They went for a drink but fou...

By Theweepingdasher

717 33 15

NON-KILLING GAME AU (Not non-despair Au but just non-killing game Au) (Basically Pre-game Danganronpa but the... More

The Café
A new friend😳
Nurses Office


270 12 1
By Theweepingdasher

~Kokichi Pov~

I woke up as Usual and rushedly got ready.
I Looked at the clock. 
I ran into the living room only to parents...
"You're late!" Mother yelled
"You don't need to yell at him, he knows the punishment for being late" Father explained 
"Yeah yeah..." Mother murmured 
"Please don't hurt big brother!" Kari yelled

"It's okay Kari, Why don't you just wait outside? I'll drop you off at daycare" I Assured 
"Shut up Brat!" Mother scowled
Kari was afraid to watch what was going to happen so she ran outside.
"Brat" Father insulted 
Mother slapped me

Father pulled out a knife and sliced my arm

"AHHHHHHHH!!!!" I screamed
"Go get a job if you want to be useful" Mother yelled
Father threw a beer bottle at me
"Kh!" I groaned 
Ow...that hurts...
"O-Ok mother..." I said 
"Didn't I say call me miss?" She questioned 
No you didn't...
"Sorry miss!" I apologized
She threw a vase at me
"Ngh!" I groaned in pain
That hurts...
"Now get up and be useful for once!" She demanded 
"Yes miss..." I murmured
I quickly bandaged my wounds, changed my bloody clothes and met with my sister Kari outside 

"Brother!" She cheered
"C'mon, let's get you to daycare before you're late" I chirped
"Okay! Heehee!" She giggled 
We got in the car and headed to her daycare
After dropping her off I headed to my own school and met with my friends at the gate.
"Hey Monaca, Kirumi, Gonta, Nagito, Ibuki and Mikan!" I called out
"Heya Koki!" Ibuki yelled

"Where are the others?" I asked
"Th-They s-still h-haven't g-gotten h-here y-yet" Mikan said
"That's good! 'Cause they're all demons!" Monaca yelled

"Not every person you haven't known for over a year is a Demon. plus, that's not a very hopeful thing to call people" Nagito said

"Yeah, Yeah, Anyway, Kokichi! Did those Demons hurt you again?" Monaca questioned 
"Nope!" I Lied
"That's a Lie" A familiar voice said as they walked over to us
"Huh? Kami?" I called out
"Yup!" Kami chirped

"Please do keep the noise down, the yelling is getting unbearable" Kirumi added
"Sorry Mom" Everyone except Kirumi apologized (yes even the ones that said nothing)
"Please stop calling me that" Kirumi said
"Oh, Gonta sorry" Gonta apologized 
"Don't be sorry!" Kami cheered
"Hey Gonta!" I called out
"Huh? What friend need?" Gonta replied 
"Gimme a piggyback ride!" I chirped
"Okay!" Gonta said

"it is necessary we head to class now, it is almost time for first period" Kirumi reminded with a smile
"Aww...okay" I whined 
We all headed to our separate classes

~Time skip to after school cuz no one likes school~

I headed out of school and waited for some of my friends.
When they were all at the gate with me, I spoke up
"Hey guys...could you recommend some job ideas?" I asked
"Why? Did those Demons tell you to get one?" Monaca questioned 
"Heh...yeah but that's not my only reason" I said
"Well, I suppose I can recommend a few as many people have tried to hire me into different jobs" Kirumom claimed
"Oooh! Me too!" Kami chirped 
"Really?" I asked
"Indeed. The ones I recommend for you are..." Kirumom started

~Times skip to when Kirumom and Kami finish listing jobs cuz Author-Sama is too lazy to go Google some nice/decent jobs~

"Alright, Thanks guys! Bye" I thanked before waving goodbye to them and running to get started on trying the options out
I tried the options
Option 1: rejected 
Option 2: Rejected 
Option 3: Rejected 
Option 4: Rejected 
Option 5: Rejected 
You get the drill, they all rejected my application.
Except for the last job...I haven't tried that one out yet.
The interview is in a week, that's nice.
And the pay is really good as well, I might just try it.
It's at a...Maid Cafe?
Wait...Maid Cafe!?
I have no other options...
Guess I just have to try huh?

~After calling the manager to see if he can get hired~

I headed back home and quickly took the car to pick up Kari
After I brought her back, we both headed inside the house together
"Did you get a job?" Mother questioned 
"Yeah..." I murmured
"Where is it?" Father asked
"A-At a M-Maid Cafe..." I mumbled 
"Well no one wants to see a boy in a maid dress because that's disgusting so...put those dumb acting skills of yours to use for once and pretend to be a girl to save yourself the embarrassment" Mother said
"Wh-!? But--" she cut me off
"I wasn't asking. if you don't do it, The punishments will be much worse, plus, you already semi-look like a girl" She threatened 
"O-Okay..." I murmured
"Good" She said "Did they show you your work Uniform?" She questioned
"They said they would change it up every once and a while" I added
"Whatever, just go to bed early then i guess" She demanded

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