
By NikolaJ_03

91.1K 1.4K 875

In this AU of black clover our protagonist Asta will have anti magic and ??? magic. In this AU many things w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
Asta and Liebe theme
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
chapter 18
Chapter 19
When's the next chapter?
Black market
Asta's Power

Saussy Village

2.2K 55 45
By NikolaJ_03

time ( 8 a.m) place (Black bulls base)

No one POV

DadYami: Magma, are you ready?

Magma: Yes, Captain Yami sir!

Yami: Alright, let's go!

Asta: 'Liebe, they are going to lose again, aren't they? '

Liebe:'Yes, they're going to lose and this time, knowing them, I think they're going to lose a lot.'

Asta:'They are stubborn as fuck :D '

Liebe:'Brother, did you just smile in your mind?'

Asta:'Yes, I did! Something wrong about it?'

Liebe:'No, it's just strange D: '

Asta:'You did the despair face xD'

Liebe:'With what logic are we doing that?'

Asta:'We live in a world full of magic, so it's shouldn't be impossible'

Liebe:'You got a point there'

Asta:'Glad you understand :D, now let's go back to the principal topic'

Liebe:'That our father and big bro Magma are going to lose again?'

Asta:'Yes, I bet 5 yul that they're going to come back naked.'

Liebe:'and I bet 5 yul that they're not'

Asta:'Alright, deal?'


???: "ASTA!"

???: "ASTA!!"

???(launching a punch): "ASTA SUKEIRO!!!"

Asta doges it and almost punches Noelle but stops at some millimetres from her face.

Asta: "Sorry Noelle, I was talking to Liebe about something"

Noelle(puffing her cheeks): "That's not an excuse to ignore me for 5 minutes straight!"

Asta: "Sorry about that" 'Tsundere much?'

Liebe:'Yeah, when will she get down her strange attitude?'

Asta:' Don't know, but I hope soon '

Asta:" So what did you need Noelle?"

Noelle: "I wanted you to train me to control better my magic."

Asta: "Alright girl, come with me!"

Time(9 a.m) place(Black bulls forest)

Asta: "Noelle, I want you to try to use your magic as mana skin, to boost your speed and strength."

Noelle: "Mana skin? Isn't that one of the difficult abilities that not many can use?"

Asta: "Yeah, but once you get how to do it, everything will be more simple to learn, now i'll show it to you."

Noelle: "Alright Asta."

Asta then proceeds to use mana skin and then he starts to be enveloped in a white aura.

Asta: "Noelle, this is mana skin, the colour of the mana skin depends on what type is your magic.
If it's fire is red, for wind is a light green, for water is blue, for the earth is brown and so go on."


Asta:"Noelle, you good?"

Noelle: "yes, it's just that you pulled something that not many can control it that easily."

Asta(smiling): "Again, if you manage to start to control a part of it, you'll start to understand better your magic and with that, it will be a step closer to become the strongest girl in the kingdom."

Noelle(flushed): "You really think - that- I can become the strongest in the kingdom?"

Asta: "Yes, you have all the qualities to become the strongest girl, so stop doubting about yourself and let's start practising!"

Noelle: "Alright."

Asta: "Noelle with more enthusiasm or you won't do it."

Noelle: "LET'S DO THIS !!"

Asta(smiling): "There we go!"

Time(12 a.m) place (black bulls place)

Asta: "That was a good training Noelle!"

Noelle(puffing her cheeks): "Yeah, I can't imagine that I almost controlled the mana skin"

Asta: "To help yourself you can keep try it while you're doing things, so your body will adapt to the constant use of the mana.
You can try to keep turning it off and on so you'll become faster in dangerous situations."

Noelle:"Alright Sensei"


Noelle: "Did I say it out loud?"

Asta(laughing): "Yes, but if you want you can keep calling me that, even though it makes me feel older!"

Noelle: "If it makes you feel more comfortable I'll call you Sensei when we'll be training alone, how does it sound?"

Asta: "Alright, for me it's fine, now let's eat, I'm really hungry!!"

Charmy(happy): "Did someone just said that they're hungry? Don't worry Charmy is here to give you the best food that you'll ever have in your life!"

Asta/Noelle:'Her enthusiasm about food is a really good thing'/ 'She really likes that much food and give it to others?.'

Charmy gives Asta and Noelle their favourite foods, Asta a plate of carbonara and for Noelle some mozzarella and if they are hungry Charmy gives them more food.

*Please don't be rude in the comments telling me that those are not their favourite foods, I made that up, Thank you*

Time( 1 p.m) place (Black bulls base)

Asta's POV

While Noelle and I are eating DadYami and Magma come back naked from their poker game with the chief of the Saussy Village and I had to cover Noelle eyes from seeing their holy sword or in a more direct way, dick.

When they made their way through the base I covered them with my magic to evade some tragedy around the base.

"Go on and change Father and Magma, you don't want to be seen naked by some random girl, right?"

DadYami: "Alright, but I have a mission for you."

"Let me guess, to receive back the things that you lost at poker from the chief of Saussy Village you need to do something for him, am I right?"

DadYami: "Yeah, but you won't go alone, you'll go with Noelle and Magma, is that clear?" 'At this point, I'm not even surprised anymore.'

Asta(laughing): "Yeah, only because you two suck at poker."

"So what's the thing or deal you made with him?"

DadYami: "You three need to haunt some boars in the forest near his village because those boars have been destroying their camps."

"Alright we'll do that, now go change and, are you going to tell me when?"

DadYami: "Tomorrow at 9 a.m."

"Alright, did you hear that Noelle? Tomorrow we're going to test our abilities!"

Noelle(Covering her eyes): "Yeah, I heard, did they go changed or they're still here naked? "

"Don't worry I covered them with my magic so you can uncover your eyes" "And now you two go change before I kick both your ass"


Time(The next day) place(Black bulls place)

No one POV

Like usually Asta wakes up at 6.30 a.m and does the chores, sometimes Noelle would help him at 7.30 a.m because she's not an early person like Asta.

The first time Noelle was at the Black Bulls she didn't understand how in the first morning the base was really clean, then she saw Asta doing the chores and it went like that:


Noelle: "Hey Asta!"

Asta: "Hey Noelle, good morning, did you sleep well?"

Noelle: "I can surely say that it was calmer than at my house because in the first morning the maids come to wake us up at like 8 or 9 a.m but I'm always awake before that time."

Asta: "If you go to bed early I can understand that you wake up early in the morning."

Noelle: "Almost forgot to ask, why are you doing the chores?"

Asta: "Liebe and I have been doing the chores in the Black Bulls base for over 5 years, so we don't really mind."

Noelle: "At my house the maids do everything but sometimes I would do things for myself."

Asta: "Good to know! Let me finish the chores and then I'm coming to get or if you prefer make breakfast."

Noelle: "You know how to cook?"

Asta: "Yeah, I've been living with Charmy that only eats, so thanks to her cooking lessons I know how to do it."

Noelle: "Maybe later you can make me some breakfast."

Asta: "Alright, but you'll need to wait a little more."


At 8 a.m Asta and Noelle were having breakfast when both of them remembered that they had a mission in an hour, so they did whatever human would do in that situation and run to prepare themselves for the mission.

Time(8.30 a.m) place(Outside the Black Bulls base)

Asta and Noelle were ready to take on the mission, but there was a problem, where tf is Magma?

He's late.

After some minutes he arrived and they went to Saussy Village, it took almost half of an hour to make it there.

Time(9 a.m.) Place (Saussy Village Forest)

Asta's POV

Noelle and I started to haunt the boars, while Noelle used this time to perfect her aim with the water balls and to understand better mana skin.

I just haunted them with a combination of Anti-magic: vertical rain of despair and Anti-magic: Cage of meaningless.

Liebe:'Isnt't that too much?'

'Nope, even if we have perfect them, why don't we go beyond perfection?'

Liebe:'Beyond perfection? What do you mean?'

'I mean that even if I know how to do that instantly I want to make it so strong that even if people know what attack it is, they won't be able to counter it.'

Liebe:'So you want to increment his speed and power to the point to go beyond 100%?'

'Yeah, better one technique beyond perfection that can counter almost everything than many techniques but that can't land a hit.'

Liebe:'Alright, in the next day we'll train it, but now let's keep going.'

Time(9.30 a.m) place (Near Saussy Village)

???(freezing a boar): "It's time to wipe out those beasts and please the master."

Time(10 a.m) place(Saussy Village)

Asta POV

Magma, Noelle and I are going to give the death boars to the chief of the Village but on the way, Magma and I noticed a mist around the Village and we knew something was wrong; so we started to run.

*Asta dragged Noelle with him*

After some minutes we arrived at the destination and I took the demon decapitator from my grimoire and I started to cut the mist, I knew where to go thanks to ki.

' Brother I feel 5 malice ki, this is not good'

Liebe: ' I know, hurry up!'

' What do you think I'm doing?'

I started to run faster and after a minute Magma, Noelle and I arrived at the centre of Saussy Village where we saw many pieces of ice that were going to kill the innocents.

"Black Slashes!"

With that attack, I destroyed most of the ice so the villagers had only some cuts, nothing serious.


Time (10 a.m.) place (Saussy Village)

Asta: "Who are you assholes that tried to kill all those people?"

??: "Since you're all going to die soon I'll tell you, the name's Heat, you all won't last long since you're Black bulls."

Asta: "Let's see"

Magma then noticed that his old man was on the ground without moving.

Magma:" Hey old man! WAKE UP!"

Asta:" Magma, don't worry he's still alive, he took damage but not serious, so protect him and the people while I deal with them!
And Noelle help Magma, Okey?"

Heat:"All I need is 5 minutes to kill you and those beats."


Heat:"Interesting so you think you can protect them all? Let's see"

Heat:" Ice and Mist magic Compound magic:
Endless Ice cage"

Heat and his minions launch a series of big ice daggers to the people but Asta blocks it and send it back all with a swing of his demon slayer.

Heat blocks it all using the same spell.

Heat:"With that sword you can replie the spells but how long will you resist?"

Heat:"Ice and Mist magic Compound magic:
Endless Ice cage + Mist magic : Whirlpool of
Illusory Mist"

Asta:"Anti-magic black slashes"
With that attack Asta nullified the spells.

Asta:'I can't use a lot of anti-magic I'm too tired'

Liebe:' This is your fault for training too much this morning and didn't get any rest'

Asta:'I know but let's talk about it next time we have some wannabe princess of ice and mist to detrone '

Liebe:'Fine, now kick their asses'

Asta:"Noelle! I can't use too much Anti-magic, I'm too tired, please protect the people with Magma!"

Heat:'Anti-magic? Never heard of this affinity, we need to be careful because it's a dangerous one'

Noelle tries to hit Heat with some of her sphere of water but Heat simply destroy it with his ice.

Noelle keeps trying but without success.

Noelle:'Why am I still trying even though I know I can't beat him? '

While Noelle was thinking she didn't notice a dagger of ice coming in her way and when she did she didn't have enough time to dodge or use her magic.

Noelle just accepting her fate closed her eyes expecting the hit, but it didn't arrive because Magma blocked it in time with his magic.

Magma:"Noelle why are you standing doing nothing?
If you give up right now we won't be able to go on and the people of my Village will die!
Do you want that?!!"

Noelle:"Why are you trying to help me? Why are you helping someone like me who can't do anything right?"

Magma:"For fucks sake Noelle, you are a Magic Knight and being one means you will fight till the end!!
Look at Asta even though he can't use his anti-magic much he's still fighting!"

Magma then noticed many dagger of ice coming their way and used his spell.

Magma:"Flame magic: Explosive shatter shot"

With that Magma launched a series of fire ball that at the touch of the daggers exploded eliminating the danger.

Magma:'I'm using a lot of magic and at that rate I won't be able to protect them anymore, I hope Noelle help us'

Noelle:'Magma looks really tired and Asta is still fighting them, why can't I do something useful?'

While Noelle was thinking someone grabbed her.

Child(Desperate tone):" Miss magic knight please help us!"

Noelle:'Why did I think it was the right choice to run away and leave them?!
They're some of the people who truly believe in me and I need to help them and save them!'

Noelle(determinated tone) : " I'll save you!"

In that moment the grimoire of Noelle started to shine a blue light meaning that in her grimoire has a new spell.

The grimoires tends to awake new spells due to some circumstances:
- Strong emotions
-Sudden changes
-Strong resolutions

Noelle:" Water creation magic: Sea Dragon's layer!"

With that spell Noelle created a strong layer of water that protect all the people around them.
The daggers when touched the layer were destroyed.

Magma(laughing):"See Noelle it wasn't that hard! "

Asta(while fighting):"See Noelle if you really try or want it you can become strong!!"

Asta:'Now let's get serious!'

Asta:'Star magic: boots and gauntlet of the stars'

With that spell Asta creates gloves and boots that enchant his strength and speed.

Heat:' What's happening to him and how can he creates that things even if he can't have magic?!!'

Asta:" Here I come!"

Asta then vanishes and hit all of them beside Heat in the neck knocking them out.

Asta:"Now tell me why are you truly here? I can tell that you are here not to only kill them! So tell me!"

Heat:"Hahahhah! Why would I tell you, even if you capture me you won't be able to get anything from me. "

Asta:"What do you mean with that? We clearly have the upper hand."

Heat:" You'll get nothing from me" ' I'm sorry I wanted to do more for you master'

Heat:" Ice magic: Ice burial"

With that heat and the others tested their life away.

Asta:" How can they give away their life like that?"


Asta:" Don't need to thank me, we did what every normal human being would have done. "

After that Asta goes to the old man and says :" Do not fear! Why ? Because I'm here!"

Asta:"Star magic: blessing of the stars"

With that he heals the chief of the village.

Asta:"Don't worry he'll need some time to recover and good job Noelle and Magma. "

Magma(laughing):"I'm your superior you don't need to praise me"

Noelle:" Thank you and why didn't you use your Star magic at the start?"

Asta(lying) :" Because I needed time to charge it, remember I unlocked my magic only 6 months ago"

Noelle:"Okey I'd you say so"

Asta:'That was close! D: '

Liebe:'Yeah, I know at least you're good at lying. :D '

Liebe:' Big brother why Nero has a purple stone in her mouth?'

Asta:' a fucking what in her what?'

Asta:" Nero why do you have a purple stone in your mouth?"

Child:" That was the stone of the village but you can have it, it seems that they wanted that for what we don't know"

Asta:"Alright, Nero gimme the stone, at leats it won't bring you any danger"

Child:" Hey Asta, do you think one day I can become a magic knight strong as you?"

Asta:" If you train and never give up yes and remember everyone don't let anyone tell you what you can and can't do!!"

After that they stayed a little more to wait that the chief would wake up.

Time (30 mins later) place(Saussy Village)

Chief:" What happened? And The black bulls why are you here?"

Asta:"In short. We killed the boars, come here and beated the ass of some princess wannabe, but they killed themselves and they wanted your stone that now we have for obvious reasons. "

Chief:" That a lot to take in but thank you for saving our lives."

Asta:" don't thank me, we did what we needed to do"

Asta:" Now let's go to the base and then report everything to the wizard king."

Noelle:" Okey, but we need to go back where we were before to get our brooms."

Asta:" Yeah, let's go for a walk so we can restore a little of our mana and I'm kinda hungry."

Magma:" Okey let's start walking or we're never coming home before midnight and you know how captain dadYami gets? "

Asta:" yeah don't worry we'll be fine."

Time( 14.00) place (Black Bulls base)

dadYami: "So you want to tell me that you all after getting the boars you had to face some princess of ice and mist wannabe and beat them and then they just yeet themselves out of exitence?"

Asta:"Yep and the village gave me a purple stone that we'll be giving to the Wizard King shipper Julius." 

dadYami:" Okey, I won't question the shipper part but let's do this tomorrow."

Asta:" Okey, Nero has created a nest in my room but it's fine, she keeps me company."

Liebe:"Now I have a rival for your head." 

Asta:"If Nero sits on my head you can sit on nero's, how does it sounds?

Liebe:"Fine but I still want the cuddles."

Asta:"Alrigt little brother, if you like it"

* With thay we finish the chapter of Saussy Village and I'm so sorry that I took so long to write it but I was being lazy TwT .

If you want you can tell me how was the chapter !

See you in the next chapter and have a good day everyone! *

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