Oath *Completed*

ArlWrites द्वारा

10.8K 275 275

Sarvente buys a house for both her and Ruv! Occupied with "normal" concerns, Ruv wants to help her with the h... अधिक

Ruv's Assistance
Ruv's Smarts
Ruv's Mendacity
Ruv's Feelings
Ruv's Way
Ruv And Sarv (Drawings)
Ruv's Self-Control

Last Chapter

1K 33 46
ArlWrites द्वारा

Five years later...

Today was the day I'm free. It shouldn't have been five years ago. Multiple accounts were against the penalty, more so than the fingers on my hand. I was almost sentenced to death for the crimes I committed. The less gruesome option would have been staying locked up for my entire life. That was the second-worst route I could've undertaken. 

Sarv had always been by my side, sticking close to me and forcing herself to think that everything would be alright. Now that I look at her, I had thought at the time 'Was this the best I could do?'. Something along those lines. 

I was rightfully caged in a special cell where my strength wasn't able to bend the cell's barriers. After visiting the prison, the guards immediately apprehended me. My features were well-known in their identification system and they had thought I was up to something underhanded. They didn't know what to do with me. I was awaiting my judgment.

Sarv went ballistic, daring to kill whoever handled me wrongly but I stopped her, telling her to move back and that I'll find a way to meet her again. She was so close to becoming a full-fledged demon, I'd almost feared she'd color the walls red with the blood of the security personnel at the front lobby. We shared a gaze full of longing. Every experience I made with her burst like pictures in my head as I walked through a myriad of cages with lunatics wanting nothing more than for me to be like them.

And there I was in a matter of time, sitting inside a cell that was hardwired with multiple layers of lasers and high-tech traps hidden on the floor near the entrance. Sarv was right in front of me but we were separated by the adamantine glass. We were so close but it had been my decision to remain at a distance. 

'This is really for the best' I offered her a smile but I doubt I could make one knowing I wouldn't see her for a long time unless she dropped by.

'You will see me again' she said through the glass. 

Even if I die, I'll try reincarnating again to meet her.

For the lives I'd taken, it would seem that retribution wasn't even close to ending things peacefully.

I had received word from the members of the telecommunications in the Connections sector that the families I'd traumatized in the past were paying me a visit. They entered my cell one by one, with numerous guards in tow. If I were the old Ruv, this instance would never happen in a million lifetimes.

Some wanted to beat me up out of heartache, some privately talked to me of why I'd terrorized their lives when they did nothing to me. One day, a kid with a mother asked me if her sister was a bad person that she needed to go to heaven quickly. 

The mother slapped me and bawled on the floor for half an hour. A lot of tears were shed inside this cell and all I could do was simply kneel down before the victims I'd hurt and beg for forgiveness. 

While I knew I had the power to destroy, I couldn't do the opposite. It would be stupid of me to say that the things I did were a mistake. I would have to move forward and accept that there are things that I cannot rewind. 

What was going on through the minds of my victims as I silently brought them to the afterlife? If only I could hear them now. Before being locked up, Sarv had told me to confess in front of the church. I wasn't exactly religious but I didn't want to back down from my wounds. I needed to address them, even with small impressions of her deity.

'Confess and you shall be cleansed.' 

I did just that under a calm ray of light. 

'Come what may.'

 In a lucky turn of events, I was ordered to be imprisoned for five years.

Under the trade-off that I'd be a personal bodyguard for a strange client, which was how I shockingly won the trial. Someone had been keen on defending my case. I knew I was beyond salvation. Everyone wanted me gone until a mysterious man offered me a second chance. 

"Work for me and I will clear your name, is what that shrimp said."

Sarv held both of my cheeks with her palms. She didn't age one bit. "You've gotten fatter," she said, completely ignoring what I just told her.

I narrowed my eyes. "Excuse me? There's not much grub to ingest when you're once a dangerously lethal criminal."

Sarv pulled my head to her neck. I allowed her as I lowered down to her height. "Ex-convict. Five years isn't so long huh? Look at you, you've got a little broader. Certainly not stronger than me but we can test that."

I inhaled her scent as I carried her into the hug. God, she smelled wonderful. I could do this all day. I didn't care anymore about who was powerful in this relationship. So long as we have each other.

"Five years is long," I said, noticing I was wearing the orange jumpsuits the prison tailored. We were still near the station and I wanted nothing more than to eat away my day with Sarv. "Come with me, please?"

She kissed my cheek, hugging me tightly again. "As you wish, I got your clothes right here in my parcel."

"Don't treat my clothes like goods." 

Sarv laughed.

Getting out of that cell troubled me for some reason. I was used to walking in and out of that thing to get food from the cafeteria. Sleeping in it, meditating, thinking about Sarv. I did a lot of things inside there that it was almost mindboggling I had to leave it all behind. 

However, it's been a long time since I've seen purple and orange skies. The old Ruv wouldn't care but I had changed. I'm certain I did. I know there are still a lot of people who despise me. I didn't want to be dumb either and visit them. Sometimes the best way to seek repentance is to just improve in time. I doubt they'd want to see me. 

Sarv and I settled for a noodle shop. Being around other people did make me a bit uncomfortable. I felt a hand touch my thigh from underneath the table. She really knew how to be supportive for times like these. 

"So, bigshot, how's it like being in prison for five years?" she asked, patting my thigh.

"Sanitary concerns were complex. Daily brawls happened. When you get on the cafeteria ladies' good side, they'll sneak in another bread or two in lunchtime."

"Ho?" Sarv crossed her arms. "And who might these ladies be? You get so elated over a few buns from some average-looking women. Should I order a truckload of them for you to be over the moon?"

"Sarv, they're elders. You don't have to be jealous. I was simply describing my life in confinement."

"Hm?! Why do you feel the need to stress out their seniority to me? Are you that familiar with them? Me? Jealous? How absurd!"

"There's no one but you that I think about strongly,"

"Eh?!" Her cheeks released fumes upon my statement, her mouth in squiggles. She looked down on the floor, rubbing her fingers together. "That's so like you Ruv, to change the tide of the conversation with a powerful blow."

"It's true nonetheless."

She was wonderfully, splendidly, enjoyably, absolutely cute. 

"Can we make out when we get home?" I teased. Her cheeks were close to forming magma. In truth, I was highly curious how our house has withstood over the years. Did she add some stuff to my room? The last time I was inside it, the place was the embodiment of nothingness.

She slapped my chest, hitting me with her enclosed fists as she pouted. 

"I'm kidding. We'll obviously do that another time. There's something I do have to tell you though."

"That would be?" she said, flustered.

"I was visited by a demon when I was locked up."


I knew she'd react this way.

"I forgot his name but his head was like a lemon."

Sarv's eyes turned red. "What did he tell you?" 

Oh boy.

"Rest assured, he's not planning on harming us. He just came by to talk with me."

"Ruv," Sarv closed her eyes, keeping herself together. "When a demon visits you, it's far from normal. A tooth for a tooth. The demon you encountered can't be reasoned with under normal circumstances. I advise you to keep away until we meet him together, okay?"

Sarv settled back on her chair, "I don't even want to know what you two were talking about."

"He told me I'd die right away if I get in a relationship with you."

"And who the hell legislated that kind of reasoning? That demon's gonna get murdered by me the moment I see h-"

I got up from my chair, leaning over the table and grabbing Sarv's chin. 

I kissed her. Full-on mouth-to-mouth. I missed her. I don't want to let her go again. 

When I was done, Sarv looked like she didn't know what oxygen was.

"I love you, Sarv. I'll grow old. I might die one day but my feelings won't."

Recovering, she pulled me back, staring at me right in the eye. "Firstly, never surprise me like that again. Secondly, there are customers around in the shop. Thirdly, I will never let you die if I'm still here. Lastly..."

I beckoned her to keep going, disregarding the looks of everyone around us. 

"Lastly, I love you too, Ruv. We're living forever."

I smiled.



Thank you for reading Oath. The first time I wrote it I was like 'Who the hell's gonna read this? People would rather play the game than read this mess I made, right?' 

Though I do know the community surrounding the game is highly supportive and full of talented individuals. The mods really are what made me create this fanfic. Out of all the mods I'd downloaded, Ruv and Sarv struck me as heavy-lore material. They were the most interesting characters I've come across in FNF besides Tricky and Girlfriend's mom, in my opinion. 

The relationship between them was unique and fun to write about. A demon nun and a Russian who prefers speaking English is an explosive duo, not to mention said Russian can make a whole neighborhood experience seismic waves if he turned his mic on.

This story was short but I felt that it could've been longer if I had thought hard about it. Still, I don't regret making it this way as I was mostly going for a storyline that didn't need much thinking. Hopefully, the people reading this are happy with the way things turned out. If not, you can search up other fanfics about these two. 

Once again, I would like to thank you for making it this far (even if it's short). And now, I'd like to call for Sarvente And Ruvyzvant to enter the Zoom call for an interview.

Sarv : Yes, good morning? Am I audible?

Author: Hear you loud and clear. Where is Ruv?

Sarv : Ah! He's in the other room trying to enter the call. I guess modern-day devices are still complicated for him.

Ruv: I'm f**king here! AT LAST! 

Author: A good morning to you Ruv, did you experience some problems connecting?

Ruv: No shit. I entered another Zoom room by mistake because someone gave me the wrong meeting ID.

Author: Sarv, that wouldn't happen to be you, right?

Sarv: It isn't my fault you don't know how to copy-paste the whole thing! I linked you all the details! You shouldn't have to log in!

Ruv: I just started using this laptop yesterday! Do you think I know how to highlight shit?

Sarv: Kindergarteners play Talking Tom on their tablets! 

Ruv: Irrelevant to the argument! 

Author: Now now, let's not fight. I invited you two specifically because I wanted to both get your opinions about your fans and the state that you're in during this year, as well as some questions I hope you'll answer. However, I am curious what kind of meeting room you attended before this one, Ruv.

Ruv: A trigonometry class. I didn't understand jackshit so I commented 'This class is useless' and bolted it out of there.

Sarv: You're impossible...

Ruv: You deal with this abomination anyways. 

Author: Alright, to start this off. I would like to ask you both what you think of your fans? 

Ruv: The first thing that pops into my head is why we do have fans. 

Sarv: It's strange to me as well. I have a lot of children who flock to me but never... an audience. We do appreciate it though, right Ruv?

Ruv: Seeing as I've committed crimes, it doesn't make sense to me. But people do what they do for their own reasons. I'll respect it.

Sarv: For me, I'd like to thank each and every one of them. It's amazing a lot of people know us.

Author: Also, there was this comment in the first few chapters of the story. I'll relay it to you and you tell me if this is true or not. Ruv pickpockets rich people and never gets caught, Sarve-

Ruv: True.

Sarv: False.

Author: Oh! Mixed perspectives! This is most interesting! Sarv, why do you think this is false?

Ruv: I believe I said my word firs-

Sarv: Ruv doesn't do it anymore. At least that's what I saw in the past week. He isn't really up for much notoriety than before which is obviously good.

Ruv: Well, Sarv pretty much said it. It's not something I'm uncomfortable with. I've done it plenty of times and you wouldn't believe how many idiots I've conned. I don't do it anymore though.

Author: If the guy walking across the sidewalk passes you and you just happen to see his wallet fall down from his pocket, would you be tempted or be a good boy?

Ruv: If it happens in December, I'll consider it my Christmas gift.

Sarv: You don't know what he'll do with that thing in October.

Author: Ehem. Okay, next question. And this is for Sarv so I want you to be on your best behavior, Ruv.

Ruv: Why do I feel like your question's gonna be something weird?

Author: There are no normal questions. So! Sarv! How did you come to like Ruv as a man?

Sarv: (_____________________________)

Author: Excuse me, Sarv, your mic's turned off for some reason.

Ruv: For once, I actually like the question.

Sarv: Do I really have to tell you?!

Author: Yes. I wrote a story about you two, after all. Give me more hope.

Ruv: Don't let the author's fingers die in vain.

Sarv: Ugh! Fine! He never leaves my side and he always asks me how I'm doing and what I need for the day. 

Author: So you like him because he wants to get involved with your daily life more often?

Sarv: He's dependable. Except for that one time he tried buying a chainsaw.

Ruv: It was practical.

Sarv: It was nuts! You didn't realize how wanted you were that time that I had to cover up your face with glasses and a mask!

Ruv: Admit it, you loved me at that moment.

Author: Next question! When does Ruv take off his Ushanka?

Sarv: Ooh! That's a fun question! He wears it like it's his brain! The only time he does take it off is when he watches TV. 

Author: Really?

Ruv: Yep, when something cool is showing on the channel, I let my head relax. Special cases, when it's Sarv's birthday, I wear something else instead.

Author: That's interesting because I'm usually inclined to believe that you take the hat off when you take a bath or something. 

Sarv: You don't want to see him taking a bath. 

Ruv: Well, I'm not like everyone. 

Author: Wait, let me get this straight. You're indicating you're never relaxed when you wear the Ushanka?

Sarv: He's a strange guy.

Ruv: You fell in love with this strange guy and that makes you stranger.

Author: What does it take to have this kind of relationship? 

Sarv: A house and some manners. 

Ruv: I can hear you from the other room, you know?

Author: There are only two questions left and I'll let you two leave to do... whatever it is you do on a Friday.

Sarv: Oh sure!

Ruv: K.

Author: How did you two click as this type of dynamic duo? Because I have read about Ruv's personality. He's not exactly the friendliest person out there and I'm wondering what does it take to be his friend? His fans paint him as a straightforward and savage kind of character.

Sarv: When I think about it, the question does sound a little sad.

Ruv: That's just you dramatizing things. 

Author: Like let's just say... Theoretically, we're all in a school together. Sarv's in religious services, Ruv's in the go-home club and I'm in whatever you want to be. What would it take for me to go up to him and spark something in between us?

Sarv: Unless you can prove you're on equal footing with him, it's close to impossible. Ruv doesn't really like a lot of people. I never actually planned on being beside him. I initially thought he was just useful at first but I care for him greatly now. 

Author: Okay, what if I grabbed a couple of chairs, stacked them together, and stood on top of it to match his height? Would that mean we're equals or that's just a roundabout way of doing things?

Ruv: I'd think you're pissing me off and I'll force you to apply to the fund-my-heart-surgery club.

Author: Hey, free healthcare, I'll take it. Last question, do you have anything else to say to your fans? 

Sarv: Love one another and good things will eventually come. Hold your dear ones close and keep on dreaming.

Ruv: Break a leg. Nobody likes a quitter.

Author: And with that, this short interview is a success! Thank you for attending and giving us your time! 

Sarv: Good luck in your endeavors!

Ruv: Meh.

Sarv has left the call.

Ruv has left the call.

Author has left the call.

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