-The Home for the Murders- (S...

By -Shy-Moon-

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Toxin. She was friend with almost all of them. The crazy and the lost ones. The broken and the silent ones. S... More

Chapter 0
Chapter 1: Introductions
Chapter 2: Seeing them again and Coffee with the Nurses
Chapter 3: Broken door
Chapter 4: Files for Home
Chapter 5: Break them out
Chapter 6: Home
Chapter 7: Temporary Stay
Chapter 8: Calm Killings
Chapter 9: Reunited
Chapter 10: Carrie's Cherry Pie
Chapter 11: Visiting the Clown
Chapter 12: The Dolls
Chapter 13: Demogorgons and Demodogs
Chapter 14: Hazardous Night
Chapter 15: Anxious News
Chapter 16: The rotten Camp
Chapter 17: Dreams of the past
Chapter 19: See for yourself
Chapter 20: Undeniable Proof

Chapter 18: The Tapes of forgotten memories

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By -Shy-Moon-

3rd PoV

„Could you at least leave Cujo out of this?" Toxin asked. She calmly waved her hand around, trying to protect the doggo. Michael held Cujo by his old collar. The killer dog growled out a bark.

Toxin once tried to take off Cujos collar... it didn't end well.

Michaels kitchen knife was pointed in Toxins direction. Jason fumbled with the camera, while Freddy looked through the tapes.

Danny was panting behind Toxin, clenching the knife wound he received for intervening. Bubba stood by his side unsure what to do.

Cujo barked at the Shape again. The redhead could feel the unspoken ‚let go' from the canine. „Michael please, let Cujo go." she tried to coax him. She could see his knuckles whiten. Sweat gathered under her pony when she shot forward and grabbed his wrist. With a fast twist of his wrist his fingers flexed and let go of the tattered leather collar. Cujo growled and went to Bubba.

Toxin flinched back to shield Danny and Bubba before Michael could take a hold of her and take his revenge.

Danny eyed the female. She did not always know how to do this so fast, let alone do this. He taught her most of it. The others taught her some as well.

Freddy grabbed a tape from the box. „Failed Prank 194?" he read aloud. Danny's gaze flickered to him. Toxin cringed. „You kept it?"

„Which tape was that again sweetheart?" Danny asked. Toxin made a head motion to the forest man. „I thought I erased it!" he apologized.

„Well you didn't!" she shot back.

Freddy handed the tape to Jason. He stared at it for a moment before trying to let it play on the camera. Toxin flashed a face of fear on her features. „No." she muttered, but before she could stop them Michael stopped her and grabbed her upper arm in a death grip.

„Ouch ouch ouch..." she squealed.

Jason hummed/grumbled. He got the tape going. A second of static greeted him and the dream demon leaning over his shoulder. Then a door appeared on the small screen and a hushed voice holding back a chuckle. „Hello everybody~" the hushed voice said. „Welcome to Prank tape 194." the camera faced down the hallway. Some sounds came from the kitchen. Then the camera went back to the door. There was an engraving on the doorknob.

Freddy furrowed his nonexistent-eyebrows. Was that his name he saw there?

The camera faced down on the ground before he could be sure. There was a small box sitting there, white specks on the edges. „Revenge time baby." the voice said. „This is a perfect flour bomb if I ever saw one." he commented before slowly pushing the door open.

Freddy inhaled sharply, Jason tilted his head.

Through the light coming in the room from the curtains you could make out the figure sleeping on the bed. Still wearing his ugly striped sweater, Freddy Krueger laid on the mattress, his blanket hanging halfway off the bed. Laying the camera on the box, the producer haphazardly carried the box in Freddy's room and took hold of the camera again. The face of the man behind the camera came into view for a second while he flipped the cam around.

Freddy and Jason moved their heads in the GhostFace's direction in complete sync. Danny sweatdropped under their stare.

A chuckle from the camera drew their attention again. A remote was held in view while GhostFace silently closed the door. „5... 4... 3... 2..." You could hear the front door opening. „I'm back!" yelled a voice from down the hallway. „Sweetheart." GhostFace said before bolting down the hallway. The camera moved with every motion from the ghostly killer until-

Toxin chocked in Michaels grip, patting his arm frantically and mentioning for Danny to back off. Jason froze. What?

Toxin came into the picture her hand was holding Jason's hand as she dragged him inside. Her hair was a bit shorter, blonde mostly, tinted scarlet from her scalp downwards. „Who is that?" a gruff voice sounded from the kitchen. The camera waved to the side showing the cannibal twins standing in the kitchen and a Shape sitting on the couch. „Uhh, this is Jason... and-" The redhead was interrupted by a loud bang, followed by a panicked and cursing shout. The camera dropped down to the remote. „Oops." he accidentally pressed it. A door flew open, revealing an angry flour covered dream demon. Freddy smacked his sweater and almost all of the flour passed to the flour. He caught sight of Jason. „YOU!"

Freddy cringed. He didn't remember this, but... it seemed familiar.

GhostFace retreated into the living room muttering a curse. The camera closed in on Freddy and Jason staring each other down, with Toxin next to the two trying to defuse the nuclear bomb. Rustling close to the camera overplayed the words spoken and without a warning Jason raised his machete and-

The forestman almost dropped the camera. Freddy stared at the redhead for a second. She was still struggling in Michaels grip. „Let her go Myers!" Danny shouted but to no avail.

The camera was dropped with a clang. She landed sideways on the floor, but despite the static that arose shortly it delivered a picture nonetheless. Toxin had jumped in between the two. The machete was buried in her neck. Blood seeped out of the wound. Her leaf green eyes were wide. Freddy took a step back. „You BASTARD!" One of the twins shouted. Michael was at her side faster than GhostFace, he steadied the girl. Danny slipped his mask up and held onto her face. „Look at me sweetheart! Don't you dare to nap off!"

„Da- Danny..." Toxin croaked out. She pulled at Michaels arm. She changed her eyes and stared into his soul. „Mike..." she pleaded. „M... ike..." His blue eyes twitched. His heart clenched but he didn't know why. He let her go. Toxin coughed and sputtered. Bubba closed his arms around her in a protective hug. Danny stood at their side clenching his stomach.

„Ack gah!" Toxins hand twitched and touched the machete. „Be careful." Michael hushed behind her. His voice was harsh and gruff. Thomas carefully took hold of the machete and slowly, very painfully slowly pulled on the machete. „What are you DOING?!?" the GhostFace shrieked.

Danny winced. „I should have erased it." Toxin nodded in agreement. Bubba patted her head as she coughed again.

„We need to get that thing out!" he shouted back. „She'll heal through it. She's been through worse, you know that!" the cannibal barked at the GhostFace. Toxin let a few tears flow. She gripped at Danny's arm. She looked directly at him and smiled sadly. Freddy stood by and stared in shock. Bubba held Jason off gripping his hammer in a death grip. The machete was slowly pulled out of her neck, the blood kept seeping out. But despite all that...
Toxin coughed violently. The nasty scar evident at her neck. Danny closed her in a hug. She patted his back and tilted her head in Jason's direction. „That was close..." she huffed. „You damn Teddybear..." static arose. The tape ended.

Freddy furrowed his brows as he looked at the girl. He shook his head. „What the hell was that? That never happened!"

Toxin retorted by pointing at her neck. That nasty scar still decorated her neck. „It was just some time ago..." she told them.

„That's bullshit!" the nightmare maker snarled. „Don't you think we would have remembered that?"

„Why the fuck do you think any of this is happening?!?" she snarled back.

Danny bit his lip. Bubba whined. Cujo ignored everything.

„There was an accident, I wasn't home. Some fucking bastards attacked and captured you guys." Toxin became quiet.

„You guys were like a family." Danny spoke. Toxin turned her head.

„Look through the other tapes if you don't believe me." she muttered.

The dream demon scoffed. Micheal gave Jason a tape he collected. Freddy flinched, when the frick did he appear here.

„Tape 038." Freddy read aloud over Jason's shoulder. Toxin stiffed. „Oh god please nooooo..." she slurred.

Jason, now with knowledge of taping, got the tape going faster than before.

Static... and then forest floor. Dry leaves laid around the bear trap in the heart of the picture. Childish giggling sounded from behind the camera. Somewhere a chainsaw sounded. It was Danny again, proven by his none-modified voice saying; „Welcome to Prank tape 035. Jason ate the last donut so now I'll trash one of his beartraps."

Freddy snorted. „It was a good donut!" the ghostly Killer defended. Jason and Michael just slightly tilted their heads.

The cameraboi took hold of an axe - Toxins axe to be specific - and swung it down at the left part of the traps awaiting jaw. The camera swayed heavily with the movement and the resulting loud metallic clank and following curse at the heavy axe signified the traps defeat.

Jason's good eye twitched.

Lastly the camera pointed it's attention back at the trap, he flipped the trap off before turning around and- „GAHHHHHHH!!!" a surprised yell/shriek left the cameraboi. He dropped his cam halfway through his ‚fall'. It tumbled to the ground and delivered a nice view at the situation the childish prankmaster was caught in.

Freddy began to break into a laughing fit and of you were to squint really hard you could've seen Michael's shoulders twitch. Jason pinched the bride of where the nose on his mask was. Danny averted his eyes while Tox patted his back.

The cause of the GhostFace's hanging situation was a rope snare trap set close to it's much meaner sibling. Danny chocked out a curse, his dark hair dangling around his face. The amber eyes stared into the camera. „Well shit."

„Well shit indeed..."

Danny tried to reach his trapped ankle and untrap it, but the thing held onto him with a lot of spite. „Just- fuckin- get off!" The snap of a twig outside of the picture alerted of another presence. His head snapped at the source of the sound, a strain on his neck that's for sure. Stifling chuckles were heard and then full on laughter. Danny scoffed. „HA ha haaaa ha ha... oh my g- ha ha HA HAaaa... how the hell." the new voice clearly belonged to Toxin, but she was yet to be seen in the cameras video. Rustling arose and the the camera was moved around and upwards, as somebody picked it up. The camera zoomed in on Danny's face, red from the blood flowing in his head. „How did you not see that?" she asked. Danny rolled his eyes. „I was to busy thinking about you to notice it."

Freddy bursted into laughter again.

Danny sighed. He had a bad phase of a very long period trying out all kinds of crappy pick-up-lines and all that jazz on Tox.

He knew that Freddy remembering that phase was gonna mean a whole lotta bad to him. He was never gonna live that down...

At least it was worth it... there was light red dusting on her cheeks that day. Not that she'd ever admit it.

Thank you for reading this Chapter.
Check out ‚Shys book of books' for Updates, Informations and possible sequels.
See ya!
{Word Count: 1907}

Don't forget
The damn
Contest ya'll!

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