There Once was a Princess...

By Livvybug3000

46.9K 801 354

You are Emma Swan's older sister, when she breaks the curse, what's left for you? When you and your mom and s... More

Map to Acronyms/ Symbols I Use
Background Info.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 27

1.3K 30 17
By Livvybug3000


David drives you, Emma, and Mary Margaret to where Granny is watching Henry. He is swinging on a rope swing. But what's odd is that Gold is also there.

"Gold." David notices, "What are you doing here?"

"Well, my son made it clear I'm to stay away from him, so I'm spending some time with my grandson instead.

~to be fair... when Neal WAS here, you didn't even pay any attention to him... just sayin.~

Mary Margaret turns to Emma,
"Emma, it's ok. Why don't you talk to Henry, and we'll handle this."

She nods and makes her way to Henry after she is out of earshot, Mary Margaret turns to Gold,

"Mr. Gold, we have some news to share with you, and it's not good."

"Not interested."

"It's about your son." David blurts

"Yeah. What about him?"

"Tamara shot him."

"What? He's dead?"

"They used a bean to open a portal. Neal was hurt so badly that he fell through. He's gone."

"Bae wasn't supposed to die." Gold mutters to himself

~What the hellsbells is that supposed to mean?~

"Greg and Tamara—" David continues, "They took something from Regina — a magical trigger. A fail-safe in the curse that could destroy Storybrooke."

"If they activate it, it's a self-destruct. Everyone not born in this world will die." Mary Margaret explains

"I know this is hard, but we need your help."

"No." he states

"WHAT?" you interject "They killed your son in cold blood,  and you don't wanna stop them?"

"They didn't kill my son. I did"

~oh, come on Gold don't start going all "Noble" on me.~

"I brought magic into this world to find Bae, and now he's dead. Magic always has a price, and this — this is it. But I'm prepared to pay it."

"But... we'll die" Mary Margaret comments, "You'll die."

"Well, I've made my peace with that." He responds as he turns and walks away.

~Well... that was unexpected.~

You look to Emma and Henry; she is hugging him as they both cry and walk back to the three of you.

Everyone loads back into the truck and returns to the loft, where Regina is waiting. When Henry enters, Regina immediately holds her arms open,


"Mom!" he runs and hugs her. Suddenly the ground begins to shake.

"Regina" Emma looks to her, "Was that..."

"Yes. The Diamond was activated."

"So, we're all gonna die." Henry asks

"You were born here, so you'll live."

"But... I'll be alone."

"That's not gonna happen. I'm not gonna let it." Emma reassures Henry before turning to Regina, "You did this, now make it stop."

"I can't, there's no way."


"Jeez Emma, stop screaming." You butt in

"STOP!" Henry screams "I already lost my dad. I don't wanna lose anybody else. We have to work together."

"From the mouth of babes, I'd say the lad has a point." A voice says from behind you...

~oh fudgesticks...~

you don't turn around. But David doesn't waste a moment and slugs him in the face. Which makes you snap around in their direction,

~What the heck was that for dad? I mean I know he's annoying, but I was always told violence doesn't solve everything... Oh, yeah that's right. Hook knocked him out to get his Hook... never mind. Carry on, violence is allowed.~

"That was for the last time we met." David explains

"Bloody hell." Hook mutters. David draws his gun,

"Tell us why you're here before I use something other than my fist."

"I think threatening to kill me seems a bit redundant when we're all about to die anyway."

"No thanks to you Cap." You spit

"Yeah, Regina just told us you were working with Greg and Tamara to get your revenge." Emma explains. Hook takes a step towards her,

"Well, that was before they told me I had to die to get it."

"We don't have time for this. We have a real problem."

"Which is why I'm here, 'cause staring death in the face has made me realize if there's one thing, I want more than my revenge, it's my life. So, should we start this thing now, and then resume bickering?"

"There's no stopping it" Regina says, "And the best thing I can do is slow it down, but that will only delay the inevitable."

"It'll give us the time we need" David states

"The time for what?" Mary Margaret asks

"Steal back the beans. Use them to get everyone into the Enchanted Forest before Storybrooke is gone."

"How?" Emma begins, "We don't even know where Greg and Tamara are."

"Well, I do. I can help." Hook says

"Help yourself you mean. You'll take them and leave us all behind. Why should we trust you?"

"No, we don't have to. (y/n) and I will go with him, and if he tries anything, I'll shoot him in the face." David suggests

"Quite hostile, aren't we?" Hook asks

"Just being clear."

"Wait... but why do I have to go with yall?" you whine, not wanting to go anywhere with the pirate...

"Because I want you as backup."

"What's wrong love? Do I make you nervous?" Hook smirks

"Nope, not at all, I'd just much rather not have to constantly worry about someone literally watching my ass... so basically, I don't wanna go anywhere with you... plus, I hate you" you spit back,

"(y/n) just go with David, he'll kill Hook if he does anything of the sort..." Emma commands

~again, with the being bossy...~

"I'll take Regina to slow down the diamond, give you guys time. Mary Margaret, take Henry, and gather everyone. Make sure they're ready to go as soon as they have those beans. Everyone clear? Now, let's go get the hell out of here before this place blows."

You follow David and Hook down to David's truck, and yall drive to the Cannery, behind the building Greg is dumping a bunch of files into a trash can that is on fire

"Over there" Hook points to Mendell

"Let's go" David commands, but another earthquake occurs, and it is significantly bigger than the first one... you almost fall down, but Hook catches you, you jerk away from him as he looks to you

"Time's running out."

"Oh, really? Is that what that large Storybrooke-quake means?" you respond sarcastically and roll your eyes, you then run for where David is, the three of you enter the building, and start searching for Greg, Tamara, and the beans. It is eerily quiet,

~really, the horror movie scene thing? AGAIN?~

thankfully David breaks the silence,

"So, tell me Hook, all this time, it's been about revenge for you. Why is it suddenly so important to you that you survive? I know what I'm fighting for—" David looks to you, "My family." Then he turns back to Hook, "What are you fighting for?"


~Of course, that's the answer,~

you roll your eyes

"That's plenty of motivation, I can assure you."

You are about to say something, but you hear a noise in the distance, and you subconsciously scoot closer to your father. He heard it too,

"Quiet" he had lowered his voice to a whisper and draws his gun just as Greg turns the corner, he leaps from his spot and has the gun pointed right at him. "The beans. Give them to me."

"You mean these beans?" Greg holds a tiny jar of clear, sparkly beans

"No, Come on. We got what we need" he holds up the bean. They both make a run for it, and David tries to chase after them, but Hook grabs him, preventing him from doing so.
"WHAT THE HELL HOOK?!" You scream

"What are you doing? They've got the beans!" David struggles as Hook is holding him down,

"Not all of them. I snagged one." He holds up the bean and shows the two of you...

~huh I guess having a pirate is actually useful sometimes... not that I'd ever tell him that.~

"Where are the rest?" David asks

"Who cares? All we need is one." David tries to run after them again, "Hey! Live to fight another day, mate!"

"I'm not your mate." David growls, and takes the bean and puts it in his pocket, "Now, let's get to Granny's" the three of you head straight to the truck. The adrenaline has just started to wear off from the graze wound, and yeah, it hurts, but you've definitely had worse. Granny's is completely PACKED, you can see the entire population of Storybrooke is inside.

"We have the bean" David tells them

"You, did it?" Emma asks you

"Yeah... did you ever doubt me?" you snicker at her

"Well not you..." she laughs as she notices the injury on your arm, "Oh, my God, are you ok?"

"Oh, that? Yeah, just grazed, I'm fine." You smile at her

"Ok then..." she turns to the crowd, "Let's get going. Henry?"

"Wh— where's my mom?" he frantically begins to look behind all of you

"Regina can hold off the self-destruct device long enough for us to escape, but..." Emma pauses

~Uh oh~

"But what?"

"She won't survive."

"No. No."

"Henry, I'm sorry. I promised her I'd get you to safety.

"But we can't do this!" Henry protests "She's family! We don't leave family behind!"

"This is what she wants." Emma explains, "We have a way out. We have to take it."

"We saved her from being killed by the wraith. How is this any different?"

"The Wraith!" Mary Margaret. Exclaims

"What?" you ask

"We sent it through a portal. Why can't we do the same thing with the self-destruct?"

"Because we don't know if it's gonna work" Emma answers

"It could."

"Yeah." David agrees with Mary Margaret

"It's to risky. No one will go along with it."

"Yes, we will." Archie speaks up for the whole crowd, "Because it's the right thing to do. Look, Snow White and the Prince have always led us before, and we've always won. So, who's willing to let them lead us again?" Shockingly, there is a murmur of agreeance among the whole population.

"Thank you, Archie." Mary Margaret smiles then turns to Emma, "This is what we should do."

"And will do." David states

"Look, I know we haven't had a lot of chances to be parents but give us this one. Let us do the right thing. It's not too late."

Emma brings Henry into a hug before looking up to Mary Margaret,

"I just don't want him to be alone. I don't want him to grow up the way we did." There is a boom and another earthquake, even worse than the last, Hook moves to catch you, but you don't even notice, because you luckily use a nearby table to keep your balance. "This plan could fail. If we use that bean now, we can get away for sure. We will survive."

"But it's wrong. Emma, I killed her mother."

"You did that to Cora because you had to."

"I did it because it was easy. It was a mistake. There were other paths, harder paths, and I wish I had taken them. So please, Emma, honey, let's take the hard path. Because if we don't, we will be building a future on Regina's blood."

Emma hesitates for a moment, but then looks down to Henry, and then to you, and then to your parents, "Ok."

David tosses the bean to Emma, but it's intercepted by Hook.


"You're all mad." You, David and Emma attempt to grab it back "I can live with myself."

"Hook, seriously, stop, give it back." You interrupt him, trying to appeal to any side of humanity that he has.

"If she wants to die for us, I say let her."

"You and I — we understand each other . Look out for yourself, and you'll never get hurt, right?"

"Worked quite well for me."

"Yeah, till the day that it doesn't." Emma pipes in, "We're gonna do this. It might be stupid, it might be crazy, but we're doing it... you can join us and be a part of something, or you can do what you do best, and be alone." she steps closer with her hand out, he just looks at her, and hands her the pouch, 

"Quite passionate, Swan." Everyone begins to leave, "Why are you really doing this?"

"The kid just lost his father today. I'm not letting him lose a mother too."

"His father? Who's Henry's Father?"



"Yeah" she answers as she follows everyone else... you follow Emma and just think about her encounter with Hook... and for some reason it just made your stomach drop. Why did it bother you so much? You didn't like him, right? So why does it matter? You drop the thought, because there is something MUCH bigger to deal with right now.

You, Emma, Henry, Mary Margaret and David go to the mines where Regina is with the self-destruct.

"What are you doing here?" she breathes, she is obviously getting emotionally and physically drained trying to keep this gem thing at bay.

"You were willing to die to save us. That makes you a hero. Now we're gonna be heroes." Henry states

"They're gonna open a portal, throw this thing into a void." David explains

"No. You don't know that it'll work." Regina protests

"We have to try" Mary Margaret says

"Everybody step aside. Emma?" David orders, and you, Henry, and Mary Margaret take a few steps back, your hands are firmly placed on Henry's shoulders. Emma pulls out the pouch containing the bean, opens it and turns it upside down, and nothing comes out...

"It's empty..." she mutters "Hook."

~ok completely scratch what I said earlier, having a pirate is not useful. AT. ALL.~

This is it... it's the end...

"I can't contain this much longer." Regina grunts

Emma comes over to Mary Margaret, David, and you, "Mom... Dad... (y/n)..."

~awe she called them Mom and Dad!!!~

You all embrace each other, and all of you are in tears. Henry runs over to Regina,

"I love you, Henry. I only wish I was strong enough to stop all this. I'm just not."

Emma lets out a small gasp,

"You may not be strong enough, but maybe we are" she says, motioning to her and Regina. Henry runs back to you and your parents; you huddle together preparing for the worst. Emma mimics Regina and white magic started coming from her hands. And the trigger raises up, and diffuses, releasing a powerful wave of magic, knocking everyone out. When everyone starts to wake up, you hear David speak first,

"We're alive!" and helps Mary Margaret to her feet

"Emma?" she gasps as she helps her to her feet

~don't worry about me... I'm fine~

"(y/n)?" Emma calls

"Yep, I'm good."

"We did it..."

"Yes, we did." Regina agrees, bushing herself off.

"Gotta hand it to Henry." David chuckles, "He's right about a lot of things."

"Yes, he is." Emma agrees, "Isn't that right, kid?" when there is no answer, she tuns around, and doesn't see him, "Henry?"

"Henry?" Regina calls. Still no answer... everyone starts to look around for where he could have gone. Emma sees something and runs ahead.


"Emma, what is it?" Mary Margaret asks you reach Emma, and it's Henry's backpack.

"They took him." She concludes

~They just signed a death wish...~

Currently everyone is following Emma as she marches her little self, right down to the docks.

"Emma, you don't even know where you're going." Mary Margaret Calls up to her

"Doesn't matter. I have to find him. I'll track them down in hell if I have to." She responds without skipping a beat. When you get to the docks you see Greg and Tamara with Henry, but Greg had just thrown something down into the water, and now there's a big green portal.

"The last bean. They've opened a portal." Regina says as yall begin to run to them.

"Henry!" Emma yells

"Henry! You scream as well, but it's no use. They have already jumped into the portal... with Henry.

"No! No! No! We have to follow them! There has to be a way!" Emma cries

"Not only do we not know where they went, but Hook stole the last bean!" Regina explains angrily

"I don't care!"

"Without it, there's no way to follow!"

"There has to be. We can't just let them take Henry!"

"They've taken Henry?" Mr. Gold and Belle have walked up...

~perfect timing... as per-fricken-usual.~

"Yeah." David answers, "You're the Dark One. Do something."

"Gold, help us." Emma pleads

"There's no way. I spent a lifetime trying to cross worlds to find my son. There's no way in this world without a portal." Gold responds

"So that's it? He's gone forever? I refuse to believe that." Regina starts to get mad.

"What is that?" a now back-to-normal Belle asks, pointing to something in the distance. You look... It's the Jolly Roger, and it's on its way back to the docks. Once it reaches, Hook disembarks the ship, Emma is the first to speak

"Hook." She gasps "What the hell are you doing here?"

"Helping." He answers blatantly

"Well, you're too late." Regina blurts

"Am I?"

"I thought you didn't care about anyone but yourself." You ask him

He looks right at Emma and gives her the bean, "Maybe I just needed reminding that I could."

You felt that twinge in your stomach again...


"Enough waiting around, let's go." Regina orders

"Go? Where? I thought we were saving the town?"

"We already did." You snap, "Now we need to get Henry. Greg and Tamara took him through a portal." He looks to you, but you immediately avert your eyes and look to Emma. You don't notice, but he doesn't take his eyes off of you,

"Well, I offer my ship and my services to help follow them."

"Well, that's great, Hook, but how do we track them?" Regina asks the million-dollar question.

"Leave that to me." Gold states, "I can get us to where we need to go."

"Well, let's do it" Mary Margaret agrees, and everyone boards the Jolly Roger, Gold stops and talks with Belle, but he is soon on the ship too.

"So, are you done trying to kill me?" Gold asks, turning to Hook.

"I believe so."

"Excellent. Then you can live." You just roll your eyes at his confidence, as he magically makes a globe appear, it's a whitish color though... it's probably magic. He pricks his finger


and the blood goes down onto the globe and creates a map of a strange island


"Where is that?" you ask

"Where did they take Henry?" Regina adds to your question

"Neverland." Hook answers

~why am I not surprised? but wait... why does he look... what is it exactly... nervous?~

You don't have any time to think about that, because you see him throw the magic bean into the water, creating a giant green portal like the one Greg and Tamara just drug Henry through. You follow everyone else's example and grab onto something as he prepares to sail through the portal.

"So, who are we up against?" David asks, "Who are Greg and Tamara?"

"They're merely pawns, manipulated by forces far greater than they can conceive. They have no idea who they're truly working for." Gold explains

"And who is that?" Emma is now sufficiently concerned

"Someone we should all fear."

~Well... that's just FAN-FLIPPING-TASTIC! Gold is even scared of this person...~

that makes you terrified at who this could be...

Hook sails the ship into the portal, and as they disappear into it, the portal closes. The waters of the harbor are at once still.


That's it for book one yall! I am planning on continuing the series, if this book does well! Hope you enjoyed my first book!


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