πš˜πš’πšŠπšœπšžπš–πš’ ~ πš˜πš–πš˜πš›πš’ οΏ½...

By atinytrashbag

613K 11.9K 18.3K

close your eyes, you'll be here soon so omori's fricking great, play it i beg i decided to write something x... More

how you meet
who recognized their feelings first?
first dates
when you're sick
what happens when they're jealous?
what happens when yn gets cat-called?
what you do during summer and winter holidays
when they're sick
first kisses
their birthdays
helping you out with your mental health (dialogue)
something gets in the way of your relationship
everything gets better again
relationship anthems
you ignore them for a day
first dates: omori
first dates: (dream) kel
first dates: (dream) aubrey
first dates: (dream) hero
first dates: (dream) basil
who's older and who's taller
first dates: mari
omori headcanons
first dates: sunny
valentines' day gifts
voice headcanons
first dates: kel
first dates: aubrey
first dates: hero
if someone hurts yn/if yn is physically injured
first dates: basil
catch-up chapter: captain spaceboy
catch-up chapter: sweetheart
their reaction to you saying 'i love you' for the first time (dialogue)
when you catch them crying
how they acted around you (pre confession)
toasts (timeskip) 40k special!!
they flirt with yn
catch-up chapter: life jam guy (april fools)
songs they'd sing to you
more omori headcanons
when someone flirts with yn (example sentences)
movie night
if yn goes missing
when you're found
updated voice headcanons
how they'd react if yn flirts with them (example sentences)
if yn's close to death (dialogue)
if yn died
head over heart: sunny x reader
when yn wears their jumper/jacket/sweater
two-person literature club: kel x reader
what they'd cook for you
100k special + half face reveal!
if yn wakes up from a nightmare
it's just business: jawsum x reader
another batch of omori headcanons
commenting on your photos
what their family/caretakers think of you
random cute things they do (cos i'm running out of ideas lol)
what they do if you point a camera at them
a/n: what do y'all want to see?
please don't go: yandere!omori x reader
if yn sleep talks
asdfghjkl self-indulgent kel thing: kel x reader
bready for anything: unbread twins x reader
if, hypothetically, yn was a twitch streamer
masquerade: real world!characters x reader (au)
i drew some appearance headcanons :)
i drew some more headcanons :D
under the mistletoe + what presents they get you
sick: basil x reader
what the f*** do i call something like this: life jam guy x reader
the big danceβ„’
back off: hero x reader
if yn passes out
thank you :)

what sort of aus you'd be part of

7.6K 154 276
By atinytrashbag


OMORI - Crime Boss AU
You rolled your eyes, swishing the half-empty glass of brandy around carefully, knocking it back soon after. The party was alive and noisy, filled with those on equal territory. Yes, you were a crime boss. And yes, you were hosting a huge party.

"Isn't this party amazing, boss?" your lackey, Kel, asked while nudging you with his elbow.

"The only thing amazing about this party is how boring it is," you sighed in response. "Grab me another, would you?"


As he scurried away, someone new sat next to you. He wore a white button-up, a black vest, black suit pants and dress shoes, and he had a deep red and undone bow-tie hanging limply around his neck. His hair was black and fluffy, the colour matching his deep eyes. You couldn't tell where his shirt ended and his skin began, because he was so pale. You assumed he was one of the 'creature of the night'-type of criminal, only leaving late at night. His eyes were locked onto yours, and the corners of his lips twitched slightly as you met his gaze.

"My apologies for staring, your beauty just fascinated me."

"Don't flatter me so."

"Well, if you're so bored, might I ask how good you are at poker?"

You raised an eyebrow, smirking slightly. "Good enough to twin. YN LN."

"Call me Omori."

(DREAM) KEL - Streamer AU
"Goddammit!" Kel blasphemed, slamming his fist onto the desk before looking back to his monitor. Chat was going wild.

lmaooo he's gamer raging
kel pog?
kel i bought you that keyboard you wanted off of amazon please respond to my dms
play bedwars!!!
i love your streams 💜💜💜

"Don't gimme that, chat. I'll challenge them to another battle. Alright, let's take 'em down this time." The person he was playing against, who's user was (username), swung their diamond sword, critting him and throwing a splash potion of harming, killing Kel again. The chat was pissing themselves with laughter as his jaw dropped. "H-hey! That's unfair!"

He slammed the keys into the server chat.

kelconnor01: (username), do u have discord? i wanna chat
(username): yeah, i do. it's (discord tag)
kelconnor01: im adding u now. hope you don't mind that im live cos im gonna call you and we can talk in depth
(username): don't sweat it, i am too.

"Alright, chat, here we go," he said as he clicked the grey phone button. It rang out for a couple of seconds, and then you picked up.

"Kel! Fancy as big a streamer as you calling me! Well, what's up with you, Mr Big Shot and your 3k subs?"

He paused for a second. "Wait a second... I remember you!! You're Omori's cousin, aren't you?"

"Bingo bongo, you've got it! A big hello to Kel's chat, it's me! YN LN, also known as (username), the cousin of OyasumiOmori," you introduced. "We've played together a couple of times. Now, what were you wanting to talk about?"

"Well, my original intention was to challenge you to a duel ingame, but I was thinking we could play bedwars."

"Sounds like a plan!"

(DREAM) AUBREY - Coffee Shop AU
You rushed into the coffee shop, staring down at the wad of money you held in your hands. You had to get the coffee your boss wanted before he got back. If you didn't, he'd be super upset. You slammed the cash onto the counter. The barista looked at you with surprise, brushing her black hair over her shoulder.

"Decaf soy latte with an extra shot and cream under YN, and please hurry! I only have ten minutes to get this drink and get back to work," you blurted out. You were lucky that the shop was mostly empty.

"Alright, coming right up. I'll try and get this done quickly," she smiled, busying herself. You waited next to the counter, watching her work. "So, how have you been doing, YN? You seem stressed."

"I'm... I don't really know. I haven't been asked that in quite a while. I guess I just need a day off. Maybe some kind of exercise won't hurt."

"Well, I know my friend Mari hosts yoga classes at her house. We could go together sometime if you'd like," she offered.

"...Why are you being so friendly? We literally only just met."

"You just seem cool, I dunno. You're kinda cute too. Here, I'll give you my number."

As she placed the coffee on the counter, she pulled out a pen and scribbled her phone number onto a napkin, passing them both to me. It had 'Aubrey Sanders' written above her number. "I assume Aubrey Sanders is you?"

"Yeah. What's your name?"

"YN LN. Oh- I've gotta get back to work! I'll message you later."

"Nice! Have a good day!" Aubrey gave you a quick thumbs up. "Now, run like your life depends on it!"

(DREAM) HERO - Arranged Marriage AU
You kicked your feet back and forth on the couch, not meeting the eyes of the tall man in front of you. You just zoned out, staring at his torso. He was well-built, you guessed it was at least one decent thing about being married off in such a way.

"Mx LN? Hello? Are you alright?" he asked, tilting your face to meet his by the base of your chin. His touch was gentle, and he smiled softly when you didn't look away. He had nice brown eyes. You added it to your list of decent things. You still didn't say a word to him, though. "Look, I don't want to do this, you don't want to do this, but we can at least find a way to get along, if not romantically then platonically. Consider it to be 'bound by friendship', in a way."

"...I guess that's something we could try out." He respected your boundaries. Another decent thing. In fact, you found him to be a rather decent person. "So, we could at least get to know each other. Go to a restaurant or somethin', have a chat."

"That sounds like a good idea to me," Hero agreed. "But, I'll start by asking about your interests. What do you do for fun?"

"Well, I like (insert your hobbies here). What about you?"

"I enjoy playing guitar and piano, baking... I also enjoy ice hockey and horse-riding."

"You have a horse?"

"My family owns about seven. Buttercream, Ladybug, Larry, Gypsy, Dakota, Phillipa and Steven."

"I now understand why I'm marrying you," you joked in slight surprise. His family must be loaded if he has seven horses. He laughed breathily in response. A good sense of humour.

"Not all of them are mine, just Phillipa, Dakota and Gypsy. Ladybug, Buttercream and Larry are my little brother's, and Steven is my baby sister's pony."

"That's sweet."

"Thank you." He gazed out of the window for a second. "It's going to get dark soon, shall we go to that restaurant now? Dinner can be on me tonight."

Free food. Yet another decent thing. Maybe it wouldn't be all that bad. "Lead the way."

(DREAM) BASIL - Vampire AU
The brick walls of the abandoned castle were cold, the snow outside falling through gaps in the ceiling and clumping in piles inside. You sat on a wooden chair, rocking back and forth while picking at your fangs. You hadn't feasted in quite some time. Less humans wandered the forests in winter, so you had less of a chance to drink.

Your peaceful silence was interrupted by the sound of aggressive slamming on the door. You sighed, getting up and opening the door. There was a blonde village boy, grabbing onto his neck. There was blood streaming from two bite marks. Someone got him before you. Damnit. He collapsed into the snow, staining a little patch red. You decided to pick him up and carry him inside.

After he woke up, he jumped a little. You were staring at him intently. "Hey. I'm just gonna make this quick for you. Congratulations! You've been bitten by a vampire. Welcome to the legion of the undead. I'm YN, who are you?"

He looked me up and down hesitantly, before feeling the bite on his neck. "...Ba- Basil. Call me Basil."

"Well, Basil, looks like you're stuck with me for a while, at least 'till winter's over. I'll teach you how to feast on deer and stuff."

"I-I don't wanna hurt deer, deer are c-cute!!"

"Sucks, doesn't it? Well, there's a 99.9% chance I'm not gonna hurt ya."

You reached out a hand for him to shake, and he took it carefully. He shivered a little at how cold you were. But, you smiled. You hadn't trained a newbie in years. And one so cute too? You were in luck.

MARI - Saved Royalty AU
Your tower was getting boring. You sighed a bit, watching the clouds go by, and watching a horse carefully clop towards you. You groaned as you stared at the rider. A knight's suit of armour. Yet another one. They should have learned their lesson by then. Every man who had ventured there in hopes of saving the kidnapped child of the king, YN LN, wasn't in luck. They all ended up falling off and breaking their necks, bodies being taken away later in the day. The knight hopped off of his horse and called out to you.

"Would you like some help to get out of there?"

"I'm fine, thanks. Every man who's sauntered in here purely because they want the money has fallen to their demise... except for one, that I pushed," you spat, crossing your arms. "I'd recommend leaving, I can't be bothered to reject another guy today."

"You seem to be mistaken. I am no man." The knight took off the helmet, letting black hair fall down her back to flow in the wind. Her face was coated in dust and sweat, but her eyelashes were long and her smile was sweet. She was quite beautiful. You blushed a deep pink as she placed her hand to her heart. "Call me Mari, your majesty. I am here to save you."

"I-I... Well... Fine, I guess you can give it a shot. It's not my fault if you die, though."

After a few minutes, she managed to successfully scale the wall, sitting on your window frame and tying a rope to the inside of the tower. "Are you ready?"

"Ready for wha-"

She grabbed your waist, pulling you closer to you. You gripped onto her tightly as she jumped off of the edge, holding onto the rope as you fell. You both landed on the ground, you using her to break your fall. She grunted a little, but she was alright.

"Let's go home."

"I... Thank you."

SUNNY - Zombie Apocalypse AU
Sunny stabbed yet another zombie in the skull. He was practically on his own, but he was somehow surviving. Everyone else had told him to meet at Kel and Hero's house, where they were. Unfortunately, he had violin lessons, so he was further away and had to make his way there alone. He was surrounded, but a couple of loud bangs rang out, and the crowd became substantially smaller. You were sitting on the roof of Hobbeez, a gun in your hand.

"Thanks for that. I'm Sunny," he said as you clambered down.

"I'm YN. No problem."

"Where'd you get the gun?" he asked, looking you up and down. You looked tough, just like a good ally.

"Welcome to America. Where are you headed?"

"Down the road, to my friends' place. You can come with, if you'd want."

"Sounds like a plan to me." After a second of silence, you gestured to the parking lot. "We can hotwire a car. I learnt how to a couple of years back."

"Any reason why?" he questioned, admittedly curious.

"The world was going to shit anyway, might as well learn survival skills while I can."

"...Do you want to team up with me?"

You stared at him. He looked dishevelled, but he had a look of determination on his face. "Sure. Always wanted to form a ragtag group of weirdos at the end of the world. Now buckle up, sunshine, I failed my driving test."

KEL - Concert AU
You stood in the crowd, flinching at all the screams. You had no clue why your friends dragged you out of the house to go to a concert for a band you had never even heard of. But, their music was pretty decent, and at least the lead singer was cute. There was a boy with black hair on violin, a girl with pink hair on bass guitar, an older guy on electric guitar, an older gal on piano, a blonde kid on the drums, and the singer was at the front, interacting with the audience. My best friend knew them personally, so we were going to go backstage at the end of the show to talk to them.

"Thank you for coming out tonight, everybody! I can see many a familiar face in the audience..." We made eye contact. He stared for a second before continuing on scanning the crowd. "...and some cute ones too! Alright, alright , alright!! It's time for our next and most popular song: Ace Of Ecstasy!"

After the concert's end, I added some of their songs to my playlist on Spotify. My friend practically dragged me backstage out of sheer excitement, where we were greeted by each and every member of the band. After my friends decided to talk to the others, the lead singer, who's name was Kel, sat next to me on the couch.

"Hey there! I spotted you in the audience. I have to say, you took my interest."

"Thanks. I liked the songs you guys played. Do you write them, or..?"

"No, that's mostly Sunny and Mari. But, I wrote Ace Of Ecstasy," he joked, scratching the back of his neck in embarrassment.

"Well, that one was my personal favourite."

"You flatter me, YN. Well, I was wondering if you'd like to go out sometime, grab a coffee? Oh! And your friend over there told me you were looking for a job, too. You'd make a good roadie."

"Is this an invitation to a date or a job interview?" you joked, rolling your eyes.

"Why not a little bit of both. Come on, please?"

"...Well, since you asked so nicely, I guess I should give you a chance."

AUBREY - Pirate AU
You were just minding your own business, sailing the seas with your crew. But, it got bad fast. You were raided and kidnapped. Your whole crew was slaughtered. But now, you're tied up. The enemy ship's captain flung her pink hair over her shoulder, gently pressing her cutlass to your throat. You gulped a little, but you met her eyes.

"So, you've killed everyone, raided our resources, sank the ship, and now you've got me tied up. Good job, now what are you planning?"

She laughed a little, looking at you like you were an idiot. "Are you really giving me sass? Look at you, so... helpless."

"Answer me, or you'll have another thing coming." Captain Aubrey ran her finger underneath your chin, getting a good grip on it promptly after.

"Aw, you think you'll be able to get outta this one. Look at you, Captain YN, playing hero."

"...What if I have an idea for a deal?" you asked, making her raise an eyebrow.

"Oh? I'll hear you out."

"What if I join your crew, rather than you... slitting my throat for the hell of it."

She turned back to the crew, who formed a huddle and chatted for a couple of minutes. They all turned back to you, the captain raising her cutlass in the air. You thought she was going to slash you in half, so you prepared for impact. She brought the blade down... cutting the ropes tying you up in one quick swing.

"Aw, they're cowering in fear! How cute. Well, we've decided to let you stay as long as you follow our rules, m'kay?"

You let go of a breath you were subconsciously holding. "Yes, captain."

HERO - Angels & Devils AU
Hero sat at his side of the booth, the booth between Heaven and Hell. You were examining your nails as your tail twitched as you sat on the other side. You and the angel known as Hero worked together, giving directions to the dead. But, you sat together in awkward silence when business was slow. So, he decided to say something that day.

"Hello. I'm Hero, I don't think we've formally met."

You glanced at him as he adjusted his halo, because it was beginning to slip slightly. "You know talking to a demon makes your halo loose, right?"

"Yeah, but I can just... fix it."

"Alright, if you insist. I'm s'posed to make people sin anyway. I'm YN, horrible to meetcha."

"Soooo... how did you get to Hell? What sin was it?"

"Is that all you want to know?"

"Of course not!" he said defensively, raising his hands in the air. "I was just curious."

"...Envy. It was envy."

"I see."

After another minute of uncomfortable silence, he placed his halo on the table and looked over to you in curiosity. His need to befriend you reminded you almost of a puppy. But, you didn't expect what he told you. "You have really pretty eyes."

"I-I mean, I... Huh??"

"I like the gold flecks."

"A little... cherub like you shouldn't be attempting to hit on a demon," you said, shielding your blush with your clipboard.

"Well, I've thought you were beautiful for quite a while. And, my halo won't slip if I take it off, so no repercussions."

"I think you're not acknowledging all of the repercussions."

"Come on, please will you give me a chance?" he pleaded, staring at you with his best puppy eyes. They were iris and pupil-less, being entirely sclera. And, that sclera was baby blue and dotted with clouds. Mesmerising.

"...Fine. But, it's your fault if you get kicked out of Heaven."

BASIL - Witch AU
Basil pushed the door to the shop open with his elbow, his hands full of boxes. He almost knocked his round glasses off of his face. "Y-YN? Can I have some help?"

"Coming!!" you shouted, pulling the door open so he could enter. "Do you need me to carry a couple of boxes?"

"That'd be nice."

You and Basil had been friends since you were taking classes at your school of witchcraft many years ago. After you had graduated, you opened up a potion shop together, and Basil was finally moving in upstairs with you.

"I'm so excited to live with you, this is gonna be so much fun!" you said, taking a couple of his boxes into your hands and walking upstairs.

"Indeed it is." The cat that had made it's way inside one day and has been living there ever since rubbed against Basil's leg.

"Gizmo! I'm sorry about him, but you're going to have to live with this wanker getting in your way all the time." You said wanker lovingly. With a flick of your wrist, Gizmo was floating around the shop.

"It's alright, I like Gizmo. How are we going for stock?"

"We need more Elixir of Luck. That one's gotten popular."

"Elixr of Luck takes quite some time to make," Basil sighed as he placed his boxes down on the floor of the empty bedroom, adjusting his glasses shortly after.

"Yeah, we should get onto it asap."

"What about unpacking?"

"We'll take care of it after. Besides, we're best friends, you can sleep in my bed if we don't get it all done," you offered with a smile.

His cheeks turned slightly pink as he smiled, dimples on his cheeks becoming more evident. "A-alright. Let's make this potion."

"That's all for today, class. Don't forget about homework. I'm looking at you, Kelsey Connor."

"Sorry, Mx LN," the boy said in embarrassment as he packed up his books. You were the english teacher at Otherworld High, and you had been in that position for a couple of years.

You wandered into the teacher's lounge, where all of the others were eating lunch and chattering away happily. You sighed, sitting at the table alongside Rococo (art teacher), Sweetheart (drama teacher) and Captain (science teacher), your three closest friends. They all looked exhausted, especially Captain. The exhausted science teacher sighed, sipping his coffee passively.

"What's wrong?" you asked him, taking a bite of your food.

"It was a hard day today. That kid, Nose? Never shuts up. For someone who can only say one thing, she's quite talkative."

"Yikes. How did everyone else's classes go?"

"Could have been better," Sweetheart shrugged. "Sunny keeps blushing and panicking over the fact he has to kiss someone for the play because he got the lead. But hey, Basil's stage fright is getting better."

"Mine went absolutely magnifique!" Rococo cheered happily. "The children's painting abilities are improving in leaps and bounds!"

"Yeah, yeah, we getcha." Sweetheart pressed a kiss against her fiancé's cheek happily, making him laugh. Captain shifted in his seat in slight jealousy.

Rococo looked at his watch. "Well, would you look at the time? We've gotta duck out, we're leaving earlier today. Got a plane to take! Enjoy the rest of the day!"

"We will!" you said with a smile, waving them away. Captain sighed a little. "Hey, are you alright? I know how hard this is on you."

"Ah, no, I'm fine. Just... tired from teaching these kids."

"They are pretty mischievous. Well, how about some time after school hours, we can go out some time? It'd be good to hang out with a friend, and I haven't rocked up ready to teach the class while hungover before!"

He looked at you for a second, pondering the offer. "...I'll pick you up at 8?"

"Sounds like a deal!"

SWEETHEART - Tattoo Parlour AU
You sat and watched as Sweetheart worked on somebody new's wrist. It was just a simple pattern: something that looked like a knife with an eye. He was squinting in pain as his overly excited friend (who you recognised to be someone you had tattooed before, Kel) watched, holding his hand.

"It's almost done, Sunny! This is gonna look so cool on you, and we can be matching!"

"I'm almost done, just stop moving, for Pete's sake!"

"Who's Pete?" Kel asked. She huffed at him.

You always had a fascination with Sweetheart's tattoos. They were all over her arms, shaped like different types of sweets. There were cotton candy clouds and ice cream hills. It almost looked like some sort of candy world, with little candy people. She was like a stereotypical badass, with pierced ears and a pierced septum, a leather vest and jeans with holes in the knees. Thick-soled boots and pink dyed hair. Her real name was Charlie, but she wanted to one day legally change it to Sweetheart. She was beautiful. And, she knew it.

After she was done, she sat down and took a breath of relief. But, you wandered up to her, placing $70 in front of her. "YN, what's this for-"

You then sat down, holding out your arm. "Do me."

"...Okay, sure... What do you want?" she asked, sticking a new piece of gum in her mouth. She offered you one too, and you accepted.

"Go wild, do whatever you want."

"Alright, if you insist." You had a couple of tattoos already, but there was something about the way she worked that had fascinated you. She got to work on a small bonbon on your wrist.  "So, any reason you want me to give you a tattoo? What's prompted this?"

"I don't know. I guess we never really talk, and I wanted to get to know you." You shrugged your shoulders, making her pin your forearm down so it wouldn't shift around as she drew.

"Alright then. Well, what do you want to talk about?"

Alright another idea I had done!! Woo! This one was really good, and I'm so tempted to draw the AU versions of them and stick 'em in this book somewhere. I also may write one-shots set in these AUs, if you want.
(i also dropped more headcanons in here oops-)
That's all for now! Catch you on the flip side, trash gremlins!
- Trashbag

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