she’s exactly how every boy would dream their first love to look like.

It was Fan Hui Yin’s self-study time in the morning when she walked into the classroom hugging her English books, she frowned with a scowled face and said: “ What did I say before! Don’t whisper and chit chat in the morning, you have to read the English vocabularies loudly! All of you are in grade 8 now, you have to be fully responsible for your own future.”

Chit chats immediately turned into sounds of students reciting their English vocabulary.

Fan Hui Yin looked at her English class representative and froze, she then said to Meng Ting: “Come to my office at once.”

Meng Ting followed along.

After Teacher Fan and Meng Ting walked away, the whole class burst into a heated discussion. The students all gossiped about Meng Ting’s eyes that had recovered.

Teacher Fan filled a cup of water from her office and signalled Meng Ting to sit down.

She looked at Meng Ting, her expression stern as usual but her tone gave out a hint of concern: “ Meng Ting, are your eyes all recovered now?”

Meng Ting nodded her head.

Although Teacher Fan thinks that it’s not right to judge people by their appearances, but she still frowned and warned her: “It’s your turn to give a speech during the flag ceremony today, but your condition…”

The birds landed on the branches of the plane tree and used its beak to clean its feathers.

Meng Ting listened carefully as Teacher Fan spoke.

All of a sudden, Teacher Fan could not go on anymore, she let out a sigh and said: “Haih, my child, you’re looking good.” She can’t stop someone from giving a speech just because she suddenly turned pretty right?

“Where’s your script?”

Meng Ting took out the script and gave it to Teacher Fan.

Teacher Fan satisfyingly nodded her head after reading her script, Meng Ting’s script was full of positive messages, there was nothing she could pick on.

Looking at Meng Ting’s student card around her neck, in her blue and white uniform, Teacher Fan seriously doubted the photographer’s skill. She waved her hand and let Meng Ting return to the classroom.

This year, there was one new rule in Seven High. The flag-raising ceremony on Monday, a student representative will be chosen to give a speech.

The student representative would naturally be the first place in every class.

When it was Meng Ting’s turn during the first year, the headmistress gave Meng Ting’s situation some thought, hesitantly said: “Teacher Fan, how about changing the representative for your class?”

Fan Hui Yin shook her head in disagreement and said: “ Meng Ting’s eyes aren’t in the best condition, but she is an outstanding student. If the school wants to replace her because of her eyes, this student will start doubting herself.”

So every semester when it was Class 1’s turn, Meng Ting was the one to give the speech.

The good thing about this is that there were many classes in the school, so each class would only have to, at most, speak two times. The student representatives kept changing, the students were tired of listening to these motivational speeches. Besides the pretty Lu Yue from Grade 8, there were very few that would notice Meng Ting’s presence, students would only stare at her for a split second just because of her weird eyeglasses.

Today is the 20th of November.

Winter had quietly arrived, students were wearing thick layers of winter clothes underneath their uniforms, they looked lumpy and bloated.

One look across, they looked like a patch of big white cabbages.

The female teachers started rubbing their hands together to gain some warmth in the cold.

The other students realised that the students from Class 1 of grade 7 were acting very weird today, they were all craning their necks, trying to get a better look at the stage, they seemed mysteriously excited.

The emcee said in a clear and loud voice: “Let us welcome the class representative of Grade 7 Class 1, student Meng Ting to give her speech under the flag.”

The students under the stage all clapped lazily and without any sincerity.

Meng Ting took her notes on stage, holding the microphone, she started her speech with her sweet and melodious voice: “Hello everyone, I am Meng Ting from Grade 7 Class 1, the title of my speech for today is ‘Cherish the moments, live up to the expectations of our homeland’.”

The old-fashioned ordinary title for school speeches, the kind of speech that would bore the audience sleepy.

But her melodious voice and her standard use of Mandarin caught some attention from the crowd.

The morning dew condensed and dripped from the branches, one breath and the cold air turned into white fog.

The young girl on stage was just wearing a simple school uniform, blue-white coat and long black pants. Her hair tied up in a ponytail with a hairband, her long hair looked refreshing and airy bangs hinted with a sense of gentleness and peacefulness.

She was so elegant, and…also a pretty face!

No matter which era she was in, humans always had no resistance towards beautiful things. In no time, the sound of people gossiping could be heard from the crowd.

The nearly bald dean with his beer belly started to scold them: “All of you, quiet down! Credits will be taken from classes that are noisy again!”

The students finally quiet down after hearing this.

The students at the back row couldn’t clearly see what was happening at the front but they knew that something was happening. They couldn’t see the stage clearly and were very frustrated about it.

However, everyone did everything they could in order to satisfy their curiosity, and they got a hold of what was going on that shocked them all. The Meng Ting from Class 1 that used to have bad eyes has perfectly recovered now, and she’s even prettier than the Shen Yu Qing from Class 12, the prettiest girl in the school!

Oh my god, what in the world!

The reason why Shen Yu Qing was so arrogant was because of her pretty face, and also because she was recognised by the whole of Seven High for being the prettiest in all of Seven High’s history.

She is prettier than the school’s babe, this title needs a new owner!

Because of this, every one attentively listened to the whole speech.

Lu Yue was so surprised, of course, she remembers Meng Ting, Meng Ting was the one who defeated her in the Mathematical Olympiad Competition. But at that time, she comforted herself that Meng Ting was just a student that had flawed eyes, now, she’s in complete shock.

What if, Meng Ting was not only good academically?

She thought of the day that Jiang Ren told her to go away impatiently but asked Meng Ting to buy him beverages with a smile on his face. Mixed feelings were churning in her, she tightened her fist. The students from grade 8 couldn’t take a good look too, but the rumour that a change in the prettiest girl in school started to spread as fast as the autumn breeze, silently and quickly, the rumour started to spread.

Shen Yu Qing from Class 12 felt even worse, her face turned from green to pale.

When Meng Ting walked down from the stage, she sensed the change too. However, she lived twice, her mood will not sway so easily, so she wasn’t bothered.

Before classes ended on Monday, Fan Hui Yin took the physics class for herself.

Teacher Deng that teaches physics complained: “I am rushing for my subject too, Teacher Fan, please exchange with other teachers please~”

The students in Class 1 were frustrated too: “I bet Teacher Deng can’t even hold his stance for even two minutes, Teacher Fan is too domineering.” 

As expected, Teacher Deng walked away after a while, Teacher Fan walked in and told everyone to take out their English textbook.

The students sobbed secretly on the inside.

The students heard some incredibly good news after school.

Teacher Fan said: “The school is organizing an event ‘mountain hiking during the warm winter’, the school hopes that everyone can workout more to train your body. We will hike the Wangu Mountain this Wednesday.”

The students cheered in happiness.

But Meng Ting froze for a second, she thought back on the memory of this event, they went hiking for Wangu Mountain too during that year.

Jiang Ren had followed along.

At that time, she had already become the prettiest girl in school, she did not respond to Jiang Ren at all when he approached and talked to her.

Zhao Nuan Cheng said in that year: “Don’t bother him, Ting Ting. He definitely came for Shen Yu Qing. He’s approaching you just because you’re pretty. This kind of people…ha! Ignorant and incompetent, not a good man, he obviously came for the pretty girls.”

Meng Ting nodded her head solemnly.

Because of that, she thought that Jiang Ren was just making fun of her in her last life.

Perhaps it was because he couldn’t get what he wanted, she just let him chase her around for one year, a lot of crazy incidents took place.

Meng Ting started to worry at the thought of this.

Jiang Ren….wowon’t be coming this time right? She was uncertain about this.


Jiang Ren was fast asleep in Li Cai’s classroom.

The teacher eyed him several times but he did not say anything. Forget it, these privileged kids, just let them be.

He Jun Ming realized that Boss Ren came to school quite early today, and he was just sleeping on his desk.

He Jun Ming whispered: “Boss Ren, what happened?” He normally won’t be this tired even after gaming the whole night.

He Han pointed at the bottom of Jiang Ren’s pants.

The end of his pants was covered in cold soil.

He Jun Ming twitched the corner of his lips and said: “Did he do some sort of gardening in the middle of the night?” The more he thought of that idea, the more he was amused by it. At last, he couldn’t contain his laughter and burst into laughter. The teacher stared at him and warned: “He Jun Ming!”

“Sorray ah sorray!” He forgot that he was in a class and answered with his very broken English.

When Jiang Ren woke up, classes had already ended. He lied down lazily and stretched his whole body against the back of the chair.

He asked with his husky voice: “What time is it?”

He Jun Ming told him the time and asked him: “Boss Ren, want to play billiards this afternoon?” 

Jiang Ren simply nodded his head.

“Boss Ren, what did you do last night?”

Jiang Ren didn’t even look at him and answered: “None of your business.”

He Jun Ming scraped his nose awkwardly, he was just curious anyway.

When they were having lunch at the restaurant that afternoon, they met some students from Seven High.

They’re a group of rich kids from a vocational high school, they would never have their meals in school. They have almost tried all of the restaurants on the food street outside of their school, the restaurant owners already recognise them.

Those students from Seven High were talking about the things that happened during the flag-raising ceremony this morning.

When Jiang Ren walked up the staircase, he heard the name of “Meng Ting” and his footsteps paused for a while.

He Jun Ming also heard it and tsked resentfully: “It’s different when you look pretty right, she became famous in Seven High in just one day. I reckon she’s now the prettiest girl in their school. There must be a lot of guys that want to ask her out. But I’ve dealt with a lot of girls like these ways too cold and elegant. I used to ask these types of girls out, they usually will just ignore you. Not sure who could ask them……”

Fang Tan covered his forehead and quietly looked at Jiang Ren. Completely judging He Jun Ming’s intelligence.

Even pigs are smarter than him, how brainless can he be!

The walls weren’t soundproof and the conversation from beside could be heard if they concentrated.

When they are halfway through their meal, Jiang Ren suddenly went down the stairs.

He Han asked: “Where did Boss Ren go?”

Fang Tan shook his head, he had no idea.

Jiang Ren walked to the group of Seven High students, they quiet down immediately when they saw him.

There is no other apparent reason, it was because this teenager with his silver hair and piercings, he didn’t look friendly. They guessed that this guy might be the Jiang Ren that was chased out by his family from Li Cai.

Jiang Ren smiled lazily: “Boss, come over here, I will pay for this table.”

He turned his head facing the group of uneasy Seven High ‘good students’ and tsked at them: “Don’t be so nervous students, I only have one question for you guys.”

He passed the money to the boss and asked inadvertently: “Are all students from Seven High  going to go on a hike?”

Because of the frightening stories, they heard about Jiang Ren, one of the boys from the group of students nodded his head quickly and answered him weakly: “Yes, this Wednesday to Sunday, going separately according to classes. We are going to hike the Wangu Mountain behind the school.” He realised that Jiang Ren was listening to him carefully, so he blurted out all the information that he knew subconsciously. “It seems like students from Grade 8 aren’t going, grade 6 and 7 going. Starting from grade 7, all twelve classes are grouped as one big group, they would hike together and then make a wish at the old century tree at the top of the mountain.”


Jiang Ren and the others were originally planning to play billiards this afternoon. This group of teenagers skipped class, as they rode on their motorbikes on the most happening street in the city.

Teenagers showed off their cool outfits, the sound of the motorbikes roared, shaking the sky. Some of the pedestrians stopped to watch, some walked away, and some of them cursed these gangsters softly under their breath.

The helmets blocked out the cold wind, but all Jiang Ren could think of was the words He Jun Ming said unintentionally.

She probably is the prettiest girl in Seven High

She hates him, even when she still had injured eyes, she wouldn’t even care much about him. Now that she is fair, obedient and pretty, there would be even more people that were fond of her.

It was the first time he felt uneasy under the hateful and annoying gaze from the pedestrians.

When he walked past a fashion store, Jiang Ren stopped.

He Jun Ming asked: “What’s wrong, Boss Ren?

Jiang Ren looked back and took his helmet off. He examined the reflection of himself in the glass window.

The guy’s silver hair in the reflection was messy, his hair slightly covering his brow.

The ripped jeans that he wore.

One look and it was obvious that he wasn’t a good student. The vibe came from within, he wasn’t from the same world as her.

Jiang Ren bit his lips and put on his helmet.

“I’m not going anymore.”

“What? Then where to?”

“Hair salon, don’t follow me.”

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