Shivika - Suffocation

By Mitali1228

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This is a OS on Shivika after Annika was buried alive. More

Its Suffocating
Suffocation In Another Form
How To Get Out Of This Suffocation
What She Went Through
Her Torture
Good News, New Life
A Leap
A Family

Sharing Her Pain

1.4K 84 8
By Mitali1228

There are three couples all of whom has come a long way, yet the happenings of yesterday have made them have a major set back.

One fighting to protect his wife from any further insults and disrespect from his own family. His wife has endured so much due to the selfishness of himself and his family. They have insulted her in the name of her family name and blood, without realizing they are the reason for her having none. He not only wanted to protect her, but make sure the world knows who his father-in-law really was. He also wants nothing more then for her to talk about her feelings with him. Something, she has never really done. It may also be his fault that she has never opened up about her feelings. He accepts it that he may have never let her feel that she can tell him anything. Since, the happenings she has bearly said a few words and it scares him. The wife who has always spoken her mind never stopping, has suddenly stopped. The last time it happened was when the nightmare of Daksh re-entered their lives and had kidnapped her, for no fault of her own. It was his fault, a misunderstanding of getting into Daksh's word forcing him to become a monster who forced her into a marriage. It would make Daksh snap, causing him to take out his anger on her kidnapping and torturing her to a point of drowning her. That very moment of having her motionless in his arms, he knew he messed up, but more than that he lost someone who made him want to live. It wasn't until his tear drop brought her back did he also feel back to life. Then after, returning home, she would wake-up yet refused to speak with him. He longed for her to say a word to him, but she didn't. That day he realized, more then anything he needed to hear her voice as it was what brought him some form of soothing from his everyday battle of protecting his family. He felt as if he was back to that day and it scared him. While, he knew she was there with him and in no way will she leave him, the music to his ears had stopped and that is what he relayed on to continue fighting. It was her who gave him strength, but today his strength was fighting her own battle and it would be up to him to bring her out and let her know nothing matters more then her, that his there for her.
The sunlight shined on his eyes informing him that it was another day. Waking-up he couldn't help, but feel the warmth he gets from having her in his arms. He kissed her forehead, after staring at her, untangling himself for her, he went to freshen-up. Once, out he woke her up, asking her to shower and come down for breakfast. She did as he said without a fight, something which scared him, because his wife has never not given him a hard time in waking her up. She always was a late raiser and waking her up was a challenge, one which Shivaay had accepted. Seeing her retreating figure, he held back that tear which had formed in his eye and went to make their breakfast.

The other was siting on the couch in his mother-in-law's house. His wife had slept with her mother, the night before. While, he wanted to do nothing, but be with her, he knew she needed her mother more then him. He will not lie that, he was a good husband. He has done his own share of mistreating her. Accusing her of having an affair with her teacher, thinking of her as a home-wrecker. While, he has made-up for it, he knows somewhere those accusations are still inside her and she feels the pain of them. His tried being a good husband, but he knows sometimes his wife feels more comfortable with the ones she calls her own in a different form. The ones who never accused her of anything. Her mother and his own sister-in-laws being those who she feels most comfortable. He saw that yesterday, when she refused to let him sooth her pain, but let Bhavya take her into her arms.

His mother-in-law woke him telling him to go freshen up. After freshening up, he asked his mother-in-law if she could wake his wife, while he took over the cooking. She refused to let him cook, but he convinced her to let him do this as it was the least he could do.

The food was done cooking and set on the table. Her mother had finished eating and had told him she was going to a friends place to visit her. He knew she did it for them, so they could talk.

She came out and saw the food on the table and him sitting there. She was about to leave when he grabbed her arm, asking her to please sit and have some food. He told her that he was going nowhere and she couldn't keep running from him. This was something she knew, she also knew she couldn't avoid him and that if not him, her mother would behave emotionally with her and make her talk with him. Yes, she was her mother and loved her a lot, but she had a soft spot for her son-in-law. Also, she couldn't lie, Om had nothing, but shown her mother the up most respect.

They ate their breakfast and then set on the little swing in her mother's backyard. It was a small backyard, but it is where Gauri felt the most happiest. Her father made the swing for her when she came to them. She would sit on it while her mother did her hair and her father feed her.
O: Please talk with me, I know what my family did with you was selfish. Even if they did not pull the trigger, it was their decision which caused Miss Oberoi aka my Bua to cause that fire. It was their carelessness, which made them blame your father. I will not lie or try hiding what they did, as they are at fault, but I will also not let you break this relationship without talking with me.
G: I am not one to break my relationship with you for something that was not your fault. It was your parents who did the crime even if indirectly and a child should never be blamed for the deeds of their parents. I will however, not lie that what your family did has hurt me. The fact they parade around showing how high class they are, saying their family is the greatest, that's a lie. I do want to ask you something. If I told you today, I refused to go back to that house to accept your family, will you want to leave me?
O: (Taking her hand into his) If you asked me to move into a hut with no running water, to be able to be with you I would do it. So, what you are asking of me is nothing, if that is what will make you happy and the only way of keeping you with me I will do it.
G: (Giving him a little smile) I see, but we do not have to live in a hut.
O: It was a joke, he said laughing
G: I know, but honestly, I do not feel like we need to end our relationship on the bases of your families deeds. However, do not except me to forgive them. I will not blame you or your brothers and sister for what your parents did, in fact I have seen what your family has done with you. There is a reason you call your father Mr. Oberoi. When your mother kicked Bade Bhiya and Bha.... (stopping with a tear, once which Om wiped feeling her pain) I mean Jiji out of the mansion out, you stood up against her. I know you, your a good man and stand for the truth. That is all I can ask for and to give me time. I will come out of this strong, after all I am Annika Harsh Vandhan Trivedi's sister and I have not seen a stronger woman then her.
O: I have never seen a stronger woman then Bhabhi either. She's been pushed so much, including by Shivaay, but she kept on fighting.
G: Well she is my sister
O: Oh, is that so, I thought someone said it the other way around, that she was Bhabhi's sister.
G: Yea, yea whatever
O: I know what you meant, I was pulling your legs.
G: I know, but speaking of Jiji, in this whole situation no one has suffered more then her and I do not know what must be going on in her head or what will happen to her and Bade Bhiya's relationship.
O: What I know of both Bhabhi and Shivaay, is that they are fighters, they will find a way.

With this he gave her a side hug and she rested her head on his chest.

It was morning and he had finished having his protein shake and she ate her raw eggs.
She got ready in her uniform to start another day. He saw her every move, but it wasn't until she reached the door did he ask her if she could spare some time for him. She knew he wanted to talk with her about what happened yesterday and she could not ignore him or the issue. It may not have full impact of her, but she has seen what the family has been capable of and how they have mistreated her Bhabhi's. She will not lie what they have done did hurt her, for her Bhabhi's and for the fact she felt their pain. Being that little girl whose family was taken from her at a ever young age and making it a mission to bring that person who attacked her family down.
R: We should talk about what happened yesterday
B: I know we have to
R: What happened yesterday, I know you have your feelings about it. I want to hear you, not because I want to know where you stand when it comes to my family, but because I know that you more then us was able to feel Bhabhi's pain.
B: Yes, what your family did did hurt me. It may have not hurt in the same way as it did our Bhabhi's, but somewhere I was able to feel their pain. I saw myself in their place. I have been after Sultan since I remember, to think Bhabhi's have been living under the roof of the people who are responsible for what happened with their family.
R: I know what they did was wrong and I cannot support what they did. That is why I asked you to come with me and leave the house. I needed room to think and knew you did also. What I want is for you to know, your opinion matters to me and if you someway about my family I know you have your reasons.
B: I am wondering when did you grow-up to think about me?
R: The moment I realized, my family hurt some people I cared about the most
B: I see
R: I saw your eyes yesterday, when you where hugging Gauri Bhabhi and looking at Annika Bhabhi, your eyes spoke of the pain you felt.

Bhavya smiled at him. He took her hand and promised her that he was there for her and whatever she wanted to talk about he will lesson.

B: I am glad to have someone who is willing to listen to me
R: The pleasure is mine
B: (Smiling) I know what I felt, I could feel Gauri Bhabhi's pain, but Annika Bhabhi hers was different. She has been put through the ringer by your family, what she must be going through is what I am thinking.
R: I can assure you whatever Bhabhi is going through, Bhiya will be with her whatever step she wants to take. They know together they are a force to reckon with.

They both smiled at each other, before taking each other into their embrace.

(I am going to finish their part a little faster, do apologize to Rikara and Ruvya lovers, but I do have more of a story for Shivika and started this story for them. However, I had to include Rikara and Ruvya because they deserve their stories to be told as well, even if a little less.)

Once, she finished getting ready she came down to find her husband sitting at the table ready with breakfast. Eating was far from her thoughts, but she knew her husband and he would not let her off without having something.

S: Your here, come sit
Annika came and sit on her sit next to Shivaay
S: I know what your thinking. That you are not hungry, but you also know I am your husband and will not let you stay hungry.
A: I know
S: I made a light meal for you, thought it might be better
A: It was thanks
S: Eat up, he said putting his hand onto her head caressing her hair.

He made Avocado Toast and poured a glass of Orange Juice for her. He made himself an Avocado Toast along with her Americano. After, finishing their breakfast, Shivaay brought her to the backyard. Once, there she could see a hammock hanging from the trees overlooking a waterfront. She looked at Shivaay with a curious look.

S: I know you are wondering when did I can the backyard re-done. Well (taking her hand into his) after we left here I made some phone called and got it remade. I knew I wanted to come back here with you and make it a monthly thing.
A: It looks great
S: Come on then, go lay on that hammock. I want you to enjoy it.
Annika grabbed his hands

A: I would enjoy it more if my husband laid on it along with me. Where I could put my head onto his chest, hearing the music of his body, which is my favorite sound.
Shivaay smiled at his wife. She knew how to please him. He took her to the hammock and laid on it, helping her onto it afterwards. Once, on she placed her head on his chest and his arms wrapped around hers.

S: Annika I am here whatever it is and whenever you want please talk with me.
Annika stayed quiet for a while and then spoke.

A: Shivaay
S: Yes, Annika is something wrong
A: I know what Swetlana did was wrong, but you should know in a way your family wronged her family. That is why she did what she did. She was wrong to become so engulfed in revenge that she committed so many crimes, but she lost a person who she loved so much. Was she wrong? Yes, but she was hurt and sometimes people are not able to think right and do things they should not.
S: Annika, I know what you mean. Actually, before you came downstairs, I received a phone call from Swetlana.
A: You did, she lifted her head a little to look into his eyes.
S: Yes, I did. She called to apologize.
Annika was a little shocked.
S: I know I was shocked also, but she said that knowing she was helping the woman who took her everything she realized she too was wrong. She became so like you said engulfed in revenge, that she never knew she was teaming up with the person who really took her every. I told her she was not completely wrong though.
(Annika looked at him again) In a way the Oberoi family caused Bua to do what she did. Had they not done that, many lives would be different, including yours and Gauri's. I cannot tell you how sorry I am for what my family has done with you, what I have done with you. (With tears in his eyes, he continued) I told Swetlana, while I could not forgive her for what she did to you, I will forgive her for her reason of what she did with the other part of this family. She asked me to not get her out, she wants to stay there and pay her time for what she did with you. She said that when she heard everything, she realized more then anyone you were hurt. She said that if anyone you should have come for revenge, but looking at you and seeing everything you went through, she realized how wrong she was. She asked me to forgive Soumya and assured me that she would not cause any trouble for us especially Rudra. I had her released. She went to their Dadi's house in Delhi and will stay with her and then move to Italy where they have a place. Swetlana told me to not tell anyone including her where Tia was as they did a lot with her also. She wants for her to be happy with her family. I would not have told them either, but she did not want to know.
A: I am happy that she realized she was wrong in her doing's and glad to know Soumya is out, but have you told Rudra? I do not want him to think you want behind his back, as she did do a lot to him and Bhavya.
S: I did tell him and explained to him. He is alright with it as long as she stays away from him. Actually, that was something that was written. That she would stay away from him and Bhavya, or she will be reprimanded.
A: That's good, she said taking her place back onto his chest
S: You know, they got what they deserved and I am proud of you. That even after everything you are going through you chose to voice your opinion on them and cared about them after everything they did with you. There are not many like you and I am glad your mine. (He kissed her forehead) Asides, them do you want to talk about yourself and what's going on in your head? How are you feeling about everything?
A: I want to lay here for a while and gather my thoughts if you are alright with it. When, I am ready I will tell you, but please I ask you for patients. I do not know how to express myself, but when I feel I can I will and you will be the person I talk with.
Shivaay kissed her forehead again saying, I know you do not know how to express yourself. You were probably never able to be close to someone to express them and for that I am even more sorry as my family has caused this, but know this I am here and whenever it will be I will be here to talk with you. Your feelings matter to me and for me nothing is more important then making you understand and know how much you mean to me, how much I love you. I do, I love you.

I will have the chapter with Annika's feeling, but I had to write this to express the different feelings the girls had. I wanted to have the other couples have their story told, in order to focus on Shivika and then will bring them back to reunite the sisters.

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