On the Wings of Hope: Prose (...

נכתב על ידי prokhor_ozornin

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This book is about a hope and a faith, To help you achieve your spiritual grace, The food for a mind and the... עוד

In the New World
New Age Threshold
Your choice, mankind!
Great Exodus
Warrior of Odin
You are
Notes of self-isolated
And all diseases will be gone
History of one duel
Legend of Divine Island
God's Dream
World on the horizon
We are
One day you will awake
Messenger on the planet Earth
Crime and punishment
Tale of the false saint
With God
Chronicles of Mogoth: The Called
The young and the old man
I feel
I, robot

World of God

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נכתב על ידי prokhor_ozornin

With a love for God

The newborn God was cheerfully walking on city streets, which name he didn't remember for now. And what is the reason for a Maker to remember human names? Unless only for people.

The sun was joyfully shining him and its beams were playing in puddles which have remained from a recently came rain. He loved such a weather greatly – and playful Angels of Elements with both awe and joy in hearts satisfied this his request.

And yesterday there was snowing over this nameless city in spite of the fact that average day temperature usually reached thirty degrees in the "plus" side. And the day before yesterday the densely covered by clouds sky was suddenly cleared of all white fluffy figures in some fifteen minutes. Probably, someone even was christening himself, or, say, cursing weather forecasters with all colors of the rainbow shining today in the distance over a sea smooth surface, starting from gray-brown-crimson-in-a-speck. And God was cheerfully walking forward, inhaling the aroma of the sea, brought by the air, and spraying water drops from puddles which have not yet dried up. He was happy to live in this made by himself world. For, after all, what can be better than to feel your own creation from inside?

Today he was simply walking on streets of this anonymous sea city, enjoying his life. A life of a human, if it's possible to say so, – for he will enjoy the life of Almighty God a bit later. And, eventually, the life in a human body had its good advantages as well.

Suddenly something started humming in a stomach persevering and tenderly – even, to say so, totally human-like. Purr-purr-purr. A then – p-u-u-u-u-r-r-r! And then – w-h-o-o-o-o! With all voices at once.

"Maybe I should have a supper?" thought the Newborn God, and, having seen through a bird's eye view all the panorama of his present city-surroundings, defined for himself the next building, where he could stop. Just some ten minutes of walking.

The God smiled once again. Most certainly, he could reach this tavern in some thirty seconds – but what other surrounding him people would think if he has suddenly soared up like a bird? It may be so that some compassionate old woman or some persistent atheist would have a heart attack. And he didn't want to cause harm to anybody, even inadvertently. And, eventually, it was his righteous beloved ones who had still have to fly.

Top-top-top. Chpok! And splashes from a puddle, through which he stepped over, scattered on several meters on all diameter of a created circle, having almost sprinkled in addition the passing by man.

"Hey, watch where are you going, bungler!" he shouted on his way, still hurrying very far into the unknown even for him dales.

The God wanted at first to say something like, "My God, forgive him, please", like as in due time he was asked many times by his Son, who has arrived at this world as well, but then thought that it's somehow inconveniently to ask himself. And wrong as well, probably. And so he simply continued His way. He was still happy.

Well, here it is. And even the sign hangs over here, carved with beautiful small letters. Tavern "On the brink of the Universe". And slightly lower an addition: "Feel the aroma of divinity". Amusing name.

The incarnate Creator accurately opened a door, and carefully entered the building.

"We are closing in half an hour, but I am sure that you can still taste our aroma of divinity!" run-up fellow waiter smartly assured Him.

"Yep," the God said approvingly. "And what do you have in today's menu?"

"Oysters by French, slope by Spanish, dranniks by Belarusian, pelmeni by Russian, sausages by German..." the fellow started to list.

"Various things you have here," God smiled. "And something a little bit more, say, exotic?"

"Mmm..." the waited hesitated for a moment. "Galushki by Ukraine?"

"Suits!" the God was delighted. "It's always pleasant to remember own good youth!" he added after a pair of seconds and smiled again.

"A pair of glasses of water, if you don't mind," God responded good-natured. "I think it will suffice."

"Water?" the waiter was surprised. "Simple spring water?"

"Yes, yes," God responded. "And water can sometimes be sweeter than wine," he added a bit later.

"Well..." the waiter tarried a little, "all right. We'll do it now. Five minutes or so."

"So quickly?" asked the Newborn God. "You actually have more time than five minutes. I truly very much hope that all this time will be enough for you."

"Excuse me... in what aspect?" the waiter was a little surprised.

"For all of you," and God warmly waved His hand over all visitors of this institution, has not forgotten to point to a window as well. "I hope given you time will be enough."

"And what will be afterward?" the waiter as though was still in frustration.

"It depends on you, my beloved children."

"M-m-m... tell me, who are you?" the waiter was still standing nearby this mysterious visitor and didn't decide to carry the order for performance.

"Priest, or whatever!" someone muttered from the next table.

"What's in my name for you to know?" the God laughed good-natured. "My earth name is both temporary and eternal at the same time."

"Earth? And where are living then, forgive me for my curiosity?" the waiter was getting more and more intrigued.

"Everywhere," God answered quietly.

"Bum, or whatever!" again someone muttered from the next table.

"Inside you as well," added the Maker.

"Inside us? Where? What for?" the waiter was taken aback.

"Here," answered the God and pointed to a waiter's breast. "You even manage to hear me from time to time."

"Cranky, or whatever!" once again came the exclamation from the next table.

"Do we hear you?" the waiter still couldn't come to his senses from what he has just overheard.

"Well, yes," told the Creator. "A voice of conscience."

"A-a-a... why are you here?"

"Helping all of you. For I do love you!" and in celestial-blue eyes of God, a wandering on His lips smile reflected itself.

"And... for how long will you keep helping us?" the confused waiter questioned.

"Always I will," the Newborn God answered. "Such is my work!" and his eyes of heavenly color became, apparently, even more endless.

"A-a-a... m-m-m... the last question then... tell, well... e-r-m... whom and where do you work?" the bringer of orders tried to question again, but when he turned back to his unexpected visitor – he has already left.

Only the closing by the wind door creaked melodiously, seeing off such an unusual guest. And on the table where he was sitting earlier, there was a whole mountain of juicy and appetizing galushki pile inside the mysteriously appeared plate. For who if not we need the food, mercifully granted to us by the Maker?

And the Newborn God once again cheerfully walked on city streets and there was the sun, shining in His eternally blue eyes. He was happy to live in this world and in this nameless city of planet Earth.

המשך קריאה

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