I Wish You Were A Girl [TAEJI...

By SickOfTae_Uva

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"You didn't know how much I wish that you were a girl", Total Chapters : 44 More

"IWYWG" A Sneak Peek
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Outro (Special Chapter)

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4.1K 294 178
By SickOfTae_Uva

Taehyung open his eyes real slow and relaxed, as if the day was kind enough to come softly into focus. He looks around, it wasn't his home nor he was sleeping on his luxury chamber but a place where he find peace, no stress and comfort. 

He slowly blinked and smiled. He then looks on his right but his smile drops, empty?

He get up in hurry and looked around when Seokjin, who was sleeping beside him, nowhere to find. He sit up, went out of the room to look for the elder whether he's at the living room but he's not there too. He gasped, blinked then looks at the Kitchen entrance. He might be in kitchen, with that thought, he make his way towards kitchen. He breath out deeply then smiled after noticed Seokjin in the kitchen. He looks at the elder, who showing his back at him and chopping..green onions? 

Jin didn't aware of Taehyung's presence until the younger called him.


His sudden voice makes Jin looks at him and at the same time he accidentally get cut by the knife. He hissed.The younger's eyes widened as he rushed towards the elder and without any warning he takes Jin's hand and sucking the blood off his finger. 

Seokjin stared at him in surprise. 

"How could you be so careless?!",

He gasped and his heart pounding faster and harder when Taehyung scolded him then sucking the blood off his finger again. Something in Seokjin really telling him to kiss the younger. He slowly bring his hand towards the younger's cheek and hold it. Taehyung stopped whatever he was doing and looks at him. Their eyes moves here and there in sync. His eyes goes down to Jin's lips when the elder literally nearing to his lips. Once Jin's lips meet his's, he closed his eyes. He hold the elder's cheek and when he want to deep the kiss, Seokjin pulls apart and looked away. 

Taehyung looks at him in confuse. 

"..i'm-i'm s-sorry, i-",

Jin paused and closed his eyes when Taehyung hold his face, turns him and pressed his lips on his's. Seokjin didn't part his lips as he moved his hand against the other's chest and pushed him away, gently.  

Taehyung frown. Jin looks down. 

"I don't want you feel bad-",

"I will not",

Seokjin paused as he looks at the younger. Taehyung move close to his face, hold his cheek and stared into the elder's brown eyes.

"You know I'm still new to all this....but I want to try",

Jin gasped while looking into the other's eyes. 

"I wanna love you, hyung",

Seokjin lips slightly parts as he kept stared at the younger in unbelievably. His eyes lips trembled and his eyes begin to blur with tears. He shook his head slightly and try to take off the younger's hand from his cheek-

"Taehyung, please. I have no strength to continue this kind of joke", 

"I'm not joking",

Taehyung said while holding the elder's cheek. Jin blinked non-stopped when the younger suddenly pulled him into a embrace.

"Just give me a chance to love you and I promise I'll do my best",

Tears, which Jin were holding started to falling down from his both eyes. He open his mouth but no words coming out. He lost for words. He hugged back the younger and shed tears. Taehyung pulls apart and wipe away his tears. Both looks into each other's eyes. Taehyung then closed the gap between their lips. He gently pressed his lips on his's and this time Seokjin kissed him back. 

The kiss was passionate, showing his true feelings he was hiding for the elder. Jin's tiny smile while shedding tears as he titled his head, leaned in a little closer until their foreheads touching when the younger pulled him closer by his waist while kissing. His hand rested below Taehyung's ear, his thumb caressing his cheek as their breaths mingled. 

When they broke apart for air, both rested their forehead against on another, eyes closed. Taehyung slowly open his eyes, so do Jin. Both looks into each other's eyes. 

"...i love you, hyung",

Taehyung jerk awake. 

His eyes opened wider and he heaving heavily. He looks around and let out deep breath once he find out he was still in the room and he was dreaming.

Why I had such a dream?!  

He thought, rubbed his forehead and looks beside. He taken aback and quickly get up when noticed empty beside him. He gulped. 

Where is Jin hyung?

He sit up and went out of the room and looked for the elder just like how he did in his dream. He frown when Seokjin nowhere to find. He blinked non-stopped when the scene of dream flashed before his eyes.


He makes his way to the entrance of the kitchen and stopped at the door frame. He let out a relief sigh once noticed Jin in the kitchen and cutting green onions just the same as his dream. He thinking, what happened next in his dream. 



Jin looks at him as he get cut on his finger by the knife. Taehyung eyes widened as he rushed towards him. He quickly takes the elder's hand and bring it towards his mouth to suck but then he stopped-


This is my exact dream just happened and it literally happening once again?!

So I can dream about a future event?! 


"What are you trying to do?",

Taehyung looks at Jin, who giving confusing look at him. He smiled at him. 

"Suck the blood off your finger?",

Jin frown as he remove his hand from the younger's hold.

"How many weird habits do you have?",

He said as he rinse his hand with water. Taehyung furrowed. 

"N-no, hyung. It really works, let me-",


Taehyung pout and looks down when Jin hold his palm at him. Seokjin then sighed and smiled. 

"Thank you",

The younger look at him and smiled when the elder ruffled his hair, softly.

"Go and take a bath. After breakfast we go out and buy some stuff for you, hmm?",

Taehyung nods as he turns to leave but then stopped. He looked at Jin again. 


Seokjin looks at him.


"Thank you",

Jin frown.

"I didn't do anything",

Taehyung smiled.

"Actually you did. I slept really well last night. Thank you",

Seokjin smiled and nods slightly. He then watched Taehyung leaving the kitchen. He blinked, sighed, smiled then continued cooking. 


Taehyung looking at the buildings and stores at outside thru the car window. Seokjin and he currently inside a cab, heading to city for shopping some clothes for the younger. After Seokjin paid the cab driver, both of them went inside the store, where selling most fashion brand clothes. 


The receptionist greet them and they greet back at her.

"Pick out what you like",

Jin said as Taehyung nods then making his way towards the clothes, searching for the cloth look good on him. Meanwhile, Seokjin looked around and gasped, the store looks a bit elegant and expensive. Taehyung comes from rich family and Jin see him always wearing expensive clothes, so that's why he decided to take the younger to this place but seeing his surroundings, he started to have a sudden fear, what if he can't afford to buy the clothes the younger wants? With that thought, he moves to the reception.

"Um, excuse me?",

"Yes, Sir?",

"May..may i know what is your lowest price?",

"15,000 won, Sir",

Seokjin's jaw drops and gasped. 

"That-that's your lowest price?",

"Yes, Sir",

Jin faked his smile and bowed at her then take out his wallet, checking how much money he have. 

At once,

Taehyung picked his favorite outfit. He smiled then looks at Jin. 


But he stopped when noticed the elder talked with the receptionist then checking his wallet. The look on the elder's face telling him everything. He looked unhappy and lost. Taehyung smiled and looks at the cloth he pick out. He hang it back at the place then walks towards the elder.

"Let's go, hyung",

Jin looks up at him and at his hands, empty hand?

"You didn't pick out anything?",

"Hmm..actually I don't like any of them",

Jin blinks in confuse. 

"Huh? But this is the brand you usually wears, right?",

"Yes but they don't have my favorite. So, let's leave",

Seokjin watched Taehyung said and went out of the store. He then bow an apology to the receptionist and went out as well. 


"Where do you usually buy your clothes?",

Jin taken aback when Taehyung suddenly asked. 


"Your clothes, hyung. Where do you and Jimin usually buy clothes? Can you take me there?", 

Seokjin kept stared at the younger. 

*scene quickly changing *

Seokjin bring Taehyung to where he usually buy clothes with cheap/best price, like fashion shopping streets/ markets. He kept stared at the younger, who picking out clothes with excitement and smiley face.

"I'll take them all, hyung",

He looks at the clothes the younger holding, then at the younger.

"Are you sure?",


"But these are cheap clothes, Tae",

"So what? I like cheap clothes, plus this is exactly my kind of style.",

Jin tries to speak but he huffed when Taehyung cut off him again.

"You promised me you will buy me whatever I like. I like them, buy it for me, hyung",

Seokjin snort.

"You are too hard to understand",

Taehyung smiled as Jin paid for the clothes. Taehyung looks up, sun setting, he then looks on his right and his jaw drops. 

"Shall we-",


Jin startled as he looks at the younger, who kept staring at his right and looked astonished. He frown then looks at the direction where the younger gazing at. 

Seokjin smiled. It's a Theme Park. He then looks at the younger.

"Do you wanna play?",

Taehyung looks at him and nods repeatedly in excitement. Seokjin chuckled.

"Let's go",

Jin can't stop smiling at Taehyung, who's excitement increasing as they get closer and closer. 

Parents trying so hard to keep their children together, who jumping of joy and extreme excitement. Two of them can almost hear every parent telling their child to keep safe. As they walks to the ticket counter, they can see all the flashing lights beaming in the distance and the atmosphere building up with the loud music and everyone's joy, also the horrific rides make some scream louder.

"Oh my god! Hyung! Look, it's a carousal!",

Both of them ride the carousal together with other kids and some adults. 

At first Seokjin refused to join because it is kids ride but he agreed only when the younger forced him so much. When the carousel started moving the younger can't stop his excitement, he laughed together with the kids besides him. Jin can't stop smiling too, not because of the kids but because of the younger, who enjoying the ride like a small kid. 

He know Taehyung had never experienced anything fun in his childhood. He never went out with friends nor had a friend. He was left alone. He missed out many things because of his father but today when seeing him enjoying this much, make Jin smile and happy.

After that ride, both went for those shooting games. Two of them played well and won some soft toys. 

"Can we leave now?",

Jin asked but Taehyung kept scanning around, looking for more interesting games and his eyes stopped at one. 

'The Freaky House'

Oh! Haunted house?!

He thought and felt more excited.

"Hyung, let's go",

Jin frown.



Seokjin eyes widened and gasped when the younger points at the haunted house.

Freaky? Ghost?


Taehyung stopped and looks at Jin when he refused to make a step.

"Why?...Are you afraid of ghost?",

Jin gasped.

"H-huh? A-Afraid?! No way! I'm just, uh, I d-don't like this kind of things. I just don't believe in ghost",

Taehyung frown.

"No one asked you to believe, hyung. It's just for fun, come on!",

Seokjin stiffened, try not to move but failed when Taehyung dragged him into the house. The sounds of screaming coming from inside the house making Jin's heart thumping faster.

"no, no, Tae, wait!",

But it's too late because they're already went inside. Seokjin gasped as he following so close behind the younger. Taehyung looks at him and chuckled. 

"Hyung, hold my hand if you're feeling scared, okay?",

Jin rolled his eyes.

 "I'm-i'm not! Just keep moving!",

Taehyung chuckled as he looks front, slowly making steps forward. The walkway leading them to a empty hallway, which were cracked. Weeds and dandelions poked out from these cracks. Jin scrunched his face and hold the edge of the younger's cloth when noticed cobwebs covered the corners of the doors, tiny black spiders threading towards their prey. 

Taehyung looks down at his t-shirt then at Jin, smiled. Both stopped when suddenly heard door begrudgingly creaked open sound. Jin gasped harder. 

"Did-did you hear that?",


The house was dead silence until someone shout louder behind Seokjin. Taehyung startled too but not as much as Jin. He closed his eyes, screamed and grabbed the younger's arm tightly from behind. 

Taehyung looks at him.

"You said you're not scared of ghost",

Seokjin open his eyes, looks at him and gasped.

"Um, that-that was unexpected..so...",

Taehyung mocked at the elder. Jin snort and pinched the younger's arm playfully. Taehyung hissed. 

"Shut up and keep moving!",

Taehyung pouts as he turns around. They quietly entered the dark living room. Sharp shadows roamed around the room. Jin once again hold the younger's arm firmly. Suddenly the TV in the living room turned on. Seokjin hugged the younger tightly and buried his face on the nape of his shoulder.

"Taehyung, please take me away from here! I don't wanna do this anymore! Please! Please!", 

The said name can't stop laughing. He hold the shouting elder and taking him out of the room. Seokjin didn't break the hug nor Taehyung let him go until they went out of the house. 

After went out, 

Taehyung looks at the elder, who still hugging him. He smiled.


Seokjin shook his head, refused to let him go nor look up. Taehyung smiled because he find the elder cute. They stays in that position for a minute. Jin then literally looks up and their eyes meet. Seokjin gasped.

"Let go of me",

Taehyung scoffs.

"You're the one who hugging me",

Seokjin frown and looks at themselves. His eyes widened. He quickly pushed him away and looked away. His face flushed red in embarrassment. Taehyung chuckled.


Jin looks at him.


Taehyung taken aback.

"Uh, I-I mean, I'm hungry!",

Jin blinks when the younger hold his stomach and said. He sighed.

"Let's leave",

Taehyung nods.

< A random Chinese restaurant at Seoul city >

Seokjin, Hoseok and Jimin used to visit this restaurant whenever they come to buy things. Seokjin and Taehyung sitting across, one looking around while another checking the menu card.

"Welcome, Sir. What would you like to have?",

A waiter asked with smile.

"Uhm, one chili lobster",

"Make it double",

Jin looks at Taehyung and frown.

"Okay. Anything else, Sir?",

The waiter asked as Jin looks at him.

"H-hold on. Tae, what are you doing? You can't eat spicy food, remember?",

"But I want to try everything you like, hyung",

Seokjin frown because the younger mumbled.


"I-I mean, I know I can't but....I want to try eating...so please",

Jin huffed when Taehyung pleaded.

"Fine. I'll order one, we will share. You can stop eating if it is too spicy, okay?",

Taehyung smiled when the elder worrying about him. He then nods.


He know how much Jin loves lobster, he overheard when the elder talking with Jungkook on that day and that's how.

Seokjin ordered iced lemon juice and some side dish as well. Once the food arrived they begin to eat. Jin grab the lobster tail at the top, towards the body. He twist, pull away from the body to separate the two then pass it to the younger.

Taehyung smiled and take a bite. One bite, he can taste how spicy it is, still he try to eat the whole part but Jin didn't let him.

"That's enough. Here, drink this ",

Taehyung smiled when the elder passed the lemon juice at him. He sipping while staring at Jin, who eating everything so cutely and deliciously. He can't stop smiling.


Both of them walking together, side by side in the empty street, heading to Jin's home after the cab dropped them. None of them talk anything until their hands accidentally touched. Both looks at each other and at down, at their hands. Jin quickly moves away his hand, looked away and gasped. Taehyung smiled.

A heavy silence take over the atmosphere once again until Taehyung decides to speak.

"It's a beautiful day, huh? Don't you just love the cool weather today?",

Jin looks at the younger, who said while looking around. He nods.


Taehyung sighed, looks at the elder then at the plastic bag he was holding.

"If it is too heavy give it to me, hyung",

Jin looks at bag then at Taehyung, smiled.

"No it's okay, thanks",

Taehyung smiled awkwardly as they keep walking. 

"Sooo...what do you usually do everyday?",

Jin stopped walking and looks at the younger, so do Taehyung. He smiled.

"What's wrong? Why you suddenly care about what I do?",

Taehyung gasped. 

"I..I just wanna know you better. Is it wrong?", 

Seokjin smile literally drops. He then smiled again, looks away and continue walking.

"I usually spend time to learn new dishes",

Taehyung nods while looking straight. 

"What else?",

Jin looks at him from corner of his eyes then looks straight. He sighed.

"Hmm..I have nothing much to do but if you have any questions, I'm ready to answer.",

"W-who was your first love?",

Seokjin stopped making another step, so do Taehyung. He kept stared at the elder, who looking down. He gasped.


"You're my first",

Taehyung froze as Jin looks at him.

And once their eyes meet Taehyung gasped, looks down then looks away. His face flushed in red. He just don't know what to say or do when the elder said he is his first love.

He know, being someone's first love is great, special. It is the kind of love that only happens once and the kind that will last forever. It is the kind of love where everyone would see as perfect.

He never thought he could ever be that someone or someone's special because of what he have been through since his childhood but he always wonder how does it feels, to be loved by someone. And when Jin said he is his first love and every time he treat him as more important than anything or anyone else, makes him realize how special he is to the elder.

Taehyung smiled while looking away. He then followed behind Jin when the elder continued walking. And once they reached Jin's house.

"Do you..",

Seokjin about to insert his house key to open the door but stopped when Taehyung begin. He looks at the younger, who standing beside him.

"Do you regret confessing to me?",

Jin frown.

"I'm just asking because....I hurted you a lot and I still feel bad for that.",

Taehyung said while looking down. Seokjin blinks and after few minutes of silence.


Taehyung looks up at the elder.

"I don't regret. I'll never regret loving you....I only regret not being the one you love.",

Words left Taehyung. 

He kept stared at the elder then lit by lit moves close to him. Seokjin watched the younger literally bringing his hand towards his cheek and hold it. He looks at him and their eyes meet once again.

"Can I..can I kiss you, hyung?",

Seokjin froze, gasped as he kept stared at the younger. Taehyung looks down at the elder's lips then back at his eyes. He literally nears his lips, tilt his head and closed his eyes, so do Jin....

But before they could, someone pulled Taehyung away by his arm and slapped him on his face, quite harder. Seokjin open his eyes and his eyes widened.

Mr Kim?

He flinched when Mr Kim throws some kind of document on his face. He catch it before fall down then looks at the papers. Its a DNA test report and the result was....positive.

Jin's lips parted.

"Are you satisfied now?!",

He looks up at Mr Kim and when the older about to make his way towards Jin-


Taehyung begin but he looks down and went silence when his father shot a glare at him. Mr Kim stand face to face with Seokjin.

"What did you said? You will file a complaint against me?",

Mr Kim scoffs.

"I'll kill anyone who dares to go against me..but you should be grateful that you're still alive...Just stay the hell away from him, if not I'll make you regret!",

Seokjin gasped when Mr Kim whisper shout at him. Taehyung received another hard slap before Mr Kim grabs his arm and pulling him with him. While being dragged by his father Taehyung looks at Seokjin. Tears raced down from his eyes as he stared at the elder until he get in his father's car.

Seokjin looks him then at the another car, which waiting beside Mr Kim's. Tzuyu and Mr Itsuki sitting in the driver seat and front passenger seat, smirking at him. His eyes blurred with tears as he looks at Taehyung again but it's too late, the car was already gone. 

He looks down at the report again. His grip on the paper get tighten as droplet of tears fall down on the paper.

(A/N : 🥺 ....It's so hard to write emotional scenes when having period lol! Hehe...so how was it?.... And today i'm going to announce 'IWYWG' is about to reach an end! Still left few more chapters! T_T Stay tuned ^_^ till the end! Fighting!)

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