Destined To Love You

Von kimyykimyy001

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Jiang Ren, Meng Ting's knight in shining armor. This knight is not soft, gentleman nor charming, but he'll al... Mehr



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Von kimyykimyy001

Chapter 5

Meng Ting wasn’t crying, but when her eyes felt sore, it’ll automatically start to water, it’s just how the body works.

Meng Ting was relieved by the fact that Jiang Ren finally agreed to let them go.

Fang Tan also realised that something was off, Zhao Nuan Cheng was silently sobbing, he noticed that they were too harsh on them, he came over and said: “Boss Ren and I will drive the both of you back.” signally Zhao Nuan Cheng to follow him.

Zhao Nuan Cheng was scared of them, unwilling to move from her spot. Meng Ting lightly tapped the back of her hand, only then she anxiously got up. After all, her house and Meng Ting’s weren’t in the same direction.

Jiang Ren’s car keys were in his jacket, as he slipped into his jacket, he said to Meng Ting: “Come out.”

Meng Ting followed him outside.

The wind at night was chilly, walking out from the warm room, the cold air made her shudder.

He was tall, his steps were big. Meng Ting stumbled along behind him, struggling to catch up, but she didn’t say another word.

Sheng Yu Qing, still in Little Harbour, on the other hand, went pale.

The whole night, Jiang Ren didn’t even bother to take a look at her. They are officially in a relationship, but it doesn’t really count, as it was her that chased after Jiang Ren. From the start until the end, he didn’t acknowledge anything.

One of her classmates nudged her with her elbow, Sheng Yu Qing only then snapped out of her daze, she wore her jacket and ran outside.

The night was misty.

As she got out, Jiang Ren was looking back at Meng Ting

Meng Ting was careful, cautious of her every step. Jiang Ren’s gaze fixated on her, Sheng Yu Qing didn’t know what kind of gaze it was, but she started to feel a sense of danger.

She naturally walked faster than Meng Ting, with her terrible eye condition.

Sheng Yi Qing walked past the side door, running towards Jiang Ren, and hugged his waist: “Jiang Ren, come back soon.

The air went stiff, Jiang Ren subconsciously looked towards Meng Ting, not her.

Meng Ting froze.

Little Harbour’s warm lights made her look extremely delicate.

She held onto her walking stick and quietly turned her head away. The light shined on her cheeks that were showing, he realised that she was very fair.

Meng Ting was slightly awkward.

She anxiously turned to look at the fish tanks at Little Harbour, there were many goldfishes in there.

In the past, she’s only heard from others about Jiang Ren and Sheng Yu Qing’s dating history, as back then they had already broken up.

Jiang Ren pushed Sheng Yu Qing away, saying to Meng Ting: “Get in the car.”

Sheng Yu Qing’s face went pale, looking like she had something to say but didn’t have the guts to, she stealthily took a look at Meng Ting, and went back in. Meng Ting got in his car, it was only 8 pm, the bus was still operating.

Jiang Ren let her sit in the shotgun seat.

Meng Ting fastened her seatbelt.

Whenever she was with him, she always didn’t feel safe and tightened her grip on her walking stick. Jiang Ren asked: “Your house address?”

Meng Ting stiffened.

She didn’t want to get involved in any way with Jiang Ren: “Any bus stop would do, thank you.”

Jiang Ren scoffed: “Don’t want anything to do with me, good student?”

Meng Ting hurriedly shook her head, the back of her ears turned red as he guessed her exact thoughts.

“You think I care?” Jiang Ren randomly looked for a bus stop, “Get down.”

Meng Ting got down the car as she was told.

She was diligent, but she didn’t understand what he was angry about. Slightly scared of him, she didn’t speak.

The rain was still pouring.

Jiang Ren looked at her from his car.

That year, H city’s bus stops weren’t refurbished yet. Above her heads were only a few trees, rain droplets fell through the gaps between the leaves, onto her. She knows that he’s still nearby, anxiously standing there, she was not angry nor complaining.

Be good be good.

Jiang Ren suddenly came out of his car.

He unzipped his jacket and took it off, walking a few steps to her, and covered her.

She looked up from the black jacket, shocked, lifting her hands wanting to hit him with her stick: “What are you doing?”

He didn’t even know what he was doing, Jiang Ren grabbed her heavy stick, can’t help but laugh: “You really think I have a good temper, if you use this thing to touch me one more time, believe it or not, I’ll punch you.”

Meng Ting lowered her head, not speaking another word.

He was taller than her by nearly 30cm.

Looking down at her, he could see her eyelashes, they were like butterfly wings with rain droplets on them, softly quivering. Her eyelashes were long and perky, Jiang Ren had a sudden urge to look at her eyes.

He smiled: “Hey, what’s your name, good student?”

Meng Ting didn’t speak.

She wished that she didn’t know Jiang Ren at all.

Jiang Ren took her blue strapped student card out of her pocket.

Meng Ting’s reaction was slow, by the time she wanted to react, the bus already came. The jacket, still protecting her head, smelled of cigarettes.

“Get in.”

Meng Ting hesitated, in the end, she returned his jacket to him and got on.

But her student card……

The driver shouted: “Sit tight kid.”

Meng Ting was forced to sit beside the window.

As he waited for the bus to drive away, Jiang Ren’s silver hair was already wet from the rain, he looked down at the student card in his hands.

Her name was Meng Ting.


By the time Jiang Ren got back, everyone was still singing in the room.

As he walked in, everyone glanced at Shen Yu Qing.

Sheng Yu Qing walked towards him and sat beside him, helping him to light a cigarette. She knows that Jiang Ren doesn’t sing, so she gently asked: “Want to play a round of snooker?”

Jiang Ren frowned, he couldn’t stand the overpowering perfume scent of hers.

He took a few blows of the cigarette in between his fingertips and proceeded to play games with He Jun Ming.

The graphics and the controllers were so realistic.

The English word “kill!” frequently appeared on the screen.

Sheng Yu Qing helped hold on to his jacket.

Out fell a student card from his pocket, Sheng Yu Qing bent down to pick it up. She recognises that it’s Seven High’s student card, she flipped the card over to look at the picture, on the card was a teenage girl’s face.

The lower half of her face was delicate, but it was matched with a pair of weird-looking eyes that didn’t match well on her. Anyways, she wasn’t pretty.

On the card wrote “Grade 7 Class (1), Meng Ting.”

Why is Meng Ting’s student card in Jiang Ren’s pocket?

Sheng Yu Qing bit her lips, acting as if it didn’t bother her and showed it to He Jun Ming: “I found this on the floor just now.”

He Jun Ming, who was playing games, burst in laughter after taking a look at it: “It’s the blind girl from your school.”

Sheng Yu Qing nodded.

He Jun Ming: “Hahahaha I’m going to die of laughter, her eyes……” it’s out of this world kind of ugly.

His loud voice attracted all the boys and girls over to spectate.

Everyone started bursting into laughter, one of the boys even passed it on for everyone to see.

“Eyes might as well don’t have any.”

“It looks so weird, maybe it’s fake.”

They were still laughing, suddenly the boy who was passing the card around got punched in the face. The student card was snatched away from him.

The boy covered his face: “Ren…… Boss Ren.”

The whole place fell silent.

Jiang Ren’s silver hair looked icy cold under the light, his pupils extremely black, without another word, he kicked him hard. The boy had no strength to fight back and laid on the floor.

He Jun Ming was flustered, hurriedly held on to him: “Boss Ren, don’t get mad, don’t get mad……”

Veins popped out of Jiang Ren’s fists, it was one of the signs that his disorder is going to kick in, Fang Tan noticed this and got a hold of his arms: “Boss Ren.”

After a while, Jiang Ren said: “Get lost.”

The boy hurried out.

Jiang Ren turned to Sheng Yu Qing with his hand out: “Jacket.”

Sheng Yu Qing was also startled, shakingly she handed him his jacket.

Jiang Ren placed the student card in his pocket and said: “Sheng Yu Qing, we’re over.”

Sheng Yu Qing looked at him unbelievably.

“What did you just say?”

He placed the jacket on his shoulder, his tone distracted: “Are you deaf? We’re over.”

The girls looked at Sheng Yu Qing confusedly, and some gleamed upon hearing this. Sheng Yu Qing’s goal today was to show off, who knew Jiang Ren would’ve dumped her.

Sheng Yu Qing gritted her teeth: “Jiang Ren, what am I to you, I……”

Jiang Ren scoffed: “What are you to me, you’re perfectly clear of that, just someone to fool around with, nothing serious.”

Since young, Sheng Yu Qing had good results in school, and she’s pretty, naturally, she became arrogant and boastful.

Now as she saw the gaze of the others judging and mocking her, she couldn’t bring herself to beg Jiang Ren: “You better don’t regret your choice.”

Sheng Yu Qing couldn’t stay there any longer, she turned and ran out. Her best friends followed her.

The star of the party had left, the other girls also started to leave.

A few of the other guys proposed to send them back.

Jiang Ren touched the outline of the student card in his pocket, and frustratedly took another blow of his cigarette.

He has a smoking addiction, because of his bipolar disorder. He can’t remain calm mentally, so he has to find peace through the help of other items.

He Jun Ming thought for a while, but still didn’t understand why Boss Ren suddenly hit the boy and dumped his girlfriend.

Everything was fine just now right?


Meng Ting’s eyes got slightly infected, because of the rain.

Shu Zhi Tong accompanied her to the hospital for a checkup, the doctor said with a smile: “Nothing major to worry about, just take better care then it’ll be fine, rainwater isn’t that clean after all.”

Under the dim light, he carefully inspected Meng Ting’s eyes.

She obediently cooperated and widened her eyes.

Meng Ting’s pupils weren’t black, it was faint brown in colour, as pure and pretty as glass. The doctor was around 50 years old, and he also thinks that this girl is a true beauty.

If she grew a bit older, maybe she’ll be even prettier than the famous actresses now.

“ We’ll just apply some medications on it, is it okay little girl? Wrap it up in gauze for 3 days, it’ll recover faster.”

Meng Ting was used to her eyes going through so much trouble, and also got used to the world being totally dark, listening to the doctor’s words, she nodded.

So the glasses turned into white gauze.

The once grey world turned black again.

Shu Zhi Tong felt guilty: “It’s my fault, I didn’t come to pick you up in time.”

Meng Ting softly said: “No, Father Shu, I didn’t take care of myself, it won’t happen again.”

Shu Zhi Tong knows that she’s sensible and obedient, he nodded.

When they got back, Shu Lan was sprawled on the sofa, talking on the phone.

Not entirely sure what the other side of the phone said, but Shu Lan’s eyes brightened: “Really? They broke up!”

She didn’t even notice that Father Shu and Meng Ting had returned.

Shu Zhi Tong’s face stiffened: “Lan, what did you just say!”

Shu Lan hurriedly looked back: “Dad, Sis.” and hung up.

Because of Shu Lan, the house felt tense the whole weekend.

On Monday when 3 of the kids had to head to school.

Shu Zhi Tong said: “You all are not allowed to date anyone, do you hear me, you’re still in Grade 7, studies should come first, next time if you all can’t get in a good college then you’ll suffer for the rest of your life! If I catch any of you dating, don’t address me as your father.”

Shu Zhi Tong was usually very gentle, at times like this, he’s very strict. He looked closely at each one of them.

Shu Lan replied: “What are you talking about dad, I won’t”

Shu Yang didn’t speak, with his laid back, boring personality, Father Shu was the most at ease with him.

The morning dewdrops could be seen, birds started dancing on the branches.

Meng Ting softly said: “I won’t date anyone too.”
