Back For You {read authors no...

By XxHunter666xX

403 2 0

Lacey and Tyler are as close as siblings get they are pretty much joined at the hip. That is until one day th... More

Back For You
Prolouge/chapter 1


21 1 0
By XxHunter666xX





I reread the text message for the billionth time. Then I looked at the sent date.

'Sent from Ty-Bear January 17th 8:00 pm' the day Tyler and I were separated. I hadn't seen or heard from Tyler since that day for years ago. I missed him and really wanted to be with him again but I had a hard enough time leaving the house to go to school let along go all the way to Bradford.

I heard the door slam shut and I hid my phone. Mark was home and if he saw it he would defiantly get rid of it.

"Hey! Bitch! Get down here!"

I jumped up and ran down the down the 2 sets of stairs from the attic to the living room. Ya that's right I lived in the attic. Apparently I was, and I quote "More worthless than the shit up there." And "No one likes to see worthless shit." So I was forced to live in the attic.

I slowed to a walk and caught my breath as I entered the living room to see Mark sprawled across the c,ouch with a beer in one hand and a joint in the other.

"Yes?" I managed to squeak out.

"Why haven't you made dinner yet?"

"I didn't know what you wanted to eat." I said barely above a whisper.

I never spoke loudly or even at a normal tone when talking to Mark nor did I make eye contact.

"I don't care! Just get me some god damned food!"

"Yes Mark."

I looked through the empty cupboards and sighed as I grabbed the only thing in there, a box of Kraft dinner. I put a pot of water on the stove and poured the noodles in when it came to a boil. After about 7 minutes I drained out the water and mixed in the milk, butter, and cheese. I poured all of the Kraft dinner into a single bowl and took it out to Mark.

"What the fuck is this supposed to be!?"

"Dinner?" it came as more of a question than an answer

It was silent as I waited to see what he would do next. The silence was broken when he threw the bowl at the wall. The bowl shattered into pieces and Kraft dinner was splattered all over the wall. Well there's another mess for me to clean up.

Mark stood up and grabbed me by my hair. I wanted to scream but I didn't. Scream and crying was a sign of weakness and I was not weak.

I gasped as I was thrown into the wall. I tried to sit up but failed as Mark landed a heavy blow to my ribs with his foot. I heard the familiar cracking sound of my ribs breaking.

'Well that's great! They just freaking healed!' I thought to myself.

I was pulled up by my hair as a fist connected with my face. I was thrown to the floor and Mark landed several blows to my stomach, arms, legs, and face. Just when I thought he was finished his large, heavy foot came down on my hand successfully breaking it.

Mark smirked at me and walked out of the house slamming the door behind him. I knew he wouldn't be back again tonight and I was glad, that gave me time to clean myself up and eat something without him noticing.

After about 10 minutes I got up and limped up the stairs. My body was on fire when I made it to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and evaluated the damage done to my face. My left eye was bruised, my nose was bleeding and there was a red mark in the shape of a hand from when he slapped me. My hair was sticking up all over the place and was just a tangled mess. My scalp was sore from Mark yanking at my hair. I looked like I just stepped out of a horror film and that was just my face and hair.

I peeled off my T-shirt to inspect my stomach and my ribs. My stomach was littered with black and purple bruises and there were even a few cuts where my skin could no longer stand the blows. I sighed as I moved on to look at my ribs. I wasn't surprised to see that my ribs were very visible considering the fact I very rarely get to eat. The outline of my ribs were so prominent that I could tell exactly which ones were broken, there were 3 in total, 2 on my left side and 1 on my right. I pulled my jeans off so I was now standing in just my underwear. My arms and legs weren't as bad as the rest of my body, there were a few bruises here and there but nothing to serious.

My hand was swollen and it had turned and odd purpley-blue color. I sighed as I got the first-aid kit out from under the sink and set it on the counter while I took a shower.

The hot water felt good as it soothed my tense muscles but hurt like hell as it rained down on my multiple bruises. After washing my unruly hair and carefully washing my body I shut of the water and stepped out. I wrapped myself in a towel and started to carefully untangle my hair. Once all the knots were out and my body had dried I got to work patching myself up.

I grabbed a tube of Polysporn and dabbed it on my various cuts. Next I grabbed a Tensor bandage and wrapped it tightly around my middle to hold my ribs in place so that they could hopefully heal before Mark decided to take his anger out on them again. I was thinking about what to do with my hand, I didn't think I needed surgery so I was just going to make a splint. I put ice on it to stop the swelling and then looked in the first-aid kit and saw that I had used all of the wooden splints so I went to the basement to look for something to use until I had more. I found a small piece of metal about 4 inches long and went to the kitchen and grabbed 3 Popsicle sticks. I taped the 3 Popsicle sticks together and lightly placed them it the center of the top of my hand and secured it with surgical tape, I turned my hand over and bent the piece of metal so that it curved where my hand and wrist met and secured it. I used the last bandage to tightly wrap my hand and hold everything in place.

It was now 9:30 pm and I was exhausted and I still had to go to school tomorrow so I grabbed 3 Tylenol and went to bed.


I winced as Chet slammed into my bruised side and tackled me to the ground. Jake came to a stop as he damn near pissed himself laughing at the shocked look on my face.

"Really Chet?!" I laughed.

"Ya Man!"

"Quick question."


"Would you mind getting your fat ass off me?!"

Chet jumped up and then helped me up. Jason stopped laughing and clapped me on the back.

"You guys are Idiots! You know that right?"

"Ya we know, but we're awesome!"

"Keep tellin yourself that Jake."

Chet all of a sudden started jumping up and down like an excited little girl.

"Chet, what are you doing?" I knew I was going to regret asking but if he kept jumping like that he was going to break an ankle.

"You turn 18 in three days!"

"No shit!"

"Um hello, anybody home?" he asked as he smacked me upside the head.

"What the fuck!"

"Dude what are you on!" Jake asked.

"Ok shit for brains 1 and 2. Where do I start? Um we all have fake ID's, it's going to be Tyler's birthday this SATURDAY! And a new club just opened up downtown!"

"Chet you know my foster mom won't let me go out."

Before Chet could respond Jake spoke up.

"What's her problem anyway?" He didn't have a rude tone he was just simply asking a question.

"I don't know man. She's fucked!"

"Ya she is! She's more messed than Chet!"


"Wow! Just wow."

I looked at my watch and groaned. It was 4:30 and Angie would be home at 5 and she will kill me if I don't have dinned ready.

"Sorry guys but I gotta run. Angie's gonna be home soon."

"See ya later man."

With a quick wave I took off to the school parking lot and hopped on my motorcycle. When I got home I let out a sigh of relief that Angie wasn't home yet.

I ran inside and started on dinner. Just as the timer went Angie came through the door. She looked happy and sober, I just hoped she stayed that way tonight.

"Hey Tyler!"


"What's for dinner?"

"Spaghetti. Is that ok?"


I grabbed a bowl full of spaghetti and went up to my room to get started on my homework. It was about 10:00 and I was just finishing up my history papers when I heard a knock on my door.


Angie walked in with a tear stained face, a whiskey bottle in one hand and a cigarette in the other.

"IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!" she screamed at me for the millionth time since I came to live with her.

Angie chugged the last of the whiskey in the bottle and threw it at my head. I ducked but was a little slow. The bottle smashed when it hit the wall and a piece of glass from it flew and hit my face. Angie walked out of the room without a word. I walked to the bathroom and saw that the piece of glass was still there half of it inside my cheek and half sticking out of my face. Blood was running down the side of my face. I couldn't get the glass out so I snuck downstairs and saw Angie was passed out on the couch. I quietly left the house and walked my motorcycle to the stop sign around the corner so Angie wouldn't hear it when I started it up.

I got to the hospital in about 5 minutes. I walked in and saw Jordan sitting at the front desk.

"Really T? That's twice this week!"

"Ya I know."

"What happened this time?"

"Got in the middle of a bar fight."


"This guy was drunk off his ass and was going to hit some chick so I stepped in and got a bottle to the face."

"Well let's get you checked out superman."

I laughed at that. Jordan was really nice and I hated lying to her but I had to.

"That's deep T. You're gonna need about 5 stitches."

"Well then get to work girl! If you keep yackin I'm gonna bleed out!"

"Very funny T. Now hold still."


"Thanks Jojo."

"No probs T."

"See ya later."

I drove to Chet's place and climbed in through his bedroom window.

"Shit Spiderman!"

"Shut up Chet!"

"Need a place to crash?"



"Ya whiskey bottle. I dodged it but some of the glass rebounded. Oh and by the way I saved a girl in a bar fight. Got it?"

"Ya man. I really wish you would tell the cops or somethin."

"I know Chet but I only have 3 more days and then I'm outta here."

"I'm gonna miss you dude, but hey maybe you could come visit and bring that little hottie of a sister with you."

"Watch it Chet!"

"I'm just kidding man! Chill!"

"Whatever I'm goin to bed."

"Night dude."

"Night Chet and Thanks again man."

I walked over to the door linking Chet's room to the guest room which might as well be mine cuz I'm really the only one that uses it. I got under the covers and fell asleep.

3 days Lace.








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