Vᴇɴᴜs | Dᴇɴᴋɪ Kᴀᴍɪɴᴀʀɪ

By nek0zawakun

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She moved a little closer to him and in response, he wrapped his arm around her waist and held her tightly ag... More



452 14 5
By nek0zawakun

Denki Kaminari opened his eyes and yawned with pleasure. He shifted realizing that there was a weight on his arm. One glance at the sleeping girl made him smirk. The images of the night before flashed in his mind, sending pleasant sensation to his morning erection. Denki roamed his mind trying to remember her name, but there was nothing. He was sure she mentioned it more than once, but he never bothered memorizing it, simply settling for "baby" and "kitten". It always worked.

He slipped from the bed and grabbed his leather trousers from the floor. His shirt was found under the bed and shoes somehow ended up in the bathroom. He hurried to get dressed, hoping that she would not wake up. He hated wasting his time trying to explain to the numerous females that their night of passion will never be repeated. The screams irritated him, and the cries were even a bigger nuisance. He threw one last glance at the female, took out his wallet and threw several large notes on the nightstand. That should cover it.

He didn't know why he always did that. None of the women he slept with were actually representatives of world's oldest profession, but he always felt the need to leave a little treat.

The girl shifted in her sleep and the blonde hurried out of room. He paid for the room at the reception and walked out of the hotel with wide grin on his face. A new day meant a new adventure and he was shaking with anticipation.


"You were absolutely careless, Denki." Saikawa Sota, his PR manager exclaimed, clenching the fresh post in his hands. The headlines were screaming about Denki's new affair. "I've told you so many times, choose your one-night stands wisely."

"How was I supposed to know that she is the daughter of city planning director." The blonde responded lazily. He was bored out of his mind and from nothing to do he continued playing with the lightening.

The man in expensive suit and strict glasses sighed. "You have more adverse media than the league of villains."

"Ha, ha, ha," Denki's cheerful laughter made Saikawa cringe.

"When was the last time you've done actual hero work?" PR questioned. The blonde glared at him in annoyance. "You've worked so hard to become a pro, but as soon as you did, you threw it all away."

"Quit your nagging."

"I am your manager, and it is my responsibility to ensure your good status stays that way, but there are times when even I am helpless. There are things that even I cannot fix. That girl you left so thoughtlessly tried to kill herself the next day."

Denki froze for a moment and glanced sceptically at Saikawa, but his manager was not planning to back down. "We are lucky that she was found on time and rushed to the hospital."

"How is that my problem?" Denki raised his eyebrows. Saikawa stood in the middle of the office feeling completely dumbfounded, and seriously considering retiring form his position.

"It became your problem when you left her in that hotel room with a couple of banknotes on the bedside table."

The blonde groaned loudly. He was beginning to feel exhausted from Saikawa's lecture. He ran his hand through his hair and leaned back on the couch. "Fine. What do you want me to do about it? Marry her?"

Saikawa sighed exasperated. "I want you to quit fooling around and concentrate on your hero work. When was the last time you've done anything related to your actual responsibilities?"

Denki thought for a moment trying to remember the last time he went to the villain attacks. "Must have been...January I guess?" he shrugged.

"It's July now."

"Does it even matter?" the blonde got up and walked to the window. He looked at the people rushing around, like ants in an anthill. The weather was hot, but the aircon in the room sent pleasant cool chills down his spine. "I'm ranking in top five anyway."

"Not for your hero work Denki, for the scandalous tabloids."

Denki continued looking out the window. "Maybe you have a point." He exhaled after a long silence. "I'll pull my slack."

Doubtful relief filled Saikawa's chest. It wasn't the first time Denki "pulled his slack", and every time he ended up in more scandals. Female heroes, models, civilians, Denki didn't discriminate. If he liked the appearance, he was going to go for it and most of the times, he succeeded. Of course, it wasn't just his fault. Those women knew what they were going for, but there is always that lingering hope that I will be the one to change the infamous player Denki Kaminari.

"Denki, I'm only saying this for your own good, try not to make a mess again. The public will not always be this forgiving." He placed a folder with a report of all potential hero agencies to affiliate with and left the office.


[Y/N] stretched and dropped her head on the table. Writing up reports was not her best talent. Bland and to the point descriptions bored and made her sleepy. A cup of steaming coffee was place in front of her. This instantly made her perk up. Red Riot was standing in front of her desk with a grin on his handsome face. His long red hair was put in a messy bun, revealing his neck. [Y/N] scanned the fresh dark red mark on his neck and smirked. The night must have been steamy. Katsuki Bakugou always liked to mark his territory.

"You can go home early if you want."

[Y/N] sipped the heavenly nectar and shook her head. "I still have last night's report to finish."

"Why don't you go home. Sleep it off and then come back and finish it tomorrow morning?"

Eijiro Kirishima was a great boss. He never demanded the impossible, was always considerate of his sidekicks and other employees of the agency and most importantly, he was a great friend. "I might take you up on that offer."

He nodded and continued looking through the pile of reports. Kirishima didn't believe in "his personal office" when it came to his agency. His desk looked exactly the same as the others and was placed right opposite her own. "Great job last night by the way." He said not looking up from the paperwork while [Y/N] was packing her backpack. "Your quirk is something else." The girl winced disagreeing with him in her mind.

"Thank you. Always good to hear praises from your employer."

"Only when they are well deserved." They laughed a little and [Y/N] was finally ready to go.

"Thanks for today, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Rest well."

[Y/N] quickly made her way to the exit, when she was about the reach for the doorhandle, the door swung open and a tall figure stepped in, sweeping her with hot dry air from the outside. She looked up and grimaced. Stylishly messy blonde hair, dark sunglasses, ears completely swept with metal studs, designer clothes and an arrogant look on the handsome face. Denki Kaminari, the number five pro hero for all the wrong reasons and the biggest heartbreaker in Japan.

Their eyes and she couldn't help but cringe.

"Hey there little mouse, where's Riot?"

Little mouse? What the hell does that even mean? Is that how you greet someone you've just met? Her hands clenched into fists, but [Y/N] controlled herself. "Straight ahead, he's hard to miss." She hissed through her gritted teeth and pushed past him.

Kaminari watched her disappear behind the door. His eyebrows were raised in amusement. "Denki," Eijiro quickly approached his friend and their hands locked in a firm handshake. "Long time no see. I hear you've been busy."

"You can say that." Denki trailed off, glancing back at the front door. "Say, Riot, who's the little mouse?"

"Forget about that one man. She's out of your league." Kirishima patted his back in a friendly way.

"I like a good challenge," Denki licked his lips, flashing the silver stud in his tongue.

Eijiro looked at him with a mixture of amusement and pity but didn't comment. "Your manager contacted me about a collaboration. I was quite surprised." They sat down opposite each other. The couches were comfortable and of course crimson red.

Denki took off his sunglasses and flipped the hair out of his face. "I'd appreciate your help. I'm in a bit of tough spot at the moment."

Kirishima rubbed the back of his neck.

"What did you do this time?"

"Why does everyone instantly assume that it was me?" the blonde exclaimed dramatically. The raised eyebrow of his friend made him settle. "Fine. It was partially me."

"Care to elaborate?"

"Not really."

Kirishima thought for a moment and sighed. Katsuki was not going to like this, but he couldn't refuse a friend. "Alright, let me fill you in how we do things with other agencies."


When she walked into the agency the following morning, she was very surprised to see the familiar blonde sitting at her desk with a cup of coffee in his hand. He was lazily scrolling through the phone and throwing occasional glances at her female colleagues. Trying to battle her frustration she approached the intruder.

"This is my desk." Her flat bland tone surprised him, but his lips instantly stretched into a smile.

"Not in your little mouse clothes today, are you little mouse?"

"My name is [Y/L/N][Y/N]. What are you doing here?"

"I prefer little mouse, little mouse." He was pulling her strings and he knew it. [Y/N] took a deep breath and counted to ten. Seeing [Y/N] battling her irritation made his smile wider. Denki used the moment to eye her costume. As Kirishima explain, she was one of the sidekicks, and even the sidekicks in his office had to wear their hero costumes. [Y/N]'s one was plain. She shot him a spiteful look and took a step forward, ready to give him a piece of her mind.

A warm hand landed on her shoulder pulling the girl back a little. "I think this situation calls for official introduction." Eijiro grinned.

"[Y/L/N][Y/N], Kaminari Denki. Kaminari Denki, [Y/L/N][Y/N]."

"Call me Denki," his smug face irritated her. If she had to described someone whose appearance irritated her, Denki Kaminari would be a perfect example.

"From today onwards our agency will be cooperating with Denki's. I gave him an overview yesterday, but," Kirishima looked at the girl almost apologetically. "I'd like you to give him a more detailed briefing on how we work, how we contact the agencies, how we operate on the field." [Y/N] stared at him meaningfully, clearly conveying her feelings. Kirishima responded with a similar meaningful gaze.

"It's like a silent movie in here." The blonde finally commented, tired of watching their silent battle.

"But I have a report to finish," the girl made another useless attempt to escape her fate.

"I'll finish it for you. Maybe you two should go on patrol while you give him the briefing? After all, patrols are a part of our collaboration." His sharp teeth sparkled when he grinned.

"How very very kind of you." [Y/N]'s sarcasm was overlooked. Kirishima excused himself and went to the meeting room to do a daily briefing, leaving the two alone.

"Don't look so sad, little mouse. You'll love giving me a..." he smirked. "briefing."

[Y/N] rolled her eyes, grabbed her backpack and marched out of the agency, not waiting for the blonde.


The whispers and the pointing of fingers from every direction was irritating, but not unbearable. She continued explain him the details monotonously, hoping that he would get bored and leave on his own, but surprisingly, Denki was still there. Several times [Y/N] was forcefully moved away from the blonde by annoying individuals, who kept shoving them phone numbers into Kaminari's hands. And every time this happened, Denki's smug face would be turned to her as if asking "did you see that?". [Y/N] rolled her eyes and continued her way, trying to finish their patrol quickly.

When they finally finished, she felt drained.

"Hey, little mouse, give me your number." The blonde leaned on her desk with the same grin plastered on his face.

"I refuse."

"No problem. I'll look it up in your file."

"I'll sue you."

"Come on, I promise you won't regret it."

"I'm regretting this conversation."

When Denki opened his mouth to reply, several small red indicators flashed on a large screen. Kirishima stormed into the office in full armour. "We are on call. [Y/N], Spike and Denki, you are coming with me. The rest stay in your positions and follow the protocol."


The area under attack was painted red. [Y/N] quickly analysed the setting, counting the injured and the dead, trying to locate the most vulnerable groups. Bakugou met them at the scene, filling them in surprisingly quickly.

"What's dunce face doing here?" he glared at Denki.

"Here to help." His trademark grin looked almost out of place.

"What did all the modelling jobs get snatched?" Bakugou wasn't having it. [Y/N] chuckled and looked away, quickly getting back to the attackers.

Kirishima whispered something into Katsuki's ear, earning an angry but quiet bark. "Not the right time, not the right place. Fill us in."

Katsuki reluctantly obeyed. "All the ones on the outside have been handled, the rescue team are helping the civilians. There about ten of them still inside the entertainment centre. There are hostages."

"That explains why you haven't bombed your way through yet," Denki eyed Bakugou, who looked like he was ready to kill.

"Are they men?" [Y/N] quickly questioned taking off odd cape.

"All of them."

"You think you can take them all the way from here? Katsuki sneered. Kirishima sent him a judging look. [Y/N] ignored his snarky comment.

"Is there anyone who can take us to the central ventilation system?"

Denki watched [Y/N] and Bakugou quickly walk away. The loud grunting of the blonde could be heard from a distance.

"What is she planning to do?" he asked the redhead.

"She's going to use her quirk."

"What does the villains being men have to do with it?"

Kirishima looked at him with a strange gaze. "You'll see. Let's go."


Not noticing the fuss around him, Denki's eyes were glued to [Y/N]. The little mouse looked fully concentrated and even her hideous hero costume could not ruin the fascinating image. Not understand it himself, Denki was captivated.

"Are you ready?" Kirishima asked her and she nodded taking a step closer to the main vent.

His eyes followed her every move.

[Y/N] took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and crossed her arms on her chest. A couple of seconds passed before her eyes shot open and arms spread wide. What happened next was a blur, and no matter how hard he tried he could not grasp the situation. [Y/N] glowed, eradiating a strange yellow light mixed with a thick rich substance, which he could not smell, but his whole being felt. It alerted his senses, waking up strong primal desires.

It got hard to breathe. Instinctively he clenched the shirt on his chest. What is happening? What is this feeling?

He looked around to see if anyone else was affected. Kirishima and Bakugou stood by the girl, alert and indifferent. The other men looked tense, and females seemed completely unaffected.

Denki felt the substance thickening, wrapping around him like a python. It got hard to breathe and the sudden urge to drop to his knees in front of her shocked him. Sweat beaded his forehead. [Y/N]'s whole being was alluring. He wanting to submit and beg on his knees.

[Y/N] was completely concentrated. Using her quirk in such a way and over uncertain distance was undoubtfully hard. She couldn't see the villains, having to rely only on her senses. When she felt the response of the first three, she knew she was on the right path. [Y/N] took a step closer to the ventilation exit, allowing more unidentifiable substance to enter the passage.

"How is it?" Bakugou was losing patience, but [Y/N] ignored him as always. She was going to move when it was time, and until then she wasn't planning to keep up with a friendly chat.

The task was more challenging than she anticipated. When the matter slowly left another hostage and moved on searching for the target, her posture shattered a little. Only two left. Only two.

"What is she doing?" one of the female officers asked impatiently. "They are keeping hostages, we cannot wait any longer, we have to..."

"Oh, shut it." Bakugou barked. "If you can't wait here, go wait somewhere else."

The girl blushed deeply and looked away feeling embarrassed.

Unwillingly Denki stepped closer to [Y/N]. Suddenly her eyes regained consciousness and she stormed away from the scene. Kirishima and Bakugou instantly followed. Not wanting to fall behind, Denki sped up.

[Y/N] stopped in front of the building and waited. She was rigid and concentrated, staring intently at the entrance. Denki watched the scene develop in slow motion. Villains, one after the other, slowly exited the building and made their way to [Y/N]. She stood there like a goddess watching them approach and stop in front of her.

[Y/N] was almost out of strength maintaining her concentration. With the last bits of energy, she pointed her hand at the villains and clenched it into a fist. One by one they froze and dropped to their knees before falling onto the ground lifelessly. [Y/N]'s eyes rolled back, and she passed out, but before her body hit the ground Kirishima caught her. Denki felt a wave of relief swamp over him. He took a deep breath, then another one.

"What was that?" he asked looking at the girl in redhead's arms. The officers quickly approached and cuffed the villains. With the help of other heroes' quirks, their bodies were loaded into police vans and quickly removed from the crime scene. The hostages were being escorted from the building and greeted by the paramedics on the scene, but Denki could not concentrate on anything that was happened.

Kirishima gently eased the girl down on the stretcher and left her to the paramedics.

"It was her quirk." He replied simply watching the girl being rolled away.

"I felt it." Denki said uneasily. "It was the strangest sensation I've ever had."

"It's because you are not used it. We've worked with her for a while, we are used it, but to all the newbies it's a heck of an experience."

"Meaning what?" the blonde was getting impatient.

"What you felt was a strong released of pheromones. She attracts her targets with pheromones and then when they are close, her pheromones turn to paralytic."

"I've never heard of anything like that before."

Kirishima shrugged. [Y/N] was finally loaded into the ER car and driven away to the hospital. "It has a lot of downsides; you've already seen one of them." he nodded in the direction of the ER car.

Denki looked ahead thoughtfully. The little mouse turned out to be more interesting than he expected and suddenly his situation did not seem as bad. Kirishima ran off to assist the rest, leaving the blonde with his thoughts.

By the time they were finished from the crime scene it was almost midnight. Denki stretched, feeling more tired than he expected. A strong hand landed on his back and he looked up to see Eijiro's smiling face.

"Good work."

Denki nodded in agreement.

"We can call it a night."

"Great." The blonde ran his hand through his hair. "I'll pass by your agency tomorrow."

They shook hands, but before Kirishima could leave Denki called him back.

"What's her hero name?"

The redhead knew exactly whom he meant. "Venus."

Denki watched his broad back move further and further away. That night he did not sleep a wink. Scrolling through the Hero Network, Denki Kaminari tried to find everything available about the hero named Venus.

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