World Domination at its fines...

By Chimera_Regarion

152K 7.8K 4.7K

What happen when Izuku and Nezu get together and think that the world we know isn't worth living in anymore... More

The beginning
The fatefull meeting
No hope left!
A Lost Case!
Last second safe
Planning murder!
New Family!
School policy!
A normal school day
Not every Villain is a literal Villain
Welcome to the family
I adopted a new brother!
Right on Point!
I go to war with my family!
Finding out All Might's quirk
Don't judge a book by its cover!
I won the bet!
Field Trip or Murder Mystery?
How to tell someone you have a new hero killer friend!
Hero Killer in action!
UA entrence exam!
I gained access and full controll...
My family is growing!
Game over!
Ruler of Japan!
World Domination ✔


6.6K 304 320
By Chimera_Regarion

After 3 games of chess and me beating Nezu in every single one, Aizawa called it a day and I was allowed to go to my new home with him. He showed me to his care and opened the passenger seat right next to the driver for me. Once we were inside, he began driving home.

It felt so weird even thinking about calling another place home and not hellhole!

Aizawa: Mic has a welcome gift prepared for you. Nezu helped us pick it up. He was also the one getting it for you.

Me: A gift?

Aizawa: Yeah, Mic and Nezu insisted on it.

Me: I see...

Aizawa: Don't tell me you never got a gift, kid.

Me: I didn't.

Aizawa: *Sigh* what did I even expect from that demon.

Me: It's okay though, I don't need a gift.

Aizawa: Well you are getting one and I hope you like it.

I wonder what it will be.

Aizawa: Oh and I have one question. I probably should have asked you that sooner but do you have something against cat?

Me: No. Let me guess you have some?

Aizawa: No, just one and a cockatoo.

Me: Pffff

Aizawa: What's so funny about it?

Me: Ah nothing.

Aizawa: Spit it out, problem child.

Me: The thought of you and Mic resemble a cat and a cockatoo.

Aizawa: How do I resemble a cat? I am with you with him being one that's why I got him one.

Me: You are as agile and stealthy as a cat.

Aizawa: Hmmm. I see.

Me: If you gave a cockatoo to Mic, then he must be the one that gave you a cat, right?

Aizawa: Yeah.

Me: Let me guess, a black one too.

Aizawa: Spot on kid.

That's soo cute!

I could see his eyes sparkle when he began talking about cats and that's how I immediately knew that he loves them.

Me: What are they called?

Aizawa: The cat Loki and the cockatoo Apollo.

A trickster and the god of light.

How did they even think about naming their animals like that?

I sure hope that the trickster isn't really a trickster but a cute cat that loves cuddles!

We both didn't talk about anything the whole time until we got to the house. Thanks to our talk I was sure that they got me a pet to. Once there we went to the front, door and entered the house. I was immediately meet with Loki and Apollo.

Sooo cute!

But why the heck did the cat had Eraserheads things in a small version and the cockatoo Mics?

Aizawa: *Sigh*

I looked up at him and saw how he pinched the bridge of his nose and then shook his head.

Aizawa: He did it again.

For me the cat looked really tired and the small bird to energetic.

I kneeled down and the cat immediately went to my side and let me pet it while the bird flew to my shoulder and nuzzled himself against my neck. They were both so cute.

Aizawa: That's new.

Me: Hm?

Aizawa: Loki only let me pet him and Apollo never gets to anyone beside Mic.

Then I heard the sound of someone making a picture and as I looked up, I saw Nezu and Mic standing in front of me. Nezu had a box with some holes in his paws and Mic had a phone in his hand. He was the culprits that just snapped a picture.

Aizawa: Send me the pick later!

Nezu: Me three!

Me: Then you can send it to Recovery Girl too.

I meant this in a jokingly way but they didn't took it that way.

Nezu: I am sure, she would love to see this, so include her too.

Mic: Got it!

Nezu: I mean We got something for you. It is a gift for a new beginning of your life.

Me: Thank you.

I opened the box a snow-white ferret came out and immediately climbed up my arm and cuddled with me on my shoulder. It also made Apollo fly away to Mic.

I was right it was a pet.

Me: Hello, little buddy! What's your name?

Nezu: He doesn't have one yet.

Me: Your fur is so soft and white, how about Ghost or Anubis?

The ferret nuzzled itself closer to me.

Nezu: He likes the name Anubis very much.

Me: Anubis it is!

Then I heard another snap shot and looking up, Nezu was on Aizawa's shoulder and he was standing next to Mic who again made a picture from me.

Me: Let me guess, you couldn't resist making one.

Mic: Yep.

Nezu: Well I'm going to head home too, I still have some paperwork to do and Zuku, you owe me a rematch.

Me: Got it.

With that Aizawa went to the door opened it and let the small chimera down from his shoulder.

Nezu: See you tomorrow!

Me: Bye!

Now, it was only Aizawa, Mic and me with out three pets in the room.

Aizawa: Zashi, did you order some food or made one?

Me: Zashi?

Mic: Oh right, I never introduced myself fully. My name is Hizashi Yamada. You can call me Zashi or anything else.

Me: Okay.

Mic: I made something.

Aizawa: Please don't let it be poisonous.

Mic: Sho! Don't scare the little listener like that.

Me: Do I want to hear that story?

Mic: Nope.

Aizawa: Thanks to him, we both had food poisoning.

Mic: SHO! You traitor! AND IT WAS JUST ONCE!

They then went to the kitchen and I followed them. It was really funny to see Mic with a cockatoo on his shoulder and Aizawa with a black tied cat following him.

Me: It smells really god in here!

Once we entered the kitchen and went to the dinner table, I saw how much food he made.

I think you went overboard!

Zashi: It doesn't smell like it, it is. Now dig in.

Everyone took something and I took some pieces of the fish and also gave my little ferret some. He looked happy chewing it and I couldn't help but be happy too. I never had a family and this felt so strange for me but at the same time, it felt like I belonged there.

After the meal, we all kinda set there and began talking. They mainly asked me questions in order to get to know me better.

Aizawa: We heard from Nezu that you are attending Aldera Junior High. How is it?

I feared this question, I didn't wanted to talk about it nor did I want to lie to them. Anubis must have felt my discomfort as he suddenly jumped down on the table and went under my hand. He tried to distract me and I gladly accepted the distraction I started to pet him.

Me: Good.

When you are not quirkless that is.

Aizawa: How are they treating you?

Me: Avoiding me.

Most of the time.

Aizawa: Is there someone bullying you?

Did Nezu tell you something?

Me: No.

Depends on the look of it. For me yes for them no. All they think they do is teach me a lesson that I didn't got right or that I am doing things I shouldn't. They only think that I am misbehaving and that they are showing me the right place again. Can't blame them. They never learned it different. Society is at fault.

Aizawa: Are you sure?

Me: Yeah.

Aizawa: Don't hesitate to tell us if they are starting to bully you or something isn't right. We are your parents now. We care for you.

Me: Okay.

Mic: Well that certainly took really quik a drastically turn. So who wants some ice-cream?

The rest of the evening, we spent watching Raya and the last dragon with some ice cream on the couch. I loved that movie. It was so heartwarming. After that, we watched Lillo & Stich and every Lion King movie we found until we all fell asleep together on the couch.

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