To My Own

By btsupdatesbe7

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Hey! It's me @btsupdatesbe7 from pinterest, it's my first time writing something, it'll be short, I hope you'... More



40 4 0
By btsupdatesbe7

You come out of the hospital, Alyssa is well now and her mother and sister are there for taking care of her.

Namjoon drops you at your house, both of you stand outside your house reluctant to move. It's like a dream for you that you're finally seeing him this close. You remember the kiss you shared at the hospital and your cheeks turn bright red. Namjoon seems to notice it. He let's out a chuckle as if he saw right through your soul. He takes a step towards you and you feel your heartbeat speeding up. He's only inches away from you and you want him to kiss you again. All you want is to feel his lips on yours, but instead he gives you a light Peck on you forehead.

"Another time" He smiles mischievously before turning around and driving off. Damn. He really knows what he's doing to you.
You decide not to think about it much as you want to catch up on all the assignments you've been procrastinating. It was going to be a long night.

You decide to take a hot shower as you're exhausted from the day's events and you think you'll feel fresh after that, but it turns out to be opposite.

You feel more sleepy and lazy. Your bed seems to look like the only love of your life. However resisting the temptation you go to your desk and ready yourself for completing it all.


Suddenly you hear your alarm buzzing. You look at it and realise that its already way past your waking up time.

"DAMN! I must have had felt asleep!!" You slap your forehead. You look at your desk and see that you didn't complete any single one of you assignment.

"Fuck how am I to face my teacher today! Should I just skip school today?" You bit your lower lip as this idea is very tempting.

You've been skipping school since last few days as you had to sort out things going on im your life. You decided to look at your phone before texting your teacher asking him for his permission.

You're surprised to see message from your mom. She hasn't texted you in like....months, and suddenly seeing a text from her makes your heart skip a beat.

You sigh as you put your phone in your backpack. Seems like you'll have to go to school no matter what. Your mother was strict, moreover she was busy and had no time to listen to what you had to say. Anyways you were used to it.

You get ready for your school. You knew today's day was going to be a long one as you were sure that you'll get punished for skipping school and not completing your assignments. For a moment you thought that maybe your previous impression was enough to borrow some time as you were a bright student. However your teacher was very strict and impartial. Each step you took towards your school you felt like you were taking a step towards your death bed.

You reached school earlier than you thought. The hustle and bustle was nowhere to be felt. It was quite and...creepy. You went straight towards your classroom thinking maybe you can pitch to your teacher and if you can borrow some extra time.

When you went into your classroom, you couldn't find a soul. You lost the little hope you had. You were prepared the humiliation you were going to face once the school starts.
Suddenly you feel a hand on your shoulder. You freeze, unaware of who it was. You were prepared to punch them in the face, but the moment you turn around you see your classroom teacher standing right behind you with his hand your shoulder. He was standing there, grabbing your shoulder tightly and it made you uncomfortable.

"Oh! Sir, it was you!" You exclaimed in shock.

"Yes dear, it is me." He smiled, but the way he smiled was enough to make you even more uncomfortable. You realised that in hurry, you had worn a little too revealing top such that your cleavage was visible. You grew even more uncomfortable. All this time he still had his hand on you. You snap out your thoughts as you feel his eyes wandering around your body.
They finally stop at your chest. Almost bare chest. You decide to try and shrug it off. "Haha, sir you're here, can we start the lesson now? I am sure others will be here soon." You think that 'others will be here soon' would make him drop his act and be scared... However he was still looking at your chest.

You could feel anger and frustration growing inside you. You wanted to slap him hard as you never expected this from him, but you're afraid if you do so, you might be restricted from school and worse, your mother might call you back to stay with her, which you couldn't afford at all.

Suddenly as you're about to give him a warning, he picks you up and slams you across the wall. Your back hurts and you scream from the instant pain that you experienced.

"Oh yes, that's a good girl, your screams turn me on even more" he giggles.

Now, you've lost it. You don't want this at all. You scream and yell for help but no one is nearby to help you. You try to push him away but he's very strong and you can't escape from him.

He starts to grind against you but instead of any kind of pleasure, all you feel is disgust.

"Aren't you enjoying this?" He asks moaning himself as if he's loving this a lot.

"No!! You bastard let me go!!! I'll complain to the school authorities and make you lose your job if you don't stop right now!" You warn him.

"Aha, aren't you a tough one? It'll be more fun to have you begging in front of me" He grins and all you want is to punch him and snatch out his eyes.

"Let go of me your bastard!!" You yell again and start punching him across his body. There's no way you're going to lose your virtue to a man like him.

You take out your phone and are about to call the police but he knocks it right across your hand.

"Nice try darling, but it ain't happening." He starts to get more and more aggressive. He throws you on the bench and it hurts like hell. He starts unbuttoning his pants. You take this as an opportunity to reach for your phone and call the last person in your call log, however you couldn't see who it was since he already knocked it out of your hand, but you were successful in calling someone.

"Oh, you're a bad one kitten, you'll have to be punished" he speaks, panting.


"Oh come on kitten, do you really think your mom will let this matter come out? All she'll do it to keep this secret and out of sight of media coverage. As all she'll care about is her own respect. If people come to know that her daughter slept with her school teacher, her respect will be curbed and her parenting questioned. Either way, it won't affect me kitten."

You stop resisting as your thoughts are flooded with whatever he just said and the truth in it. All your mother will do is to protect her own reputation as she'll think nothing about your own. You're pulled back into reality when you feel him sliding off your underwear.

"YAH! STOP IT!!" You yell and scream again thinking someone might hear your voice and help you out as you're nothing compared to him.

"Okay now SHUT UP and come to daddy dear one" his voice is so irritating that you want to shove a rod in his mouth, if that'll make him shut up.

He's about to enter you when suddenly a strong hand pulls him back.
You're so grateful that someone is finally there. You turn around, but you're half naked.

You try to cover yourself as soon as possible and turn around to thank them but you're shocked to see who it is..

"NAMJOON????" Your eyes widen at who your savior was as you didn't expect or maybe you didn't want it to be him.

I decided to end this story the way k wanted to, I had ended it earlier as I didn't have much time, but I'll now be writing it some more hehe

Please read if you like it (ik it's kinda boring cause I am still learning) and please vote if you liked it!

Have a good day/night/evenig 💜

You can expect some major twists in coming chapters 😉

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