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I never knew that I had the power to scare one of the most powerful men in the world. I didn't think that it was possible.

But the man's wide eyes and tense body said otherwise.

Lila hid behind me and I eyed the man in front of me. His frosty blue eyes held a muted terror and fear. I knew those eyes. They belonged to those who were being hunted. To those who knew something terrible and was hiding from it.

I had seen the same look in my eyes more than once.

Then I noticed his missing arm. The metal shoulder. The wild hair and unshaven chin.

I raised my hands, unsure of how one would approach the Winter Soldier.

Lila grabbed hold of my waist, burying her face in my back.

"I'm Jack." I spoke cautiously.

His stance changed and I braced myself for an attack. He looked to be fighting his anger. A memory maybe. I couldn't tell with his eyes closed.

"Lila," I spoke quietly, "Get back in the garage. Now."

Lila's arms lifted off me and I heard her footsteps move away from me.

"I'm Jack."

His eyes flicker open, the terror gone and replaced with a cool mask. Sam had told me about the Soldier's trouble with his memories and had warned me that he could turn dangerous at any moment.

I guess that moment had come.

I ducked as his arm came flying, missing me by inches.

I rolled to the side and let out a yell for Sam. The Soldier grabbed my right arm and pulled me to my feet. I winced as he dropped his grip and grabbed my neck. His lifted me against the cabinets. My head slammed against them, shooting pain through my head.


I clawed at the Soldier's hand, hoping to get a breath.

His grip only tightened.

"It's Bucky!"

I saw Sam tackle the Soldier and his grip on me lessened. I took a deep breath, filling my burning lungs.

The Soldier kicked Sam away and turned to me.

I met his eyes, his grip digging into my neck.

Sam groaned and got up, just as the basement door burst open.

My eyes met Steve's for a moment. His taking in the scene, mine begging him to help.

He rushed the Soldier, breaking his grip on me.

I fell to the counter, head aching.

Sam joined Steve as they wrestled the Soldier to the ground. The Soldier had stopped fighting them and let them pin him down. I could hear a faint moan and whispered words coming from the men, but ignored them.

I slid off the counter, to the floor, feeling dizzy and weak.

I heard footsteps enter the kitchen and someone knelt next to me.

"Are you-"

I cut him off, "Lila...garage."

I saw him nod and stand. His footsteps faded out.

A door was opened, there was crying. I turned my head to see Lila clinging to the man's neck, tears running down her face. I winced as I moved my neck, but smiled when Lila looked at me. The man took her out of the room.


I saw Sam next to me, "Hey...pal."

He winced at my hoarse voice, "You didn't have to break the guy's heart with your rejection."

I cracked a smile, "I have...that affect..."

"On people. I know." Sam's hand brushed against my neck.

I pulled away from him, "Leave it."

He met my eyes, "Sorry, Jack."

"For what?"

"For not coming into the kitchen when I heard you come in."

"It was going to...happen eventually." I grabbed his shoulder, "Help me up."

He frowned but helped me.

I swayed a bit and Sam grabbed my waist, "Steady, Trix."

I let out an uneasy breath, my eyes going to the two men on the ground, speaking in hushed tones.

"Bucky didn't mean to hurt you, Trix. Don't hold it against him." Sam murmured.

I wasn't planning on holding it against him. I knew too well about good intentions and horrid results.

All too well.

Run and Hide - (s. rogers)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang