Destined To Love You

By kimyykimyy001

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Jiang Ren, Meng Ting's knight in shining armor. This knight is not soft, gentleman nor charming, but he'll al... More



452 4 0
By kimyykimyy001

Chapter 3-Little blind girl

The following day was a Friday.

Meng Ting finished her milk, Shu Zhi Tong as usual took a look at her eyes. Followed by saying: “ I’ll only be able to come back on the weekends now to cook for you guys, it’s starting to get very hectic at the research centre. Ting Ting and Shu Yang, could you guys just eat at school first before heading home?”

Shu Yang muttered in agreement.

Meng Ting also nodded.

Shu Zhi Tong continues: “Shu Yang, you take good care of yourself, okay? She’s your older sister, her eyes are not doing very well these days, you guys are in the same form, don’t let anyone bully her.”

Shu Yang replied: “ She doesn’t need me to take care of her.”

“This kid……”

Shu Zhi Tong felt slightly awkward, he then pulled Meng Ting aside, apologetically saying: “ Ting Ting, don’t mind him.”

Meng Ting smiled: “I won’t, he’s just tough on the outside, but soft on the inside.

Shu Zhi Tong continued embarrassedly: “ Could you do me a favour?”

“Lan didn’t come back last night, she told me she’s staying over at her friend’s place. She’s all grown up now, there’s a lot of things I can’t control anymore. I’m afraid in school, she’ll ……” He stopped, letting out a sigh for his daughter. “I’m scared she’ll go on a wrong path if she’s dating anyone at such a young age, you’re smart, so keep an eye on her okay?”

Meng Ting was still bothered by the fact that Shu Lan left her there to die.

If Shu Lan didn’t untie the rope, she wouldn’t have died. Even more so, she was risking her life to look for her missing step-brother who went missing down the hill. She didn’t have the chance to ask Shu Lan why she did what she did, a thorn always remained in her heart ever since.

Looking at the man in front of her, ageing, his hair turning whiter as days pass, stressed out about his children, Meng Ting couldn’t say a word, but nod.

Meng Ting and Shu Yang headed to school, one in front of the other.

They both went to Seven High, grade 7, Meng Ting was in Class 1, Shu Yang in Class 2.

Both of them were the smartest in class.

Meng Ting looked at his slim figure from behind, after the incident, she got severely burned, but Shu Yang and Father Shu had never given up on her and persisted to provide her with medications.

Shu Yang’s figure got further and further away from her, before crossing the road, he looked back, his gaze sweeping for Meng Ting, slowly coming to a stop, as he patiently waited for her.

They both arrived at school at 7:45 a.m., silently walking to their own classrooms.

Everyone greeted her as she walked into the classroom.

“Good Morning, Meng Ting.”

“Good Morning.”

This year, she was the class representative for English.

Everyone knew that she wasn’t very well off, that she got involved in an accident with her mom, and her mum passed, leaving her blind. Luckily enough, her good grades in middle school enabled her to be fully sponsored by them to Seven High. She always got the highest in class for exams, except that one exam she missed because of her surgery, she was the perfect role model.

Even if she did carry a walking stick to school, no one ever laughed at her. From the very beginning, everyone was super friendly to her.

Her deskmate was a four-eyed boy. Slightly shy, he wasn’t really talking to anyone in the class, he studied very hard, but his result never really improved.

The girl that sat in front of her turned around excitedly: “Ting Ting, you’re here!”

Meng Ting smiled back politely, missing moments like these, voice as soft as the wind in March, she replied: “ Zhao Nuan Cheng.”

Zhao Nuan Cheng tidied her ruffled hair for her that got messy because of the morning breeze, and softly said to Meng Ting: “ Remember to apply for the scholarship, the form has already been distributed.” She knows Meng Ting’s family is not doing too well financially and is especially sorry for her.


The first class was our homeroom teacher, Ms Tang’s subject. She’s our language teacher, proper and elegant.

Meng Ting listened closely to this familiar knowledge while jotting down her notes.

Holding the pen felt weird, but she was paying serious attention in class.

Her deskmate, Hong Hui, couldn’t help but peek at what she was writing, his desire to learn, along with his never improving results, he was desperate, coincidentally with the smartest in class sitting beside him, he always couldn’t resist to “steal some of her secret techniques.”

Meng Ting noticed his gaze and shifted her book so he could get a closer look.

Her actions left Hong Zhi embarrassed. He secretly thought to himself, no wonder everyone liked Meng Ting, she really is cute and gentle.

The first class ended, Meng Ting finally got used to her high school days again.

Seven High then didn’t have many extra funds, the tables and fans were old. The chairs were close to the brink of breaking, shaking them would make a sort of cracking sound.

The only thing new in the classrooms were the multimedia blackboards.

Luckily, it was autumn, they didn’t really need the fan, but the infrastructures made a huge difference between both of the schools.

As LiCai got to enjoy air conditioning and heaters in the morning.

They got to enjoy themselves comfortably, but they were sweating in the summer and shivering in the winter.

The gap between the rich and the poor is so apparent.

Just as the first class ended, something happened in school.

Commotions outside could be heard, Meng Ting was still sitting at her spot. After a while, Zhao Nuan Cheng walked over. Her face seemingly excited from the fresh gossip she’s overheard: “ Shen Yu Qing from LiCai Class 14 across, she’s not attending her classes now, guess why.”

Meng Ting’s heart fell.

Why? What other reason would there be, of course, it’s because of Jiang Ren.

Expectedly, Zhao Nuan Cheng continued: “ She’s doing this for a guy in LiCai. She seemed all high and mighty and is the prettiest in school, no one was ever good enough for her, now she’s fighting for a guy with another girl, funny right?”

Liu Xiao Yi from the back also overheard them, joining them in the conversation: “ The guy comes from a pretty impressive background.”

Seven High’s news was shut tight, Jiang Ren only joined LiCai in September. He was famous there, there was no one who didn’t know who he was.

Zhao Nuan Cheng rolled her eyes, with a sense of scholar pride she replied: “ How impressive could he be, immortal?”

Liu Xiao Yi shrugged: “ Maybe almost immortal, Jun Yang Group, you’ve heard of them, right? The country’s biggest real estate company, it’s his family’s.”

Zhao Nuan Cheng: “…….The heck.”

Liu Xiao Yi, always the first one to get a hand on fresh juicy gossip, blurted out: “ Last week, he hit his homeroom teacher, who eventually had to get admitted into the hospital, but he still gets to go to school now as nothing happened. People like him, if Sheng Yu Qing really fell for him, it isn’t anything too surprising.”

He’s young, wild and free.

Other classmates also came around: “Why did he hit the teacher?”

“Wow, how daring, brave enough to hit a teacher.”

“Invincible because he’s rich? That arrogance, one-day society will teach him some lessons.”

“It’ll be like nothing for him, if he doesn’t work hard, he’ll just inherit his family’s company business.”

The bunch of people laughed out loud and shushed him up.

In the midst of chatter, Meng Ting suddenly stood up.

Zhao Cheng Nuan said: “ Ting Ting, where are you going?”

Meng Ting with her brows furrowed, she knows that this wasn’t any of her business, but she knows. That Sheng Yu Qing is heading off to look for her sister, Shu Lan now.

She didn’t want to care about Shu Lan, but her father’s words this morning echoed in her ears.

Father Shu is old, he’s getting weaker and weaker. In the experiment lab, if he doesn’t look out for himself, the exposure to radiation could kill him. His whole life was dedicated to caring for his kids, in other words, he would be willing to die for Meng Ting and that was exactly what happened.

Meng Ting turned back, and replied: “ I’m not feeling very well, could you help me inform the teacher that I’ll be going home early?”

Zhao Nuan Cheng nodded.

Meng Ting walked to the school gate, the guard didn’t let her out. She rarely lied, but the events that were about to envelop later were far more important, she pointed at her eyes: “ Uncle, my eyes don’t feel too good.”

The guards know her, she’s known for being goody-two-shoes, and let her off at once.

LiCai beside was relatively easier to enter, there was no one guarding the gates. As Meng Ting walked to Grade 7 Class 8’s doorstep, she could hear arguments coming from the classroom.

Sheng Yu Qing wasn’t alone, she had her own girl squad.

Shu Lan was persistent, as Meng Ting walked in, she could hear her say: “So what if you’re Jiang Ren’s girlfriend, who here doesn’t know that during your birthday, a few days ago, he didn’t even show up, he merely threw you a purse as a gift after.”

Shen Yu Qing still thought highly of herself, not showing any signs of backing off: “ Even if he really doesn’t care about me, I’m his official girlfriend, how dare you snatch other people’s boyfriend, didn’t your mother teach you anything?”

The people surrounding the scene shouted in support.

The girlfriend giving the mistress a lesson, for the popular Jiang Ren. It was an exciting show to witness.

As soon as Meng Ting walked in, all eyes were on her.

Her blindness was too eye-catching. She passed through the crowd, pulling Shu Lan that was still ready to fight back out of the classroom. Shu Lan angrily said: “ What are you doing? I know what I’m doing, go back to your school.”

Other people’s stares made Shu Lan embarrassed, it was like they were saying, your sister is blind.

Meng Ting remained calm: “Your father told me this morning, that he’s worried about you. It isn’t easy raising us.”

Shu Lan frowned, wanting to argue back.

“So what if you do win Shen Yu Qing, how will everyone else treat you? Jiang Ren doesn’t even care for Shen Yu Qing, will he care about you?” Meng Ting continued: “Your friends know right? That I helped you perform yesterday. Can you guarantee that she’ll not say anything to anyone?”

Shu Lan just realised.

She didn’t come home yesterday, everyone saw her look for Jiang Ren. The next day, there were already rumours circulating that Jiang Ren liked her and took her out on a date last night, she didn’t deny them, and now Sheng Yu Qing is here for her.

Shu Lan hesitated: “I don’t think she’ll tell anyone right?” her tone still seemed a bit hesitant, she returned to the group, lowering her pride and said to Sheng Yu Qing: “It’s just a rumour, I was over at Lin Meng’s house last night, she can prove that I’m telling the truth.”

Lin Meng nodded in agreement.

“Of course it is, you’re not even that pretty.” Shen Yu Qing sarcastically replied, slowly willing to let go of the matter.

Before she left, she looked at Meng Ting that was outside the classroom, she knew who she was. The smartest in her form. Meng Ting in Class 1, with very weak eyesight.

Meng Ting is friends with Shu Lan?

At least Shu Lan acted differently this time, she didn’t fight all the way to satisfy her huge pride and ego.

Shu Lan looked anxious: “ Sis, leave now and don’t let anyone know about our secret about the talent show.

Meng Ting turned around and started heading downstairs: “ I know.” Her motive was different from Shu Lan’s, but she too didn’t want Jiang Ren to know that she was the one playing the piano.

The school felt chilly during October.

Li Cai’s surroundings were at least 10 times better than Seven High’s, the buildings and infrastructures were all still brand new, filled with vast greenery. The school was huge, Seven High looked gloomy and sad beside it.

She reached the bottom floor, walking through the small alleyway to head back to class.

The basketball bounced off the board, she can hear the ball passing right by her ears.

Fang Tan from the other side frowned: “ Did we hit someone?”

Jiang Ren didn’t even budge, He Jun Ming ran over to take a look, as soon as he saw Meng Ting he turned around and shouted: “ Boss Ren, it’s the blind girl from yesterday.”

Jiang Ren shifted his gaze to his direction.

Meng Ting’s mind went black and hurriedly tried to rush out of the school.

Jiang Ren took the ball from Fang Tan’s hands, and took a shot, the ball hit the ground and landed right in front of Meng Ting, she came to a stop.

Jiang Ren with both hands in his pocket, he was in his number 5 basketball t-shirt, as he was tall, walking to her only took 2 minutes.

He stepped on the ball, his smile slightly cold: “Student, you can see?”

Or not why would you stop. The blind can’t see the danger.

He stood really close to her, even if it was autumn, sweat covered his silver hair. The heated fight upstairs was because of him, but he didn’t care.

Meng Ting frowned, he was 187cm, taller than her by 27cm, looking down at her made her feel pressured.

As he attempted to remove her glasses, she pushed his hand away with her stick

Her stick was made out of rock-hard wood, the sound of the stick clashing with his bones sounded chilly and painful.

Everyone froze.

Jiang Ren’s smile disappeared, and said: “I don’t hit girls.”

He Jun Ming pulled Jiang Ren back: “Boss Ren, forget about it, she’s blind. It was an accident, nothing intentional.

Jiang Ren had bipolar disorder, it was an uncontrollable type of illness.

No one dared to anger him, He Jun Ming noticed the smile on his face slowly disappear, he didn’t dare to pull him back any further.

Meng Ting also noticed this.

The air went quiet.

Meng Ting softly said as she trembled: “I’m sorry, my eyes can’t look at strong light.” Her voice was soft, like the wind in Jiang Nan, sweet and refreshing.

Jiang Ren zoned out for a split second.

By the time he regained focus, she had already hurriedly taken off.

This time her steps looked rushed, she obviously believes that he would have beat her up.

Under the October breeze, her figure under her blue and white school uniform looked graceful.

He Jun Ming dazedly said: “She can talk.” Her voice was quite pleasant, sweet to the ears. It wasn’t overly cute, but surprisingly sweet.

Jiang Ren looked down at the back of his hand, it was all red.

That damn walking stick hurts.

After a while, Fang Tan asked: “ Boss Ren, why did you touch her glasses?”

He didn’t catch Jiang Ren saying that Meng Ting wasn’t blind, from his own perception, he continued: “She’s blind, what if the moment you take off her glasses, two empty eyeballs stared right at you?” He said this while using his fingers to act like he’s poking both of his eyes, it’s too scary, too intense.

Jiang Ren didn’t say anything.

He stared as she walked further away from them, he didn’t know why, but he suddenly was reminded of the strawberries he stole from her.

Since she could talk, then why wasn’t she willing to talk to him, is it because she looked down on students from Li Cai?

He aggressively wiped the back of his hand, how arrogant, if she was any bit like his mother, then she at least would have the confidence to do so.

Her? A blind girl, how dare she be this arrogant.

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