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I held back my groan at the news.

They knew that with people coming in and out of the house, they could be traced. I could be traced. Trent could find me.

Fear choked me and I turned away from the group to conceal it. I couldn't hide here forever. I had always knew that. My life in the Carolinas was coming to the end.

But I wasn't prepared. The house could be handed off to that friend in real estate, but what about my job? Mrs. Debutant? Supplies for later? The car?

I schooled my features and turned again to face the group. No one had noticed my little slip-up.

"So, T'Challa comes. Say that Steve and Bucky go with him. Where do the rest of us stay?" Sam asked.

"Jack was right." Steve answered, "We have to move. Find someplace new. And where no one will ask questions."

Gran's house.

The idea struck me. It was in a wooded area of Montana. The nearest town was seven miles away. No one had been there since Grandpa passed. I knew that. Jade had moved Gran into town shortly after his passing.

The group continued to argue.

"We can't leave the country." Clint's face was stone.

"We need another option." Scott added.

"Fine. It was just an idea." Natasha's face held no emotion, but I could detect a glimmer of irritation.

"Maybe we split up. We would be less conspicuous."

I glanced at Bucky. It was the first idea that didn't sound desperate.

"No." Steve answered firmly, "We stick together. Splitting up is a last resort."

I tried to jump in, "I have-"

"Not now, Trix."

I shut my mouth at Sam's harsh words.

"We were perfectly fine at the farm." Clint threw up his hands, "Why not give it a try? Tony probably already searched it for us."

"He'll be monitoring it. The farm isn't an option." Sam answered.

Clint sat back, muttering under his breath.

"What if we disguise ourselves? And pick a random underpopulated spot in America?"

I glanced at the dark haired woman. I hadn't been expecting her deep accent. Where was she from?

"Does anyone know of a place that we could hide out?" Steve asked when there was no reply, "We know that it has to be in the country, not a ton of people, and able to fit us all."

"I know-" Again I was cut off.

"Trix, I know you are trying to help, but not now." Sam flashed me a smile.

I scowled at him and kept going, "A place that would fit all those requirements."

Steve looked at me, "You do?"

The doubt in his tone aggravated me, "Yes."

Everyone was now gazing at me. I couldn't hide from their eyes now. I fought the urge to lower my head and hope to disappear.

"My grandparents place out in Montana."

Sam stared at me, "They don't have a-"

"Shut up, Sam." I ordered him, "I wasn't talking about Riley's grandparents. I was talking about mine."

Understanding dawned on him, "I'm sorry, Trix. I forget that you not Riley's biological sister."

I nodded at him, "I haven't been to that place since before I was placed in the system. But last I checked, it was in the middle of nowhere, the closest town seven miles away, and better yet, I am the only one connected to it. Even then, I don't think that I could be traced to it."

That was a half-truth.

There was no way that Jacklyn Trix could be traced to it. She had no ties to it. Not unless you dig into her WITSEC file. Even then, Agent Vinton was the only one who knew her name change and where she had been placed. And the file was buried within the WITSEC offices.

Steve cleared his throat, gaining my attention again.

"If Steve and Bucky left, the rest of us could travel there. We could use my car and your guys' van and get to Chicago. Then take the train to a station in Montana. Buy another van and travel up to Gran's place."

Oh, how I wish that I had seen you once more, Gran. Just once.

Steve eyed the group, "Are we all in agreement with that plan?"

The head in the group nodded.

Steve turned to me, "Let's do it."

Run and Hide - (s. rogers)Where stories live. Discover now