By Sa_Ru_Art

44.9K 4.5K 572

'Falling in love while catching a serial killer.' This is a YiZhan version of my old PeteKao fiction TASCI. I... More

Zhan? Who?
The Case
Broken Things
Memory Card
Xiao Laoshi
Dance Floor
Fake Moans
Interrogation Room
Good Morning Bodi
Flirting Back
Broken Door
Tsum Tsum
Sorry Again
Another Rider
Not just alcohol
Green and Red
Coffee Mug
The Mask
Love Birds
On The Road
With Me
Late night talks
Fragrance of sandalwood
First Time
My Stupidity
The search begins
The Rush
I got you
Who am I to you?
To Chongqing

Good Night Bo Di

846 93 3
By Sa_Ru_Art


I stared at Yibo for a few minutes. That guy was narrowed his eyes at me when he asked What am I hiding from him.

I licked my lips after a sip and I saw his eyes following my tongue. That's when I smiled at him and put my bottle down on that table.

"Someone said he will believe me." I pointed when I raised my brows at him.

"And someone is not telling me everything." That jerk imitated me.

I hummed when I scanned every features of his face, his soft chocolate hair, Chubby cheeks with those sexy jawlines and those cute little round nose.... Too bad he is straight. I thought.

"You are so cleaver Yibo. I will sure give you that." I admired him. I honestly did.

He smirked back at me before he speaks "Keep your sweet words to yourself Zhan." That asshole warned me in a very husky and sexy voice.!!!!

"Will you answer now?"

"I do. Just ask." I shrugged when I leaned back with my cola. Because I wasn't trusting me that much at that time. That idiot was making me crazy and I was trying my best to not grab his collar and pull him across table and kiss his damn sarcastic mouth.... Aham... Fuck... Cut the sh!t Zhan. He is asking something serious. Concentrate baby. I told to myself.

"You didn't choose him randomly." He said and it wasn't a question but a statement.

I blinked at him when I nodded.

He nodded back.

"The reason?" This time he asked.

"This cola is fucking boring. Do you have anything hot?" I asked when I placed my cola on that table.

He leaned back with a sigh.

"You can find some beer in my fridge." He shrugged at me.

I know I'm testing his patience and I don't know why I'm enjoying this.

I walked towards his fridge.

"Get one for me too." He said and I nodded.

Yibo is straight. That is really really sad. Whenever I'm with him, I feel so different. I feel so happy. Even if he is mad at me, I feel so excited.

I have never felt that with anyone before. He is a rough and tough guy. Or he is maintaining that frame outside. But there is a really kind heart inside him. I only know him from a few days but I already feel so warm and so damn comfortable around him.

I glanced back at him when I opened the fridge. I saw him tapping on that table and looking impatient. When he glanced at me our eyes got stuck with each other. We both got lost for a half second before he forcefully averted his eyes and leaned back on that chair.

I don't know what he thinks of me. Maybe he would think that I'm crazy. That's what I am. I am crazy. And I don't care if that's what he thinks about me. The thing that I'm sure is, he don't hate me. That's more than enough for me to annoy him more.

"What the fuck are you doing there? Come back here." I heard his pissed off voice when I grabbed two bottles of beer and I was shocked to see a Huge amount of beer bottles in there.

"Are you serious? Why are you drinking this much.?" I asked when I handed him one bottle and settled on my chair back.

"Mind your own business and please don't test my patience." He said that with a glare.

I chuckled before chugging my beer.

"You know I was working in this case before you," I said and he nodded when he sipped.

"And we know it's a serial killing."

He nodded at me again.

Looking at him I absently tried to take some noodles from my plate with a spoon.

"There must be something that connects these guys." I sadly put down my spoon when I found my plate already empty and.

Yibo nodded and he replaced my plate with his. He was really concentrated on what I'm saying. Really!!??

I frowned first but I smiled when I chewed some more noodles from his plate. This guy is really making me super crazy.

"When I started this undercover, I hadn't any idea where should I start and what should I do. Nit always talked about that Bar and after he found dead at that railway station toilet, brutally......." I stopped when that blood smeared body of him appeared in front of my eyes. I suddenly missed His young face and his cute smiles.

"Zhan?" I heard Yibo's voice and he wasn't mad at me this time. Did I see some concern in those eyes?

I shrugged casually at him before sipping some more beer and started speaking again.

"So since the victims were all gay's and this murders were happened around the small distances from 'O-gay' bar , I ended up there."

Yibo was listening me carefully and nodding patiently.

"I hooked up with a few guys... I didn't get any clues and the day before that night, when I came back from the washroom, I saw Sam and he was flirting with a guy near the dance floor. I overheard him saying that he was into Kink."

I paused and grabbed my beer bottle again. I massaged my back neck when I looked at Yibo again.

"I'm having a back pain... Can I sit on your couch?" I asked and he nodded with a sigh.

I grabbed my plate. No, his plate of noodles with me when I walked towards his living area and sat on his couch. I placed that plate on my lap and rested my back comfortably on that black leather. Yibo pulled a chair in front of me and sat on it.

I gulped my beer again and looked at him when I continue.

"Something hit on my brain when I heard him say that. Because Nit was too into Kink. The next day, I studied the two other victims' files again and I found Jake's post-mortem report saying he had marks on his body like he was into Kink too. I couldn't find any clue like that in Ming's report so I wasn't sure either. However I wanted to check anyway."

I chewed more noodles and chugged more beer.

"I targeted Sam the next day. I seduced him when we were at that dancefloor and I flirted with him. He was drunk and he flirted back with me too. I invited him first but he said 'he will only come if there will be any leathers and straps'" I chuckled. I don't know why. Maybe that beer is making me to.

I saw Yibo frowning at me and I sighed with a smile before I speak again.

"I assured him that and he finally got ready to come with me. And the after story, I told you that already." I finished my beer and that noodles. I placed that plate on the teapoy on the side.

"I wasn't hiding this from you. I just wasn't sure that's and I'm not sure yet. That's why I didn't say anything about it. But since we don't have any other things to believe, I think I can share this doubt with you." I said and Yibo stared at me a few more minutes.

"So, you are saying this killer is targeted some gay kinky loving guys to kill?" Yibo finally broke the silence.

"I was saying there is a possibility. But there is this 'Ming' guy. I don't know if he was into that or not." I shrugged.

I saw him thinking something seriously and he looked at me.

"I think there is someone who can help us."

"Who?" I leaned forward, resting my elbows on my knees.

"You will see." He said when he stood up and sighed.

"Hm... Okay." I said before leaning back to that leather again.

"Now, go back to your home." He said and I made a face at him. What the exact fuck he is talking about.

"What???!!!!" I asked and frowned.

He leaned down at me. His forefinger hooked in the neck of my shirt and he pulled me up.

Already this guy is making me crazy without doing anything and now I don't know how to react when he act like this.

"I mean you are free to go home." He whispered with a smirk.

"This is fucking 3.30 at the morning Yibo.!!!" I checked my watch before I completely stood in front of him. His finger was still on my shirt. I didn't care.... Actually, I liked it.

"So what? You can take her car and pick her up at the morning." He said.

"This is actually morning Yibo.... And I don't have a licence." I smiled at him with a shrug.

I saw he narrowing his eyes at me. Before he pulling me away from there.

"Its okay. I will drop you." He said when he grabbed the key from that side table.

Is this idiot serious?!!!

I sighed before pulling away from his hold on my shirt and throwing myself into that couch again.

"Im sorry Yibo. Im really comfortable right here." I said when I lied down on there.

"No, no no no no..... No. You can't sleep here." He said.

I sat up again and grabbed his shirt. I raise on my knees on that couch when I pulled him closer.

"You want me to sleep on your bed with you then?" I asked excitedly and I could say that Yibo wasn't breathing for a few second.

"Don't touch me." He suddenly pushed me away and I again ended on that couch. I laughed hard when he glared at me. Maybe the beer making me do these all...Or maybe not.

"I let you stay on my house for a night once. Now you should pay me back. I'm sleeping here." I demanded.

He was throwing daggers at me before grabbing that plate and bottles from the side table and walked towards his kitchen.

I laughed again.

"Yibo, can I get a pillow?" I called out and I immediately got a very big 'NO' in return.

"Or you want me to make myself comfortable on your bed?" I called out again.

I heard a cling of plates and a few minutes later a pillow flew towards me. It hit on my face and I chuckled aloud.

"Thank youuuuuu.... Good night Bo diiiiiiiiii" I called out again before passing out on that couch of him.


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