Unloaded Guns ~ Dallas Winsto...

By imtired221b

44.1K 890 232

Y/N, orphaned as a teen. She hitched a train from her hometown Pryor Oklahoma and hopped off at a random town... More

Dallas It is
Golden Bracelets
Buck Merrill
Bitchy Neighbor
Subs and Cigs
The Get-Together
Pure Darkness
The Walk
Another One Of His Moods

Guys With The Rings

3K 60 11
By imtired221b

"Now, Barbie, Ken, and friends, get back into your sparkly car before shit gets ugly."

All four doors of the car opened but six people stepped out. The one in the driver's seat stepped out and I had recognized. He was the dude I pulled the switchblade on last night. Five of them were guys but one was a girl with bright red hair. She clutched her sweater across her stomach and looked very uncomfortable at the moment. I don't blame her. 

The group started walking towards us but stopped a few feet in front of the group. The boys stepped in front of me, blocking my view. 

"Aw, little girl can't fight her own battles?" Blondie's voice shouted in front of the wall of greasers. I brought out the knife from my pocket and pushed through the bodies, flicking out my knife. 

"Do we really need to do this again?" I ask, my knuckles white as my grip tightened on the knife. "Last time we talked I took your ability to get a girl pregnant if I remember correctly. Did you ever put some ice on that blondie?" Maybe I was getting too brave with my words but the snickers from behind me made me keep going. "Now, Barbie, Ken, and friends, get back into your sparkly car before shit gets ugly."

Before I knew what was happening someone, not blondie, walked up and connected his fist to my cheek. My head twisted to the side, sharply. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Soda step forward but I stuck my hand out telling him to stop as my other hand ran across my lip. A bit of blood-stained my thumb when I pulled it away. 

I flipped the blade in my hand, putting it in reverse grip. I slashed it across the boy's face. "Don't touch me," I said as blood dripping from his cheek. 

The boy flung himself at me and the second he moved, everyone else did. The group got into fight, throwing punches like the rumble I walked in on yesterday. We outnumbered the socs by one but that didn't mean we went unscathed. 

I heard a strangled cry as I knocked a boy off his feet, not because I'm hot but because I literally kicked his feet out from under him. I saw blondie holding Johnny in a chokehold. I left the boy I was beating up and ran for Johnny. Johnny struggled against his grip like I had done yesterday. 

"Let go of him." I flicked my knife back out. Blondie scoffed and laughed as if he were drunk. 

"What are you gonna do? Cut me like you did Randy?"

"Don't test your luck." The blade still dripped with the bit of blood I'd pierced from Randy's cheek. With an aggressive shove, he let go of Johnny. Johnny fell to the ground. I went to help him up, flipping my blade back in and putting it back in my pocket. But that was too early. Bob shoved me to the ground, took a fistful of Johnny's white shirt and slammed a fist, filled with sharp rings on almost every finger, into his face. Johnny cried in pain. I scrambled up.

Bob went to punch me but I ducked and he over swung making him lose his balance a bit. I took his left arm and twisted it around until I heard a slight pop at the shoulder. It wouldn't break it, just leave it out of its socket enough to cause serious discomfort. He screamed in pain when I let go and kneed him where the sun doesn't shine once more. 

"Seriously, man. I thought we'd learned our lesson." He crumpled over screaming profanities. The second time I'd hit him there in two days. "Get out of here before I twist your other arm." He scrambled away, calling for his friends. The five of them plus ginger barbie scrambled back into the car. 

Once they had started driving away, I ran over to Johnny. The side of his face was bleeding badly. I ripped off the hem of my shirt leaving the grey shirt frayed before pressing the fabric against his face, applying pressure. The rest of the gang sat around Johnny who was laying on the floor, groaning in pain. 

"Shit," Dallas had said. "Give that to me." His hand brushed against mine as he took control of holding the fabric against Johnny's face. But the fabric was already leaking crimson.

"Can't anyone give me their shirt or jacket or something? We need to stop this bleeding." 

"We could take him to the hospital." The youngest boy said. "That's always an option." The last sentence was sarcastic which I didn't expect from someone who looks as nice as him.

Soda shook his head vigorously. "No, Pony. We know hospital is only a last resort." 

Darry crossed his arms and lifted the white muscle shirt he was wearing over his head and handed it to me. "Here." I snatched it and immediately started ripping it into strips and folding the strips into squares. 

I handed them to Dallas one by one. He places them on top of the previous fabric. Once red seeped through, I'd hand him another one until the bleeding finally stopped. 

Dallas scooped the boy into his arms and the group started walking back to the house. Thankfully we didn't get far before the socs came through the neighborhood. 

"Why did the socs come this way?" I asked anyone who was listening. "I thought it was like an unspoken rule that greasers and socs stay on their sides of the tracks."

Two-Bit nodded. "That's how it's supposed to be. But sometimes, shit like that happens."

"I'm gonna kill Bob." Dallas seethed as we stepped into Soda's house once more. He placed Johnny on one of the couches and crouched by him. 

The second everyone was inside, I started ordering things around. "Darry, do you guys have any rubbing alcohol? Bandages? Pain-killer?" Darry went to the bathroom to check. He came back with a shit ton of bandages and painkillers but no rubbing alcohol. "Go get some soap and a cold damp hand towel then." I crouched next to Dallas by Johnny. 

"Hey, Dal," Pony said from behind us. "Maybe you should move and let Y/N do her job."

"It's not her job. I doubt she even knows what she's doing. Am I right?" He turns to me, pain obvious in his eyes. 

I shook my head. "No, you're wrong. Dad was a doctor, he taught me some things. I know what I'm doing, I promise." It took a moment before Dallas finally move back. Instead, he just hovered over me. 

Darry came back with the soap and damp towel. I peeled back the few pieces of fabric on the boy's face revealing the wound. It was worse than I thought. It was a lot deeper. I cupped his clean cheek in my hand. "Hey, kid. You alright?" He shook his head which was the correct answer. I wouldn't have believed him if he'd said yes. 

I took the cold towel and pressed it to his face, dabbing the drying blood away from the wound. "Okay, this part might hurt a bit." He nodded. I squeezed a bit of the soap and rubbed it on the clean side of the towel before starting to clean the wound. Johnny bit the insides of his cheek in pain as I pressed down hoping the soap cleans it out. "Someone get me a dry towel." In only seconds, a clean dry towel was in my palm and I was drying the wound. 

Once it was clean, I took one of the rolls of bandages and wrapped his face up a bit. The bandages covered most of the side of his face. No more blood seeped through which was a good sign that the bleeding had stopped. The chance of infection was very low after I'd cleaned it out. But the wound might scar... it was less of 'might' and more of a matter of time before it did. 

I sat the boy up. "Water." A cup of water was in my hand before I could suck in a breath. I poured out three pills from the bottle of painkillers. "Here," I handed the cup to Johnny and placed the pills in his mouth. He chugged them down in one go but he continued to drink the rest of the water. 

"You alright?" I asked, taking the empty cup out of his hand.

"Yeah, hopefully the pills kick in soon before my head explodes." I grinned a bit, glad that humor was still an option. 

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