Aslan's How

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     Even though everyone got some rest, having to walk the next day was miserable for you. Your feet hurt and you just wanted your old sneakers back. You walk among the group following Peter and Caspian. You all come upon a hill with an entrance at the front. The walkway is lined with centaurs, even a young child who can barely hold his sword high enough. Lucy smiles at him as the centaur next to him helps lift the sword. Once inside, everyone gathers to talk. 

"It may not be what you are used to, but it is defensible," Caspian says. Susan is walking around and you just lean against the wall, wanting to rest your feet. 

"Peter, you may want to see this," Susan announces. You all follow her over to a hallway that is lined with carvings on the wall. It tells the original story of the high kings and queens of Narnia. 

"It's you guys right?" you ask turning to Peter. He meets your eyes and nods. 

"What is this place?" Lucy asks. Caspian looks at everyone in disbelief. 

"You don't know?" He grabs a torch and leads you guys down the hallway. You follow the carvings, thinking of the stories that Susan and Lucy shared. Once at the end of the tunnel, Caspian lights a fire that encircles the room and reveals a broken stone table in the middle of the room. On the back wall is a carving of a lion. You assume that it is Aslan. 

"He must know what he's doing," Lucy says with confidence. Peter just looks disappointed. 

"I think it's up to us now," he says. 

     Everyone gets comfortable so they can talk battle plans. Lucy and Susan sit on the table but you sit near the edge of the room. You watch as everyone bustles around the area, doing something to prepare for the battle. You keep catching Caspian looking at you and it is making you uncomfortable. Peter comes over after getting people situated. 

"Hey, you okay?" he asks. He sits down next to you, your legs touching. 

"Yeah. It's a new place. Takes some time to adjust," you say quietly. You don't look at him, just at the ground. 

"Hey, look at me," he says. He carefully takes his hand and grabs your chin, directing your eyes to his. 

"Tell me the truth." He never takes his hand away from your face. You hold eye contact with him, just losing yourself in his green eyes. 

"I'm fine," you whisper, barely audible. Someone clears their throat and you pull away from him to see almost everyone staring at the two of you. 

"If you're gonna kiss, just get it over with," Edmund says standing there in front of the two of you. You feel your face burn a bright red and you just look at the ground. 

"We are ready," Caspian says to Peter. Since you weren't looking at him, you didn't know that he had a blush almost as bright as yours crossing his face. He gets up and joins the others around the table to begin battle planning. A faun explains that they saw a Telmarine soldier in the forest, watching the How as they called it. 

"It's only a matter of time. Miraz's men and war machines are on their way. That means those same men aren't protecting his castle," Peter points out. 

"What do you propose we do, Sire?" 

"We-" Caspian starts. 

"Our-" Peter says at the same time. They look at each other, slightly glaring. Caspian concedes after a second. 

"Our only hope is to strike them before they strike us," Peter explains. 

"But that's crazy, no one has ever taken that castle." 

"There's always a first time." 

"We'll have the element of surprise," Trumpkin inputs. 

"But we have the advantage here," Caspian argues. 

"If we dig in, we could probably hold them off indefinitely," Susan says. You felt the need to input that you would rather fight here than there but you weren't royalty so you stayed quiet. 

"Look, I appreciate what you've done, but this isn't a fortress, it's a tomb," Peter practically yells at Caspian. 

"Yes, and if the Telmarines are smart, they'll just starve us out." They continue arguing but you walk out of the room, needing some fresh air. You find your way to the top of the hill and sit above the entrance. After another half hour or so, Peter joins you. 

"So, I guess you are going to fight?" you say quietly. 

"Yeah. We need to strike them before they get us," he explains. His hand finds yours and you just sit there in silence. 

"I needed to tell you in case I don't come back," he says. You look at him in shock. 

"You will come back. You better come back." For the first time, you spoke with confidence. He smiles at you and you just stare. He leans forward, bringing his face closer to yours. His hand cups your cheek and you let your eyes close. His lips lightly brush yours. You take a chance a push your lips onto his. Butterflies fill your stomach and you feel light-headed. You both smile into the kiss and pull apart, only going far enough apart to breathe. 

"You don't know how long I've been waiting to do that," he whispers. You both sit there, forehead to forehead until you hear someone call for him. 

"I have to get ready to go." He pulls away and stands up. He helps you up. 

"Maybe they can find you some pants. I can tell you hate that dress," he whispers in your ear as he pulls you into a hug. You hold him tight, not wanting to let him go. 

"Please be safe." He pulls away and smiles. 

"I will." It takes a couple of hours for everyone to get ready but Peter comes and says goodbye. He gives you a kiss on the head and you almost smack Edmund from the gagging sounds he made. You watch as they all leave, only you and Lucy remain behind with a few other creatures. It takes almost a full day for them to return. You sit at the steps of the table with Lucy just chatting. She keeps asking about you and Peter getting together but all you can do is blush. You both hear something outside and you rush out there. The army led by Peter and Caspian has returned. None of them look happy. 

"What happened?" Lucy asks. 

"Ask him," Peter says bluntly. He is making his way to you when the boys begin arguing. 

"Me? You could have called it off. There was still time." 

"No there wasn't thanks to you. If you'd kept to the plan, those soldiers might be alive right now." 

"And, if you'd just stayed here like I suggested, they definitely would be!" They are both in hysterics. 

"You called us, remember?" Peter is right in Caspian's face. 

"My first mistake." 

"No. Your first mistake was thinking you could lead these people." Peter tries to turn back to you but Caspian is not done. 

"Hey!! I am not the one who abandoned Narnia." 

"You invaded Narnia. You have no more right to it than Miraz does! You, him, your father... Narnia's better off without the lot of you!" Both boys draw their swords. 

"Stop it!" you yell. You get in between them. Peter stares for a second before dropping his sword. Someone brings forward Trumpkin. He has a head injury and does not look very good. Lucy runs over and gives him a drop from her cordial. You make Peter put his sword away and lead him back into the How. You know that Trumpkin will be fine, you just need to calm down Peter, you just don't know-how.

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