New World - Peter Pevensie x...

By Maverick_for_life

6.3K 88 8

You travel with the Pevensie children to Narnia for the first time and run into Prince Caspian. What will hap... More

The Fight
Lost and Found
Aslan's How
The Telmarine's Challenge
Single Combat
Going Home

The Battle

603 11 0
By Maverick_for_life

     The Telmarines begin to prepare for battle and so do we. Caspian rides a horse back and gets the Narnia's riled and charging. Caspian leads the way as they charge down the tunnel beneath the battlefield. 

"One, two, three..." Susan has begun counting and you prepare yourself. 

"Four, Five, Six..." 

"Archers to the ready!" Susan yells. We all get ready, putting an arrow to the string. 

"Take your aim! ...Fire!" The ground collapses, making a pit and everyone fires arrows into the pit, taking out the Telmarine soldiers that had fallen in. We prepare to shoot more arrows as the fighting commences around the pit. Peter looks up at the two of us. 

"Lucy?" he mouths. Susan shakes her head. 

"Back to the How!" Peter shouts. Narnians begin retreating toward Aslan's How. The Telmarines begin launching rocks with their trebuchets. Debris falls down and blocks the entrance. Rocks begin to fall on the archers. 

"Brace Yourself!" Susan shouts. She then falls but Trumpkin catches her, dropping her onto the next level. She joins the others. You weren't so lucky. A rock had managed to land on your leg and you were trapped. Before you could yell out of pain, another rock dropped and knocked you out.

Third Person P.O.V.

     Edmund draws his sword and they all look at each other. They charge into battle, Peter leading the way. As they are fighting, a few Telmarine soldiers gang up on Caspian, forcing him to fall into the pit. Glozelle, a person close to Miraz, walks over with a pike, ready to kill Caspian before even realizing that it's him. Once he notices, he hesitates. All of a sudden, a tree root grabs him and pulls him away. Peter helps Capsian out of the pit. They look around to see that the trees have come. The Telmarines continue to launch rocks and one of them knocks a tree down. Another tree takes down the trebuchet. 

"For Aslan!" Peter yells. Everyone charges. The Telmarines begin to retreat to Beruna. Once they reach the bridge, they try to cross but come to a screeching halt. Lucy stands on the other side. She draws her dagger and smiles. Aslan appears next to her. Sopespian decides to still move forward. The Telmarines charge towards Aslan. Aslan roars and everyone stops. The water under the bridge starts to behave strangely. It then shoots up and forms the river god. The river god lifts the bridge and soldiers fall off. The only one left on the bridge is Sopespian. He tries to fight but the river god took no mercy, letting the water crash down on Sopespian. After all of this, the Telmarines give up. They all climb out of the water and put down their weapons. Peter looks around for Y/N, not finding her. He turns to Susan. 

"Where is Y/N?" he asks. She looks around. 

"I don't know. I fell so quickly, I never saw if she came down." Peter begins to panic but realizes that Aslan is waiting on them. Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Caspian kneel before the Lion. 

"Rise, kings and queens of Narnia," he says. Only Peter, Susan, and Edmund rise. 

"All of you," he says to Caspian. 

"I do not think I am ready." 

"It's for that very reason I know that you are." They hear music and several mice walk up, carrying Reepicheep on a little stretcher. Lucy gives Reepicheep a drop from her cordial. It works as he sits up. 

"Oh, thank you, Your Majesty..." He sees Aslan. 

"Oh, hail Aslan! It is a great honor to be-" He tries to bow but stumbles forward. He looks behind and realizes that his tail is missing. 

"I am completely out of countenance. I must crave your indulgence for appearing in this unseemly fashion. Perhaps a drop more?" He turns to Lucy. 

"I don't think it does that," she says softly. 

"You can have a go," he says, almost pleading. 

"It becomes you well, Small One," Aslan says, pulling their attention back to him. 

"All the same, great king, I regret that I must withdraw. For a tail is the honor and glory of a mouse." 

"Perhaps you think too much of your honor, friend." 

"Well, it's not just the honor. It's also great for balance... and climbing... and grabbing things." Everyone smiles at his attempt to get healed. All the other mice then pull out their swords and hold them to their tails. 

"May it please you high Majesty, we will not bear the shame of wearing an honor denied to our chief," one of the other mice, Preepiceek says. Aslan laughs at this. 

"Not for your honor, but for the love of your people..." Reepicheep's tail grows back. 

"Oh, look! Thank you, thank you, my liege! I will treasure it always! From this day forward, it will serve as a great reminder of my huge humility." They all laugh and Aslan turns to the children. 

"Now, where is this dear little friend you've told me so much about?" Trumpkin looks over nervously. He slowly walks over and bows before the lion. Aslan roars directly at Trumpkin. 

"Do you see him now?" Lucy asks. They all smile. But the joy doesn't last long. Some archers approach the kings and queens, holding Y/N. Y/N is still unconscious and their leg is smashed and bloody. 

"Y/N!" Peter shouts. He rushes over to their side as the archers set them down. 

"Lucy, quick. Your cordial," Peter says. Lucy kneels down next to Y/N and gives them one drop from the cordial. Everyone waits in anticipation. Y/N gasps and slowly opens their eyes. Peter leans over them with both hands on their face. 

"Y/N?" They smile at Peter. 

"Sorry for the fright Pete, couldn't move fast enough," they whisper. Peter laughs a little. He places a short kiss on their lips before helping them sit up. They look down at their leg to see it still pretty damaged. Looking over at Lucy, they say,

"Guess that can't heal everything."

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