Never Forgotten

By Kurolan

191 5 0

The next heir to a well known family, Ludwig Beilschmidt, finally decides it's time to get a personal butler... More

Fateful meeting
Things to learn - Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6 Part A
Chapter 6 Part B
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 5

11 0 0
By Kurolan

A month later.

"Eeeh, really?" Feliciano said thoughtfully.

He was sitting by the dining room table in the East wing, swinging his feet impatiently. After doing his tasks he had been roaming the mansion, discovering weird portraits and rooms he had no idea what were for. It didn't take long before he got bored and ended up with the maids as they had dinner. Even though they were done eating and the table empty, he stayed around to talk to Elizabeta and another maid by the name of Marie. 

"It's usually like that now that we're officially in the summer months" Elizabeta replied, fanning herself with her hand. 

"It feels like I've been almost everywhere in this mansion, it's so boooring" he whined, sinking down in his chair like a child. "At least he's returning by eight or something"

"Luckily he doesn't travel often, but it's true the Master often goes to Austria for a few days during this time of year. Must be weird for you, I mean you're around him constantly right?" Marie said, adding to the conversation. Her brown eyes looked golden in the sun.

"It's fine, I've gotten more time to be with you two. It's always nice to be surrounded by beautiful ladies" Feliciano stated, giving them a sweet smile. Marie adorned a small blush and Elizabeta laughed, giving him a soft punch.


"I know it bothers you more than you let on Feli" Elizabeta sighed, giving a sympathetic smile.

Feliciano gave her a pitiful look, rubbing his targeted arm. "He has been gone for uhh.. five days" he sighed after doing the math. He rested his chin on the table, looking at the fuzzy table cloth and the tiny crumbs that were left after dinner. If only time could pass by faster.

They continued some small talk between breaks, where they soaked in the little sunlight peering through the curtains. They all turned their heads when the all to familiar squeak came from the doors leading to the entrance.

"Feliciano, a phone call for you!!" a maid with short blonde hair shouted enthusiastically, immediatly gaining his attention. He saw the looks of his coworkers and felt equally clueless, but he excused himself from the table before following her out of the East dining hall. 

"A phone call for me? Are you sure?" he asked as he followed her out the door. 

"Yeah although I don't recognize the person, but they requested you" she said with a honest expression, seemingly as curious as him. 

They walked to the biggest office in the second floor West wing. Feliciano hadn't been there much himself but he assumed it was Ludwig's private one, as the largest office in the East wing was his brothers. The phone was laying off the hook and on the desk. She guided him in, stopping herself at the door. 

Before taking the phone he turned around looking at her. "Aren't you coming inside?" 

"Oh no no! I couldn't do that!" she gasped. 

"Wait why?" He didn't understand the issue. It was just a phonecall?

"We don't stay in this room when the Master has his conversations, plus there must be a reason they called this exact phone. All the phones in the mansion are connected, but we can always see which number they directed the call to" she explained with a smile. "So I will let you have this conversation in peace, I will go take care of the rest of the laundry now. See you later!"

He watched her leave as she mindfully closed the door, not averting his gaze until the clicking of her shoes went faint. His attention turned to the phone on the desk. Feliciano swallowed hard as he neared it, carefully taking it to his ears, hands shaking in the process.

"It's Feliciano Vargas here, butler at the B-Beilschmidt Manor" 

"One moment" 

A voice sounded before it went silent. Feliciano took the phone in front of him in a moment of disbelief, before putting it back to his ear, waiting quietly. 



The moment he heard the voice, his legs felt numb and he fell to the floor. 

"Ludwig! Is it really you?" Feliciano half whispered back, holding the phone tight. 

"It's really nice to hear your voice again.." 

"I've missed your voice too" Feliciano replied with total honesty. "How has it been over there? I hope you've had some good Austrian bakery like I told you to?"

"It would've been nice, but I haven't really had the time to go anywhere. I guess it also would be sort of lonely to walk around in such a beautiful place alone" 

"Aww that sucks" Feliciano replied disappointedly. "I always kinda saw you as the solidary type eeh?"

"I.. think several people have that impression" Ludwig replied defeated. 

"Don't worry Ludwig, you have me now.. and I promise to take you to the best places if I'm ever there with you! I'm not the smartest but I know my cuisine, including Austrian remember?"

"Yes I do. And I will look forward to that if so." 

"Wait, really?" Feliciano replied suprised, not realizing Ludwig took the offer as an actual offer. Only Ludwig could suprise him like that, even though they had been talking somewhat easy going.

"Umm.. also"

Feliciano perked up and listened intently where he was sitting on the floor. He was still holding the phone tightly as if it would leave if he didn't.

"I-It's... it's been quite lonely here" he said quietly. 

As the words entered his brain, Feliciano could feel butterflies in his stomach, spreading throughout his entire body. He felt the tremors reach his hands and his legs would've been jelly had he been standing. Was Ludwig really missing him? Of all people?

"It's been very lonely here too, without you" Feliciano murmured softly. "Elizabeta has been showing me extra care, I think she notices how lost I'm here when you're not around"

"Without me?" he asked in disbelief, talking a little louder and faster than earlier.  

"Because of you of course!" Feliciano chuckled. "Please come back as soon as possible. We all miss you"

"Right. I should get going so-"

"Also Ludwig?" 


"I think you should expect a hug when you come back. Giving you a warning this time" Feliciano teased. He twirled a piece of hair with his left hand.

"I see.. I will see you later Feliciano"

"See you later"

Feliciano heard the distinctive click on the other end and breathed out. His face felt hot and his body was still trembling slightly. Once he had settled he got back to his feet and put the phone back on the desk. His right hand was sore from gripping the phone so hard. He rubbed his hand in circular motions, hoping to get some blood back to it. 

"Who would've thought he missed me too..." 


Ludwig hung the phone back on the wall by coffee table in the hallway. He knew he couldn't leave the chair before calming himself down, feeling jittery all over. It was good he had sent the maids away from the hallway as he spoke, it would've been hard to explain the conversation. It would also be hard for him to explain why his usually pale face had a blush and his hands were clammy, but the fact that he had to pack and get ready was more imminent. 

Ludwig walked down the hallway from where he came, entering the lavish living room of the mansion. In one of the pompous but worn couches, sat the brown haired man he was visiting. In the meanwhile Ludwig was gone, he had somehow gotten himself a cup of tea on his own. He payed no regard to Ludwig's state, giving a look of "Aren't you sitting down? Looks tiring to stand in the door opening like that" 

"Thank you for lending me the phone Roderich, I know it isn't cheap to call other countries" he began apologetically. 

"It's rather rare you call back home. Is your mess of a brother ruining something again?" Roderich asked with a huff, taking another sip of his tea. It smelled like a fruity kind. 

"Err... not quite. I think he left for something again. You know he never stays for long" Ludwig answered. The topic of Gilbert seemed to not be the best with anyone. 

Roderich hummed as he pushed his glasses further up his nose, not saying anything back.

"I should get packing now that it's soon time for my ride home. I will visit again soon and I will bring my personal butler, if that is okay for you. Thanks for having me" Ludwig informed as he got ready to leave, stopping in the door frame. 

Roderich looked over at him curiously. "I hope you will thoroughly introduce us, as it's the first time you've had a personal... anything since we were young" He put his tea on the table.

Ludwig felt a slight headache come as he tried to think back.

"By the way... how is..."

"Elizabeta is fine, she talks about you every now and then" He took a pause. "I know she would appreciate you visiting more often" Ludwig said with a small smile. 

Their history began already a decade earlier. Elizabeta had worked for Ludwig since she was young herself, coming from a respectable house where they specialized in working as maids or butlers. Despite her being young, she had been assigned to practice her skills in the Beilschmidt Manor, having to travel all the way from Hungary to Germany for that sole purpose.

For a year of his life hehad lived at the Edelstein Manor, it was a long standing tradition between the families. Elizabeta joined as a part of her training and that's how they came to meet. Both Roderich and Elizabeta were a few years older than Ludwig, where Gilbert were closer to their age than himself. Much to their disatvantage he assumed. Already back then Gilbert would come and go wherever and whenever he pleased, but sometimes he stayed just to spite them. 

He couldn't recall who he used to play with, as he was just nine or ten himself. His memories would fade into black and get fuzzy and the more he tried to recall it his headache got worse the more he pushed. 

He abandoned the thought and left, deciding to begin packing.

There was someone waiting for him at home.


Feliciano found himself pacing around the main entrance hall, occationally opening the front doors to see if he could spot Ludwig returning. The clock was nearing 20:00 and he was checking his wrist watch every few seconds, just to be sure. 

Usually everyone would come to greet him, but now that Feliciano was here there was no need. It was his job to do that during small trips as they were rather frequent, unlike Gilbert who could disappear for months on end. He didn't mind though, being the only one to greet Ludwig when he came back. There would be no other eyes to worry about. Only them. 

The familiar sound of gravel being disturbed was nearing outside, and Feliciano darted to the door, slightly disappointed to only see the familiar cab driver as he opened the door. The old man handed over the suitcase Ludwig had been traveling with, saying a few words of courtesy. Feliciano took the heavy suitcase and moved it away from the entrance, dragging it away slowly. It was impressive how the old man had been able to carry this from the gates to the mansion, Feliciano could already feel the sweat forming down his back. 

As he returned to the doors he was pleasantly suprised to finally see Ludwig, who was talking to the cab driver at the bottom of the stairs. He was sporting a dark trench coat outside of his olive green military uniform, wearing matching black military boots to finish the look. His uniform was adorned by some medals and the heavy iron cross that always hung around his neck. Feliciano couldn't help but notice how the uniform hugged Ludwig's body in the finest way possible, making him look muscular and incredibly handsome. He never knew Ludwig could look so attractive, feeling his body react to what he was seeing. His body was growing warm and fuzzy the longer he looked. 

Feliciano realized he couldn't do anything else than wait patiently by the door in a bid to fight off his bodily instincts. His black dress pants were already revealing a small bulge and no matter how he tucked his shirt it was no use.

He sighed to himself, questioning why this was the case. Usually females were the one to ilicit such reactions, so why he was getting turned on by a male? Even more confusing why would he react like that to him? Could it be he was actually attracted to Ludwig in that way? He furiously shaked his head at the thought, not wanting to think about it for more than two seconds. It couldn't be-

"Good evening Feliciano" Ludwig said as he entered the door, closing it behind him. "The old man likes to chat, so I usually humor him for a little while"

"W-Welcome back!" Feliciano stuttered, bowing his head slightly. He was praying that he didn't see anything, the pure shame of the whole situation was at least killing the mood for him. 

"Are you okay? You don't have to bow to me, it almost feels weird" Ludwig said, giving him a funny look.

Feliciano took an internal breath, hoping that God would give him strenght to look him in the eye without any weird shenanigans. "Oh, I merely forgot I guess" he replied, raising his head to look at Ludwig. Damn, was he always that hot?

"It's nice to be home.." Ludwig began, standing there somewhat awkwardly. 

"Yeah.. I can imagine. I'm glad you're back though.." Feliciano fiddled with the button on his wrist. How were they supposed to interact again? Why was everything so awkward? 

The mansion was quiet, only the rain outside could be heard. They were all alone.

Without a word leaving his mouth, Ludwig slowly took his arms out to his sides. His face was tinted pink as he looked to the side, visibly nervous. Feliciano understood what he wanted as he nearly leapt into his embrace, wrapping his arms around his neck, standing on his toes to reach. Ludwig bended down to sufficiently hold his arms around his body, pulling him tight in a secure hug. 

"I can't recall ever feeling so alone when I've traveled before" he whispered. "Why do I feel like this? Ever since I met you I... I've changed"

"I don't know but.. I know what you mean" Feliciano whispered back, feeling Ludwig exhale.

After a last squeeze they both hesitated to let go, remaining close to each other. Ludwig straightened his back as Feliciano slowly slid his hands down from his neck, down to his shoulders.

As they stood close, Feliciano mindlessly began touching the medals on the military uniform, tracing his fingers over Ludwig's chest. Ludwig was looking down at Feliciano, not objecting to the action. His  heart was racing, watching the Italian's delicate fingers graze over him. He saw Feliciano's face was a deep shade of red, his eyes looking dazed and curious as he explored. When was the last time someone had ever been this close to him? 

Feliciano ran his hand over the different textures and colors, before ending at the dark iron cross. "It's really heavy when you try to hold it" Feliciano remarked, holding it carefully in the palm of his hand. He looked up at Ludwig, their faces being closer than ever.

"It's precious to me... ever since I was young.." he murmured. 

"Have you ever been told that your eyes are breathtaking? Feliciano mumbled, barely letting his words escape his mouth. His heart was beating eratically in his chest, feeling the heat radiate from them both.

"Maybe.. I don't know, but what matters to me is hearing it from you.." Ludwig replied in a low voice, tilting Feliciano's face with his right hand, placed under his jaw. "You're so..." 

Feliciano felt the endorphins all over. Ludwig's eyes looked hazy and his lips were parted, making Feliciano weak the longer he looked.

"I don't know why you're like this to me.. when you can get any girl here or outside.." 

"Oh..." Feliciano faltered. He could feel his heart break. It wasn't the girls that mattered to him, it was Ludwig. 

He took a step back.

"A-Anyways, let's get your suitcase to your room" Feliciano announced, wearing a plastic smile. He grabbed Ludwig's hand and dragged him towards the suitcase that was closer to the West wing doors. "We've been standing here for long enough.. let's go to the library and talk about how it was in Austria" 

The sudden switch made Ludwig visibly confused and hurt, as he was dragged by the hand. 

"I think I'm too tired to go to the library today" Ludwig stated as they walked.

"I want to hear about your trip though" Feliciano replied still wearing the stiff smile. 

"Maybe tomorrow." 

"Why not today?"


"Because why?"


"Because WHY" Feliciano snapped as he raised his voice. 

"Because I said so." He replied coldly, forcefully retracting his hand away from Feliciano.


"You work under me, and my word is final. Do your job for once and bring me my suitcase" 

They stood for a moment before Ludwig ultimately walked out the doors, leaving Feliciano alone in the main hall. His hands were limp by his side, giving a pitiful look down at the suitcase. 

"You idiot.." Feliciano sobbed. "You can't just leave like this.." 

His head hung low as he began dragging the suitcase across the floor, occationally stopping to sob a little more.


Ludwig walked fast. His jaw was clenched like his fists, feeling the anger go berserk inside him.  

Everything was fine.. until it wasn't. 

He should've stayed around to solve the matter, but it was too much. His attraction to Feliciano was getting out of hand and he freaked out. Why did he react like that? Was it really love?

The way his petite body fit perfectly in his embrace, or how his smile could make every worry he had fade. Every time they touched he swore he could feel sparks, hating having to control his urges to have him for himself. When Feliciano would flirt with the maids he always felt his heart drop. The reality of Feliciano's sexuality was clear; it would never be him. It could never be him.


By the time Feliciano arrived the light from under the door was dark. There was no other choice than to leave the suitcase outside his door, he really didn't want to bother him any more. 

Feliciano didn't know what to do, with females he would often know the outcome but not with him. He knew with himself that he could fall in love with both females and males, but what if Ludwig could never love him as a male? Maybe Ludwig and Elizabeta did have something between them after all.

He curled himself on the bed, letting his tears run freely until he fell asleep.


Aaah I managed to actually publish a chapter before my exams, yay!

I will upload this to AO3 as well, so thank you for reading ~

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