MegaMan Revolution Concerto

By DreamersWriters

1.5K 65 129

In Nihon, technology is growing and evolving rapidly! The internet is connecting everyone and everything to e... More

Note for this Story!
Prologue: The Hidden Files
Chapter 1: The New Age
Chapter 2: Star Idol
Chapter 3: A Trio?!
Chapter 4: Special Training
Chapter 5: Let's Work Together Please!
Chapter 6: Dr. Wily's Standing Strong
Chapter 7: For Everyone!
Chapter 8: The Electronic Convention
Chapter 9: Fleeting Peace
Chapter 10: Meetings in North America
Chapter 11: Running Late
Chapter 12: Frosty Family Relations
Chapter 13: A Short, Death Match
Chapter 14: An Assassin or Friend?
Chapter 15: A Cold Wind
Chapter 16: The Professor and Cache
Chapter 17: Separate for a Few Weeks
Chapter 18: A Thaw
Chapter 19: An Unpleasant Meeting
Chapter 20: To The High Mountain
Chapter 21: A Talent Show for the World
Chapter 22: Return Together
Chapter 23: Start Searching
Chapter 24: Miracle Medicine
Chapter 25: A Red Knight and A Yellow Pilot
Chapter 26: Special Effects are Special
Chapter 27: Synchro Chips and Resolutions
Chapter 28: Running Around Part 1
Chapter 29: Running Around Part 2
Chapter 30: Code E.A.R.T.H
Chapter 31: Not Here Yet
Chapter 32: The Crests and Duo
-Thank You!-
Chapter 34: Coming Back
Chapter 35: Revolution Concerto Finale!
Bonus Chapter 1: An Eventful Party
Bonus Chapter 2: A Cross Fusion Test
Author's Note

Chapter 33: Countdown to Destruction

14 1 0
By DreamersWriters

(Final 3 counting this chapter! I've actually got most of it finished, so why not do this?! I'll release a chapter every day till Friday which will finish this concert! Who is excited?! I am! Yahoo! I can't wait! The end to a wonderful concert it approaching! Everyone has a part to play! Enjoy!)

Music Theme's 

Friend's Theme 

The Lullaby Part 6 

You're Not Alone 

              "CREST HOLDERS! I HAVE BROUGHT YOU ALL HERE TO BE TESTED!" Duo's voice boomed over the four groups.

The Crest Holders looked up to see him, but he was not there.

"Where are you?! Come out and fight us!" Dingo shouted as Baryl easily restrained the tiny teen.

"Dingo this isn't helping us..." TomahawkMan said with a sigh.

"How do you wish to test us, Duo?" Baryl asked calmly.

There was a moment of silence as Duo pondered on his test.


His voice then left as the groups looked around.

"Great, but how are we going to get out of here?" Gackpo asked as he took a step forward.

"I don't know, but we better think of something fast" Luka said seriously.

"What do you mean?" Charlie asked Chaud who held a grave expression.

"If we are not back, I fear something bad will happen to our friends and family back home. We have to get back to them as quickly as we can" Chaud said seriously as he marched forward.

The rest of the group followed him through the lava paths before them. The other groups marched onward to find a way out of their respective realm.

"Do you think we can locate them?" Dr. Hikari asked Dr. Wily as the two of them were typing furiously on the keyboard.

"I don't think so. Duo is very crafty for a program. That could be due to programs and one certain item we put in him" Dr. Wily answered as he continued to type, "I think the more pressing matter is why Tamako left with Penny"

"I think she went to get help" Marmoru said calmly, "She seemed determined to get help"

"I figured she would do something like that. We will need all the help we can get" Dr. Wily reasoned as he looked at Dr. Cossak who was focusing on his PET.

Bass and Serenade were able to keep Slur and Zero contained in one place, but they were not sure how long their Navis could hold out for.

"We will need more help and fast. The NET can't hold out for much longer" Dr. Hikari said worriedly.

A Navi tripped and fell as Slur swung her blade towards it. However, GutsMan blocked to the incoming sword!

"GutsMan?! Wait, that means!" Dr. Hikari said in delight.

"We are here to help, Dr. Hikari!" Dex, Yai, Tory, Shuko, and Tora shouted in delight as they sent their respective Navis into the NET.

Glide flew around to pick up Navi and take them away from the fight as SpoutMan washed away a few debris. IceMan created a large wall of ice to protect themselves. KingMan created chess pieces to order it to gather the other Navis.

"We can get the Navis out of here!" Yai reassured Dr. Hikari.

"Just focus on finding a way to get our friends back to us, Dr. Hikari!" Tory shouted.

SpoutMan and IceMan were working together to create more wall of ice to protect the Navis, but some of the viruses sprung out!

"We have to do something about this!" GutsMan shouted.

"Leave that to me!" SharkMan yelled as he rammed himself into a few viruses.

"The original Net Saviors!" Shuko said in awe as WoodMan created pillars of wood to protect the Navis fleeing from the scene.

"Yep! We got the call and came here as soon as we can! Funny how things work out, you know?" Sal said with a grin as she, Dave, Masa, and Miyu arrived.

QuickMan sped around, picking up Navis, and carrying the Navis to safety as SkullMan threw bones at the viruses.

"Don't count us out here in North America!" Raoul shouted loudly as ThunderMan let out a powerful with lighting crashing down on the viruses.

"We want to help too!" Shuuichi shouted as HatMan skipped around to cast his spells to cast the Navis away.

SnakeMan snapped away viruses as DustMan and GroundMan created a path for the Navis to escape in.

"I would hate it if the world doesn't last. We still have business to take care of" Miss Millionaire said in delight, "And you have nothing to fear, Dr. Hikari. Famous and Makoto are here and working hard to make sure we can find your son, Chaud, and the rest of the Crest Holders"

TenguMan and WindMan rushed in to blow back the viruses as Lily and Roshi arrived to help.

"Don't worry, just keeping working hard" Kuorgane ordered as ChargeMan rushed to pick up Navis and carry them away.

"This is so much help..." Dr. Hikari said in amazement.

"I agree. So much help. I couldn't agree more" Famous said online with Makoto.

"Let's do our part then! We need to find the Crest Holders!" Dr. Wily shouted as he continued to search for them.

"I feel like we've been walking around in circles" Ribitta said as she followed Nenji.

"Really? Are you sure? Gumi?" Miku asked as she turns her head to her green haired friend.

Gumi is holding her PET and having IA keep track of where they've been too. However, IA suddenly realized they were going in a circle!

"How is this possible?" Yuri asked surprised.

"Ugh, we are never getting out of here, are we?" Kaito asked with a sigh.

"Hey! Don't give up hope! We have to keep going!" Nenji shouted in an encouraging tone.

"I'm not trying too, but if we've been going around in a circle then, how are we supposed to get out of here?!" Kaito shouted back.

Yuri ignored them as she held her PET.

"NeedleMan, do you sense anything unusual about this area?" Yuri asked as she looked at the only mountain before them.

"Sha-sha! Something strange is here! Energy! A lot of it! In front of you!" NeedleMan answered as the group looked ahead.

"But there is only a mountain. Unless this mountain is a volcano" Ribitta said nervously.

"IA what do you think?" Gumi asked seriously as she approached the mountain.

"There is some kind of powerful energy inside it. I don't know what it is, but I do know that it is linking the energy to somewhere" IA answered.

Gumi stared at the wall and nodded her head.

"So, if the energy is linking to somewhere else, I wonder if that somewhere else is our home" Gumi reasoned to the group.

"That is plausible. Duo said he was testing our bonds with our Navis and trying to get home" Yuri said in agreement.

"So, then, we found a way home?!" Nenji shouted surprised.

"I think so. Miku and Kaito can't fight, but they can sing. Their singing can help us break through. If I am right, we can get home" Gumi reasoned, "IA time for Cross Fusion!"

Gumi, Yuri, Nenji, and Ribitta Cross Fused with IA, NeedleMan, NapalmMan, and ToadMan as Miku and Kaito stood together.

"Hit the mountain with everything you have! We have to get back home now!" Yuri shouted as she aimed her cannons at the mountain, "Needle Cannon!"

She launched powerful needles towards the mountain.

"Napalm Bombs!" Nenji yelled as he launched powerful purple bombs towards the mountain.

"Shocking Song!" Ribitta shouted loudly as she sent a wave of electrical notes towards the mountain.

"Golden Bullet Shoot!" Gumi shouted as she aimed her gun to fire a powerful, golden bullet to the mountain!

"Ready Kaito?" Miku asked seriously.

"It is showtime!" Kaito answered determinedly.

"LU LI LA!" the two of them sang loudly as they gave their friends powers to break through the mountain!

"We've been going around in a circle..." Gackpo said annoyed.

"Well, if you have any other ideas on how to get back, please, enlighten us" Luka said with an eye roll.

Dusk looked around for a moment as he noticed the large tree in the forest stood.

"Maybe we don't have to walk. We just have to fight our way out" Dusk said as he faced the tree.

"KnightMan, do you sense any kind of power coming from the tree?" Pride asked as she held the PET.

"Yes, my lady. There is a huge amount of power coming from the tree" KnightMan answered.

"Then, why don't we use it?" Luka said in delight as she nodded her head, "Gackpo and I will start singing. We can draw the power from the tree to all of you. Then, the rest of you can blast the tree and get us out of here"

"Are you sure that's going to work?" Maylu asked confused, "Not everything involves smashing stuff"

"True, but I do sense something very strange about this tree. I think we should fight it!" Jasmine said excitedly as she held her PET, "Meddy! Let's Cross Fuse!"

Meddy and Jasmine Cross Fused as Maylu, Roll, Dusk, ShadowMan, Pride, and KnightMan followed after them.

"Let's sing a song, Gackpo. Follow my lead" Luka said with a grin.

"Alright" Gackpo said calmly.

"LU LI LA!" they sang together as they slowly began to take the energy from the tree away and spreading it to their friends!

"This power is coming from the tree!" Dusk said in shock, "Alright, then let's get back to the others! Destroy that tree! Triple Shuriken!"

He threw three silver shurikens at the tree as Maylu jumped in the air with a Roll arrow in her hands.

"Roll Arrow!" she shouted as she fired the pink arrow.

"Meddy Capsule!" Jasmine shouted as she threw an explosive medicine towards the tree.

"Kingdom Crusher!" Pride shouted as she fired her wrecking ball towards it.

As for the last group, they walked along the icy field in silence.

"I really don't think we are getting anywhere" Dingo confessed with a sigh as Raika motioned him to keep up with the group.

"What do you mean?" Teto asked curiously as she tried to keep her balance.

"We just keep going. Why don't we just run towards the end?" Dingo suggested.

"Colonel, do you sense anything odd?" Baryl asked as he held his PET.

"I do sense something up ahead, but it is something very far ahead" Colonel answered.

"How far?" Raika asked SearchMan.

"Very. I think we need to keep heading north" SearchMan answered.

"But it is so long! How are we going to get there at this rate?!" Teto complained tiredly as CUL laughed.

"What if we don't have to?" Lan suggested.

"What do you mean?" Baryl asked him curiously.

"What if we just Cross Fuse with our Navis? We gain more strength and endurance when we Cross Fuse. We can run over to the other end of the icy path and then get there"

"That might work" Raika agreed as he looked at SearchMan, "Will it make things faster?"

"It should" SearchMan answered.

"Ok, then let's do this!" Lan shouted as he held his PET, "Hub time to Cross Fuse!"

Lan and Hub Cross Fused as Raika, SearchMan, Dingo, TomahawkMan, Teto, CUL, Luo, Lapis, Baryl and Colonel Cross Fused.

"Alright, let's get moving!" Lan shouted as he sprinted ahead of everyone.

They ran after Lan at high speed.

"We might need more power!" Baryl reasoned, "We have to get to the other end with everything we have. If I am right, the Lullaby might help us. Teto, Luo please sing it"

"Ok! Lu Li La!" Teto and Luo sang together as they continued to run.

The song continued to power them up as they continued to run until they reached the end of the realm.

"Ok, so we agree that we have to get to the volcano, right?" Chaud asked his group seriously.

"Well, seeing that is the only thing in the distance, I believe we have no choice" Tesla answered as she held her PET and Synchro Chip, "Time to Cross Fuse! MagnetMan let's do this!"

"Yes, my lady" MagnetMan said as he Cross Fused with Tesla.

Chaud, Charlie, Higsby, and Meiko Cross Fused with ProtoMan, GyroMan, NumberMan, and Leon as Rin and Len stood at the side.

"What about us?" Len asked worriedly.

"We don't have Navis!" Rin shouted loudly.

Meiko sighed as she easily wrapped her arms around Len's waist to carry him as Chaud lowered his back to Rin for her to jump on. Rin sighed as she jumped on his back.

"Alright, now, let's start running!" Chaud shouted loudly.

The group began to run towards the volcano, but they were very far away.

"How are we going to get there?" Higsby shouted in pain.

"He's right! It is so far away!" Tesla pointed out as she continued to run.

"I wonder... Rin! Len! Can you sing that Lullaby Miku sings?" Chaud asked.

"Sure. It shouldn't be hard for us!" Rin shouted in delight.

"Ok! Together" Len shouted to his twin sister.

"Lu Li La" the twins began to sing as they powered up their friends.

"That's it! Keep going!" Charlie shouted in delight as they continued to run towards the volcano.

They continued to run as Rin and Len were still singing. Soon enough, Miku, Kaito, Luka, Gackpo, Luo, Teto, Rin, and Len's singing began to join together. Their singing could be heard to the other side!

"What is that song?" Dr. Hikari asked surprised.

"The Lullaby!" Haku said surprised as she, Ling, and Jasmine's grandfather arrived.

"Lullaby?" Dr. Hikari asked curiously.

"A song we sing" Neru answered, "We sing it together. Miku knew it"

"So, then why are we hearing it?" Dr. Cossak asked curiously.

"They are possibly using this Lullaby as a way to hone in on. We need to focus on their location! Hurry!" Dr. Wily shouted as he began to type up another stream of code on the side computer.

Dr. Hikari turned to Neru and Ling and asked, "Can you two sing this Lullaby? If we can hear it, I am sure they can as well"

"We might need a bigger group..." Haku said as she looked at herself, Ling, Rion, and Neru.

"Then it is lucky for us that we didn't return home just yet" Arth said as he and Ann approached the group with Kaai, Hiyama, and Shouta.

"And that we arrived just in time" Lily said with a grin as Sekka and Kirisaki followed behind her.

"I'll help with the NET, you start singing" Kirisaki said seriously as he ran towards the NET and went to help the others with KillerMan.

"Since Haku is the closet to Miku, she should lead us" Sekka whispered as Haku smiled in understanding.

"Ok, ready everyone?" Haku asked as she held her PET.

"Ready!" they shouted as Haku took a calm breath in.

"Lu Li La" Haku sang as everyone else followed her lead and sang along.

They sang together in harmony, hoping their voices will reach their friends and love ones.

"Haku?" Miku thought in relief.

"That's Kaai..." Kaito said in relief to himself.

"Sekka's singing!" Gumi thought to herself surprised.

"I hear my lovely husband and our son singing. Ah, what music to my ears" Luka said in delight.

"There's Lily singing as loud as she can" Gackpo laughed warmly.

"Huh... I hear Kaai singing. Not bad" Meiko said with a warm smile.

"There's dad's voice..." Len said in relief.

"Ah! Mother is singing with her heavenly voice! Just like she should!" Rin stated with pride.

"I hear Neru!" Teto exclaimed in delight.

"There's Ling's voice..." Luo said calmly.

The groups were close to reaching their destinations while the others were close to breaking free.

"Come on guys we are almost there!" Lan shouted as he tried to rally everyone to give it their all!

"They are almost here!" Dr. Wily said in relief.

The four groups hit a barrier. Using the last of their strength and power, they began to crack the barrier as cracks began to form in the sky above the lab!

"What is this?!" Dex shouted in shock.

"The Crest Holders!" Dr. Wily answered, "They just need a few more minutes!"

"No! Zero! We have to stop them!" Slur shouted as she flew towards the computer.

Bass teleported in front of Slur as Serenade stood in front of Zero.

"I don't think so" Bass said seriously, "You're going down!"

"Sorry, but we won't let you hurt anyone nor this world. We love it too much!" Serenade said as she then rushed towards Zero.

Serenade's blades blocked Zero's strike. She then swung her blades around as she danced to launch multiple strikes at Zero! Zero could only block their attacks as he tried to regain his footing. However, Zero powered up his blades and slammed it against one of her blades! He broke off one of her blades and pulled it away as Serenade leaned back and kicked his side to get him away from her.

"Ok, I honestly didn't expect that from you" Serenade confessed as he held both blades.

He lunged forward and slammed his blades against hers! Serenade only moved her hands to have her blades protect herself while Zero went on the offensive. He then grabs one of her blades and throws her to the side, but she backflipped and swung one blade right at Zero's right shoulder to pierce it! Zero let out a pained cry as he stumbled back.

"Maybe not..." Serenade chuckled in amusement.

He pulled the blade out of his shoulder and then threw it at her! Serenade stopped it with her hands, but Zero swung his sword back and then struck Serenade's chest! She let out a pained gasp as she launched to a building and shattered it to pieces.

"Serenade!" Marmoru shouted with worry as he looked at the PET.

"I'm fine" Serenade said in relief as she laughed.

She was laying in the rubble as she slowly picked herself up.

"He just got a lucky hit in" Serenade said as Zero landed in the destroyed building, "Alright, let's finish this dance!"

She threw her blades towards Zero and summoned four at her side! Zero blocked her strikes and moved the blades away from him. Serenade lunged forward as swung her hands to move in blades in a uniform manner. The wave of blades struck against Zero's blade. Zero easily breaks her blades with ease until he lunged forward to grab Serenade by her neck and holding her in the air!

"Serenade!" Marmoru shouted worriedly.

"Don't worry... I always win...." She reassured him as she raised her right hand.

The blades she had thrown around and Zero knocked away hovered around them! Zero was surprised as Serenade then pulled her legs back and kicked him in the stomach! He dropped his swords and clutched his stomach as Serenade flew back and still had her hand raised.

"You were a lovely partner, but I am afraid Bass is truly the only one who can actually ne my partner in this fight" Serenade said as she took a bow, "With that, that I bid you Adieu!"

She clutched her hand as the blades flew towards Zero and sliced him up! His arms and legs were cut off as data flowed out of his wounds. He gasped in pain as he fell to the ground in pain.

"Ah, that was quite a dance. Truly fantastic, but I won" Serenade said as she returned to Marmoru's PET.

"Serenade! You did it! That was amazing!" Marmoru said in relief as he hugged his PET close to him.

"I told you I always win. You really had nothing to fear" Serenade said in relief as she sat in a Zen pose to slowly regain her energy and power back.

"Prepare to die at my hand!" Bass yelled as he flew towards Slur.

"I would like to see you try, you Earth Navi!" Slur mocked.

Bass drew his fist back and launched a punch as Slur dove back. She swung her blades at him as he ducked away and then kicked her! She gasped in pain as Bass raised his hand to gather energy and blast a dark purple beam towards her! Slur growled as she flew away from his beam.

"You really think a simple beam is going to kill me? You'll have to do better than that!" Slur mocked as she raised her hands to make a powerful wire wrap around Bass!

"Bass!" Dr. Cossak shouted in shock.

"Don't worry. This is nothing. Nothing compared to what I've faced before!" Bass yelled as he easily broke free from the wires.

Slur's eyes were wide with surprise as Bass created a blade of darkness. He lunged forward and raised the purple blade in his hands. Slur quickly summoned a yellow blade to block his attack.

"What is this power?" Slur asked slightly impressed.

"My power. My power through hard work and fighting those who are stronger and better than me!" Bass yelled as he slowly pushed Slur back.

Slur jumped up as Bass grabs her foot as his other hand to stab Slur's left side. She let out a scream as she then kicked him in his face and got away from him. Bass held his face as he chuckled darkly.

"Hehe. I'm not done with you yet! You are trespassing on this world. Our world. I won't let you get away with that!" Bass roared loudly as he built up power with a purple glow surrounding him.

"Then prepare to die for it like the rest of your stupid allies!" Slur yelled back as a yellow light shined around her.

The two of them clashed against each other as they began to destroy the buildings in the NET! They flew around each other in a whirlwind like fashion which pulled the broken buildings into their fight and being tossed around!

"Jack out your Navis!" Dr. Cossak shouted urgently to everyone, "Bass isn't holding anything back anymore"

Everyone returned their Navis to their PETs as Bass and Slur knocked each other away! Bass then landed on one broken building as Slur floated to another one. The two of them jumped from building to building as they each formed their swords again. They clashed their sword against each other and unleashed a powerful wave of energy which shattered all the buildings around them! They pulled away from their swords, but they grab their opposite sword and clashed their blades together! Soon, they pulled away from each other. Bass created a purple beam and launched it towards Slur. Slur created a yellow beam and fired it right back at him! Their beams clashed and created a huge explosion around them! Smoke covered over them. Slur was panting and exhausted from their fight. Bass used the smoke to quietly and quickly move behind Slur and stabbed her with his dark blade!

"GAH!" Slur exclaimed in pain as she slowly looked down at her chest to see his blade sticking out of her chest.

"Do you surrender? If you do, I'll let you live. If you don't, then you'll die right here and now" Bass offered to her.

"Shut up! You pathetic Earth Navi! You won't win! This Earth will die!" Slur yelled back at him.

Then, Bass moved the blade upward and poured his power into it. He let go as it exploded and killed Slur! Slur exploded into bits and bytes of data as she let out a pained wail. Bass simply smirked.

"Alright, it is up to you, MegaMan, ProtoMan, and Roll. Don't you dare let me down. Otherwise, I will kill you myself" Bass whispered as he returned to his PET to rest.

"Good job, Bass! Though, that was a bit harsh of you do to her" Dr. Cossak said in delight as Bass shook his head.

"I don't think she would've worked with us. She seemed pretty set on seeing our world destroyed. I wasn't going to let that happen. Sorry if it was extreme to you" Bass confessed as he slowly closed his eyes to rest in the PET. 

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