Nick Fury Adopts Percy Jackson

By BobSaysHello34

89.7K 2.5K 733

"How does Fury even see these?" Said Tony who covered one eye with his hand looking at the screens "He turns... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 3

10.3K 249 103
By BobSaysHello34

Its raining aliens

"Fury you son of a-"

Meanwhile with Percy.

Percy had created a rainbow in his quarters in the Helicarrier to IM the camps about the current situation and about what was about to come.

"You are saying that an alien came here- who is from the Norse Pantheon, had almost killed your uncle, and will launch an attack in " Annabeth was interrupted by a certain Santa elf lookalike demigod

"I personally think they will attack Manhattan, bad guys usually want to go there for some reason-"
"-and you need our help?" She ignored Leo

Percy had Iris messages both Camp Half-blood and Camp Jupiter. On one rainbow were Annabeth, Leo, and Chiron, and on the other rainbow were Reyna, Frank, and Hazel.

"I iris messaged you guys because we don't know where exactly Loki will attack and we need to warn the demigods. There will be an army called the Chitaruri, I don't know if our regular weapons will work on the Chitaruri, but it did on Loki so I am hoping for the best."

Reyna had a serious expression on her face. But when has she not? "Percy, this is a major issue, but thank you for warning us. We need to discuss our course of action. But what of the mortals? Certainly, the army is not targeted towards demigods?"

"Don't worry about that, my dad is taking care of something. Soon we will have a flying red and gold metal suit, a giant green, Captain America, and a space prince to help the regular folk."
Annabeth nodded guessing who these people were from Percy's description

"Wait did you say, Captain America?-"
Chiron looked slightly confused about the descriptions but spoke cutting off Leo "We will try our best to help the mortals while remaining unseen. I will have to speak with the gods soon to talk about the Norse about revealing themselves to the mortals."
Percy nodded "Thanks, guys I don't know what would have happened if I didn't have you all. Ask Rachel if she's seen anything will you?"

Hazel's golden eyes brightened "Percy you are our friend of course we will help."
"Yeah Water Boy, and can I meet Ironman? And I think Death Boy would like to meet the ol' Captain from the 40s"
Annabeth rolled her eyes "I will go to her soon and Seaweed brain you better not let him meet the Captain. Oh, and we will send Will along with Nico. I hope Phil will be alright. Don't do anything stupid okay?" Percy gave his signature lopsided grin

"When have I ever?"


The portal had opened, out of the void came creatures unlike any other seen on earth. They were huge ugly lizard-looking creatures that were on flying vehicles. The citizens were in shock, there was no warning before the aliens began their strike. Blasts of blue and purple from the weapons they held made buildings, streets, and people blow up. It was a nightmare.

The Avengers regrouped in a circle as they fought the aliens. The Captain took lead.
"-Ironman, Thor! Clear the skies" Captain America ordered
"On it. Clench up birdbrain don't wanna risk you falling"
Clint huffed and hold on to Stark
"And Hulk?" The Hulk who was being surprisingly still turned to face Rogers.
"Smash" he finished nodding his head toward the enemy
Hulk gave an awkward grin and jumped insanely high, swatting the aliens like flies.

In the Hellicarrier,

"Sir, the council is on" Maria Hill informed.

"Director Fury, the council has made a decision" A stern female voice came from the screen
"I recognize the council has made a decision. But given that it's a stupid ass decision I have elected to ignore it" Fury replied

"Director you're closer than any of our subs if you scramble that jet-" another male voice urged

"-That is the island of Manhattan councilman! Until I'm certain my team can't hold it, I will not order a nuclear strike against a civilian population!" Fury exclaimed fiercely

"If we don't hold them there we lose everything!" The councilman asserted back with the others agreeing silently

"I send that bird out we already have" Nick abruptly ends the call with a frown on his face, his own everything was on that island and he will never let that nuke happen

The avengers worked hard to save as many people as they could, but they were not enough. The aliens were too many and not all of them chose to stay in the heart of the city.

"HELP!" A man screamed running away from a Chitauri that was on foot holding a gun-spear. A person jumped in the alien's way and blocked the thing from piercing the civilian. Behind them, another person stabbed the Chitauri from behind.

"Thanks, Piper," the demigod said after the civilian was out of harm's way

"No problem Michael. How are things on this part of the city?"

"The Chitauri are very vicious. But we are managing. They are as stupid as any other monster. How's it going over on your side?"
Piper turned back to see the force that was named Clarisse and hummed "Looks pretty good. But the buildings are the problem. We can take the army, but the flying whale things are destroying everything and the debris are crushing entrances and people"

"Dam it, darn flying lizards, at least the Titans didn't have flying monsters when we fought them here!"
"I've been told such. I am always so amazed when I hear the stories. You guys were amazing"
Michael huffed "Says the demigod who was part of The Seven. Does your Charmspeak work on those lizards?"
"Nope, it's like they are all connection together or something, it's too strong of a bond to get them individually."

In another part of the city, a SHIELD Agent was using a bronze sword to fight the Chitaruri. Percy who had a comm in his ear was listening to Tony who said he brought a party.
"Uh, guys?" He said slashing a Chitauri to the ground and Annabeth looked at him "I think the problem of those flying whale lizards is gonna get solved. soon"
On cue, Hulk smashed the whale lizard into a pulp with one punch.

"Whoa. Frank, do you think you can turn into that?"
"Uh- No?"
"Uh- the Hulk is... Different he's not an animal or an imaginary creature... it's like trying to turn into a Cyclops. You can't turn into anything that already exists in like a mythical way?"
"Huh. So you can turn into Godzilla but not a Hulk that's basically the same?"
"It's not like that Leo, we already had this conversation-"

"Incoming aliens! They have guns!" Conner shouted. He threw a Greek firebomb as some but missed the rest.
From behind lighting zapped the flying aliens into a crisp. "Thanks, Jason!"
"No problem!" and he flew by to help another group

"You go Superboy!"


Natasha was flying the Chitauri vehicle when something shoots past her "Oh you" she said as a horned figure zoomed past. "Hawkeye," she said as Loki grinned following her and shooting in her direction.

"Nat, what are you doing?"
"Uh, a little help?"
Clint Barton who wanted to do this for a while aimed his weapon on Loki "I got him" he smirked
Loki grabbed the arrow and stared in Clint's general direction with a sneer when the arrow explodes at his face bringing him off balance and killing a Chitaruri and destroying what they were riding

Loki falls onto Stark Tower knocking two letters off with a "Urgh!" sound
While hearing Barton whoop a "Yeah! Got 'em!" Natasha backflipped off her ride and lands gracefully. Before she got up Hulk came up as well and punches Loki through the windows.

"Enough!" Hulk stoops as stares at Loki who looked outraged at both his former mind-controlled agent and the ugly being that dared to punch him.

"You are all beneath me! I am a god! You dull creature! And I will not be bullied by-ack!" Hulk grabbed Loki's foot and smashed Loki up like a rag doll.
Loki lay on the ground his eyes wide open
"Puny god" Hulk huffs and walks away
Pitiful noise of pain could be heard as Hulk stomped on

After watching the whole ordeal, Natasha headed to the machine that opened the portal to all of their current troubles.

"The scepter," She said. She then hears a groan and snapped her head toward the sound. There she found Dr. Selvig on the ground his head bleeding.


"Loki's scepter... The energy... The Tesseract can't fight, you can't protect against yourself-" Selvig huffed looking confused and pained

"-it's not your fault you didn't know what you were doing," she said trying to calm him

After a moment of recognition, Selvig looked at Natasha then at the machine

"...but actually I think I actually did... I built in a safe key to cut the power source..."

"Loki's scepter" Romanoff realized as she also looked at the blue dome surrounding the machine

"It will be able to close the portal" he confirmed


The battle didn't seem to get any smaller. But the demigods were a great help. Unknown to the Avengers the Greek and Roman demigods once again united to save the world, helping to lower the casualties and generally making the aliens only stay in the city. Any Chitauri that strayed too far met their doom.

But the councilmen had begun to get anxious. They did not want to risk the Aliens taking over the world not believing in Fury and his team. Thus they ordered a strike.

"Director Fury is no longer in command," a female voice announced "Override order Seven-Alpha-One-One"

" Seven-Alpha-One-One confirmed we're go for take-off," said the pilot and started his jet.

"Sir! We have a bird in motion?!" Nick hears this turns and runs right out of the room.

"Anyone on the deck? We have a rogue bird, we need to shut it down!! Repeat take off is not authorized!" Agent Hill exclaimed

Nick arrives outside on the deck with a bazooka, he fires a bird down but is unable to stop the other bird. He aims to shoot it with his handgun but eventually puts it down with a grave look on his face knowing too well that it was too late to stop the jet.

Nick hurriedly used his comm.

"Stark! You hear me? You have a missile headed straight for the city!"
Ironman was being crushed by some Chitauri "How long?" they hit him "Argh"

"Three minutes max," said, Fury

Tony looked to his screens and quickly shot the aliens.

"JARVIS put everything we have onto the thrusters!"

"I just did sir,"

"Package is sent, detonation in two minutes 30 seconds mark"

"Agent Jackson-Fury!" Nick was troubled, he did not know if Stark could disable the nuke or not and he could not risk anything.

"Yes, sir?"

"We have a problem. A nuke was just launched."

Percy yelled "What!? Does the council have any minds of their own?! A nuke when everyone is still here?! Did they even think what it is going to do to everything near this area? Are they fucking insane?! There are still people here!"

"I tried my best. Percy, you have to get out of there"

Percy growled "No, way. I'm staying. There has got to be another way!"

"Percy-" a hand tapped his shoulder.

"-What!?" he turned sharply

Annabeth poked his arm again "Isn't that Ironman?"

Tony Stark had grabbed the missile and was heading towards the portal. Percy swore

"Dam it Tony." He put his hand on his comm
"Dad! Stark has the fucking missile"
"I'll be a right-back Wise girl." And he ran off

"I can close the portal! Anybody copy?" Natasha said

"Do it!" Steve said

"No, wait!"

"Stark these things are still coming!"

"I got a nuke coming it's gonna blow in less than a minute.."

Steve's eyes widened "What?!"

"As Mr. Stark said the council launched a dam missile at Manhattan!" Percy replied

Clint swore

In a moment of silence, Tony spoke "I have an idea" and he cut off his comm

All of Manhattan saw Ironman flew directly into the portal with a nuke. They all could agree back then, they all held their breaths as they saw Tony Stark head straight towards his doom.

A burst of color could be seen from inside the portal. The Chitaruri began to fall from the sky the big whale lizard thing too as the connection was cut off.

"Close it," says the Captain, believing Stark to be dead.

"No! Wait!-" Percy tried to use his comm. But a lizard fell on top of him, his communication device breaking.

All over the citizens of New York saw the beings that killed them suddenly drop dead. Years to come the people who witnessed this all said it was the most hopeful yet scariest thing ever. Not knowing if they would be crushed or if they could come back alive.

The demigods made extra care to make sure no people were crushed by the heavy lizards. Hazel using her powers over the mist to help her fellow half-bloods.

Percy got rid of the corpse and ran towards the Stark Tower with only the 'A' on the top, some letters knocked off by the falling Chitaruri. Percy's hand rose to his mouth to whistle calling a sleek black Pegasus.

"You called Boss" Blackjack neighed "Did you know that it's raining aliens?"

"Take me up Stark Tower buddy," Percy said

"You mean that big ugly thing that those stupid birds bump into every time?"

Percy couldn't help but chuckle "Yes, that tower buddy"

"On it Boss"

"We have to close it-" Rogers said in Natasha's comm, she started to move to close the portal when all of a sudden-

"-Not on my watch Widow," Percy said appearing from behind her

"Natasha, what's going on? We need to close the portal" Steve yelled into his comm as he bashed yet another alien off him as he mournfully stared up to where Ironman disappeared into space

"Where did you come from?" Dr. Selvig yelped "How did you come up here so fast?"

"Agent Jackson-Fury? What's going on? We need to close this portal or everyone dies." Natasha said griping the staff tighter

Percy glared at the portal "Not on my watch. Ironman just saved everyone from a nuke the least we can do is to wait until he comes back."

Natasha held the spear closer to her body "The rest of the Chitauri might come back-"

"-my team can take the aliens. Give me the Spear Natasha"
She finally nodded and moved to give the spear to Percy when-

"It's Ironman! He came through!! I repeat Tony Stark came out of the portal!!" Agent Barton said through the comm

"Son of a gun" Steve stared up with Thor next to him

"He's not slowing down" Thor started spinning Mjolnir

"Shit, Stark! Do you copy? Dam it! He's not responding. We need to catch him-"
The Hulk jumped in the air and caught the falling Tony Stark.

Steve and Thor run to where Tony lay on the ground. Thor forcefully opens his mask. Steve tries to check his pulse,
When they think Stark is dead. Hulk roars loudly and Tony gasps

"What the hell... What just happened? Please tell me nobody kissed me?"

Steve chuckled "We won"

"Phew alright hey alright good job guys let's just not come in tomorrow. Take a day off... you ever tried Shawarma? There's a Shawarma joint two blocks from here I don't know what it is but I want to try it"

"We're not finished yet," Thor said thinking of his brother

"Then Swarma after?"

Loki grunts up from where the Hulk bashed him but every Avenger's weapons were aimed at him
Sensing defeat Loki said

"If it's all the same to you, I'll have that drink now.."

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