Run and Hide - (s. rogers)

By sarcasmrockers

238 0 0

| they met at the right time | Steve was just looking for a place to hide. Ideas running out, he and his frie... More



5 0 0
By sarcasmrockers

Sam groaned as we pulled out of the used car lot in our taxi.

The driver glanced back at us, eyebrows raised.

I answered his question, "He hates shopping."

"With a passion." Sam added on.

I glanced out of the window as we entered Charlotte, North Carolina. After a few hours of driving this morning, we had made it to the city and dispersed from there.

Nat and Wanda were meeting up with Nat's friend to pick up their disguises. Scott and Clint were finding a place for the night. Sam and I just finished selling the team's van; the money we made would be put towards our train tickets.

I braced myself as the driver pulled up in front of a shady-looking motel. The outside paint was faded and peeling. The stairs leading up to the second story looked ready to collapse at any moment.

I climbed out of the cab and turned to pay the man. He waved off the money.

"Captain America saved my daughter's life back in New York. I owe him a lot."

I exchanged an uneasy look with Sam.

Could we trust this man?

The driver grinned at me, "Have a nice day."

I watched him pull away from the curb, "What a coincidence."

"Yeah; and if we have a SWAT team on our doorstep in a couple of hours, we'll know why." Sam replied darkly.

We stalked towards the stairs.

"Clint said room 11." Sam lead us down a hallway behind the stairs, "It's up ahead."

I wanted to shiver as I saw the condition of the hallway floor. There was a yellowish mold growing on the walls, bodies of cockroaches were swept up in small piles.

"Someone needs to check the health clearances of this place." Sam stepped over a dead mouse, "This can't be legal."

The condition of this place brought back unhappy memories for me. As I walked I could hear the call of my first foster mom. I could see myself in a moldy bathroom, scrubbing on my hands and knees. The woman leering over me.


I shook myself and focused on Sam, "Huh?"

He smirked, "You want to go in first?"

I glanced at the blackened door that had the number 11 painted onto it, "Nah, I'm good."

He grimaced as he grabbed the doorknob, "Ew."

I held back a grin as he pushed open the door.

I started to follow him into the room but ran into Sam's back. His hands were raised as he yelled, "Friendly! Friendly!"

I moved to peek in front of Sam. Clint had his bow loaded and aimed at Sam's chest. Scott was nowhere to be seen. Clint lowered his bow, and Sam gave a sigh of relief.

I let out a chuckle, damaging my detached image.

"It's not funny, Jacklyn Trix." Sam scolded.

"Scott. It's just Sam and Jack." Clint called.

I had to wait til Sam moved further into the room to see where Scott and the rest of the Bartons had been hiding.

Sam finally stepped forward allowing me to see into the room. I made a face.

Clint chuckled at me, "That was my expression too."

The beds were unmade; but that could be because the kids were on them. The curtains were fade, flimsy, and torn. The window behind them was foggy. Laura and Scott came out of the bathroom.

"You couldn't have found a cleaner motel, Barton." Sam sat gingerly on the desk chair that was provided with the room.

"Hey, no one will ask questions here." Clint folded up his bow and stuck it on his back. How did it do that?

"Plus there were no cameras in the front office." Scott added, "So, no one had proof that we were here."

Sam sighed. But I knew that he thought they were right.

A phone chirped. I tensed.

Clint pulled on out of his back pocket, "It's Nat. She says that Ty had a bit of trouble meeting them. Tony had a tail on him. But they'll be here within the hour."

Laura sighed, "How are we all going to fit in this room?"

I glanced at the beds, "The better question is, do we really want to sleep on them?"

Scott grinned at me, "I checked them. Nothing living in them."

I felt myself grow more disgusted, "That thought hadn't even crossed my mind."

I could tell by looking at Laura. She had the same reaction as me.

"Two of us will take watch." Clint crossed his arms over his chest, "The ladies can have the beds. Us men will take the floor. We'll have two on watch while the others sleep."

Dread filled me at the thought of sleeping. What if I had another nightmare?

I spoke up, "Cooper can have my spot. I want first watch."

Sam scowled at me, "No, Jack."

I crossed my arms, mimicking Clint, "It's my choice, Samuel Wilson."

His face hardened, "Why should we let you?"

I scowled back at him, "Why not?"

"Guys. Now is not the time." Clint interrupted.

I scoffed, "I'm taking one of the shifts."

Sam, by the look on his face, was holding back a groan.

"That's fine." Clint gave Sam a look, "More sleep for us."

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